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File 131206828413.jpg - (7.21KB , 304x166 , images.jpg )
7994 No. 7994
>Im a red Sniper
>I die
>In front of the room you respawn there's a blue Spy staring at an Adventure Time Rule 34 I sprayed
>I blew his head off
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>> No. 7995
didn't happen to me, but i heard about it somewhere:

Someone sprayed a moving Portal spray, jumped up to it, instantly logged out to appear to have gone through it, watched from another monitor as most of the players were trying to jump into it.
>> No. 7996
It was early morning (6? 7 am?) and I couldn't stay asleep, so I had decided to play TF2. There was only one person in my usual server, and I knew him, so I figured Id pop in for some dicking around.

I sprayed a BLU Heavy pinup (it's in prjects I think, along with a RED Medic one) and he went Medic. I turned around for a minuet and he says to me "Look."

I turn around and see him, as the Medic, crouched directly in front of the spray (all I can see is his back) spamming "Yes!" and his battle cries. After a minute of me staring, wondering what the fuck Im looking at, he uses "I AM FULLY CHARGED" and pops an uber.

It was funny.
>long story is longer than it should be
>> No. 7997
People on a random pub I was on posted photos of naked chicks all over the place. Nobody minded.
I got my spray with Heavy and Medic having buttsex and Archimedes popping out of Heavy's butthole - Cue everyone going "Oh God" and trying to overspray. I lol'd.

On a different server, I sprayed Soldier riding Robot Unicorn in the spawn. Three people started singing Always. That was amazing.
>> No. 8009
Was playing prophunt, and someone sprayed a pic of a shirtless chick.

This happened:

Oh lord. "GIVE ME DA LINK" will forever plague my dreams.
>> No. 8016
>> No. 8019
that reminds me, how does "overspray" work? sometimes I'll spray something, and it'll appear under instead of over the previous image...
>> No. 8021
I was told it depends on when the person joins the server. So if one person is there longer than the other, then the spray will be over/under the other. I don't know which way it works though.
>> No. 8023
File 13121415302.jpg - (26.84KB , 400x262 , tumblr_lglc2e7G3Q1qc2e6a.jpg )
I kept on pornspraying 1guy1jar on MARIO_KART.
Literally seconds after, hay.jpg. Even when I was on the roof by myself.
>> No. 8024
Nah, its mostly to do with spray size. My spray is about 23kb so it goes over most sprays.
>> No. 8037
One time in dustbowl, I put a teleporter exit outside the spawn facing the wall, so people come out facing the wall. On that wall I sprayed loli hentai, so that's the first thing they see when they teleport. Many people that used the teleporter stood in front of that wall for a good 30 seconds. Was lol'ing.
>> No. 8038
Weirdest thing is, I have two Sexy!Medic pinup type sprays that I use. I tend to go to the same server every day, where most everyone there is a regular and uses a mic, as well as myself and one other person being the sole females (based on voice alone).

People I know to be men still stop and just stare at the spray for a good two minutes. Its weird.
>> No. 8045
The other day I saw 3 people connect their sprays to make a Human Centipede.

Felt bad, man.
>> No. 8046
my spray is Nyan Scout, and i usually spray it as soon as the round begins. once, i was on an achievement server, and i sprayed Nyan Scout in my team's spawn room. Not long after, another person starting micspamming a remix of Nyan Cat with Scout's BOINKs and BONKs. people were laughing and one of them said my spray was credit to team.
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