No. 7996
It was early morning (6? 7 am?) and I couldn't stay asleep, so I had decided to play TF2. There was only one person in my usual server, and I knew him, so I figured Id pop in for some dicking around.
I sprayed a BLU Heavy pinup (it's in prjects I think, along with a RED Medic one) and he went Medic. I turned around for a minuet and he says to me "Look."
I turn around and see him, as the Medic, crouched directly in front of the spray (all I can see is his back) spamming "Yes!" and his battle cries. After a minute of me staring, wondering what the fuck Im looking at, he uses "I AM FULLY CHARGED" and pops an uber.
It was funny.
>long story is longer than it should be