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File 131231960320.png - (126.59KB , 496x323 , haunhaunhaun.png )
8067 No. 8067
The From Dust mask looks stupid, imo.

The Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad hats are okay, though Heavy's looks way too small on his head, and I don't know what could get Soldier to wear a WWII German helmet.

I'm glad it wasn't for Medic, though.
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>> No. 8068
File 131232042997.png - (86.48KB , 216x192 , Stu loses control of his life.png )
By Misc. Discussion do you mean general discussion?

Eh, i'll say it regardless. I know noone here is gonna remember me, but it's Mr. Hoff here. My old account went silent a while back, but i've been back for a good while. I just never really decided to reappear.

I know noone actually CARES so...yeah. Just...letting that out. I...i'm back on a new account. I guess.

Sorry if this isn't right to say here, it's been a while.

On the topic of the new promo hats, the From Dust mask isn't half bad to me, but would've been better on a class like Pyro.

The Red Orchestra hats? They're not ALL bad, but...they're different.
>> No. 8069
Anything-that-doesn't-fit-anywhere-else discussion, yeah. I wasn't on the chan forever ago, but welcome back, regardless.

I think on Pyro or Spy, yeah, it might look better. I think I'd like Heavy's better on a female model...I think someone did indeed draw a femHeavy with that same hat on, I just don't remember who.
>> US No. 8070
we should totally have a board just for discussion
>> US No. 8071
I'm sorry, I meant this to be a general TF2 discussion thread for anything not long enough to warrant its own thread.
>> No. 8074
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Oh man I totally forgot about RO2. Gonna have to pick it up as soon as I've got some spare cash. In fact I'm reinstalling the original right now.

Good thing there's the 20% off because with Deus Ex: HR and Nuclear Dawn, my entertainment budget is gonna be hurting.
>> No. 8090
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Seeing TF2 discussed for four or five pages in a book on good video game design makes me smile. Too bad the book's $40 and hard to find. And I can just find those same images online...but still.

I don't know if I'd play it if I did buy it, I never played the original. And I don't buy stuff I won't play. Still, I'm inexplicably tempted. What's the game like?
>> No. 8092
isbn for curious?
>> No. 8093
"The Art of The Video Game" by Josh Jenisch.

ISBN-10: 1594742774

I can find it for $16 or so on Amazon, heh.
>> No. 8094

You mean whenever TF2 rolls out a mini-update featuring promotional items or other small mildly-game-shaking items of interest? It would prevent things from getting too cluttered here, certainly.
>> No. 8097

Also, Engineer just got himself a goddamn Pip-Boy. Seeing as DLC just came out for Fallout: New Vegas, what are they planning?

I don't wanna hope too hard that it's for a port of 3 or NV to Mac with Steamplay, but a person can dream...
>> No. 8110
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I'm terrible at recommending stuff but it's more of a Operation Flashpoint style game than say, CSS, Day of Defeat or Call of Duty. The Forgotten Hope mod for BF1942/BF2 would be a good comparison I suppose. Less arcadey than FH though.

For example, Guns aren't hitscan. They fire actual projectiles, So you have to compensate for bullet drop and lateral movement at longer ranges, especially with the pistol caliber submachine guns. Magazines keep their ammo counts when your reload and you don't get a magical indicator that tells you how much ammo is in your gun. I've gotten killed more than a few times because I did a tactical reload and ended up with a mag that only had a couple bullets in it, Or because I forgot to chamber a new round on my rifle. Tank combat is as good as in millsims like ARMA or Steel Beasts.

Here's a good video of some general infantry gameplay:
>> No. 8113
I've pretty much only played TF2, L4D, Half-Life 2, and Killing Floor in terms of FPS, so this is all going over my head, apologies. And I admittedly don't look at stats all that much yet. But it looks interesting, I just...the idea of playing a Nazi churns my stomach a bit.
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