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File 131293914050.jpg - (39.58KB , 519x417 , 28776_1.jpg )
8231 No. 8231
Post some ideas that you'd like to see fleshed out with more talent than yourself

-Bug Juice in place of Bonk!(from Bug!,shouts "BUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG JUIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCEEEEEE! after Scout cracks it open)

-Star Trek TNG Phaser in place of pistols, Bajoran Phaser Rifle in place of shotguns, Bajoran phaser in place of The Shortstop

-Star Trek outfits

-A Carinival map with a bouncy castle and shooting range
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>> No. 8244
Companion Cube hat.
>> No. 8247
File 131299732287.png - (146.90KB , 356x600 , 130263560564.png )
Scout with the Long Fall Boots
>> No. 8258
File 131304980098.jpg - (50.04KB , 620x707 , Quote.jpg )
Cave Story weapons.
Polar Star for the Flaregun/Detonator

Missile Launcher for the Rocket Launcher (duh)

Fireball for the Grenade Launcher?

Somehow make Soldier into Balrog when wearing the Mantreads, and change the sound for them to "HUZZAH!"
...Actually, I'm gonna do that sound mod now.
>> No. 8264
Demo making L4D2Charger sounds when using Targe'nCharge.
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