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File 131294116517.jpg - (31.75KB , 546x211 , trading_beta.jpg )
8233 No. 8233
TF2 announced that Steam would be having a "Steam Trading Beta". They are promoting that you can trade games and items in games (such as TF2 items) without setting foot in those games. This is in a beta format, so you can choose to try it or opt out. they have also annouced that Portal 2 shall be the next game to be able to trade in-game items via Steam Trade.

For info on what the hell is going on-http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=6040

For FAQ's about Steam Trading Beta-https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6748-ETSG-5417

I do kinda like this in a weird way. If this will help stop scamming, then I'm all for it. What do you guys think?
>> No. 8235
I'd like for the pages to appear as they do in TF2.
>> No. 8236
I hope they make it so you can trade money from the Steam wallet
>> No. 8246
Trading $0.02.
>> No. 8341
trading without needing to start up the game... I think...
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