No. 8298
30 hours as medic? That's it?
Regardless of your playtime, each class and the game as a whole has the gameplay perfected. Easy to play, hard to master. Scout, shoot things. Soldier, shoot things. Pyro, set things on fire. Et cetera.
Being a medic is at its core, keep everyone healthy (overhealed preferably) and ubercharge/kritz when it will be the most appropriate/effective. Now, anyone can be a medic, the same way anyone can be any other class. What makes you a great medic, is how well you're able to choreograph your team. You keep them alive and while the mechanics of your medi-gun is rather simple, that frees you up to do other things. Call out enemy locations as you're basically a free set of eyes to your buddy to look at everything he isn't currently trying to kill. Communicate with your team. Focus on the battlefield as a whole, dodge rockets, pipes, bullets, to keep yourself alive to continue to help your team. Know when to intelligently use your uber (use it to block damage, instead of trying to keep someone alive, pop it, don't drop it) or who on your team will use the kritz the best.
Yes, your success as a medic does rely on how well your team is, but how well they're performing, depends on how much you help them. Just keeping them healed? Okay medic. Talking to them, coordinating your attacks and using your tools effectively? Great medic.