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8297 No. 8297
I'm not sure if my drama deserves its own thread, feel free to smack me in case it doesn't.

Well, lately, my friend uttered some dreadful words to me. He is a terrible TF2 player, always playing Spy with Dead Ringer and Enforcer (which is so unspyish for me and blood boils within me whenever I see him in game). So, lately I was playing with him on one server, rocking the game as a Spy, being on the top and he asked me, why do I play his class? So I answered, well, I'm not in the mood for Medic, so I chose something relaxing to play.

And then he said: 'Medic is the easiest class in the game, tbh. He depends only on the skill of the one who is being healed.'

Truth is, I was mad. I was really mad. I shouldn't be, I mean, it's only a game, blahblah, but Medic is my favourite class, I LOVE playing it, I have spent over 30 hours ubercharging and whatnot and I've never thought about him being for noobs! I, of course, proceeded to rant like an idiot, I do regret that now, but, oh well.

But, the thing is, he planted the seed of doubt in my mind. Today I suddenly stopped and started to think: what if he is right? I am not a pocket medic or anything, I believe I know how to play, but aren't I nothing more than a leech? Launching itself on the naive Heavies or Pyros, feeding on their kills? I don't know anymore, TF2chan. I just don't know.

tl;dr - Is Medic a noob class or do you need skillz?
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>> No. 8298
30 hours as medic? That's it?

Regardless of your playtime, each class and the game as a whole has the gameplay perfected. Easy to play, hard to master. Scout, shoot things. Soldier, shoot things. Pyro, set things on fire. Et cetera.

Being a medic is at its core, keep everyone healthy (overhealed preferably) and ubercharge/kritz when it will be the most appropriate/effective. Now, anyone can be a medic, the same way anyone can be any other class. What makes you a great medic, is how well you're able to choreograph your team. You keep them alive and while the mechanics of your medi-gun is rather simple, that frees you up to do other things. Call out enemy locations as you're basically a free set of eyes to your buddy to look at everything he isn't currently trying to kill. Communicate with your team. Focus on the battlefield as a whole, dodge rockets, pipes, bullets, to keep yourself alive to continue to help your team. Know when to intelligently use your uber (use it to block damage, instead of trying to keep someone alive, pop it, don't drop it) or who on your team will use the kritz the best.

Yes, your success as a medic does rely on how well your team is, but how well they're performing, depends on how much you help them. Just keeping them healed? Okay medic. Talking to them, coordinating your attacks and using your tools effectively? Great medic.
>> No. 8299
Sometimes i joined a server with too many good players and the only class i could play was medic ( and i usually finish with a high score too). So yeah, i think medic is pretty easy to use, hard to master of course, as every other class. I agree that it's stressing though, you always need to move and switch player to heal and you are the favourite target of spies/scouts/snipers, very tiring.
>> No. 8300
Welp, I don't have that much free time, but still, I think I am good Medic. I usually end up on the top of the server (sorry if this sounds like bragging, I don't want to come off as douchebag), I know my priorities and what to do. But I worry that it's not my skill(if I have one)that helps me to achieve such position, but the class. You know just as everyone usually rages about f2p Pyros with Backburners, calling it noob class, because you simply need to press left mouse button and run (I don't agree with that, mind you). Isn't Medic the same? Healing people, following someone better? Sure, you watch out for spies and dodge enemies, but isn't that the same thing every class does? I don't want to believe that but...
>> No. 8302
As someone who mains Medic to the point where I fear I will soon start answering to his name, I believe this song says everything I could ever want to say about the good doctor:

In summary: They call it a support class because I carry yo' ass. Don't forget it.
>> No. 8303
Psh, every class is accused of being too easy to play.

Scout? Just run and gun, leave the fighting to the big boys!

Soldier? Rocket spam, spam, spam, spam, spam!

Pyro? W+M1 needs no skills!

Demoman? Grenades and stickies ahoy!

Heavy? More dakka solves everything!

Engineer? Build a nest and you can play with one hand!

Sniper? Just point, click, and headshot!

Medic? Just hide behind your favorite meatshield and heal away!

Spy? Rack up points easy-peasy points sapping sentries and backstabbing oblivious Snipers!

Any class is "easy" when you have awesome teammates watching your back, giving you support fire, and coordinating pushes. Try being the lone competent [Whatever] on a team that only cares about themselves or are so incompetent that they're always getting rolled every round.
>> No. 8305
Seconding the "Only 30 hours?"

To be completely fair, medic is easier to pick up and play and not be complete shit with than other classes. It has a very gradual learning curve. Sure, it doesn't take much skill to use on pubs (public servers), when it's just about keeping your head down until you're charged and ubering the attack class with the highest points. We can't talk about the point table, because the medic is an inherent point whore, easily racking them up moreso than other classes. Let's be honest here, it's a lot easier to start learning medic than it is to start learning scout, where you can't hit anything and you die at the slightest breeze.

But if your friend thinks that medic is a noob class, he's blowing it out his ass. It's an incredibly difficult class to play well, always in high demand in the top competitive echelons of tf2 because of the very few people that can play it right. I've seen people pour 300+ hours into medicing, nevermind 30, and still be complete shit (though I don't doubt we have different standards for "complete shit"). Noob class? Fuck no. He probably has no idea what he's talking about.
>> No. 8307
Medic is an easy class to pick up, in my opinion. It's simple enough to point and click to heal. But to play Medic WELL...that's a different story altogether. I've clocked around 24 hours on Medic, and I'm still at the beginner stage. Being a Medic is not about just hiding behind a meat shield; it's about being credit to team. You have to keep everyone alive as long as possible, especially if you're playing RED where the respawn time takes ages. This isn't just a simple matter of point and click; it's also about keeping an eye out for trouble that the people charging in front won't notice. The benefit of the Medigun is that the beam can curve and bend. I use this to look around for any danger that the person I'm healing might've overlooked while charging ahead. Staying alive as a Medic is considered an art in itself. You have a gigantic neon lightboard over your head saying "PLEASE KILL ME" in flashy letters. You can't simply just charge in with your "healee" who probably has more life than you. More often than not, your healee will survive, while you will die from a well-placed missile/shotgun/fire attack/sentry/whatever. While keeping your team member alive is a good thing, wasting your uber that you preciously charge up is a very BAD thing. You also forfeit the chance to heal up other team members who will be mashing the "E" button.

Like everyone else has said, the Medic is more of coordination and knowing where and when to use your uber. Every single Tom, Dick and Harry will be clamouring for your blood, so you have to be smart in dodging stuff and picking your fights. Let people know that you have an uber ready. Make sure you uber the right person. Make sure you know when to retreat. Keep an eye on everyone's HP and keep everyone safe and happy.

The Medic is an absolute must in every team. I might say that a team of 12 needs at least 2 medics to give a good fight. The Medic is far from a noob class, and far from a useless class.
>> No. 8310
This is somewhat relevant. Watch some of the old games on the site if you want to see what level of playing they're talking about.

Agreeing with the "easy to be decently helpful with, hard to be really good with" comments. It's different from the other classes and depends heavily on your team, but a bad Medic with a good team would be just as fucked.
>> No. 8312
It's easy to pocket someone and simply follow them.

It's far from easy to help everyone, keeping all of them alive, while at the same time keeping yourself alive.

Personally, Medic is my worst class. Granted I'm still better than this influx of new players, but I simply cannot keep track of everyone around me, or keep myself alive while pocketing. Dunno. 1500 hours played.
>> No. 8314
As someone that plays on the console version, and therefore vanilla, I don't know how much of my opinion will be relevant. But, as someone that mains Medic unless there's a better player I think he's not the easiest class ever. I'm a thinker in game, I play Spy, ambush Pyro, and Medic. So many times I've been in a match with another Medic on my team that just cannot seem to get it in gear! Especially with the influx of new players we're getting too, it seems that when they see me at the top of the scoreboard they must think Medic isn't a hard class- but it is. One of those quotes in the above linked article was that you don't need to aim, but that isn't true at all. Ever had your Heavy/Pyro/Soldier/Demo killed in front of you? What do you do then? Turn and run or carry on fighting? The syringe gun is one of the most awkward weapons I've ever used in a FPS but I've gotten so used to using it I automatically tilt up a bit in game.

TL;DR anyone that thinks Medic is a noob class should try playing with someone that's actually good at it and see how it's done.
>> No. 8325
>One of those quotes in the above linked article was that you don't need to aim, but that isn't true at all.
I disagree with this. It's not that you don't need it at all, it's just not on a comparable level to the amount of aim improving the other classes need. What the syringe gun requires a lot more than PrO qUiCkSoPe hEaDsHoTz tier aim is being abie to predict your opponent's movements, which is a requirement for a good medic anyway. You also shouldn't be using it that much - if there's an escape route available it's always a better idea to get the fuck out and preserve your uber progress. Now if I could only get most pub medics to understand that and make them to stop losing their 89% charge because they just had to fight instead of run.
>> No. 8327
I've personally got around 600 hours as medic (About 800 total) and used to play a bit of pro. Let me tell you Medic can be far from easy, especially in 6v6. There is no room for fuck ups. It is your job to stay alive and keep everyone else going as well, plus you are the number one target. the other team wants you dead as often as possible. Not to mention it's your job to coordinate, make calls and be the team leader in most cases.

Of course there's the always critical Uber. Which gun do you use? Never Quick-Fix because it's trash Then do you pop it? Who do you pop it on? Who do you switch it to if at all? Are you going to double Uber? Oh there comes a VERY low health scout, should I use a little bit of the Uber to save his ass?

Medic is hard and it gets my blood pumping like no other class.

Though I will always say, Spy is hard as fuck to play. I still can't do it, then again I've never really tried.
>> No. 8328
always so much hate with the quickfix. It can be really useful for a medic. Especially if you are the only medic on a team of 9 or more who are also inattentive and don't bother turning around.

It heals very quickly, which is extremely useful on cp maps where you can sit on the point with two heavies a demo and a scout, and keep them all alive, constantly switching from teammate to teammate and without sacrificing the capping rate as you would with an uber. Granted, if they have a kritz you are a bit fucked unless you can kill him or his medic quickly.
>> No. 8339
The Quick-Fix is awesome. Just don't use it or (depending on your perspective) the Kritz if you're the lone Medic on the team.
>> No. 8343
eh, depends on the situation.
Haven't gotten the Quick Fix yet, so I wouldn't know when's a proper situation, but even when you're a lone Medic, Kritz is a wonderful weapon.
(mostly if you're defending or there's no danger of pesky Engies and their sentry guns.)
>> No. 8344
No Kritz if you're the only Medic? Someone has never seen a 5 point CP pro match before. Even in a regular pub, Kritz defense is best defense.
>> No. 8350
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Thank you all for your wonderful responses. That helped me out a lot, I see Medic now in completely different light, thank you for that!
>> No. 8353
To me, medic is the easiest class to play, but that doesn't make it a noob class. Noob medics are infuriating when I'm playing most other classes. You really need to know what's going on everywhere or you are going to suck. You have to stay out of danger while at the same time healing everyone around you and prioritizing people to keep everyone alive. You also have to swing around looking for spies constantly.

Noob medics, though, ugh. They glue themselves to one person, standing still facing their back while ignoring anyone else who needs a medic, leaving their back wide open to spies, never turning around when you're screaming for them to, then they get killed and they are even more useless when dead. They may even sit in spawn waiting for a heavy to spawn.

So no, I guess medic isn't a noob class. It's a very active class, even if you don't look like you're doing a lot, kind of like engineer. Honestly, I do the least thinking when I'm heavy on payload. I usually ride the cart and shoot everything around me and let everyone else worry about spies and get MVP for it.
>> No. 8355
Medic is hard because your main priority is staying the fuck alive and giving the healz to everyone at the same time.
Not so easy when you're the main enemy target and you have incompetent teammates that think they're invincible with a Medic and go charging in without any other backup.
It's annoying when I'm on fire and nobody does jack about it, yet they bleat for Medic when they lose an insignificant amount of health.
Don't get me wrong, if you've got a good team or heck, just a single good player who's always watching out for you, it's glorious.
(Many props to Sanvich Sharing Heavies, Pyros Who Actually Bother to Extinquish Allies, and other such friends.)
>> No. 8364
I don't play/watch any tourney matches for any game, sorry. I dunno why, but I've never had any real motivation to.

It's just in my experience, I used to get yelled at if I was the lone Medic (which I usually was) and I had my "fucking Kritz" out. To the point where I stopped using it one day and never took it out again.
>> No. 8365
ahh that may have been shit teammates who didn't know how to use it. also could have been a map where you were offensive, ubers are more sought after fro those
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