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8308 No. 8308
Here's one great idea for Gabe: Why don't you put Golden Wrench and Saxxy in Mann Co. Store and put the price in about 300 - 500 dollars?
Keep the money or give it to charity, both players and charity people will be pleased
What do you think? We already had that 100 dollar hat on sale when Japan's disaster stricked
>> No. 8318
Golden Wrench I can understand, as it was a semi-random thing and there are certainly players that would pay for it, but putting the Saxxy in is a big HELL NO. The people with them now EARNED their Saxxy through making good videos and gathering enough of a following to win the contest. Allowing others to buy a Saxxy essentially turns their hard-earned victory into something others can simply buy.
>> No. 8319
Golden Wrenches I'm OK because they were a random drop. But as Ashe said Saxxies are an award so making them purchasable destroys their whole purpose.
>> No. 8320
i agree thoroughly. plenty of people would actually pay a lot of money for certain items like golden wrenches, but if i earned a saxxy, i wouldn't want people to be able to buy it; it destroys the purpose. it's a solid concept though.
>> No. 8321
Maybe if the purchased ones differed in some way. Different color (copper or silver vs. australium/gold)?
>> No. 8323
After i heard a story about those 2 canadian fans going in front of Valve's headquarters and they demanded Half-Life 3 to be released, maybe i should go there and demand Golden Wrench in Mann Co Store.? Gabe would propably like my idea, and he would propably offer me lunch like he did to those 2 canadians
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