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File 131364954147.jpg - (535.24KB , 700x2344 , Team_Effect_by_pokketmowse.jpg )
8396 No. 8396
So, a lot of people tend to be of the opinion that pre-order items are bad for TF2, and I tend to agree, if they're something that has an effect on gameplay. Nobody should get an unfair advantage by virtue of having more money, especially now that the games F2P.

On the other hand, I have no problem with hats. Those are just fun as hell. Relatedly, EA's revving up the hype machine for Mass Effect So now I'm wondering if you all would like to see any ME3 items, as long as they were purely cosmetic? I have a few idea myself.

GOD TIER: Krogan hump for Heavy/Omni-tool for Engineer.
Great Tier: N7/Cerberus badges for everyone
Good Tier: Quarian Helmet for Pyro.
Shit Tier: Team-volored biotic field.

But you guys tend to be much more creative. Any fun ideas out there?
>> No. 8400
Mass Effect is made by Bioware. Bioware is owned by EA. EA have recently taken the step of removing the newest Bioware release, DA2, from Steam, as they prepare to release their own digital platform, Origin, upon which they intend to release all EA products exclusively.

What I'm saying here is that there aren't going to be any Mass Effect 3 hats in TF2, Jonny.
>> No. 8404
Why did I see ME3 and think of Monkey Island
>> No. 8409
But the first two are still on Steam, in a variety of form...
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