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File 128924967674.png - (6.17KB , 176x101 , AtteroDominatusBitches.png )
84 No. 84
Show off your named items, boys and gals!

I start with something I really really had to do. Because Swedish Power Metal rocks. The song in question (the title means something along the lines of "Swift Victory") is about the Allies invading Berlin. Fits, imo.

Now it's your turn!
Expand all images
>> No. 85
File 128924991441.jpg - (9.16KB , 184x216 , I am disappoint.jpg )
Actually Attero Dominatus measn more like "I crush tyrrany.
Ontopic though,here's my little friend.
>> No. 86
Nobody can trust online translations anymore. Thanks for the info! It also still fits. NAZI KILLING SPREE
>> No. 88
File 128925265184.jpg - (38.83KB , 638x113 , WM1 5000.jpg )
Repostin' because it makes me happy.
>> No. 91
File 128925561474.png - (37.63KB , 494x221 , washingtons wig.png )
>> No. 96

Hu, this is incorrect. It should be attere dominatum or atterete depending on how many people you're addressing this to. And it doesn't mean swift victory, it means " Take/bring/wear down absolute authority ". Absolute authority, as in, autocracy leading to tyranny. The idea is good, but mang, that's now how Latin works at all.
>> No. 97
File 12892591051.jpg - (63.55KB , 687x286 , Aphrodite.jpg )
Repostan proof that I have no life.
>> No. 101
It's the name of the attached song. Not my fault that Swedes apparently don't know Latin.
>> No. 102
We know it's not correct but the song is still damn awesome.

also, yay for Sabaton fans!
>> No. 103
Highfive, fellow fan!
I plan to rename all of my favorite Soldier items with Sabaton song titles. My Pain Train is SO going to be named "Primo Victoria".
>> No. 105
File 128926232677.jpg - (12.89KB , 448x229 , swagga.jpg )
dicks errywhar
>> No. 108
File 128926339484.png - (21.46KB , 334x196 , marshmallow.png )
>> No. 115
i like this
>> No. 121
File 128927024787.jpg - (76.41KB , 665x507 , stolen.jpg )
I laughed at the thought of a head marshmallow telling me to burn things
>> No. 130
Go for it, there're a shitload of WWII songs by Sabaton. There's even a 'Screaming Eagles'

...oh fuck I didn't realise they had a new album.

myself I'm going for a 'mildly offensive nazi jokes' theme for medic
my black vintage prussian pickelhaube is 'mein kampfy hat' but I don't know where to go from there :/
>> No. 131
If I did ever use the gunboats I would name those "Screaming Eagles". Or the normal rocket launcher. Bummer that I never use that either. Oh well, I will definitely name the buff banner "Coat of Arms" though. Or maybe still "Screaming Eagles"? And the Battalion's backup will be "Back in Control". Damn, I need to learn how to decide.
>> No. 134
File 12892823023.png - (24.42KB , 316x222 , riphook.png )
also this
>> No. 136

Oh sorry I didn't know the song. Well, not your mistake then. It's a bit sad that they based the whole song on a mistake, though. Oh also I meant "Not how Latin works" in my last post instead of "Now how". What am I criticizing I can't even speak English properly, haha.
>> No. 138
Well if you're going for a "Slightly offensive Nazi" theme "The Final Solution" is always a good name for a weapon.
>> No. 147
I'm going for MILDLY offensive, not 'holy shit that's not funny at all' offensive
>> No. 148
this is what i named my syringe gun. few people actually get it.
>> No. 151
ja it's a good name for a syringe gun, I was thinking of that

The other offensive alternative is 'Zyklon B'
Might be too offensive.
>> No. 156
File 128932362143.png - (21.37KB , 308x277 , pogo.png )
somehow, this made sense to me
>> No. 160
File 128934599917.jpg - (49.05KB , 1024x768 , Kurt-Cobain\'s-Microphone.jpg )
I laughed.
>> No. 161
Bwahaha, that's evil.
>> No. 175
File 128936128315.jpg - (11.93KB , 331x237 , powerjackan.jpg )
>> No. 192
File 128940961955.png - (19.04KB , 210x190 , devious_indeed.png )
Changed my Whiskered Gentleman to "Dame's Devious Disguise".

Was thinking of changing the description to "Silly boyz~♥" or something like that. :V
>> No. 708
I've landed two Description Tags, so now I'm left wondering which ideas I should go with.

Jarate: Piss off
Flare Gun: For when those Snipers are just out of reach!
Sandvich: A Loose Cannon Cop, reincarnated as a lunch item.
Force-A-Nature: Jumping twice is just not enough for you, is it?
Shotgun: The most reliable piece-of-shit you could ever ask for.
>> No. 863
File 129055394995.jpg - (67.61KB , 306x223 , specialmix.jpg )
I carry around my boyfriend's Special Mix, which he gave to me in return for my giving him "Personthingy's Home Brew"
>> No. 878
Someone on a local server suggested 'Politically Correct Huntsperson' for Huntsman.
>> No. 902
File 129058376842.jpg - (12.82KB , 350x247 , natasha.jpg )
>> No. 903
File 129058599262.jpg - (8.98KB , 300x180 , Acme.jpg )
Got a few to post here, so bare with me.
>> No. 904
File 129058605383.jpg - (15.39KB , 368x212 , Back scratcha.jpg )
Named Gordon's cause he's a friend who just randomly gave me it when I needed one.
>> No. 905
File 129058608886.jpg - (7.32KB , 290x166 , Big bird.jpg )
>> No. 906
File 129058611262.jpg - (12.89KB , 400x221 , Damnation.jpg )
>> No. 907
File 129058616077.jpg - (9.57KB , 399x188 , Tunnel snake.jpg )
My first name tag.
>> No. 908
File 129058626069.jpg - (12.36KB , 270x232 , Willy.jpg )
Want a description tag for this, haven't decided between "Now that's what I call a bad romance" or "You and I just had a bad romance"
>> No. 940
It's...it's - /beautiful/...
>> No. 952
File 129066882330.png - (27.37KB , 389x278 , wo airman.png )
No one in this world can understand who I am. That is why I'm my own biggest fan.
>> No. 953
File 129066886618.png - (19.12KB , 302x164 , bubbleman.png )
I'll swim fast. I'll fight strong. You won't last, I'll live on.
>> No. 954
I could never get tired of listening to The Megas. Sweet names.
>> No. 962
File 129070259811.png - (22.53KB , 238x132 , fish.png )
Somebody on the ubercharged servers told me to call it a salmon when I asked for advice.

It's censored because it's funnier that way.
>> No. 989
File 129073301335.png - (199.46KB , 1280x751 , Heavy set.png )
I only have two renamed items.
>> No. 997
File 129075160896.png - (50.29KB , 549x419 , why do i do these things.png )
>> No. 1006
I ever told ya how much I love you?
>> No. 1010
File 129077982852.png - (9.63KB , 321x158 , re.png )
>> No. 1027
File 129087193020.png - (25.15KB , 401x183 , medigun.png )
>> No. 1028
File 129087199536.png - (25.89KB , 301x202 , stickybombs.png )
>> No. 1163
File 129131631974.png - (32.52KB , 433x258 , MISSMOW.png )
I saw one of the earlier trailers Valve put out for TF2, when the game was still unfinished. The name and description come from this video:


at about :45.
>> No. 1226
File 129143191716.png - (18.18KB , 621x100 , night train hat.png )
Please tell me you get the reference.
>> No. 1317
My most recent one.

Step 1: Paint my Whiskered Gentleman orange.
Step 2: Rename it "Dangerously Ginger"
Step 3: Change description to read "How do you hurt that which has no soul?"
>> No. 1326
File 12916993473.png - (17.27KB , 306x166 , He\'s A Man You Must Believe.png )
Helping everyone in need.
No-one can succeed like Medic Robert.
>> No. 1328
File 129170289536.png - (178.04KB , 297x234 , Rip_and_tear.png )
>> No. 1403
File 129180064389.jpg - (20.17KB , 662x282 , olol.jpg )
>> No. 1405
File 129180239133.png - (159.72KB , 1280x800 , a warm gun.png )
>> No. 1406
File 129180275132.jpg - (72.84KB , 1280x800 , derrr.jpg )
>> No. 1408
I laughed way to hard for this.
>> No. 1409
File 129180661646.jpg - (27.48KB , 298x231 , Salmon.jpg )
Obvious Reference is Obvious
>> No. 1424
It's so simple, but it truly is damn funny.
>> No. 1442
File 129189968042.png - (152.83KB , 1024x768 , mega set.png )
completed the set today
>> No. 1452
Any ideas for a Medigun name? I was thinking "Friendship Beam".
>> No. 1454
I know this is totally unrelated, but...
his eyes are bugging out. It's so scary.
>> No. 1456
yeah this. what the fuck is going on there
>> No. 1461
"I will heal the FUCKING SHIT out of you"
>> No. 1474
"Taking you for a walk, bitch"
>> No. 1477
File 129201788458.png - (13.34KB , 385x220 , snarf.png )
>> No. 1484
File 129202760259.png - (22.53KB , 477x222 , wonka.png )
>> No. 1515

You, sir or madame, are a genius
>> No. 1545
File 129211388289.jpg - (25.49KB , 299x400 , wonka[1].jpg )
But Willy Wonka's hat is brown.
>> No. 1561
In the new movie with depp, it's black
>> No. 1562
The three mediguns I have are:
Special Treatment
Liquid Love Dispenser
and Unintended Side-Effects

I was thinking of one for 'German-Russian Relations' but I don't plan on healing Heavies 24-7
>> No. 1578
File 129219561450.png - (103.90KB , 591x404 , Untitled.png )
Also named my sniper rifle "Thunder From A Land Down Under"

Music reference names are the best names.
>> No. 1585
My medigun is named "Chance of Backstab," so as I heal people, it goes "23% Chance of Backstab," "42% Chance of Backstab," "97% Chance of Backstab," etc. Given my luck, it's a pretty accurate readout.
>> No. 1594
I love it.
>> No. 1601
File 129226054367.jpg - (28.73KB , 301x232 , Fish.jpg )
Thanks for all the Fish!
>> No. 1611

I approve of this in every way possible.
>> No. 1614
File 129229088793.png - (27.50KB , 298x175 , lurve.png )
My little contribution. (We also have a guy on my server who is a Kritz Medic, his name is Topher, he named his Kritz Topher's Grace. I have a feeling teaming up will be hilarious.)
>> No. 1616
File 129229264475.png - (757.81KB , 1920x1080 , sniperloadout.png )
>> No. 1618
File 129229303692.png - (269.64KB , 1721x935 , solly.png )
>> No. 1729
none of you guys have a unusual yet?
>> No. 1733
Unusuals are fugly, why would anyone want them.
>> No. 1775
File 129264672696.png - (33.26KB , 505x249 , buttscratchaaaa.png )
if i get another one of these i'll use a description tag on it
it'll say "roses are red, violets are blue, i'll fuck you with a rake"
>> No. 1799
I grinned at the name, and cracked up at the description you plan I AM A FAGGOT HUMP MY RUMP
>> No. 1802
Wait, why is your Equalizer text in green?
>> No. 1830

I took that screencap right after the 'vintage' update came out. I really have no idea.
>> No. 1843
Current ideas fermenting in my head:

The Brass Beast: The CERCL (Classical Era Rape Cannon Lite)

Black Foster's Facade: Redundancy (Yes, it's black. You mad?)

The Bushwacka: The Crotch-Dampener (Designed for maximum terror. Guaranteed results!)

And for shits and giggles, if they ever add weapon painting:

Pink Chargin' Targe: Backlace
Slate Eyelander: Stripes II
Halo: Anarchy
>> No. 1851
File 129272425747.png - (15.36KB , 306x164 , thesecondamendment.png )
>> No. 1852

Took me a while to get it, but when I did I giggled like a loon.
>> No. 1859

Stealth puns are the best puns.
>> No. 1861
File 129274196253.jpg - (9.78KB , 857x177 , WEPON.jpg )
"Hope Rides Alone"
I love you so much for this.
On topic, here.
>> No. 1862
File 129274514676.jpg - (72.09KB , 983x400 , you know the soviets always make good stuff.jpg )
>> No. 2100
File 129319579039.png - (38.91KB , 387x325 , kluljapp från felix.png )
Just because I got the best christmas presents ever.
>> No. 2103

Well played, sir. Well played.
>> No. 2390
File 129349301477.jpg - (216.01KB , 433x834 , Shit I named.jpg )
I love my fishy.
>> No. 2396
*slow clap*
>> No. 2399
File 129352316534.png - (126.32KB , 969x457 , my loadoutbutts.png )
This thread made me laugh so hard.
Kurt kobain's microphone, Scottish Pilgrim vs the world and Anita D. Spencer are my favorites.

Also I named most of my items because it says "Omgrun is carrying:____"
>> No. 2406
File 129354808892.png - (103.44KB , 995x368 , items.png )
>> No. 2407
File 129355024278.jpg - (16.67KB , 400x386 , Theholygrail.jpg )
Because I needed to have an obligatory Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference for Medic's new weapons. Waiting to get a name tag to name it " King Arthur 1, Black Knight 0"
or something along those lines...
>> No. 2422
ffffffff, that was exactly what I was going to name my holy mackerel, but forgot about it.
>> No. 2501
>> No. 2518
File 129376509586.jpg - (98.20KB , 674x364 , rootytootyaimandshooty.jpg )
>> No. 2524
File 129377877990.jpg - (18.49KB , 463x345 , TheRakist.jpg )
>> No. 2531
File 129382727127.png - (596.00KB , 1920x1080 , sniperloadoutcompletedbitches.png )
>> No. 2565
File 129394683362.png - (20.45KB , 220x206 , reaped.png )
>> No. 2566
File 129395140198.png - (145.86KB , 923x556 , demoset.png )
I finally got my full named demo-set, plus one has a description.
>> No. 2576
File 129401263913.jpg - (69.55KB , 331x218 , all I need is a Fez.jpg )
I must thank Angy for giving me her spare Dead Ringer, oh yeah.
>> No. 2584
File 129401998532.png - (42.23KB , 323x367 , TF2Stuff.png )
>> No. 2586

First one and last one.
>> No. 2601

I love it.
>> No. 2728
File 129452074189.jpg - (131.73KB , 500x578 , halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-scoutpilgrimvstheworl.jpg )

as you may see, i have a description tag and name tag. still deciding what to change, but considering Warrior's Spirit into "My Bear Hands", Tyrant's Helm into "The Horrible Haggar," Dangeresque Too? to "Deal With It" or "Cool Story Bro"

possibly changing the Huntsman to "This must be a bachelor party, because all I'm seeing is body shots."

other suggestions?
>> No. 2729
File 129452269224.jpg - (18.76KB , 312x388 , solitaire.jpg )
>> No. 2745
Coupe D'isaster
Violet paint
"purple toupee"
>> No. 2747
File 129455383818.png - (80.23KB , 544x617 , funslinger.png )
i'm mature and also typos make really good names
>> No. 2751
File 129457340372.png - (266.49KB , 1274x562 , MY RENAMED ITEMS.png )
u jelly?
>> No. 2845
File 129502354766.png - (31.24KB , 638x312 , shot.png )
My last line of defense between sleaze like this and the decent people of this town.
>> No. 2859
File 129507569068.png - (43.08KB , 384x257 , Picture 8.png )
>> No. 2864
File 129510893928.jpg - (34.35KB , 296x208 , Sans titre 2.jpg )
>> No. 2878

Too lazy to post 'em all.
>> No. 2905
Pyro set

Degreaser - Mr. Puffy
Shutgun - Mr. Shootie
Axetinguisher - Ma. Stinky

Respectless Rubber Glove - cock-a-doodle-do
>> No. 2910
File 129529507178.png - (43.16KB , 489x227 , fisto.png )
Servos active!
>> No. 2911
I had the exact same idea for the gunslinger, nice.
>> No. 2912
File 129530468955.png - (18.49KB , 930x142 , fisto!.png )
Oh, hey there.
>> No. 2913
Also, since that picture has been taken, I described it with "Assume the position"
>> No. 2914
I love you.
>> No. 2917
Nice! I was considering putting it on the Gunslinger, but wanted a Gunslinger name related to its sentry-spamming abilities (that, and I've been in love with the Fists of Steel lately).

Sage for no content
>> No. 2951
File 129541229075.jpg - (137.23KB , 1000x515 , tags.jpg )
I bring the funk.
>> No. 2972
I get it!

Buff Banner. Recently renamed The Daily Bugle
>> No. 2975
I only get the brick house and love machine but this is still most awesome.
>> No. 2981
The Hustle is another funk song. It contained very little lyrics, just "Do the Hustle!" and "Do it"

Soul Train was a R&B variety show created and hosted by Don Cornelius, who ended each episode with "We wish you love, peace, and soul"

tl;dr : Lychee is a nerd for soul and funk music
>> No. 3023
File 129574431677.jpg - (113.51KB , 1024x768 , COMMIESWETDREAM.jpg )
Friends who make you scream with delight at 2 AM in the morning in a dorm are the best friends. Were it possible to use images as descriptions I'd put the sexiest helmetparty I could find in it.
>> No. 3042
File 129576992187.png - (56.65KB , 277x683 , SabatonSollyWeapons.png )
God Commie, you are so adorable. I have no words, really.

Also, as an antithesis, my Solly weaponry.
>> No. 3044
Yesterday I saw a set of named weapons that impressed me. It was on Facepunch server, one dude had the Degreaser named "Smoke on the water" and the flaregun "Fire in the sky".
I'm looking forward to new nametags since I've got a few ideas.
>> No. 3053
File 129581164818.jpg - (13.77KB , 394x197 , would the gentlemann like some steam with his punk.jpg )
Steam friends are the best. I was telling one of mine how I was saving my one precious name tag to rename the Brass Beast something steampunk when it finally dropped for me. And he gave me his! Such a sweety.

No gentlemann should be without his Gatling gun.
>> No. 3092
File 129619495417.jpg - (14.34KB , 300x167 , 2yuarld.jpg )
oh hi
>> No. 3096

Facepunch? Are you "Pot of tea" by any chance?
>> No. 3104
File 129624879250.png - (30.92KB , 458x226 , Chapeau d\'Cuir Noir.png )
I had fun with this name and description.
>> No. 3107
File 129626615576.jpg - (130.35KB , 332x748 , Untitled3-vert.jpg )
Those who can guess what my Blighted Beak and Cross represent win e-cookies.
>> No. 3112
Claire's Vest and Jill valentine, right?
>> No. 3113
File 129628091812.jpg - (98.58KB , 576x576 , Best_Cookie-20.jpg )

Hot damn, don't eat it all at once.
>> No. 3163
File 129659260235.png - (25.13KB , 282x206 , floozy.png )
"Floozy: a disreputable woman"

>> No. 3173

my mom would appreciate this, oh my god
>> No. 3270
File 129687172135.png - (79.44KB , 727x392 , Screen shot 2011-02-04 at 9_46_08 PM.png )
Forever intel.
>> No. 3274
File 129687717738.jpg - (113.87KB , 437x616 , tags2.jpg )
Updated list of my Funk themed named item collection
>> No. 3275
Oh my goodness I love all of your weapons.
>> No. 3282
Oh god, I think I just came a little.
>> No. 3283
File 129689212527.jpg - (71.33KB , 594x310 , tomwaitsmedic.jpg )
Oh dang I finally decided on a theme for my Medic ensemble. Now I need to get my hands on more name/description tags.
>> No. 3305
File 129696386979.jpg - (39.94KB , 360x220 , reeperbahn.jpg )
Oops I got another one.
>> No. 3310
File 129699342983.png - (252.90KB , 1747x595 , My renamed items.png )
>> No. 3317

I cried laughing.
>> No. 3327
>> No. 3491

Nice references on the Spy pistols.
>> No. 3496
File 129783829363.png - (36.72KB , 516x245 , Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 10_27_38 PM.png )
My collection is almost complete.
>> No. 3501
File 129788493449.jpg - (133.50KB , 467x700 , 1294292627935.jpg )
Here's a handful of mine.

Fenway Fragger
Baseball isn't a life or death thing, but the Red Sox are.

Sledge's Revenge
Sledge remember you. Sledge no like you.

The Ingluorious Basterd
Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park!

>The Boston Basher
The Meat Grinder
War is in your blood.

Custer's Last Stand
I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.

>Shotgun (Pyro)Scorched Striker
We don't need no water. Just burn, baby, burn.

Cassius Clay Cutter
Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

>Sticky Bomb Launcher
Mad Stan
Blow it up! BLOW IT ALL UP!

>HHH Headtaker
Underhanded Undertaker
Your life and your soul are MINE.

>The Ullapool CaberScotland's Independence
Everyone kicks up a fuss, but in the end it doesn't really matter.

>Killing Gloves of Boxing
Ivan Drago's Legacy
If he dies, he dies.

>Warrior's SpiritZangief's Grapplers
I trained by piledriving bears in a Siberian blizzard.

Assume the position. F.I.S.T.O. is programmed to please.

>Ubersaw Steinman's Sin
Aesthetics are a moral imperative.

Eleanor Lamb's Love
This one died alone and afraid. Stand in our way and you'll get the same.

>Sniper Rifle Skullbuster
Roses are red, violets are blue, your skull is the one my bullet passed through.

>Sidney Sleeper
Australian Anaconda
It's long, it's strong, and it shoots piss.

Van Pelt's LegacyMiserable coward, come back and face me like a man.

Bruce Wayne's Bad Day
Ever dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

>Dead Ringer
Antagonist's Plot Armor
I may die a thousand times over, but the writer and I are friends.
>> No. 3504
File 129789829624.png - (41.46KB , 291x800 , SoldierwouldsolikeSabaton.png )
Been a while since I posted - Got my Sabaton named set pretty much done. Maybe I'll name the Equalizer at some point but generally, I'm good. Hooray for Swedish Power Metal!
>> No. 3529
File 129795427660.png - (18.35KB , 349x149 , tryolean.png )
>> No. 3537
My Flamethrower is called "The Thing That Burns People"
>> No. 3549
File 129801642076.jpg - (290.78KB , 1387x668 , soldierloadout.jpg )
Dum dee dum
>> No. 3550
File 129801644737.jpg - (252.52KB , 1387x668 , medicloadout.jpg )
>> No. 3552
File 129802425612.png - (174.47KB , 240x240 , njnkHJ1qzbvj4o1_500.png )
I'm not at all clever and I don't want to spam screenshots, but here's what I have:

>Rocket Launcher
Carry On my Wayward Son

There'll Be Peace When You Are Done

Check It Out Now
"The Funk Soul Brother"

Right About Now
"The Funk Soul Brother"

>Mad Milk
Horse Semen
"For your health."


>V. Yellow Belt painted Pink As Hell
The Fag Rag
>> No. 3621
I don't feel like taking screenshots, but here are a few names / descriptions I've given things:

Shortstop: The Unswattable Pest / Need a dispenser here! Need a dispenser here! Need a dispenser here! (Basically, I play Milkman Scout as an irritating distraction.)

Sydney Sleeper: "Laser-Guided Pissile"

Jarate and Bushwacka: "Insult" and "Injury". (Description on "Insult" jarate: "The game says you're dominating me, but who's drenched in whose piss?")

Ullapool Caber: "Mutually Awesome Destruction"

Gunslinger: No name yet, but described "Fastest guns in the West."

Also, I was going to name / describe my crossbow "Nerf Darts" / "Weakens Equalizer soldiers on hit." Glad I didn't, what with them no longer getting healed by the crossbow and all.
>> No. 3650
File 129859521192.png - (88.93KB , 610x472 , errdabamprora.png )
>> No. 3651
File 129859524574.png - (9.04KB , 208x181 , problemsleuth.png )
>> No. 3690
I am uncreative. I named minigun Sasha, and brass beast Ludmilla. Sasha was obvious, but Ludmilla just came because I thought all the miniguns should be named.
>> No. 3693
Ludmilla was actually the name of the unreleased healing Minigun, I think. According to the Wiki.

I have two named items, but they're both references to RP's, so I won't post them here.
>> No. 3732
File 129890507348.png - (6.99KB , 158x164 , nazimask.png )
Obvious name is obvious.
>> No. 3738
You mean Cubone's Mother's Skull

>> No. 3821
File 129933246390.png - (125.91KB , 690x698 , Painted_Hound_Dog_5885A2.png )
Even though Tf2 is filled with weeaboos, I haven't this combination anywhere:

Hound Dog + Team Spirit + Join the BLU team + Renamed so that it refers to Franky from One Piece

Might also work with Color similar to Slate. I'm too poor to test it :(
>> No. 3825

...I was just about to hunt down a Hounddog and do that.
>> No. 3949
My friend did that.
>> No. 3990
File 129998148928.png - (56.94KB , 638x451 , Magi.png )
I can't believe that nobody thought of this earlier...

Description will be: "Magikarp used splash, IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!"
>> No. 4080
File 130031950382.jpg - (243.02KB , 1440x720 , blackridermedicloadout.jpg )
I finally finished my Black Rider Medic.

It is stupid how proud I am of this little guy.
>> No. 4640
File 130257823956.png - (18.81KB , 251x138 , bostonbasher_renamed.png )
So yeah, I finally get a name tag, and I use it to make a fairly obvious reference that I suspect other people might have thought of, too. For a class that isn't even one of my most played, no less.

...nope, still can't get myself to regret this.
>> No. 4650
File 130264678729.jpg - (60.04KB , 837x557 , omch.jpg )
This was my only hat random drop.
>> No. 4651
I love it, but why not for the Sun on a Stick?
>> No. 4652

1. I've had this name/item combination in mind since before the Sun-On-A-Stick came out

2. Don't really care much for the Sun-On-A-Stick, to be honest. I'd probably end up crafting/trading it if I got it, so why bother wasting a name tag?

...I'm going to get this question in-game a lot, aren't I?
>> No. 4653
File 13026537635.jpg - (81.57KB , 1440x900 , 2011-04-02_00001.jpg )

You'll regret it if you ever actually try to use the thing.

My effort.
>> No. 4654

My sister's been laughing hysterically over this since it was mentioned a few days ago.
>> No. 4655
When did I mention it before? And thanks, I put hard work into making that shitty lame hat the best it can be!
>> No. 4656

It was somewhere around here, I'm sure. I do not think such a thing could be forgotten...

I need to start shaking people I know down for unwanted medic items so I can make myself a hat-o-healing.
>> No. 4672
File 130278645690.jpg - (11.56KB , 344x311 , 1914.jpg )
Everybody jelly.
>> No. 4754
File 13029251856.png - (95.26KB , 803x420 , yep.png )
>> No. 4755
File 130292676945.gif - (458.47KB , 500x282 , miniongrin.gif )
Possibly my favorite renames ever.
>> No. 4939
File 130385913051.jpg - (157.11KB , 1000x457 , gribblesniper.jpg )
I finished my Gribble Sniper. I...I love him.
>> No. 4940
Awesome! That made my night.
>> No. 4950
My bro got a hold of a description tag for his Coupe D'saster painted with "the color of a businessman's trousers" (the pale yellow paint)

It's description is now "There will be HELL TOUPEE!!". I think it compliments the default name very well.
>> No. 5021
File 130419589657.png - (21.91KB , 218x198 , Untitled-1.png )
>> No. 5022
I don't have a reaction image to convey my hardy laughter.
>> No. 5033
File 130422862448.jpg - (50.16KB , 730x647 , crossbow.jpg )
My favorite and beloved. Derp.
>> No. 5058
File 130427478431.jpg - (357.97KB , 1748x999 , Waffennamen.jpg )
Yeah. So this is my proud collection so far. And yes, i was the anon in the past who said his Vintage Übersaw had this name. Because eternal Headcanon is Medic is a fan of them. It´s just a band which are part of my youth and i love to hear their songs sometimes.

Halali= A german salute of hunters on the grave of a good hunterfriend or by killing prey.
Do it with style.

Medigun= Because some people forget it by teleporters. And it´s darn funny.

And thanks to TF2chan i needed to call my Gunslinger this. (Original i wanted to take the english Quote of Tweety and Nanny as they say: Pow! *something here in english here* as Silvester get´s it in the face. But didn´t found the english translation. Still it´s warm, delicious Apple Pie. If ya understand...

Engineer taunt in English= Yippy Kay Yay ho.
Engineer taunt in German = Yippy Kay Yay, Schweinebacke.
Engineer taunt translated back again, to quote this famous movie= Yippy Kay Yay, motherhubbard! I believe i need to change the description for this.

Killjoy= Kudos, to who can think of where i took this. You and me could be best friends forever.

Sugar [long name]= Every single time i hear this song i need to think on Sniper.
And it has somehow creepy Sniper in there to from the lines. (Not to mention my secret fantasie about Sniper playing a bassguitar. He would ROCK.)
>> No. 5059
Oh man, I love the Comedian Harmonists. Props to you.
>> No. 5081
File 130441267426.png - (106.19KB , 578x920 , AITEMU.png )
oh right i forgot to post this here oops
>> No. 5208
File 130475966847.png - (86.50KB , 587x480 , Purple.png )
I am silly and unoriginal
>> No. 5299
Sitting there playing medic and humming "Zydrate Anatomy" and suddenly realized; why haven't I put these two together?? Can't find my pics. My Ubersaw is described as "Happiness IS a warm scalpel." My medigun is called "Chessolin's Zydrate Gun" and the desc is "And when the gun goes off, it sparks and you're ready for surgery, surgery."
>> No. 5356
File 130522485794.png - (26.44KB , 432x223 , femme_fatal.png )
Making a theme for Pyro, the "Femme Fatal" and I need help naming the rest of Pyro's stuff, I plan on naming the Axtinguisher "Malicious Mariticide" or the "Maid of Horror". Also open to suggestions for other themes for other classes.
>> No. 5506
hey, i think you killed my ass last night
>> No. 5543
I have a friend who goes by Merill and Shelly, oddly enough.
>> No. 5603
When I am deprived of sleep, I mix up my words - especially the vowel sounds. Combine this with a last-minute assignment on lasers, and now I have a Kritzkrieg called 'Erbium Derped Fibre Laser'.
>> No. 5785
File 130821260113.jpg - (86.09KB , 1280x720 , 2011-04-28_00001.jpg )
>mein kleine Gruene Kaktus


I still haven't come up with a good name for the Amputator.
>> No. 5796
File 130826943151.png - (35.82KB , 454x347 , items and shit.png )
I shouldn't be allowed to name weapons.
>> No. 8920
File 131619564668.jpg - (253.24KB , 1600x900 , loadout.jpg )
My immensely clever loadout, updated. My sister made me do the rename on her Ullapool Caber.
>> No. 8936
File 131624160492.jpg - (5.60KB , 274x184 , Meat.jpg )
I will wind up using this rename on a Scout weapon even though I don't play him often either... but then I'd have to add a description like 'I swear I saw a young boy down in the gutter, he was starting to foam in the heat'...

I... I think I'm going to wind up on a renaming/describing spree...
>> No. 8944
I thought about Scout when I heard that line too, but I was playing tf2 while listening to that song. Kept thinking of RedSpy and Scoutma (but Redspy respawns at the end so it's ok). Meatloaf rocks :D
>> No. 8955
I will admit, 'there's a man in the shadow with a gun in his eye and a blade shining oh so bright' totally makes me think 'Spy!'.
>> No. 8958
I believe I mentioned somewhere on the chan I called my Bazaar Bargain Achmed the Dead Terrorist...if I still have a description tag, who want's me to put "Silence, I'll Kill You!"?
>> No. 8959
File 131646770740.png - (24.95KB , 620x186 , DICKSEVERYWHERE.png )
I accidentally.
>> No. 8965
>> No. 9016
File 131705342679.jpg - (150.78KB , 1680x1050 , 2011-09-26_00013.jpg )
I'll be surprised if someone gets this.
>> No. 9040

Wasn't Simo Heyha the sniper most feared by the Soviets during the Winter war? The white death?
The man who had his enemy do everything possible to be rid of him?

Have some little known history, comerades! http://ar.to/2010/08/red-blood-white-snow
>> No. 9076
Although there's still one more reference, but you probably need to be a /k/ommando to get it.
>> No. 9332
And my Dead Ringer now has the description 'I don't know who you are, what you do, where you go when you're not around'. (It was almost 'You got the kind of eyes that do more than see', but...)

Of course, I never really play as Spy, so I never really use it, but it was worth it to me.
>> No. 9879
File 132005652762.png - (540.20KB , 1280x800 , falloutengie.png )
Haberdashery. Haberdashery never changes.
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