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8446 No. 8446
Lol hi.
New player here.
Whats the easiest way to get hats!?!
>> No. 8448
Play frequently, drop rate increases.

Dominate player with Ghastly Gibus.

Preorder a sponsored game.

Get the Spiral Knights achievement.

Be nice to someone and they might gift you one.

Buy them from the Mann Co. Store.

Alternately, don't worry about hats at all. Most of them do nothing gameplay-wise, and you can't see them while playing. I've stopped caring about hats for the most part.
>> No. 8453
Ah cool, thanks for the response. But I got an other question aswell.
Do I get more items for the class depending which class I'm playing?
>> No. 8454
Nope. It's entirely random.
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