No. 8510
I don't know if you guys have ever been to the LC's servers, but they have gimmick nights with super-organised gimmicking.
A few favorites from their huge database of gimmicks:
Swarm: Payload map (usually upward, badwater), 4 heavies, 25+ scouts. Heavies can do whatever they want, scouts are default bat only. Alltalk is turned off, scouts/heavies are free to strategize.
Cowboys vs. Indians: Attack/Defend (usually dustbowl). The white man is coming! The indians (huntsman snipers) have to defend against the white man (revolver spies). The indians have one "medicine man" (medic) and the cowboys have one "bull" (melee heavy).
Conversion: Attack/Defense, usually dustbowl. 1 sniper attacking, rest defending. Scoped sniper rifle shots only. Every time the attacking sniper kills someone, that person has to join his team. The blu team's rank swell as red team members go down.
BBall: BBall with soldiers. You can only shoot your rocket while you are in midair or someone else is in midair. Bring the gunboats. If you take out your melee you are a free target, people can shoot at you from the ground or air.
Civil war: Both teams are snipers, no-scope shots only. Both teams line up on neutral ground (usually middle point on viaduct, badlands, etc), then on the mark they all start shooting at once.
Engineer war: Both teams of engineers line up on neutral ground and first build a straight line of dispensers with no gaps showing. Then build lvl3 sentries behind them. At the count, all destroy their dispensers and see the carnage happen. No wranglers.
There's tons more, I don't remember them off the top of my head though :p