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8501 No. 8501
What I wanna hear from you guys is just different ways you play with friends or on servers, to keep things interesting and fresh. Like rules that everyone abides by to make it different. To me these end up feeling just as special as the game mods out there like Saxton Hale and Zombie Fortress.

Things me and my friends have played around with:
Engie Chess - Arena mode, engineers only, frontier justice, gunslinger, wrangler.
Engie Chess v2 - Arena, engineers only, can only use Widowmaker and short circuit. (buildables are optional)
Hunters and Hunted - Arena, blue team can only be shotgun heavies(hunters), Red team is melee scouts(deer).
Hunters and Hunted v2 - Arena, Blue team can be any class with shotgun, red team can be (bull) demoman with targ and bottle, (deer) melee scout, (crocodile) Sniper with shiv and darwin danger shield, (bear) heavy with warrior's spirit.
Cowboys - Any class with pistols. Pistols only. (cowboy accents encouraged but not required)

You guys got any good ones?
>> No. 8502
Not really, but Id love to see a server mod that forces the Hunters and Hunted v1 thing. It sounds so fun, but I know my friends would never pull it off.
>> No. 8503
Crit rockets rain from the sky at random intervals and angles in arena mode, everyone is a scout with no weapons. Dodge for your life as the frequency of rockets slowly increases!
>> No. 8505
Lately I've been pestering my friend about making a mod of it, since its the one we play the most. I also kinda wanna see models to replace the scout with a deer.
this sounds legit awesome if it were possible.
>> No. 8509
the groud is lava.
Players play as scout,load out is their choice. the scouts cannot touch the ground. It is lava, if they do, they die. (though it really is more of a matter of trust as i don't think somene has actually made a mod of this) The only safe ground is in spawn. Wood beams or scaffholding doesn't count as ground.

also prop hunt is the best.
>> No. 8510
I don't know if you guys have ever been to the LC's servers, but they have gimmick nights with super-organised gimmicking.

A few favorites from their huge database of gimmicks:

Swarm: Payload map (usually upward, badwater), 4 heavies, 25+ scouts. Heavies can do whatever they want, scouts are default bat only. Alltalk is turned off, scouts/heavies are free to strategize.

Cowboys vs. Indians: Attack/Defend (usually dustbowl). The white man is coming! The indians (huntsman snipers) have to defend against the white man (revolver spies). The indians have one "medicine man" (medic) and the cowboys have one "bull" (melee heavy).

Conversion: Attack/Defense, usually dustbowl. 1 sniper attacking, rest defending. Scoped sniper rifle shots only. Every time the attacking sniper kills someone, that person has to join his team. The blu team's rank swell as red team members go down.

BBall: BBall with soldiers. You can only shoot your rocket while you are in midair or someone else is in midair. Bring the gunboats. If you take out your melee you are a free target, people can shoot at you from the ground or air.

Civil war: Both teams are snipers, no-scope shots only. Both teams line up on neutral ground (usually middle point on viaduct, badlands, etc), then on the mark they all start shooting at once.

Engineer war: Both teams of engineers line up on neutral ground and first build a straight line of dispensers with no gaps showing. Then build lvl3 sentries behind them. At the count, all destroy their dispensers and see the carnage happen. No wranglers.

There's tons more, I don't remember them off the top of my head though :p
>> No. 8513
well, i play plenty of variations. balloon race, Pyro dodgeball, TF2Ware_34, mario kart servers, achievement servers, PropHunt, Sniper servers...I'd like to try some of these suggestions.
>> No. 8515
I'd probably attempt to get into servers like that if my Internet wasn't such an asshole. Most of the fun servers like those are either full 24/7 or my ping spikes like crazy.
>> No. 8517
LC? Is that Lucas whatever, I forget, or something else? And how do you find out when gimmick night is?
>> No. 8520
The LC's servers are passworded and full for hours, but always have space. I've gone in 5 hours after the announcement and it's still nearly full, I've gone in a couple minutes after the announcement and it still needs a few people.

The LC's (stands for Lost Continents) servers are officially affiliated with Something Awful and are run and mostly populated by people from there. LC's are NA servers, there are other servers (I think they're Knifeback Mountain for EU and The Offical Bloody Server for Aus) You CAN get in without membership to the forums but you have to have a membered friend register you. Registering will give you notifications from the group and passwords for the gimmick server. I'm willing to register people under a couple circumstances:

1. Don't fuck this up for me. Don't fuck around on gimmick nights, if you don't follow the rules set by the moderators to the letter then you will be swiftly kicked. Do it enough and you will be banned. Make sure you're listening to the instructions when they're given.
2. Don't use the regular servers as gimmick servers. They're for playing the actual game with a high skill level, don't mess that up. Highlander is also played on thule from time to time, . for your class, ! for force-pick (you can use it if you haven't played the last round). If you are bad people will be mad at you.

Don't get me wrong though, gimmick nights are totes fun. You don't have to worry about anyone fucking up the gimmick or anything, and everyone has a good time.

Server addresses:
atlantis.tf2goons.com (regular)
mu.tf2goons.com (regular)
events.tf2goons.com - thule.tf2goons.com (gimmick/highlander nights, passworded)
>> No. 8521
Oh yeah, steamID is in the email if you want to contact for registration.
>> No. 8522
Steam ID's the same name I have here, and I'd love to look into this more. Just hit me up there if you don't mind.
>> No. 8532
Please invite me, that is what I put my ID up for.
>> No. 8535
sent you a friend invite on steam cause I couldn't figure out how to contact you otherwise. I'm not a great player but I'm only interested in the gimmick servers and I'm not an asshole.
>> No. 8567
why has no one mentioned the randomizer arena
like the name says, random class with random weapons, arena mode

The server I frequent also have random melee only intervals, and random rounds where everyone is the same class with the same weapons. Currently they have:
-heavy with katanas
-pyro with the ullapool caber
-demo with the pan
-spy with the atomizer (you can double jump)
-sniper with the saxy
-soldier with the disciplinary action
>> No. 8655
Back when I use to play on console, me and 2 other friends would play a game we would like to call Engie Soccer. We usually played this on 2fort, seeing as it was the most common map when on consoles when me and my friends still played, so we would place dispensers on each side of the bridge and then have our other friend be Demoman and shoot down a single sticky. From then we would shoot/wrench the sticky back and forth until it passed one side of the bridge. The way we determined who lost was who's disperser was destroyed by the sticky first. It was a silly game but we seemed to have fun with it.
>> No. 8656
I guess you don't have any replay (or links to one) to show us?
>> No. 8662
They don't have replays on console, and either way, stickies being destroyed on hitscan was patched in long ago.
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