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File 131442861242.png - (17.14KB , 500x500 , oek-wanka.png )
8584 No. 8584
I don't know if it's been suggested before, but if Team Fortress got made into a movie:

>Who would you like to direct?

>Who would you like to star?

>Would you go see it?

My choices are as follows:

>Director: Bryan Singer (first two X-men movies), but for the gratuitous amounts of blood and dismemberment, I'd go with Quentin Tarantino

>Actors: Ok, taking the real obvious route here: Hugh Jackman for Sniper- he's Australian, got the sideburns going, and could totally mess you up.

=Demoman is going to be a stretch, but Gerard Butler?

=My friend and I were talking about Stephen Colbert being the Medic, but only if he could pull off a German accent

=Spy...well, I'm not good on my French actors, but lookswise, I say Jude Law, if he can keep true to accent also

...I'm still going through people who would be Soldier, Engineer, Heavy, Scout and Pyro, but I'm interested to hear your choices.
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>> No. 8608
File 131448177330.jpg - (46.74KB , 332x500 , announcer.jpg )
Meryl Streep as Announcer.
>> No. 8610
that would be great!
>> No. 8613
I'm jumping on the animated not live action bandwagon. With the original voice actors of course.

I'm not a movie buff so, I don't know who would be a good director for this kind of film, all I know is I don't want Uwe Boll.

I'd like to see copious amounts of cross faction friendship, heavily implied Heavy/Medic, a revelation of who the pyro is (and if it goes my way female and paired with Dell), and a roaring rampage against the announcer who is making their lives hell.

Follow it up with some 'Meet the Team' style shorts about the team's lives post movie.

I've never wanted a Team Fortress 2 movie... Never even thought about it. Nope.
>> No. 8618
File 131451806774.jpg - (107.38KB , 529x463 , charlie_day.jpg )
Got your Pyro right here.
>> No. 8619
File 131451925011.jpg - (19.51KB , 300x412 , Hugo Weaving.jpg )
Lord Elrond/Agent Smith/V anyone? He's British/Australian, I think he'd make a pretty good Sniper, although his eyebrows remind me of Spy's.
>> No. 8628
File 131458773240.jpg - (24.92KB , 715x427 , ripley.jpg )
Sigourney Weaver would have made a great Fem-Pyro in her Alien days, I even found a pic of her with a flame thrower! I think she'd make a good Announcer these days though.
>> No. 8634
Shilah LeBouf as every class.

Directed by Michael Bay.





>> No. 8635
I'm with everybody else for animated over live action, but I'd watch it anyway if it was live action as long as Bradley Cooper plays the Spy. He has the nose and most beautiful blue eyes ever. I also think he'd make a perfect Nick if there was a L4D movie.
>> No. 8636
File 131460229057.jpg - (33.19KB , 300x430 , CELEBRITIES_bradley_cooperV.jpg )
And then I posted prematurely before posting my picture. This is the pic that convinced me Cooper could pull off Spy
>> No. 8637
It would definitely have to be animated, but I have a strict grudge against 3D animation. I want to see quality 2D animation.
>> No. 8641
adding to my post, do any of you have any preference whether a movie would be in theatres vs. direct-to-DVD?

I could see that happening with a 2D version of TF2 like what they have been doing with comic book characters.
>> No. 8642

I'd love to see it in theaters, not only because I love going to the movies, but direct-to-video stuff seems to be lower quality than ones that go to the theaters. And I know that I (and Valve) wouldn't want to see anything but the best possible release for a TF2 film.
>> No. 8647
Seconded, completely, BUUUUT

I have given this subject some thought and here are the actors that my cousin and I came up with.

Scout = Joseph Gordon Levitt
Soldier = Robin Willaims [TENTATIVE]
Pyro = whogivesafuck
Demoman = Lonnie Rashid Lynn
Heavy = Stone ColdSteve Austin
Engineer = Matt Leblanc
Medic = Sean Maher
Snoipah = Hugh Laurie
Spy = Michael Fassbender
~ ~ ~
Miss Pauling = Zooey Deschanel
Announcer = June Gable/ Jessica Tuck

I tried doing retarded photoshops of all the actors but like I said...they're retarded.
>> No. 8648
God why did I say "Snoipah"...

copy and pasting from my personal notes without checking ftl.
>> No. 8649
File 131467835917.jpg - (43.35KB , 350x350 , engiematt.jpg )

...Matt Leblanc as Engineer?
>> No. 8650
File 131468827562.jpg - (62.90KB , 320x400 , matt-le\'engy.jpg )

Idk, I was thinking more along the lines of the smile, I guess?

I was probably high.
>> No. 8670
File 131482576871.jpg - (15.74KB , 416x300 , Bartyjr.jpg )
A friend of mine told me he could see David Tennant as the Sniper. I had to stare at a picture until it was burned into my brain. Slap some sideburns and facial hair on and I think we're covered.
>> No. 8671
File 131482616013.jpg - (33.45KB , 640x371 , 1376_453782.jpg )
Then I went ahead and found the Sniperest picture of Tennant I could find.
>> No. 8672
File 131482620855.jpg - (35.58KB , 450x300 , david-tennant-dr-who-pic-bbc-885995539.jpg )
what? you mean something like this?
>> No. 8673
File 131483706393.jpg - (37.48KB , 280x246 , 1314106424814.jpg )
>Heavy = Stone ColdSteve Austin



I actually like this...
>> No. 8675
Lol, can Robin pull off a gruff Soldier voice?
I'm used to him in his normal voice and his high pitched cackle.
>> No. 8676

Colbert not only can pull off a German accent; he knows a bit of actual German.
>> No. 8679
File 131484707727.png - (121.51KB , 350x304 , heavystare.png )
>>Stephen Colbert speaking German and thinking the black guy is sleeping with his wife and also potential homoeroticism

...It's perfect.

But I'm jumping on the animated bandwagon too, I can't think of who I'd cast for more than a couple of people, and dammit, I'd miss the original voice actors. CGI or 2-D, I don't even care.
>> No. 8680
File 131485162143.jpg - (59.67KB , 400x400 , david-tennant_bilbo_baggins.jpg )
Eh, close enough, I guess

Here's him in some perfect Medic spectacles. I am perfectly ok with him doing either role.
>> No. 8682
File 13148548402.png - (109.79KB , 371x443 , RAWKSNOIPAH.png )

>> No. 8683

David Tennant as the Sniper? I think you just exploded my ovaries lol.
>> No. 8685
File 131486660254.jpg - (14.89KB , 244x164 , tumblr_lp303jeVHj1qa8c4z.jpg )

Glad to contribute to the destruction of your reproductive organs.

In other news, Scout is an obvious choice. It HAS to be his VA, Nathan Vetterlein. He's cute, very Scout-like in appearance, and he's got the voice. Just look at him, all doe-eyed with his lovely Scout teeth showing and everything and-

...Yeah, I'll stop now.
>> No. 8686
File 131486674610.jpg - (30.00KB , 336x277 , 131430575849.jpg )
oh my God. he is the most perfect IRL medic I have ever laid eyes upon.
>> No. 8688
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so.
>> No. 8694
File 131488746551.jpg - (40.16KB , 620x430 , trolololo.jpg )
THAT would be the perfect spy.
And i'm totally saying this cause he played on a spy movie.
Name's Jean Dujardin
>> No. 8696
File 131489228113.jpg - (42.86KB , 620x430 , mask.jpg )
ooo he would
>> No. 8699
OSS 117 is fucking hilarious too
>> No. 8730

ok i can see this too
>> No. 8771
File 13153659312.jpg - (48.79KB , 450x450 , Rhys-Ifans-1219413195.jpg )
commenting on my post.

Rhys Ifans as Sniper.


granted he's Welsh but...
>> No. 8780

YES! I remember watching The Boat That Rocked and thinking 'Shit, that hot DJ guy would make a great Sniper' then started researching him like some nerd. He's totally got that epic sex voice somebody playing the Sniper would need.
>> No. 8824
If there's gonna be a TF2 movie, then I only have one genuine desire. Sniper and Spy must have some sort of fight atop the Well train. Maybe they fall on it and they fight as it goes back around. I don't care. They just have to have a serious hand-to-hand combat scene on top of a train.

Just picture it: The fight has raged on relentlessly, Sniper kicks Spy onto his back, picking up his fallen balisong and moving closer while suspenseful music plays. Sniper's face is unreadable behind his lenses, but his sneer is menacing. Spy tries to get up but a boot slams down on his ribcage. And as the bushman raises the shimmering blade with a cold grin, he murmurs, "Stabbin' time, Spook."

But he doesn't get to stab Spy because the train horn blares and the tunnel wall crashes into Sniper and throws him off the train.
The tunnel passes and then Spy gets up, looks at Snipers body as it falls, and laughs. The second tunnel crashes and knocks him off too.

AAAND I probably went a bit overboard. But whatever.
>> No. 8827
I love that scenario! If I was any good with gmod I'd make that. Especially the part where spy gets knocked off too
>> No. 8836
Like when they made Avatar: The Last Airbender into a live-action movie, I still think making it live-action is a waste of an amazing art style.
>> No. 8871
Speaking of trains, I want Scout to try to either outrun a train or catch up to one.
Maybe the team's escaping on a train, someone realizes that they've left the intel behind and Scout naturally runs back for it.
Scout grabs it and runs back in time for the train starting to leave and steadily picking up speed.
By this time he's racing as fast as he can, tags flying, paper trailing, as his teammates looks on from the car they're in.
He catches up to it and with one final leap, reaches close enough to get caught by the hand and dragged aboard.
>> No. 9007
Which one would be better story then??
REDvsBLU?? or BLU and RED's cooperation for being against distasteful administrator??

And among nine of classes, who would be the most main character??
>> No. 9008
I can't think of a story, so let's let Valve make one. I mean, when Meet The Medic hadn't come out yet, a couple people had really fantastic ideas for the plot. And then I liked what Valve did better than what any fan came up with.

I kind of want "RED and BLU fight The Administrator", but I don't want Cuanta Vida. I think it'd actually be hilarious to see that both teams are identical. Like both Soldiers parroting each other's plans and realizing they're both Jane Doe and they both eat the same soup and ribs and stuff.
>> No. 9011
Abandon the BLU team until the final part of the movie.

Most of the movie should be the RED Mercenaries infiltrating BLU bases and gradually taking down the corporation under the orders of The Administrator, and Blutarch just clones them for the final fight.
>> No. 9013
they aren't clones, jeez
>> No. 9141
I had an idea where the Administrator decides the mercs are becoming too uppity and finally decides to replace them with mindless clones (that resemble the TFC models and only shout "EXCUSE ME, I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION"). So the first half of the movie is the Spy and Pyro assembling the team, while the second half is them confronting their dopplegangers and the administrator.
>> No. 9142
What if BLU were the good guys instead.
>> No. 9146

Or they could make it like Red vs Blue, where all 9 classes are split amongst the two teams. One team would have more members than the other though, but then we would have both red and blue without clones or having to redesign all 9 for a seperate team.
>> No. 9197
Meryl Streep = Administrator. C'mon.
>> No. 9215
Holy shit.
I can definitely hear her voice, but I don't know if she can pull her off visually.
>> No. 9235
Or Glenn Close. She's made her whole career playing bitchy bosses.

I know we'll never get canon genderbends, but Alec Baldwin would make a perfect Mannouncer. Only because he was Leonardo Leonardo in Clerks: The Animated Series, and he's essentially the Mannouncer for me.
>> No. 9330
You know who would've made a good Announcer?

Eartha Kit.
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