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File 131574007487.jpg - (70.21KB , 318x178 , knockoff_everything.jpg )
8849 No. 8849
Last time, on Final Combat... http://tf2chan.net/dis/res/5743.html

There's a new official page up at http://fc.duowan.com, let's see how long this one takes before it gets region banned.

(And it looks like all of our guesses were way off: there's only 5 classes so far, each of them having 2 alternate skins.)

Watch this space for translations--the devs have finally spoken up about all of the accusations that the game is a TF2 ripoff.
Expand all images
>> No. 8850
Quick update:

I just read the editorial, and I'm starting to think that somebody's trolling.

The author spends 2/3rds of it explaining what TF2 is, and then all it says about FC in comparison is, more or less: "it's still in Beta, of course it's going to look unfinished" and "Team Fortress 2 takes too long to download and the server connections are unstable".

Minus the FC stuff, the article is pretty much a love letter to TF2.
>> No. 8851
It´s already banned, which saddens me, because i ever get a good laugh out this.
>> No. 8853
Oop, sorry, tagging the comma at the end screwed up the URL, it should be http://fc.duowan.com/
>> No. 8856
did they remove child medic?
>> No. 8858

I don't think it was "removed" so much as "never was there" because the poses of the revealed classes are identical to the teaser shadowed picture we saw in the old thread.

But then I have no idea if they'll introduce new classes, if ever. As far as I know the game is still in development.
>> No. 8872

Pyromaniac clown with a heart for animals?
China, I am impress.
>> No. 8874
Yeah. I ended up liking this a lot more than I expected (or wanted), too. Easily the best character they've made in the game, and a pretty touching short.

I wish he were in a better, more deserving game.
>> No. 8875

will the cat be in the game though? and is it flame repellent? It would be fun to send it in as a last resort weapon. Like if you die, the cat gets in one last hit.


Not all of the shadows are the same as the revealed characters, the golf scout silouete is still missing from the first one, not to mention the female shadow that was standing beside the heavy was still much shorter than the regular secretary sniper that has been revealed.

Is it sad i kinda want to actually play this?
>> No. 8899

music from Rango.
>> No. 8902
The circus guy abuses cats! Burn him!
I really did like this I admit.

Also, my RL name is in the Captcha. Neat.
>> No. 8921
Apparently, one of the alternate outfits for the Sniper is "Bunny Girl Policewoman": http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179952717880.html

(...I think. My brain is on the fritz right now and I can't tell if they're teasing a new class or it's just a reskin.)
>> No. 8926
And she's a Sniper because...?

You can see in the poster there's a cowgirl Sniper as well. They might as well have a separate class if they're going to to make the Sniper a thematic stripper.

And now I'm angry with this game again.
>> No. 8930
> And she's a Sniper because...?

I read the article again--it's an introduction of a third set of alternate skins for all five classes.

They are:
* Wrestler (Fatman alt)
* Rockstar (Firebat alt)
* Pirate Captain (Rocket alt)
* Paratrooper (Striker alt)
* Bunnygirl Policewoman (Sniper alt)

I'm from Taiwan, so I'm not familiar with the terminology used in Mainland China. As far as I can tell, the phrase they use to describe the Sniper is not the general term for a woman on the force, but just the pretty ones used for photoshoots and such.
>> No. 8932
Text dump time!

* Background information - http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179920137997.html

Summary: In the twenty-first century, as the state of the world fell into chaos, a secret international team struck out to uncover the backstage conspiracy. Five years after their formation, they split into Red and Blue factions as a result of ideological differences.

* Character backgrounds: http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179920228589.html

I may come back and translate some of the additional biographical information, but for now, here is the stuff that's not already covered in previous press releases...

Cowgirl Deputy (Sniper alt)
Nationality: American
Bloodtype: AB
Star sign: Virgo
Age: Secret
Catch Phrase: You have the right to remain silent.
Interests: Solving problems with her handcuffs.

Fatman - is Chinese-American, living somewhere on the Gulf of Mexico

Former Wrestling (?) Champ (Fatman Alt)
[ translator note: Again, this may be a regional issue; in Taiwan, at least, there are separate terms for boxing and wrestling ]
Nationality: African American
Blood Type: O
Star sign: Taurus
Age: 35
Catch phrase: This is gold--solid gold, baby!
Interests: To act as bodyguards for female judges.

Nationality: Mexico
Bloodtype: A
Star sign: Aquarius
Age: 23
Catch Phrase: I actually like things medium well.
Interests: Blowing glass and bird feeding.

Rockstar (Firebat alt)
Bloodtype: O
Star sign: Aquarius
Age: 23
Catch Phrase: Come see my show sometime.
Interests: The entire Yamaha [ tr note: doesn't "Yamaha" have actual Japanese kanji associated with it? Why transliterate it...? ] line of products be it instruments or motorcycles.

Pirate Captain (Rocket alt)
Nationality: Caribbean
Blood type: O
Star sign: Aries
Age: 34
Catch Phrase: Fighting blood's been running through my family's veins for generations!
Interests: Rum and cannonballs.

Paratrooper (Striker alt)
Nationality: Extra-terrestrial
Blood type: B
Star sign: Leo
Age: 27
Catch Phrase: It's important to look one's best even while killing people.
Interests: Landing in the best pose from above.

* Types of combat: http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179920347403.html

1. Territory control: Cap the middle point and hold it for 3 1/2 minutes to win.

2. Team combat: Whichever team has more members left or more points at the end of the round wins.

3. Annihiliation: Destroy all members of the opposition.

4. Cart pushing mode: The team that pushes the cart to the goal first, or pushes the furthest/has the most points when time runs out, wins.

* Maps: http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179920453620.html

Not going to translate the flavor text right now, but I will note in brackets what it most resembles.

Windmill Town [Battlefield: Heroes, ?]

Golden Farm [Team Fortress 2, Harvest]

Countryside Lumberyard [?]

Night Town [?]

Summer Farm [ TF2 Harvest again...it looks almost identical to the "Golden Farm", just with a different color scheme ]

Pharoah's Tomb [TF2, Egypt, though this one looks less a blatant copy and more just a resemblance in genernal aesthetic]

Temple Ruins [The only real similarity I see with Egypt other than the general resemblance is there's a mention of a "door", but this is used as a "Cart Pushing" map rather than CP]

* Who to blame for this mess: http://fc.duowan.com/1109/179920531587.html

Tony Horton - Anybody know who he is? He's credited as having been part of the Tomb Raider development team (dunno which one exactly, though).
>> No. 8937
File 131625391270.png - (115.48KB , 313x311 , tumblr_lqgsg90naB1qc6xeao1_500.png )
All my rage. All of it.
>> No. 8939
I think the saddest thing about all of this is that I kinda like the characters, and the animation in the shorts is solid. They're just packaged in a huge flaming pile of plagiarism.

Also the paratrooper is an alien, what?
>> No. 8941
>I actually like things medium well.

That was kinda funny hehe
>> No. 8942


>> No. 9001
why the fuck would you go into battle wearing a mid-drift, miniskirt, and heels
>> No. 9027
  Promotional video starring Tony Horton.

(Someone overdub this with Gabe-N talking about TF2?)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2XBH1sNwRw in case the embedder doesn't work
>> No. 9030
File 131717320116.gif - (459.29KB , 500x286 , tumblr_lrj6t8wiaM1qg2c1so2_500.gif )
What is this subpar shit I'm looking at?
>> No. 9054
Agreed. The character designs are pretty solid and interesting-looking, but the fact it's a TF2 clone is a rather striking demerit.

For all the rest of it being ripoff shit, though, they did make one good decision - a hot office-lady in fuck-me pumps has definite style points over a grungy Aussie who pisses in jars.
>> No. 9055

style wise, it's... interesting. Sniper may be a grungy guy who pisses in jars, but he is at least designed with sensibility. Those fuck me pumps/high heels? She won't be able to even run well with those, and the kick back from the rifle would be fun to handle in those as well...

I think someone tore apart her impractical attire in the last thread, so i'll just shut up
>> No. 9058
Well from what I saw in her "Meet" and gameplay videos, she's not meant to do much running anymore than "our" Sniper is.

And besides, if you think arguing "realism" in a game like FC/TF2 will get anywhere, you're only fooling yourself.
>> No. 9059
File 131724583638.jpg - (36.40KB , 640x400 , 129787361460.jpg )
Wow. This is just... really...

I honestly couldn't believe the sheer amount of shameless plagiarism what I was witnessing during those gameplay vids - particularly the instances pointed out by this player: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKS_QhtaWIA&feature=youtu.be


I think by 'extraterrestrial' they were implying he's from "above the Earth" or some weird shit like that, seeing how he's a Paratrooper and all. Can't really be sure though...
>> No. 9062
You, sir, are an imbecile. That is all.

Thank you so much for that video! It was really great! Valve may not be able to do anything about this crappy game (at least not in the form of lawsuits and what-not), but the true fans of TF2, no matter what their nationality, will raise such a shitstorm, the creators will HAVE to shut down this abomination! Hopefully!
>> No. 9065
Even though FC Sniper makes me want to cry, there is something about her outfit that appeals to me, so I can't completely hate her. If she buttoned up a bit more and took off those fucking heels then I'd be all over her.

I like the idea that she's a secretary, even though this is China we're talking about, so in hindsight is actually kind of sad. Also the way the go about like it's a surprise that women can fight is really annoying. In the end, the characters are the only reason why I'm still watching these updates, but even then the characters lack polish, in my opinion.
>> No. 9066

This game is called 'final combat'. Meaning that there will be fighting within this game. This also usually means that there will be running around. It would be hard as hell to run around in those high heels and mini skirt. Right now, her entire purpose is just eye candy.

In the line-up, she looks like she walked into the wrong photoshoot. You have these larger men with more battle like attire, then you have this little lost secretary. I'm actually going to blame the color scheme on this.

This is red team, yes? The only part of her clothing that annouces her alligence is her belt, gloves and shoes. Her skirt is also a bluish-purple color. This would make it hard to see at first glance which side she would belong to.
>> No. 9067
File 131725691875.jpg - (208.87KB , 1096x853 , Why_Your_female_TF2_OC_is_dumb_by_Celestial298.jpg )
>> No. 9072

I don't see how this is any different from the Spy running around in a suit and dress shoes.
>> No. 9073
Agreed. realism can't always mesh with gameplay, and usually, it's the former that gets cut back in favor of the latter. If you nitpick over realistic shoes in a game where a Frenchman can vanish into thin air and disguise himself as a giant Russian by using a cigarette case and a paper mask, and hitting a toolbox with a wrench the size of a desklamp makes a vending-machine pop out of it... then you've got your priorities muddled.
>> No. 9074

It's different. Where the spy can at least run easily and even fight in the suit adn dress shoes. The FC sniper on the other hand, will have a damn hard time being able to either. This is a figgting game. Running and fighitng will generally be invovled.


that is not the same as shoes that people can actually run in. Spy being able to vanish and disguise himself (I think that it's a hologram and he uses the masks to show who he is disgising as to his teamates) is more about the gadgets he has. It is shown in the workd of tf2 that they have many machines and things that do some really strange stuff.

Now, unless the laws of physics where turned on their heads in the FC world, those heels are going to break at some point, really messing up her ankles
>> No. 9077
I once saw a girl sprint in heels perfectly fine. I think she may have been a stripper, but she was still running in them.
>> No. 9078
We're not saying its impossible to run in heels, if you really need to Im sure you could, because you CAN run in heels...

For SHORT bursts. On rare occassions.
Heels are not made to have someone running on them, full force, for hours on end, day after day. They WILL break and their ankles WILL be fucked up.

Now shut and and try wearing heels for a couple hours before you open your mouth, dude.
>> No. 9079
File 131732914768.jpg - (41.36KB , 550x373 , stiletto_run.jpg )
Yeah. That woman in the middle has so healthy looking ankles.
>> No. 9080
Last I checked, Spy wasn't running around on three-and-a-half inch heels, that's the difference. They may be dress shoes, but at least they are built to be able to move on. And while a suit may be more constricting than some of the classes' work clothes-style uniforms, it's not remotely the same as wearing a tight miniskirt in terms of hampering one's ability to run. Hugely different.
>> No. 9081
When it comes to femspy characters I can understand outfit choices that are a bit more out there. Although by out there, I mean normal skirts that go to midthigh and maybe a pair of kitten heels.
Spy outfits, to me, are meant to be a bit on the impractical side. Who wears a suit in the desert, anyway? Spies sacrifice a bit of comfort in lieu of some style.
However, I think I could only see femspies ever doing such a thing. If the lady sniper from FC had (much) smaller heels and an outfit that wasn't so short or skintight I could see it working with the excuse that she doesn't really go running around in combat.
>> No. 9083
You said it yourself...
>For SHORT bursts. On rare occasions.

Which fits the "camper" playstyle of a Sniper quite well. They don't move very often, and when they do, it's quickly and not very far.

Now if our little lady were, say, a Scout or some other high-mobility in-the-thick-of-things class, then yeah, you might have a case.

But Sniper is anything but high-mobility. They're basically a slow-firing-rate Sentry Gun with taunts. The class is meant to stay in one place for extended periods & attack at range, not run around in the middle of the battlefield.

Heels might not be practical for the other classes' normal combat style, but, in this case, since it's not their normal style, they're not exactly impractical either. Unlikely, yes, but that's about it.
>> No. 9084
Confirmed for never having worn heels.

Even small heels put strain on the ankles and lessen stability. They simply hurt after being worn for a while, even if you aren't doing tons of running (they usually hurt me even if I'm doing no running, but simply walking). Heeled shoes are generally tighter and more likely to cause blisters. In a warzone, you want the most comfortable and reliable shoes possible. If you need to suddenly move or run, it wouldn't make any sense to be wearing heels, now would it? Also, climbing stairs in heels is hard enough, but running up stairs in them would be a nightmare.
This doesn't even take into the account running over dangerous, or even simply rocky terrain. Heels are best on hard, flat ground, and I guarantee you won't find too much of that laying around.
>> No. 9085
maybe you guys just buy shitty shoes
>> No. 9086

As for the whole realism vs. unrealism, Tf2 is excused because it's written off as being alternate universe advanced technology. Unless Sniper has advanced technology built into her heels for the purpose of not breaking bother her legs in combat, I think we have a point.
>> No. 9090
I just wanted to make it clear that by "short bursts on rare occasions," I mean more along the lines of "maybe run two or three feet every couple of months, in heels." Not every single day, for yards at a time.

Im all for agreeing with Butterscotch here.
>> No. 9091
I still say arguing realism in context of this game/these games is silly.

Yeah, she wears heels. So what. It's a visual aesthetic-license thing. Ridiculous thing to focus on while disregarding more-or-less everything else.

Feh, whatever. At least she doesn't piss in jars, and throw them at people while cheering at their disgusting humiliation, like a certain lunatic who lives in a van...

... shit, that's probably someone's fetish - I grimly await the inevitable fanart of this.
>> No. 9092
I'm sorry fellas, I know heels suck in real life, but in the context of cartoony war simulators where Soldiers can see out of oversized helmets, Snipers put laser sights on rifles with perfectly good zeroed scopes and Scouts can jump off of nothing in mid-air just from being hopped up on caffeine alone, running around in heels is just par for the course.
>> No. 9093
File 131736231677.jpg - (100.31KB , 448x473 , wot.jpg )

I wouldn't justify being female and scantily clad as genuine characterization, tbh. This chick hardly has much of a personality to begin with; she's apparently some kind of undercover cop with an affinity for handcuffs as mentioned by her profile, but... there's not a whole lot else to go off on.

I personally prefer "our" Sniper. He's definitely flawed, sure - but in turn it makes him much more "human" and easier to relate to simply because of them. The same would go for the other characters as well.
>> No. 9094
Nice to see somebody gets where I'm coming from.
>> No. 9095
File 131736872864.gif - (477.66KB , 352x191 , SPONGEBOB DON\'T GIVE A SHIT.gif )

You guys are COMPLETELY missing the point.

Yes, TF2 takes a lot of liberties with realism, but at the end of the day, you have NINE MEN who each look like they could hold their own in a fight. All of their clothing is practical and comfy since THEY'RE GOING TO BE RUNNING AROUND IN THE HOT, BAKING SUN ALL DAY.

The only exception I can offer is, yes, Soldier with his helmet, and the fact that a few of them wear the wrong sorts of clothes for the weather (example, Medic with his long sleeves out in the hot sun, and Scout in a T-shirt when there's snow on the ground) but still, that's TINY compared to how horrendous examples of FC's femsniper. This woman is a shambling example of a wreck on the battlefield just WAITING to happen. The fucking stilettos, the tight, short skirt, the cleavage... FUCK THAT. Give her a fucking pair of sweats and a T-shirt! Even Spy, in his fancy ol' suit, still looks like he retains most of his maneuverability.

When you take away the guns and weapons of the TF2 crew, they still look like they could kick your ass. This woman looks like she'd squeal about breaking her nail trying to open a jar of pickles. THAT is the reason we have such a big problem with her.

And if you STILL can't understand our issues after I have calmly clearly spelled it out for you, then I have NOTHING more to say. Other than, maybe, this isn't the site for you.

Image unrelated, but I felt a need to put SOMETHING up to dispell some of the SRSNESS I just dumped everywhere.
>> No. 9096
File 131737202736.gif - (489.85KB , 340x268 , Annoyed Spirit.gif )

Can we now stop arguing about this?
>> No. 9097

Suppose we'll have to agree to disagree then. No hard feelings though.
>> No. 9099
Can I just let it be known that I HAVE run in high heels before, and had no problems with.

My fuzzy pink hooker boots have about an inch and a half heel on them, and I can run in them no problem, because I run on my toes like everyone does. Look at someone's footprints in the sand when they run. All done on their toes. My heel doesn't even touch the ground.

It can be done. I'm not saying they're necessarily a practical choice for a battlefield, or that this is a good design for a character that's anything other than a stripper, but it CAN be done.
>> No. 9100
I think we can agree that the secretary outfit is unrealistic for a battlefield, but this IS a video game, so arguing about the plausibly of running in heels in pointless. That's like arguing whether the CLOWN can run around in CLOWN SHOES (I don't know whether he actually does, but hopefully you see my point).

I'm just as tired of the portrayal of women in a majority of video games as some of you folks here, but since this game we are discussing is a blatant rip-off, we should already be expecting shit.

So let's quit the shoe discussion and get back on topic.
>> No. 9101
We were discussing shoes so long I kinda forgot what the topic was.
>> No. 9102
Shoes are the new hats
>> No. 9105
File 131742535244.png - (79.91KB , 250x241 , shoeonhead.png )
I want to see a Spy version on this now.
But with a stiletto.
>> No. 9108
File 13174469501.jpg - (75.53KB , 600x480 , DO IT.jpg )
Someone. Anyone.
>> No. 9119
File 131749244157.jpg - (94.81KB , 500x1010 , 82799709-7cb6-47ef-be8e-518cd4ae117c.jpg )

<- Would probably be something like this, I reckon.
>> No. 9124
File 131751510783.png - (101.74KB , 509x308 , 131542429845.png )
Fuck. Yes.
>> No. 9224
No interesting flavor text this time, IMHO, so I'm just going to link to all of the classes' stats.

Firebat, the close-combat hero: http://fc.duowan.com/1110/181851123724.html

Sniper, the support-type: http://fc.duowan.com/1110/181851395062.html

Fatman, defensive type: http://fc.duowan.com/1110/181851520404.html

Striker, attacking type: http://fc.duowan.com/1110/181861295876.html

Rocket, attacking type: http://fc.duowan.com/1110/181861464050.html

Man, the balance in this game seems kind of messed up, especially with that Striker around. Who would want to play any other class?
>> No. 9247
File 131812353071.jpg - (73.80KB , 387x505 , 1305432640705.jpg )
Sniper has a tazer.
>> No. 9292
Sniper has never been known for melee skills in TF2, either.
>> No. 9294
So...instead of a Medic, Engineer, Demoman, or Spy, they have reskins of the Striker, Rocket, Fatman, Sniper, and Firebat.

Perfect sense.
Though, I could just be confused, anyone able to make out what all of the classes are?

Perfect sense.
>> No. 9295

Didn't password it either, so I can't delete it...
>> No. 9311
has anyone realized that the even the clown (that seems by far the best character they "made") has unrealistic wardrobe and his MAKE UP WOULD MELT!? that's why pyro has a fuckin GAS MASK

and I totally agree with what's been said about femSniper/heelslollol
>> No. 9336
I fully support the idea of burning/melting clowns. Creepy fuckers.
>> No. 9337
ikr? and wtf why would the circus guy abuse a cat?
I mean, I know it's china and they EAT cats&dogs but...why whip it. wtf
>> No. 9341
File 131845256149.jpg - (123.70KB , 616x340 , 131245180941.jpg )
>> No. 9342
Well he was holding a bottle, I assumed he was drunk. Maybe he thought they were lions? Maybe he's an asshole. I just saw a video of a cat that had been shot with an arrow (He's ok now though!). Unrealistic or not, I actually really liked the firebat. The Sniper video was kinda interesting aside from the outfit and such. I laughed at least.
>> No. 9351
fireblast is so...stupid. wouldn't his make up melt with the flamethrower? i mean, that's why pyro has a gasmask.
and femsniepr is a joke. I love how she has such thin lil arms buit can hold a sniper GUN(lolol final derp)
>> No. 9353
Eh I know it's stupid, I just liked the video.
>> No. 9358

anyone know if valve done anything?
>> No. 9815
File 131985156911.jpg - (73.96KB , 249x336 , devilindisguise.jpg )

Final Combat is planning to add an RTS/FPS style map a la DOTA.

And Sniper's getting yet another sexy reskin. (I'm guessing the other classes are as well, but only the Sniper's being teased because she's the lone girl.)
>> No. 9829
File 131988184468.gif - (427.18KB , 300x176 , 131807205160.gif )
Does Valve even know that this exists, or am i just plain stupid?
>> No. 9840
File 131991127962.gif - (21.16KB , 256x190 , 1314244070407.gif )
Even if Valve decides to take action, Chinese copyright law prevents foreigners from suing Chinese entities for infringement (which explains the huge amount of rip off merchandise that comes from China).

Valve is probably well aware of it by now, but is unable to do much about it. I doubt there'll be any public 'statement' about it, that would just fan the flames, so to speak.
>> No. 9842
Or more likely, valve doesn't give a shit. TF2 is already fairly popular in China (for a western game) and free to play to boot. There's nothing final combat can do to compete with tf2, and suing a chinese company like that is never worth it - they didn't have any money to begin with. Chinese businesses aren't really the same as american ones, it was probably just a couple of kids who wanted to make a game and got some attention. I'm going to guess even the guy doing the tomb raider plug was a white actor that they hired.
>> No. 9845
nope. valve is so fucking angry. and steam is blocked in some chinese areas, so yeah
>> No. 9874
>valve is so fucking angry
And you know this how?
>> No. 9876
Yeah, I would like some confirmation that Valve is "fucking" angry, that doesn't to fit the company personality at all. Valve owns some of the most profitable and respected IPs in the industry, I doubt they would be furious over a few kids with no assets or corporate backing copying them. Steam being banned in some areas (which ones? I've traveled extensively in china and I did not notice this) is irrelevant anyway, those people weren't part of their market and they won't lose a cent off people that were never playing their game in the first place and never would be able to.
>> No. 9881
File 132007761631.jpg - (31.40KB , 256x256 , 24.jpg )
i hope to god valve sneaks this in as an outright jab to the eye of the knock-off

>> No. 9901
i would buy that hat and paint it Pink as Hell.
>> No. 9917
at first I thought this was funny, but this is seriously a really ugly hat.
besides, finalcombat already claims that they are NOT copying tf2 in any way; by doing this they would turn the game against valve.
>> No. 9953
File 13203464275.png - (586.50KB , 1280x718 , say what.png )
>claims that they are NOT copying tf2 in any way
>Final Combat
>Not copying TF2
>> No. 9961

nope, definetly not copying the style or shaders at all. Not copying the layout of their maps, especially the one the STRONGLY reminds me of harvest. Not Blatenly copying some of the weapons, like the sticky launcher, or characters. The [strike] soldier [/strike] rocket is a very orrigional charactor. They also didn't blatenly use a similar layout for the HUD. Also didn't ear the Anouncer's voice clips from some of the game play videos.

Definetly not copying tf2 at alllll.
>> No. 9962
282 people disagree.
>> No. 9984
implying 282 people decide that
>> No. 9986
File 132053924640.png - (622.53KB , 1425x969 , 1310950864701.png )
>implying improperly
>implying one person has more say than almost 300
>implying you were even remotely correct in your first post
>> No. 9987
dude, it's just an opinion.
calm yo tities
>> No. 9988
>its just an opinion
How is claiming FC didnt copy TF2 at all an opinion?
>> No. 9990
lol what? learn to read.
>> No. 9991
Behave, children. Keep bickering and you're asses will be banned.

I will say, though, that engie's opinion is flawed. A thief can claim that they didn't steal something, but their word doesn't mean shit against strong evidence, which I think we can all agree that there's some strong evidence. But if you want to ignore all the evidence and take their word for it, despite China having a serious problem with bootlegging IPs, be my guest. Just as it's your opinion that they're innocent, my opinion is that's a stupid idea to believe with the evidence being presented. This isn't a matter of everyone believes it so it must be true. It's a matter of look at FC gameplay and that if not directly ripped from TF2, TF2 is it's influence.

Captcha: Ifpossi Retardation. You said it, Captcha.
>> No. 10061
Anyway, new promotional content: cosplay and blather about the Striker.


Of course, the dude doesn't look remotely French, but personally I still think he's kinda hot.

Translation later, maybe.
>> No. 10067
Not translating the whole thing, just the parts that I thought were funny...

"We [the Striker's three skins so far: Original!Striker, Paratrooper, and Navy Seal] have the same view on love 'stab each other and then count our wounds'..."

"It's not bad being single, but three bachelors hanging out together all the time cause people's minds to go into the gutter. Once the three of us went to a bar for a drink, enjoying our normal small talk, and then this other cadet comes staggering over to us. None of us thought much of him until he opened his mouth and asked: 'you officers, I hear you don't have girlfriends, hope you aren't gay, haha.' Though I knew he was drunk, the rage boiled within me, and I punched him to the ground, drawing my dagger out and was ready to go to town on him when the Paratrooper and Seal stopped me from creating a tragedy. After that, the cadet in question couldn't avoid me fast enough every time he saw me. Am I that terrifying? Sigh."

Artists and writers, you know what to do.
>> No. 10286
what is that thing firebat uses as a melee weapon? a broken pair of hedge-clippers?
>> No. 10291

According to the flavor text, it's supposed to be "electrician's pliers".
>> No. 10412
The server got slow all of a sudden, so I can't read this myself, but apparently the game is in open beta now.

>> No. 10651
Hey, the old official Xunlei site is back! Keep your finger's crossed, folks.

>> No. 10652
Some updated information since they've introduced new game modes.


1. Territory control: Cap the middle point and hold it for 3 1/2 minutes to win.

2. Team combat: Whichever team has more members left or more points at the end of the round wins.

3. Annihiliation: Destroy all members of the opposition.

4. Cart pushing mode: The team that pushes the cart to the goal first, or pushes the furthest/has the most points when time runs out, wins.

5. Knife Combat Mode
All classes are restricted to their melee weapons; whoever eliminates the other team first, or scores more kills when time runs out, wins.

6. Boss battle mode
A random player is designated as the "boss". Every time the "boss" takes extra damage, they drop gold coins (used to purchase things in the store, one assumes). If the players can kill the boss character in the time limit, they win; otherwise, the boss character wins by staying alive or killing all opponents.
>> No. 10655
Character backgrounds of all of the alternate skins so far, retranslating from scratch because all of this is pure comedy.


Sniper Alt: Succubus Teacher
*Nationality: Polish [translator note: here the original text uses "gender" instead of "*Nationality" to describe the characters]
*Blood Type: B
*Star Sign: Pisces
*Age: Eternally 16
*Catch Phrase: Don't you dare show any weakness in front of me!
*Loves: Fantasies, classical music, looking down on heavy metal
Hailing from a prestigious Polish family of educators, she was raised to be the family's newest *Star of the teaching world, but because of an unspeakable secret, she ran away from home at 16. Nobody knows who recommended her, but she joined the Final Combat team and quickly became an instructor. Few of the team's *Star players have escaped screaming under her whip, including a certain French fellow who dares to claim that he kills all those more handsome than himself.

Sniper Alt: Cowgirl Policewoman
*Nationality: American
*Blood Type: AB
*Star Sign: Virgo
*Age: Secret
*Catch Phrase: You have the right to remain silent.
*Loves: To solve all problems with her handcuffs.
Absolute royalty, precise, strict, and is demanding of her teammates to the point of near perversion, [the Policeman] has the temper of a queen and the icy control to go with it. She likes all sorts of outfits, costumes, and comes across as overbearing, but here's a secret: her bedroom is quite moe [translator note: they really are using the kanji for moe] and innocent, a room fit for a princess.

Sniper Alt: Queen of the Office Ladies
*Nationality: American [literally: Wall Street Stock Trader]
*Blood Type: B
*Star Sign: Scorpio
*Age: Secret
*Catchphrase: I can kill men with a single glance.
*Loves: Has a love-hate relationship with name brands.
The Queen is the coldest, yet sexiest, member of the Final Combat team. She has a devilish figure and the temperament of a queen, but is also monstrously lethal. Name brands cause her to go into convulsions to the point of fantasizing that she kills all of the other women who make a grab for [her favorite product] the same way she kills all men around her with a single glance.

Fatman Alt: Riot Policeman
*Nationality: American [literally: Hot-*Blooded New York King Kong]
*Blood type: B
*Star Sign: Aries
*Age: 36
*Catchphrase: Aha! Let me trade a big hug for a kiss!
*Loves: Whistling, making faces
He was able to make the head of the riot police not just because of his massive size, but his attentiveness to details, hot-*Bloodedness, and strong sense of justice is his true draw. Unfortunately, his sucess on the job is little confort to any heartbreak he suffered; at the end of the day, he'll always go to the roof of his New York headquarters alone, fondly remembering the time the Office Lady shot him during a riot.

Fatman Alt: Gulf of Mexico Fisherman
*Nationality: American-Chinese
*Blood type: A
*Star Sigh: Cancer
*Age: 35
*Catchphrase: Want to turn into a sieve? [translator note: alternate translation suggested by another reader]
*Loves: Playing with children.
Because he never stops eating all day, he seems big and dumb, but [this gentle giant] *Loves to protect the kids, is super popular with the ladies, and is a member of all sorts of conservation organizations. Always trying to lose weight and control his sweets intake, he is always wrapped in weights. He also is terrified of ghost stories. Because the severe oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico made him unable to sell fish for a living, he joined the Final Combat team to find the truth of the spill.

(continued on next post)
>> No. 10656
Fatman Alt: Former American Wrestling Champ
*Nationality: African American [literally: black chocolate muscle man]
*Blood Type: O
*Star Sign: Taurus
*Age: 35
*Catch Phrase: This is a gold medal--solid gold!
*Loves: To be the female judge's bodyguard.
You can't say that this big black fellow with the championship gold belt around his waist his just bragging: he really was champion once, but he only won by default because the original champion seriously injured his ear. After he retired, he *Started a weapons store, specializing in banned heavy weapons.

Firebat Alt: Racer
*Nationality: Mysterious Youngster of Causeway Bay
*Blood Type: AB
*Star Sign: Sagittarius
*Age: 29
*Catch Phrase: Hot wings, my favorite kind of fine dining!
*Loves: Racing, barbecues
In seeking speed and thrills, he met the rocker during an international race in which the latter made an appearance. Discovering a mutual love of barbecue, the two of them often get together to show off their skills. By fate, the coincidentally disocvered each other to be members of the Final Combat Team, bringing them closer together. Though their friendship is purely platonic, other people often think they're gay [for each other].

Firebat Alt: Spanish Clown
*Nationality: Honest and Innocent Man
*Blood Type: A
*Star Sign: Aquarius
*Age: 23
*Catch Phrase: I actually like things medium well.
*Loves: Gladd blowing and bird feeding.
Nobody knows the clown's true name, nor has anyone seen his face. As the Final Combat team's king of the dancing flames, his origins are a mystery. All anyone remembers is seeing him in the neighborhood's circus selling his acrobatics and eternally smiling mask.

Firebat Alt: Rock*Star
*Nationality: Mischievous Genius
*Blood Type: O
*Star Sign: Aquarius
*Age: 23
*Catch Phrase: Someday I'll take you to my concert
*Loves: The entire Yamaha line of products, whether that be acoustic equipment or motorcycles
No one is certain whether he's the champion Michael Jacson imitator or the lead singer of some underground band. His talent is pranks and making a scene, *Loves all sorts of showy styles, *Loves hogging the microphone, and is a fan of heavy metal. [He is, however,] terrified of his female fans getting too close.

Rocket Alt: Aviator Captain
*Nationality: English
*Blood Type: A
*Star Sign: Taurus
*Age: 37
*Catch Phrase: The feeling of firing the guns on a plane is the best in the world; too bad you'll never experience it.
*Loves: Diving, cuban cigars
While he lacks a gentlemanly demeanor, he's even pickier than one, smoking only cuban cigars. He's just as invested in the battle: once, he was shot down in close-range air combat, but he pulled out his Gustav rocket launcher and destroyed the enemy fighter before calmly putting on his parachute and ejecting from his plane.

Rocket Alt: Firefighter
*Nationality: American
*Blood Type: O
*Star Sign: Aries
*Age: 34
*Catch Phrase: We fight with our guns and play with our lives! [translator note: this is the closest translation I can get out of what he's saying, it doesn't make sense in English otherwise]
*Loves: Alcohol and football
An alcoholic hidden in the ranks of his firefighting squad, he *Loves playing it cool and hiding his eyes with his hat. His killer technique: to ride the top of his firetruck's ladder and shoot rockets from above. Weakness: allergic to pepper. He was born to charge ahead of the group, so he always takes point without anyone following behind. *Loves explosives, heroics, and being brave; hates gay people.

Rocket Alt: Pirate Captain
*Nationality: Carribean
*Blood Type: O
*Star Sign: Aries
*Age: 34
*Catch Phrase: Charging ahead runs in the *Blood of my ancestors!
*Loves: Rum and cannonballs
This Final Combat team member has a long family tradition: it's said that his ancestor's ancestors were already the iron core of the Final Combat Organization. He *Loves to wear the captain's hat and diagonal belt passed down from his family and to act like a sailor, bragging about his own personal exploits. He hates it when people reveal that his false leg is a device of modern medicine.

Striker Alt: Navy Seal
*Nationality: Mohican [translator note: the original added a "Sunshine" in front of that for some inexplicable reason]
*Blood Type: A
*Star Sign: Virgo [translator note: interestingly, the text specifies "male virgin"]
*Age: 23
*Catch Phrase: Pormise me that you'll be happy!
Though this seal is still young, but years of leading ambushes has lead him in and out of death, such that he is more appreciative of a wondeful, happy life. Always hoping to pass this sentiment onto others, laughter follows him wherever he goes, and he is always as attention-grabbing as his hair.

Striker Alt: Special Forces
*Nationality: French Gentleman
*Blood Type: O
*Star Sign: Libra
*Age: 27
*Catch Phrase: Kill all men more handsome and skinner than me! (Turn killing into an art form)
*Loves: Oil paintings and French cuisine
The infamous playboy former captain of the French Special Forces, this Colonel sees all men better looking than himself to be a thorn in his side. He likes to peel apples with his combat knife and believes bananas to be an intolerable extra-terrestrial object. His current wish is to use his MK18 assault rifle and the Deser Eagle he's nicknamed "Bluebird" to kill all men more handsome than he.

Striker Alt: Super Paratrooper
*Nationality: "Extra Terrestrial" Heartthrob
*Blood Type: B
*Star Sign: Leo
*Age: 27
*Catch Phrase: It's important to set an example when destroying the enemy.
*Loves: Landing in his best pose when landing.
Formerly a central character in the United States Airforce's 101st Airborne Unit, he believes that there's no better way to conquer the enemy than to wear the best equipment and use the most flamboyant techniques.
>> No. 10732
Wait, let me get this straight. They give each class a ton of different skins?

The original point of TF2 character design was to make sure each class was identifiable as a silhouette. They haven't learned a thing.
>> No. 10733

Downloading it now. Why hasn't anyone else tried this?

>yfw only 600MB
>> No. 10734
>mfw it's also going at 100Kbp/s max


I'll do some Frapsing and experimenting when it's done with, though. hopefully nothing will stop me from installing it.
>> No. 10735
File 132382293376.png - (207.70KB , 540x428 , final lolbat.png )
It took a year to download, no problems so far...
>> No. 10736
File 132382331740.png - (517.00KB , 750x568 , what.png )
Made an account. Okay. Now I need to figure what the hell I do here.

All these buttons in the middle result in this error, I suppose it's limiting play time to those hours, for some reason.
>> No. 10737
Strangely, there was an executable in the game folder which opened the game directly without needing the program I posted screens of. However, I got 3 splash screens before a error message that closed the game if I OK'd it.
>> No. 10738
Looking through the files now to work around it.

Oddly, in the fc.ini file, there is a key that drops your weapon. It's like they took TF2 and CS:S and made an abortion.
>> No. 10739
I don't think there's a way to work around this.

It doesn't seem to be region locked, but the beta looks like it's open tomorrow evening CST.
>> No. 10740
I'll leave you with this. Babby's first server list.


It was referenced in the INI files. Pretty stupid.
>> No. 10741
Nevermind, I'm also stupid.


Servers are down for 3 hours in the morning from 8 to 11. It is about 9am CST right now, even though their servers are still up according to the client. Get those kids in there faster.
>> No. 10752
45 minutes to go.
>> No. 10757
Servers are up. Did a bit of playing somehow, don't know how I navigated those menus.

I'll upload a video later.
>> No. 10759
Video is uploading. When it's done, it'll be at http://youtu.be/AUG2w7Pn39I

It's 400MB and my upload speed is like 100kBp/s max, oh well lol
>> No. 10794
Watched the video, and my goodness, that game is... well I wouldn't call it completely bad, it's not crashing all the time and doesn't seem buggy. It just seems so hilariously poorly-designed. And it is adorable that one of the programmers is trying to do Ellen McClain's job, trying to speak English dramatically with such a thick accent. "Your pudding da fevah" indeed.

Also, I can't read the Chinese in that game, but I can pick out what the Striker and Sniper are saying.

Striker: "One must kill people with style"
Striker: "Eliminate everyone more handsome than me!"

Sniper:"Hmph! Lazy men."
Sniper:"Don't look down on me!"

Can't even tell what bootleg soldier is saying since it might not even be Chinese, just severely mangled English. The voiceacting is subpar, perhaps even slurred, but that's not unexpected since they're likely just getting random people from the team (or off the street) to do that.
>> No. 10822
File 132395203974.jpg - (484.67KB , 1922x1082 , blue box.jpg )
>Can't even tell what bootleg soldier is saying since it might not even be Chinese, just severely mangled English

Could be a Chinese thing, since they seem to understand basic English pretty fine since they keep including it into things. I dunno lol

Also new achievement weapon, this game seems to have a grinding system similar to that of Killing Floor where you unlock weapons after so many wins/progression. This weapon I believe has a clip size of 2.
>> No. 11176
Fan-made music video introducing Boss Battle mode: http://fc.uuu9.com/yxsp/ylsp/201112/501858.shtml
>> No. 11251
Missed some other promotional videos out of laziness...

First ad for the open beta: http://fc.duowan.com/1112/187806739967.html

"Battle without honor or humanity" about sums up this whole game really: http://fc.duowan.com/1112/187807575192.html
>> No. 11255
There's a pirate. A pirate.
>> No. 11286

What's with the random giant robot?
>> No. 11290

That's the thing you fight in boss battle mode. (Just CTRL+F this thread for details.)
>> No. 11300
24 live stream of the game in play - http://kan.sina.com.cn/zq/?f=dcf&retcode=0
>> No. 11412
Looks like the game is getting a loli Medic, after all, coming in March...


The current article is just speculating on her outfit and personality; I'll probably not bother translating until such a character actually gets officially introduced.
>> No. 11414
Oh, and you can vote for her class name at http://fc.xunlei.com/zt/mengmeizhi/

* Maid
* Loli
* Nurse
* Angel
* Other

There's also a suggestion box for how she should look, her personality, her loadout, etc. If you want to throw in your two cents, reply to the thread and I'll translate it into Chinese for you the best I can, then submit it on your behalf.
>> No. 11419
Could it be possible that they made Sniper and Medic girls because they knew about the homoerotic tension and got squeamish? I imagine China's more conservative than the US.
>> No. 11421
China doesn't really have a sliding scale of conservatism vs. liberalism like the US does, especially concerning homosexuals. Don't get me wrong though, most people over there find them gross, but on the other hand there is no religious backing for it because Christianity is not widespread. So it's not as 'big of a deal' there as it is over here.

I'm guessing the females are just because of the crappy character design aesthetic that pervades video games in general, where women have to be eyecandy first and characters second. We're lucky that Valve is one of the companies that goes out of it's way to avoid this, but this game's designers certainly aren't.
>> No. 11422
File 132851528726.jpg - (44.26KB , 450x565 , alyxgordon.jpg )
Noted. Thanks for the clarification. And I agree, every female Valve's written, from GLaDOS to Chell, Alyx, and Zoey (even Rochelle, because dammit, I like her) is well-written, has a personality, and doesn't dress terribly sexy but still is because they'd all be women you'd hang out with in a heartbeat.

It's actually a shame- their "Meet The" shorts aren't half bad! Final Combat seems like a game where the developers could plausibly create a good original game if they actually gave a shit.
>> No. 11529
Stuff about Loli Medic.


Translation to come later, maybe. Until then, here's her loadout:
* "Syringe crossbow gun" (literal translation)
* "Treatment radiation gun"--it also grants 5 seconds of invulnerability once charged
* And some kind of bonesaw, there's no information on this last thing yet, but there's a picture at the bottom of the article.
>> No. 11531
File 132946421748.jpg - (164.93KB , 420x780 , tera-elin.jpg )
Love the blatant ripoff (again), but my bone to pick is really with the character design.

To me, this doesn't even look like an attractive person. It has all the bits that make it an attractive person, including gigantic hips and pouty lips, but to me it just looks like a creepy fetishized doll of a 6 year old. The character design quality has been all over the place so far (with probably the firebat clown design being the best, imo, and all the sniper designs being by far the worst) but this design beats even that brazen mediocrity by a square mile.

It really reminds me of those creepy-ass things from Tera Online which were like toddlers in thongs with a hole on the back for viewing their asshole (edit:or for their kawaii catgirl tails, but that doesn't explain why their asscrack is still lovingly rendered). "Hey guys, she's actually 300 years old, this is totally legit."

The sniper designs have been bad, but at least she still looked like a human to me. I know that vacant smile framed by wiglike hair will be haunting my dreams tonight. Or maybe it's just the knowledge that game developers also cater to people who like to jerk off to toddlers these days.
>> No. 11533
Have you also noticed that Heavy and Medic are usually seen as friends?

>Fatman = every "Final Combat" player ever
>Medic ripoff = loli

>Leading player to think this is an okay relationship between 8-year old and overweight 45-year old pedo
>> No. 11536
File 13295249106.jpg - (45.16KB , 500x382 , 1293145941556.jpg )
>> No. 11538

Ooh, new headcanon: FC!Medic is/was a child soldier and that vacant smile is an indication that she's emotionally dead on the inside. While she cheerfully heals her pocket [whatever], she's imagining bathing herself in her enemies blood and entrails.
>> No. 11542
this is pretty disgusting but someone should draw heavyxlolimedic
>> No. 11547
DISTURBING! But i can totally see it. Her personlly will be that of a spoiled little princess somehow, threatening people like vermin.
At least i know TF2Medic would threat me like a guinea pig. I hope he would threat me like his favourite guinea pig. I love carrots.
>> No. 11548
I want to see our Medic in Loli's outfit.

Someone do this.
>> No. 11568
File 132975847067.jpg - (42.81KB , 273x511 , picanom_picture_01_2012_02_18.jpg )
from http://andymagnuseth.tumblr.com
>> No. 11570

>> No. 11614

Funny thing is, what really makes me mad about this article is not that FC's Medic steals all of our Medic's technology (her medigun even gives 150% overheal), but the article writer suggests that the Medic class is the perfect way for ladies to play FPSes with their boyfriends.
>> No. 11619
>> No. 11624
File 132995986877.jpg - (56.21KB , 424x565 , 1273615820778.jpg )

I was about to yell and rage, and then I remembered countries like China and Japan are incredibly misogynistic.
>> No. 11625
Really? China, I can get, but Japan? How do you figure that?
>> No. 11626
Woo boy. Another lesson on Asian culture coming right through! This is my (basic) understanding, so please correct me if you are more familiar with this subject.

A lot of Asian countries are sexist. Factor in Korea and pretty much every other Asian country and you'll have a better picture. Japan is probably the worst of the lot when it comes to ingrained misogyny. China has the whole female baby killing thing, which still happens (mostly in the countryside and in less 'civilized' areas, very rarely in the cities), and even then mostly people just send their unwanted female offspring to orphanages these days. But one of the very few good things that the original PRC did is demand the equality of women as part of their "get rid of the old ways" thing. A lot of tradition was stamped out during the Cultural Revolution - which in many ways is awful, but one of the byproducts was equality and freedom for women. Women were no longer forced to be a part of their husbands' families or even change their last name, and expected to work full time to earn a wage, same as men.

Japan... basically never did any of that. The Japanese lay a lot on tradition - and what tradition dictates is that women should wait on men hand and foot - and they are often happy to do so! Women are treated like children and are expected to be seen, not heard, and also not to form any strong opinions on things that are 'mens subjects'. A childlike persona is considered 'attractive' - and there's a whole bunch of other stuff that makes an amazing laundry list of misogyny.

Of course, there are some ways both countries are fairer than even the States - the availablity of healthcare and contraceptive services, much more progressive hiring practices, and the fact that girls are more encouraged to study and pursue traditionally male subjects, like the hard sciences, engineering, and mathematics.

But one thing that should always be recognized about these countries is the utter and complete lack of political correctness. I'm offended but not surprised that a Chinese writer would shit out those kinds of statements.
>> No. 11630
I thought it was common sense that Japan was and is a sexist country.

Great speesh btw
>> No. 11632

loli is a-okay in Japan!

But it wasn't always like that. There used to be incredibly fierce female samurai (totally forgot the term, but they exist!) who would kick much more ass than some men could. 'Course, that period died out.
>> No. 11635
It's funny, because a lot of the time when my bf and I play TF2, I go Heavy and he Medics me.

>> No. 11692

Gender: Loli
Blood Type: B
Star Sign: Gemini
Age: Secret
Catch Phrase: Hmph, don't provoke me!
Background Info: Half Japanese-American, she considers herself the world's top moe maid, willing to do anything for her master. Kind, a little bit dull, and though she gives off the vibes of a romance novel protagonist, should anyone dare to say that she isn't cute, then she becomes an ill-tempered woman and sends them to hell.
>> No. 11693
Oh my god it is every Mary Sue fanfiction ever
>> No. 11695
Her video was just...ugh. Also, that clown flip the firebat does, straight from MtM.

On another unrelated note- My head cannon is that the loli Medic is actually a guy. It's the only way to make it vaguely acceptable or humorous to me.
>> No. 11701

Jesus christ, that animation is terrible. Is her hair made of pudding or something?

Also 0:47, nice shot. All these tit and ass camera angles are making me bored. And that jump at the end was very wtf.
>> No. 11711

Ever get the sinking suspicion that this is a very complicated troll? Because surely this can't make any sense.
>> No. 11712
The only thing I like about her is that she looks like the girl in the blonde wig from the "Pon Pon Pon" video. And at least she's more covered up than Pit Girl from MNC. Doesn't save her from being terrible, though.

Why, if Fatman and her have a bond, wasn't that shown in the video?
>> No. 11735
Good grief, who the hell was animating this?
At least the other Meet the ___ videos were mildly impressive/entertaining, this is just a clusterfuck of bad and lazy.
Seriously, compare this vid with the Sniper or the Firebat. Hell, even the Fatman and Rocket vids looked nicer than this.
Stiff and awkward dance moves, stiff running animation, that stupid jump in the end, no atmospheric lighting whatsoever.
>> No. 11736

With the aesthetic they're going for in their Medic, they couldn't find too much of Meet the Medic that they could crib.

(Though FC's loli Medic having their Heavy strapped to a table and operating on him would have won about a billion awesome points from me.)
>> No. 11773

Even more character reskins as FC pushes out a "Street" version of its characters:
- White-haired Kassie/Casey (Sniper)
A super-cold sniper from Russia, rumored to have been the [Russian] army's top sniper, now a bounty hunter that strikes fear in the hearts of all gang leaders, she comes and goes like the wind.
- Ben the Killer (Rocket)
From Brazil, he was once a famous transporter,; not only does he take care of government delivery jobs, but also that of underground monies. Extremely skilled, and has never failed a task, he likes to wear clothes with translucent stripes, as if to say: "I'm walking here! Get out of my way!"
- Chubby Rodie (Fatman)
An American [living in Japan] who worked his way up the ranks in underderground boxing, becoming the champ and continually getting in conflicts with the Yamaguchi [yakuza] organization. Though he is covered in Japanese-style tattoos, he doesn't get along well with the locals, and is so ill-tempered and stubborn that he's called "Black Stone".
- Jason the Traceur
From an Italian district well known for its mob connections, though he carries a police emblem, he has the demeanor like a thug and uses underhanded techniques to uphold the law. He deals with both police and criminals with ease as he often doesn't play by the rules.
- Wayne the Basketball Player (Firebat)
From the urban [translator note: the original text just says "black"] streets of America, he dabbles in rap, street ball, racing, and graffiti; a part of the local gang, he's always running off to do his own thing and is full of ideas just crazy enough to work.
- Becky of the Red Cross
The head dancer of France's street dancing gang, all the kids love her, [as] her personality is unusually rebellious. Her good relationship with the local gangs [results] in her frequent participation in their activities.

And some "new" Arabian-themed map that I'm sure is yoinked from some other FPS. For their cart mode.

They've also claimed to have improved their graphics and sound affects, as well as fixed some known bugs.
>> No. 11774
all their female characters look so whorish and...dirty. Dirty like...as if they're covered with sexual diseases.
>> No. 11795

"Permanent weapons special sale"? What? Do you mean the upgrades usually purchased in this game expire after some time?

Jesus Christ, and people call Valve money-grubbing bastards...
>> No. 11796

Yup, regular weapons have an expiration clock, and apparently you have to pay money (earned, as far as I can tell, either by killing things in Boss Battle mode or paying real world money).

One of the things you can buy? The ability to rocket jump.
>> No. 11806
sigh. This doesn't even make me angry anymore.
it's just sad.
>> No. 11981
if you can call it that
>> No. 11986
File 13346701005.jpg - (28.00KB , 170x128 , babies.jpg )
One of the Heavy's optional accessories is a bottle of milk that restores 200 HP when used.

Well, at least somebody on the design team has a sense of humor...
>> No. 12071

"New" game mode, that thing where one side has to plant a bomb somewhere and the other side has to try to stop them.

At least the "inspiration" isn't coming from TF2 this time.
>> No. 12208

How to get stuff in Final Combat:
1. Complete goals as listed in the game tab
2. Redeem points earned in game modes
3. Exchange with awards earned in game modes
4. Randomly gained in the VIP box. (Not sure how to become a VIP yet, can't find the info.)

Yup, you can also use real-world money to buy yourself points, too. 1 renminbi (approximately 16 cents as of this post) buys 100 FC points.
>> No. 12218
Accessing this from Auckland, New Zealand and have been following this when I was vacationing in Hong Kong. So Hong Kong and New Zealand proxies should work.

I also read Chinese, if that helps. Anything more specific you guys want me to look up for you guys?
>> No. 12224

Would you be able to proofread the translations I did? I tried to stay as faithful to the original text as possible, but I did take some liberties.
>> No. 12240

Drama in the FC fandom! It's time to ask the developers questions again, and the complainers have all popped out of the woodwork.

I may do a full translation of the comments later, but so far, the majority of complaints seem to be directed around how buggy and unbalanced everything is, and how slow Xunlei is to address those issues.

Ah, the delicious, delicious schadenfreude.
>> No. 12298
  lol. I mean lolicon. I mean The Medical.
>> No. 12308

TL;DR: Final Combat is horrific, I'm sorry I even learned what this was, and I might find a way to crack/play it even though it's region locked (just like I do with MapleSEA (European Maplestory) just so I can bitch about it further. Gamemakers need to stop charging for integral parts of the game and they need to stop adding parts that you have to pay for to outclass your peers in said games, especially MMORPG/MMOFPS, because it fucking ruins everything and it's disgusting that they're making so much goddamn money off of us and not putting it into better gameplay, for the games we do spend money on.

When I'm not playing TF2/the 53590509x other shooters I play, Maplestory is another game I sometimes embark into.

It used to be, before Nexon bought out Wizet, that the items you bought were either purely cosmetic (clothes and make-up, hair, etc) or just pet items, like something to pick up money/items when you killed an enemy.

But now, there are some classes where you have the choice to either buy the skill or learn it yourself (though I'm almost certain that for a few of them you have to buy the skills).

I used to think that Valve was greedy as fuck (ten dollars for a hat wtf?) but when I thought about it in the long run, their items are also purely cosmetic until you start fucking with abilities/crafting etc, excluding weapons and shit, of course.

However, this is bullshit, on this 'Final Combat' excuse for a TF2 ripoff. I'd gladly pay ten bucks for a hat etc, 30 for a bundle than actually having to spend money for integral parts of the game (rocket jumping, etc).

So in the end, kudos, Valve. You have managed to make a great game that doesn't require spending money every month to play, unless you really want to.

I logged into Maplestory earlier, and the items I bought last about 3 months. Some are permanent, but you have to catch the promotions. For three months, for about... 4 dollars and 80 cents, you get the pet items, 9-15 dollars for a permanent pet (you don't have to buy it again). Unfortunately, the game is now hideously unbalanced because of the stat items/cubes/etc you can buy and is kind of unenjoyable after the first hour.

The saddest part about all of this is that people love these games, but the gamemakers are so money hungry (let's face it, for a lot of games that offer items you have to PAY for to get hideously huge bonuses that unbalance the games) that they charge you for integral shit, things that should be either included already or gotten rid of, and then we get the shitty product in return.

Where does all our money go? Not into better servers, not into better updates that makes shit run adequately. I'm betting it all goes into people's pockets.

Even though the Medic class is horrific, she is kind of cute. Too bad the female's legs would break the moment they got on the combat field and tried to run for more than five seconds.
>> No. 12466
>>implying that Western countries aren't misogynistic.
>> No. 12519

New game mode, survivors vs. infected, involving some sort of helicopter evacuation!

Part one has already expired, so I don't know if it's sticking around or not. We'll see in a week or so, I guess.
>> No. 12520
We could start making comparisons to Left4Dead, but really, dozens of games have already done the same: Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, and several other titles who've made the zombie horde their dead zombified horse to beat.

Still, at least they're branching out.
>> No. 12661
A page I found later that I haven't bothered to translate yet, the new skins for the Zombie Apocalypse update: http://fc.xunlei.com/zt/qiusheng/taozhuang.html?u06id=13415414767209155746
>> No. 12722
Finally getting around to translating the flavor text for the new reskins. Usual disclaimer about translation quality goes here.

Rocket alt: Bomber Lief
*Former star player of the American league football team "the Bombers". After the league [collapsed] during the economic crisis, he continued to wear the Bombers' team uniform in public.

Fatman alt: Martial Artist Darren
*Big-name [Hollywood] martial artist [stunt] coordinator, he has no inhibitions, loves a good fight, and has many scars as a result. The one that he's most proud of is the injury on his nose, reportedly broken during a fight with a tiger, and is still bandaged to this day.

Striker alt: Pirate Mike
*The head of an English gang, he's plotted several international incidents that shocked [even] the FBI. In his down time, he likes to follow the latest gossip, and is a well-known playboy. Catch phrase: "You're too weak for the likes of me!"

Sniper alt: Steely-Gazed Jessica
*Of mixed English and French descent, she is the queen of the nightclubs. Principled, with an angelic face and devilish figure, she's captivated countless men with her steely gaze. Her motto: "In vogue? Whatever I wear ''becomes'' in vogue."

Firebat alt: Skateboarding Jason
*Legendary X-games expert, he specializes in bikes and skateboards, and he [also] likes sticking up for the little guy. Whenever he makes an appearance, he delights [his audience] with the newest fashions and craziest tricks.

Medic(al) alt: Energetic Eire
*An adorable sporty loli (translator note: yes, they're actually using the term "loli"), she is quirky and mischievous, just a little bit stubborn, and the darling of her weird "uncles".
>> No. 12723
Oops, I goofed on a translation. Mike isn't a pirate, he's a "naster thief".
>> No. 12756
Hey guys, I just came back from a little 6 years long stay in China, and I got the chance to play this pile of shit for the past few months.
I've seen some people mention the shop system in that game: Yes, you DO have to pay all the time to get better stats, like more life, more damage, etc, and they go away after a while. So, much like in every single context in China, the more money you give the better the service.
Now, on to the game itself.
It's the most pathetic, half-assed ripoff I've ever played (and trust me, they have ripoffs for every game that's famous). When I say half-assed, I mean it, because they really put no effort whatsoever into making it a little more original. You've seen the videos, you know what I'm talking about. The character design is pretty much identical, except for the 2 female characters (the sniper's tits have jigglebones and she has some really kinky and revealing skins you can buy - Funny for a country so stuck up when it comes to sex that they had to ban every single source of porn).
The striker (not the scout - the scout is yet another upcoming class) is a gigantic pile of shit. He's the generic FPS guy, he runs a little faster than other classes, can aim with the iron sight, and his headshots do more damage. His grenades are utterly useless, and his weapons are not any better. He feels so out of place.
The Soldier... Well he's the soldier/fireman. Nothing different except the lack of rocketjump. His Buff Banner has been replaced with a drum, which works exactly the same way.
The Pyro needs to be nerfed big time. His attack is powerful, the range is ridiculously long (especially with those hitboxes I shall talk about), and the flames are blinding. If a pyro gets close to you, you know you're fucked.
The demoman is absent, because they probably are trying to find which colors to repaint his skin with.
The Heavy is exactly the same, but with a baby's milk bottle instead of the sandwich. He CAN JUMP WHEN SPINNING AND SHOOTING, so he's a fucking lightning bolt shooting everything in sight. He's simply the god of the game just because of this. Seriously, I ended up with ridiculously high scores. He's just a really easy to use acrobat Heavy Weapons Guy. But again, the hit detection is awful, so when you hit, instead of having each bullet recorded, it goes by waves of 5 or something. It's hard to explain, but basicly instead of going 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it goes 5 5 5. Like a slow gear. It feels clunky.
The engineer isn't present yet, because they're probably trying to find a way to suck their own dicks.
The medic is the sorriest of the whole bunch. She's a medic, but with a crossbow that won't even heal instead of a syringe gun for some fucking reason. But it deals enough damage to not be called a pile of shit. The medigun... wow... the fucking medigun... Not only does it look like fucking NOTHING - no, more like a 3 year old drew a gun, and xunlei's boss, being his dad, forced his subordinates to put it in the game - but it is THE ABSOLUTE WORSE HEALING METHOD I'VE EVER LAID MY HANDS UPON. IT IS SO PATHETIC only capslock can be used to describe it. It takes forever for it to lock on its target. It usually fucks up and gets a seizure. And when it locks on, the range is tiny, and the beam barely bends. Try to not just hug your target's back, and you won't manage to heal much. Speaking of which, it BARELY HEALS. It is so fucking slow you had better wait for the wounds to heal themselves by natural means. And when you finally manage to get an ubercharge (here cleverly called ubercharge, but in Chinese, so big difference, amirite?), you right click, and you get to live the 5 least impressive seconds of your life. The uber looks exactly the same as in TF2, but without the same effects that let you FEEL ubered, and man is it short. You right click, and almost immediately your target is back to normal. It is just saddening. It's a tease. It is so short you can almost hear the gun say that has never happened to him before. But it's ok because Chinese people never play Medic anyway, nor as a team either.
And the sniper... Ah...
She's a sniper. But her SMG is the scout and engi's pistol (like, exactly the same). She sucks because when you aim, the mouse doesn't get reduced sensivity. So you end up missing all the time because the hit detection fucking sucks, and your aiming cross keeps on flying all over the place. But as I said, she has rocking tits on which they obviously spent a LOT of time.
And of course the Spy isn't here yet, they're probably wondering if he shouldn't be Mexican and named the "Observing Butterfly" or something like that.
Now, the game has almost all of TF2's game modes: KOTH, CP, PL, some kind of Arena but with team points combined, knife fights, but they almost always take place on the same reskinned version of koth_harvest (they got like 3-4 versions of that map). No CTF. Oh, and they have the giant robot fight.
Yeah, giant robot fight. Sounds awesome, doesn't it? Well guess what, they managed to fuck it up. Playing as the robot is fun, you're just an awesome killing machine. But the humans don't get a head start, so those who spawn next to the robot basically wait for the end of the round right from the beginning. Which brings me to my main complaint: There are 2 spots in which you can not die as a human. In one of them it is possible to die, but it takes both luck and time. In the other spot, you get health and ammo, and as long as you're not fucking retarded, you can make a round last for a loooong time, if not forever. You just can't die there. If the robot attacks from one side, move to the other side of the door, and by the time he tries to walk around the building, you're long gone.
Other than that, it's pretty straightforward, kinda fun during the first couple of games. But it quickly becomes boring.
I forgot to mention the game contains no violence whatsoever, because of censorship in China. You know, anything that's remotely violent becomes child-friendly. In an online gaming system where only adults can play, by registering their IDs. Pretty funny.
And again, the hit detection is fucking awful.
The shop, well I've already covered that: You pay you win. You can also buy some fuck-ugly accessories, or, again, hot clothes for the sniper.
The game is full of bugs, it's really unbalanced, you can see it was rushed because they didn't want to lose potential Chinese customers once TF2 became free.
Ooooh important point I'm throwing in here that I remembered before posting this: The voice acting.
Basicly, it's awful. The voices sound awkward, and they usually share some voice samples. And the voices are activated by yourself, no automatic "thank you" or "stand on point" or shit like that. They sound like any other Chinese voice overs: The chick that does the voice for every single Chinese dub ever, the "tough dumbass", and the young guy. they're hard to differentiate, but sound like shit anyway.
But I'll be honest with you guys, there were 2 positive points:
The first one is the colors. They didn't have a theme for the game, nor a backstory to fit that theme, AND they didn't do all the "easy to spot, easy to identify" procedure Valve did when designing the classes and world so that everything is clear, BUT they used bright, happy colors most of the time. Sometimes the screen was just an unintelligible mess because of that, but I didn't look THAT bad (the models were awful, but the colorful environment was ok).
The second good point was the menu's music. An upbeat, rock-ish music, that sounds quite nice.
But that's it.
If you have any questions, ask away. But just know that the game is a gigantic, steaming pile of shit. It's literally just an inferior Team Fortress 2, and playing it just fueled my rage, for Chinese companies truly have no shame.
>> No. 12757
Oh, I forgot to mention, the clown pyro has a face that we can see. No mystery whatsoever, just an average dude.
>> No. 12758
We really are reaching when we list terrible an unclear art directions as a plus.
>> No. 12763
I know this is a bit off topic as to what you people are discussing. Remember when they put in a boss mode in this game where you fight a giant robot? I'm just finding it really ironic considering how TF2 is now getting a similiar game mode in the MvM update.
>> No. 12772
The only similarity here is the robot theme.
In FC, a player gets picked to become the one and only giant robot.
In TF2, apparently it's only humans vs a lot of bots.
>> No. 12773
I don't understand. TF2 is available in China, and it's free, and it's a superior game to Final Combat. Given the choice between TF2 and FC, <I>WHY</i> are Chinese gamers choosing to pay to play an inferior game?
>> No. 12774

I forgot who said it or where it was said, but wasn't it more difficult to get TF2 in China? Due to government censorship and etc?
>> No. 12775
Yes, TF2 is available AND free in China, but it's not popular because they have no real source of video game information in Chinese (like IGN or the many video game websites on the web). They just get to play new games by seeing ads in other games and their websites.
But recently we've unable to use the Steam community and store, so I'm suspecting a Steam ban to promote Chinese companies. As I've mentioned before, there's a shitty Chinese ripoff of every popular game, and they want their gamers to give their money to China. That, plus the anti-west propaganda, and you've got brainless sheep giving money to crooks (again, like any context in China).
When I played Team Fortress 2, there were about 10-15 Chinese servers, and about 100 Korean ones (that usually lagged less, but the gamers were too hardcore), and when I played Final Combat, I was completely disgusted to see a shitton of players.
A lot of Chinese gamers tried to complain and defend TF2, but they quickly got their posts and accounts deleted (Chinese Internet in a nutshell), and if you try to type 军团要塞2 (TF2) in the chat, you get a bunch of ***** instead. Censoring it like that makes it even more obvious that they fucking KNOW what they're doing is shameless.
But since there are pretty much no copyright laws in China, you can do whatever you want. Copy your classmate's essay? Whatever. Copy an electronic device and sell it? Sure. Download torrents like a motherfucker? Cool. Rip a game off and claim the idea to be yours? Fine.
All we can do is watch with rage, while China keeps on believing the West is after poor rittre China.
To prove that copyright don't mean shit in China, know that on their main search engine Baidu, AND on the official Chinese version of Google, there's an MP3 section, where you can download any song you want, for free, and efficiently.
Same goes for movies and TV shows, if you use the Video section, and know how to find the right stuff.
But you can't use those functions outside China.
>> No. 12776
Also, I gave myself a name to be sure you guys can see my posts.
Also, hi, I'm new to this board, but I've owned TF2 since November 2007.
>> No. 12861
Problem is we had Freak fortress/Saxton hale mode which could be similar thing
>> No. 12919
We could always have a "canon" version of this added, one that's not a fan mod. I'd love to play Vs. Saxton Hale or maybe Freak Fortress, but I can never find a server that's playing it.
>> No. 13130

Playing very fast and loose with translations as usual.

Coming 9/20
* Clan system - band together to...uh...raise levels in Clan-ing!
* Firing range minigame - shoot carboard cutouts of your enemies to earn fabulous prizes!
* Smelting - craft your unused weapons into materials for better upgrades!

And, of course, yet another round of new skins:
* One-Eyed Rudy (Rocket) - First mate of the famous pirate ship N-ONE, he's experienced countless challenges and achieved limitless glory. He joined the Final Combat team to add to his legend. The older brother of the Pirate Captain.
* Boxer Southern Bo-Tai (Fatman) - Despite his unusually ferocious boxing skills, he has missed the opportunity to face the world championship heavyweight belt holder three times in a row, and is jokingly called "Southern Bo-Tai" was a result. He joined the Final Combat team to hone his skills in hopes of seizing back the crown someday!
* Captain NB (Striker) - The captain of the American air show team "Nasty Bobcats" [translator's note: the literal name of the team is "Furious Leopards (or Panthers)", but I had to make the team logo acronym fit]. The large letters "NB" on his uniform is the team logo, so everyone just calls him "Captain NB".
* Phantom Sasha (Sniper) - Her dazzling hairdo and sharp gaze is proof of her cold-bloodedness, she is the "shadow assassin" of some Mexican "underground resistance group". "Her weapon is ruthlessness, her trademark is to kill with a single shot."
* Birdman Beta (Firebat) - Because of his bird-beaked mask, others mistakenly think that Beta is a withdrawn and wretched person, always lost in his own world. But his heart beats firey red, very very HOT!
* Baby Needle (Medic) - Because her father, a world-famous pharmacist, taught her how to make antidotes, she knows them better than the back of her hand. Because of her natural charms, she's known as "Baby Needle". She's a very popular member of the Final Combat team, because whoever she's with gets to live a little longer!
>> No. 13131
In Soviet China, Sniper uses Sasha?
>> No. 13132

The more I read about this game, the more it sounds like some awful fanfic

You know what? I bet it is an awful fanfic. I bet the guy in charge was like "No one likes my tf2 fanfic, they keep saying my OC's are just the main characters with different hats. Well I'll show them! I'll make my own tf2! With blackjack! and hookers!"
>> No. 13141

I think I just came.
>> No. 13195
There is an upcoming PvE mode (I thought Zombie Apocalypse was it, but I guess something else is about to happen).


The teaser is that an ominous looking spacecraft has appeared in Earth orbit.

There's no apparent release date for the content yet.
>> No. 13200
Zombies? How uncreative. Wait... isn't there going to be a Black Ops zombie game coming soon? Please don't tell me they're rippping that off, too...
>> No. 13201

There's already a game mode where you can fight back hordes of zombies. The official page is currently teasing yet another PvE mode of some kind.
>> No. 13202
Promotional video of the new game mode - http://fc.xunlei.com/zt/zhanjian/?u06id=13487665960730420979

Huh, first person bullet hell. Interesting.

New skins and weapons (again) - http://fc.xunlei.com/c/1348742773633.shtml?u06id=13487665960730420979

The flavor text for the new game mode is that it's 2012 and the prophesied end of the world is nigh and aliens are attacking.

(Also, massive geological upheaval at Yellowstone Park reveals an ancient weapon that the two teams fight over.)

Flavor text for new character designs (dear God, that Nurse reskin is so wrong in so many ways)...

(As usual, I took extreme liberty in the translations, but I swear I am not making anything up.)

* God-hand Johnson (Rocket alt) - Originally a gangster thug, he was heartlessly abandoned by his original gang when he suffered a debilitating injury in his arms during a mission. Having hit bottom, he discovered a pair of bracers that, when worn, allowed him to push past his original limits. Disillusioned with the underworld, Johnson used his powers to completely break from his past and has since become a secret vigilante for justice, vowing to fight evil to the bitter end.
* Vampire Duke [translator note: the name "Duke", not the title] (Striker alt) - From a prominent family of Earls, tall, dark, and handsome, he became a vampire in order to save his girlfriend from being cursed by a witch who had a secret crush on him, and is now eternally doomed to be loveless. Always bears a countenance of sorrow and yet still bears an air of mystery about him that draws countless gazes. Always seen to carry a glass of mysterious red liquid--but perhaps what he drinks isn't blood but centuries of solitude and loneliness.
* Polaris Nancy (Sniper alt) - Half Japanese-American, she joined the Yamaguchi yakuza clan with her father at a young age and now is near the top, managing most of Tokyo's entertainment outlets. Having seen violence and death since a young age, she gives off an attitude different from anyone around her. Wild, sexy, and absolutely cold, she is an infamous Mafia Princess with a taste for blood. But wherever she appears, men are captivated by her and rendered helpless.
* Dragon Rider Kayang (Fatman alt) - he wears heavy armor shaped like a fiery dragon, speaks in an ancient language, has the skills of the warriors of old, and proudly bears the crest of the Urca [translator note: ???] Dragon, a crest unique to ancient dragon-slayers. This mysterious man from the times of legend calls himself Dragon Rider Kayang; ruthless, bloodthirsty, and passionate about his firepower, he cares for nothing except battle.
* Mastermind Shana (Nurse alt) - Korean-American and from a well-to-do family, though adorable on the outside, she's an unrepentant prankster. Having hosted on famous TV shows as a child, she is not shy in wearing outrageous [translator note: the original literally calls it "nosebleed inducing"] outfits and is a total party animal as well as a huntress of the unusual. Because she's an expert in all sorts of esoteric knowledge, the think-tanks of the Final Combat armies come to her for advice. Her motto: "Stupid grown-ups!"
* Jester Rossi (Firebat alt) - though he wears a jester costume, he is actually a serial killer who has never failed to kill his victims. An expert in all sorts of tricks, the police have no clues of this killer except for the joker playing card he leaves at the scene of his crimes due to how well-versed he is. Despite all of this, many people have claimed to have heard mournful sobbing from the areas where he is reputed to live. What sort of secrets does he hide beneath that mask? Perhaps no one will ever know.
>> No. 13204
The maps and weapons remind me of Ratchet and Clank for some reason.
>> No. 13206

Is it just me or is this looking less and less like TF2 and more and more like Perfect World Online or some MMO shit?
>> No. 13210

Thought of better translations:
"God-hand" -> "Divine Fist"
"Dragon Rider" -> "Dragon Knight"

Carry on.
>> No. 13239
What's funny is, they're ripping off Counter-Strike Online (A Korean remake of CS 1.6, but approved by Valve, that the Chinese then stole and made money from).
In CSO, you get to play against zombies, exactly like in that trailer.
They're ripping off a ripoff of a remake of an old game. Wow.
>> No. 13358

Firebat Diary

Today is Halloween. You've found a yellowed diary by the side of the snow-piled road. There's only five pages in this diary, recording the account and feelings of a circus clown who joined the Final Combat squad [as it happened] elevn years ago.

Now, people call him "the King of Flames", but at the time, he was just a clown who wasn't all that funny.

December 24, 1999

The Evil Circus

Silent Night, [Holy Night], I've burnt up the boss' circus troupe.

It's not that I've gotten bored with playing the fool, even if I'm not a good enough clown, or my limbs are a bit stiff, my expressions are too wooden, or my juggling is bad.

But I cannot bear the seed of evil quitly spreading in this troupe--evil is infectious, you know.

Good thing I'm pretty good at playing with fire.

I used the flamethrower that I made myself to torch that evil circus. Pretendingn I was like a movie hero, I took the kitty wandering with me, [but] I wasn't sure where I was going.

Let's fire! [sic] Boss, shall we play with fire?

December 25, 1999

The choice between red and blue

It was my plan from the beginning to join the Final Combat squad, but they've already split into red and blue camps; how should I choose between them? I've never been in such a dilemma.

Passionate red, deep blue. Reason versus emotion. Cool calm versus hot blood. [To be] on the big state, controlling what is known? Or [to be] the unseen hand behind the scenes, manipulating the rules?

Actually, for a clown, making a choice is always easy. I said to myself: "let's make it a coin toss!"

December 26, 1999

Meeting the Rocker

In the Final Combat squad, I met a fellow who also liked to play with fire.

He used to be a rock and roll singer, likes all things metal, making a scene, and pulling pranks.

I don't think he likes me very much. In his eyes, whether it be in skills related to performance or fire, I must be like a relic of the last century. He likes to show off his new songs, his electric guitar, and his advanced flamethrower. But every once in a while, he can't hide his curiosity, and asks me to perform some tricks for him.

I know that we're not so different.

December 28, 1999

The Fat Unregistered [Vendor]

As the snow fell, it reminded me of the masterpiece "It's Snowing" by the famous clown Sifara Prunei [translator's note: as far as I can tell, this guy doesn't exist, so I just transliterated the name the best I could] of Moscow. [The show] is without dialogue; [he] just mimes [the whole thing] in a yellow skiing outfit and duck-shaped shoes.

Today, a chubby fishmonger joined our team. Even with the machine gun in hand, he still looks like the unregistered vendor [that he was].

A firefighter, a fish seller, a rock-and-roll singer...this group is as ridiculous as Sifara's shows...but I like it.

December 31, 1999

Going on the Road

On the last day of the 20th, I got my first mission as a member of the Final Combat squad, requiring me and my friends to start on a distant journey.

It's said that before Humans were on the Earth, there was a highly advanced civilization of beings. The technology they left behind is still centuries beyond modern man. We have to find these ancient yet advanced technological treasures before the other camp does.

Maybe we might enter some Egyptian Pharo's temple, or some old Arabic city along the Mediterranean, or even meet some giant war machine powered by an ancient, mysterious energy.

Who knows? At any rate, my flamethrower is all filled up.
>> No. 13383
For you masochists out there:


"FC School", hosted by a lady who talks like a 5 year old girl. I'm not going to bother translating a single word she says because I don't hate myself that much.
>> No. 13414
Happy Turkey Day! FC now* (as of Nov 20, 2012) has a crafting system (called "Synthesize"). New weapons are made via blueprints, etcetera and so forth.

>> No. 13626
http://fc.xunlei.com/c/1358998926363.shtml?u06id=13509352028511359366 - "What to do with failed strengthening shards"??? What? Crafting can fail, and you have to buy another blueprint to salvage the remains?

Great, now I'm mad at video games again...

In other news: http://fc.xunlei.com/zt/parasiteeve/list.shtml?linkid=0&u06id=13509352028511359366

Update to the zombie apocalypse mode, "Parasite Eve", adding a PvP mode where humans can play the infected now (I guess before it was just all AI zombies). New maps, new weapons, Chinese New Year themed outfits and hats, you know the drill.

One cool thing out of this update - http://img.fc.xunlei.com/zt/parasiteeve/wuqi_01.jpg - the Firebat gets an electric guitar! (Valve modding community, steal this idea and submit it for TF2 ASAP! It's only fair!)
>> No. 13699

Oh, hey, an update shipped while I wasn't paying attention. (As always, my translations might be suspect, but I'm doing the best I can here.)

* Mayan altar (infection mode only)
* Qingyuan mansion

New skins:
* DJ Place (Rocket alt) - [He is] the king of underground entertainment and a nightclub DJ, as well as an ardent fan of Elvis, [he is] skilled in making outdated clothes look trendy. He's also a gifted singer and comedian, his unique hosting style earning a fandom of [people] from all ages. His off-stage demeanor is completely different, so silent that it's surprising.
* Mechanized Armor Arnold (Fatman alt) - A hardcore cosplayer and a huge machine enthusiast, he instantly developed an interest in [studying] the mechanical monstrosity that is a strong enemy of the Final Combat teams as soon as it made its appearance. After a long period of data-gathering on the machine [known as] BOSS, he was at long last able to make his own mechanized exoskeleton in imitation of BOSS's infrastructure. However, because his data is not yet compete, the exoskeleton remains in perpetual beta.
* Pirate Katarina (Sniper alt) - The captain of the ''Mysterious Skull'', [she is] the queen of the pirates. A legendary figure of both great strength and nobility as well as stunning beauty, it is rumored that the god of the sea coveted after her and cursed her to be loveless for life when she rejected him, and so any man who dares to meet her gaze straight on dies immediately afterwards. Perhaps only she knows the loneliness and fragility she feels as a result of this.
* Bruce Lee Fanboy Louis (Striker alt) - Half Chinese, half American, [he] is a well known martial artist who has been deeply influnced by Bruce Lee from a young age, [and as a result] has a strong sense of justice as well as a sense of humor. Though he is an expert in Kung Fu, he is not by any means old fashioned like the traditional pugilists, [but] is instead open-minded and a trend-chaser, fond of going to upscale clubs dressed in his own line of clothes. As a result, he is mistaken for a playboy by many.
* Fugitive Wayne (Firebat alt) - Though dressed like a felon, he escaped from prison long ago. A comedian imprisoned for killing his innocent audience members with his props, he then successfully broke out using his wits. Arrogant, anti-social, picky, and yet brilliant, perhaps he elects to remain in his prison stripes despite escaping to prison as a means of taunting the justice system.
* Little Red Hatted Alice (Nurse alt) - This clever little Lolita [translator note: their words, not mine!] is the daughter of Pandora Village's chieftain. Born with the ability to see into people's hearts, she loves to help others and is beloved by the villagers [as a result]. It's said that when she puts on her magical red hat she gains a mystical power and transforms into a magical girl capable of fighting the forces of evil and protecting the homeland that she loves.

New hats:
* Thunderous roar hat
* Steel metal combat helm
* Dragon straw hat
* Venus flytrap hat
* Deep sea queen hat
* Magician's rabbit-[eared] hat

Man, this game is so screaming for fan-fic. The backstory and character biographies revealed so far hint at a very disturbing dark side that the bright, cheery art direction obfuscates.

(Captcha says "ngloodns cannot", don't be such a downer, man!)
>> No. 13775
File 136645831644.jpg - (75.09KB , 747x630 , atleastitsnotatf2ripoffthistime.jpg )
A new class has debuted in game: the Engineer


Her name is Caroline, she's a high school student who lost her parents and her left arm in a car accident that turned out to be an assassination attempt, and now she builds machines to go after the organization that destroyed her family.

There's no other information on the page itself, and I still don't want to install the game on my computer to find out whether more details exist.
>> No. 13776
The high-school part is annoying (why are geniuses in asian games, especially female ones, always high-school students?), but I have to admit, I like her design A LOT.

Unlike that female Sniper and Medic, this female Engineer actually looks like she means business and could conceivably kick ass. I especially love her shoes, and her hairdo with the braid that looks like she has short hair is both cool and practical.

Pretty much my only complaint (beside the whole "rip-off" thing, that is) is that her real arm and legs look excessively thin, she needs some muscle definition.
>> No. 13777

she has the same body type as the sniper and looks like a bad sc-fi character

theres nothing interesting or unique about her silhouette. She looks like every generic concept art ever
>> No. 13779
File 136651281038.gif - (0.97MB , 500x281 , hm.gif )
This game...

I just want to know why is one leg bare? I mean, what purpose does that serve, unless she has a weapon strapped there or concealed in her shoe?

Oh, look at me, asking logical character design questions of Final Combat.
>> No. 13781

If you say that the design sucks, then we can agree we disagree, since I do like it and we can't argue taste.

But she most definitely doesn't have the same body type as the Sniper.


Notice how it doesn't look like the Sniper's arm could snap like a twig.

And I imagine the bare leg has the same purpose of hats and cosmetic items in general, it's just a stylistic choice. Personally, I like the asymmetry.
>> No. 13782
She's not a good design by any stretch of the imagination, but at least they got the 'feasible activewear' part right, and they even managed to avoid making her stripperific, which puts her miles ahead of most female video game characters. Now if only she wasn't an uninspired and unconvincing knockoff of every female class ever...

(I think 13777 was referring to the Final Combat Sniper, who, I would agree, does have pretty much the exact same build.)
>> No. 13783
I think 13777 was referring to the Final Combat Sniper, who, I would agree, does have pretty much the exact same build

Ah, my mistake. I have nothing positive to say about that character (stripperific outfit, dumb poses, and her Meet The video is so poorly-made they have her shoot her own teammates), so I wasn't thinking of her at all.
>> No. 13784

She's not a good design by any stretch of the imagination, but at least they got the 'feasible activewear' part right, and they even managed to avoid making her stripperific, which puts her miles ahead of most female video game characters

thats like comparing dog shit to cat shit. Sure, cat shit is smaller, and in a catbox for easy cleaning, but it's still shit.


If you say that the design sucks, then we can agree we disagree, since I do like it and we can't argue taste.

No, we can argue taste! This is a thread! Thats what it was made for!


Of course I was talking about final combat sniper
>> No. 13811

Meet the "Mechanism". (I'm assuming the final English name will either be "Mechanic" or "Engineer", the Chinese name is "Engineer".) She's around 22 years old (but the bio still calls her a "high school student"), stands about 169 cm (5' 2" ish), blah blah blah.

* Automated sentry (placed via the device in her hands as seen in the picture)
* Shotgun
* Wrench
* Ammunition backpack that provides 20% extra ammo for the sentry
>> No. 14015
So uh, what would it take to actually play this thing? I have the Philippine version installed but it keeps giving me some apex protection error. Was only able to take a few screenshots one night now it won't launch.

Any ideas?
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