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File 131610939849.jpg - (3.76KB , 126x126 , 1285263986404s.jpg )
8907 No. 8907
...and I'm all dressed up in my best camo pants and psyched to play.

...The only problem is that I'm a noob. Worse still, I'm a noob with anxiety issues, making me absolutely terrified of being a noob.

Do you guys have any tips to make me less anxious over this, or any suggestions over servers I should use? It's not like I want, or expect, to be suddenly AWESOME because that's ridiculous, but I just want to be able to actually click on a link without cacking myself from trepidation beforehand. I've practiced offline, and I can play alright if I'm with my friends on a private server, but where's the fun in that?

TL;DR, server suggestions plz

Pic related, automatic assumption of people's reactions to me.
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>> No. 8908
Most servers (99%) have a low enough skill level that no one will even notice you being bad. If you're good enough for offline, you're good enough for the average pub. The likelihood is that even if someone notices they won't care. TF2 is a fun game that no one really gets worked up about.

If you really want, you can go to a fun-havers server where literally not a single person will give a rat's shit about how good you are. I recommended some in the competitive thread in >>8587 and there's already a server recommendation thread.
>> No. 8909
File 131611135580.jpg - (87.81KB , 1440x900 , another day on 2Fort.jpg )
Don't know where you live so specific servers cannot be recommended. Go on search and pick any server which is <60 ping and DOESN'T have any of the following tags: Fast/Instant respawn, 2Fort, Mario Kart, trade, 32slot, 24 hour [map], Admin powers/privileges. There should be some. Or you can simply select "start playing" and let the game assign you a Valve-run server. This does not work in the EU currently.

Once you find a decent server just play and learn. Most server regs expect a small percentage of F2Ps so probably aren't going to bite your head off if you suck. Don't be afraid to ask, most people are surprisingly helpful if you're willing to learn. A good way to get better is to play Medic and attach yourself to a player who looks like they know what they're doing- this way you can be both helpful and see how the game and other classes are played.
>> No. 8911
wait what's wrong with fast/instant respawn and 24 hour maps?

If someone acts like a dick, just tell them you're new, you'll get better, and they were new once. If that doesn't work, tell them to fuck off and mute them!
>> No. 8912
Because a 24/7 2fort instaspawn cultivates bad habits and doesn't show a new player everything that tf2 has to offer in game modes, maps, and gameplay. TF2 is balanced around the default settings and if you haven't figured out why everyone hates those kinds of servers then you are probably not very smart.
>> No. 8913
I don't care either way what the respawn is. I often play 24 hour servers to either practice on bots, have some casual shooting, or because I feel sometimes rounds are too short on some maps. I'm not stupid. I'm not a great gamer I admit, but I play different types of servers based on my mood.
>> No. 8914
Things you should know:
-There will be no Medics, learn where the health is.

-People will insult you. Not everyone, but jackoffs and/or frustrated players will.

-That friendly Demoman walking up to you for seemingly no reason? He wants buttlovin'. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT'S A SPY, BURN/SHOOT/GIB IT.

-If a revealed Spy dies after being hit once, that Spy is using Deadringer, and he is very not dead.

-There is always a Spy somewhere. Always.

Not comprehensive, but I think important nonetheless.
>> No. 8915
Always always always ALWAYS have your guard up.
I advise you have the Spy! call comfortably memorized.

Keep track of all entrances and exits at all times.

Keep an eye out for sniper laser sights and always be on the move.

If you are a Pyro or JarateSniper, please extinguish burning teammates.
If you are a SandvichHeavy, share it with your Medic.

Don't steal ammo from Engies, especially during setup times.
If they have a dispenser up, then use it.

Communication and teamwork is key.
If you keep those two things in mind, then you should have little problem.
>> No. 8918
Copy-pasta'd from the last time someone asked this question:

1) Know how to navigate the maps with your eyes closed. As you keep playing, you'll start getting for a feel for where Snipers like to camp, where Engineers build nests, where Spies lurk, where Demoman lay sticky traps...etc. Some maps in particular have very common offensive or defensive tricks to them that will result in curb stompage if you don't defend against them. (If you want a detailed map-by-map breakdown, shoot me an email with the subject [TF2 Help] and I'll teal deer my experiences at you.)
2) Communicate with your team via mike whenever possible or team chat in a pinch. If you're playing near the front lines, send back word about what sort of resistance to expect. If you're being hounded by a persistent Dead Ringer Spy, tell your team's Pyro so they know to come by. And so on. Above all, ALWAYS thank your Medic whenever you get healed.
3) Watch gameplay videos to learn from the masters. Those who have been at this game a really long time have figured out all sorts of devious tricks. Do this for both the classes you play a lot so you can be better at it, and classes you don't play so you know what things to look out for.
4) Always be at least somewhat cognizant of what's going on, especially as an Engineer--the ability to move your team to the front lines and defend lesser-traveled paths becomes more important the bigger the map is. If you're on 5-point CP and your team's just made a capture, move the gear up as soon as possible--I tend to do Teleporters first, then Sentries and Dispensers, but this isn't an ironclad rule. If there are multiple Engineers, help them build and Spycheck, even if you haven't made your own nest yet--better to have one really well defended Level 3 then a couple of Level 1s while everyone stands there twiddling their thumbs waiting for metal. If a Medic is ready to push with an uber, follow behind to add supporting fire--or, if it's the enemy that has an uber, shoot the class being ubered into the sky with an airblast or well-timed explosion and reduce their effectiveness.

Oh, and this should really go without saying, but don't advertise your trade every five seconds if nobody's in the mood to trade. Just ask nicely at the beginning and end of the round, and if there are no takers this time, wait to the next round. Or go to a dedicated trade server.
5) Every time you die (and you will die--a lot), take it in stride. Learn from your death. If you have to take a deep breath and count to ten, do that. If you have to ragequit, do that too.
6) Have fun. I like to call TF2 "death tag" because that's precisely what it is. I staunchly believe it's entirely possible to enjoy oneself at any level of play.

If you have horrible aim (like me), at least turn on the damage display so you know when you're hitting your opponent. Ranged weapons like rockets and grenades have a delay in the time from when they are fired to when they explode, so you have to get a feel for leading your target.

Same goes for when you're playing Sniper--not only do you have to deal with zig-zagging opponents and lag, but the hitbox is a little different from what you expect. (I find it a lot easier to aim for the neck. That way, if I miss, I at least still land a bodyshot.)
>> No. 8922
Oh man, thanks everyone for your help and advice! I really appreciate all of it. I think my real problem is that I psych myself out too much before I start playing. That and I'm too worried about what people I don't even know think of me. Ahahah...haha.. hah.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, thanks. A lot. It's good to know that people won't mind me being a bit crap to start with.

I don't suppose anyone has any suggestions for servers in the UK? I didn't think to put where I was from, sorry 'bout that...
>> No. 8966

These show up often when people ask for UK servers:
Kritzkast - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KritzKast
Hampshire Heavies - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hampshire_heavies
Ãœberium - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uberiumpublic
Facepunch - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FPTF2UK

These are UK based with settings that shit all over balance, but they appear to have some mod servers and overpopulation doesn't affect most mods:
UKCS - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UKCS
Gaming Masters - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamingmastersuk
GTFOGaming - http://www.gtfogaming.co.uk/servers/

Since you have friends who play the game, you should ask one of them to coach you. It's fun AND helpful!
>> No. 9015
>I think my real problem is that I psych myself out too much before I start playing.
When I started out PvPing in WoW I got these awesome adrenaline rushes that often lead to my death (if any of you have had adrenaline rushes you know it completely shuts down your ability to do anything you haven't practiced A LOT).

Same thing with TF2, although I still get it to this day (started 2007), your body and mind works up an immunity to the shit, allowing you to think clearly.

Maybe TF2 is just some hardcore shit, because I didn't get an adrenaline rush when I was playing paintball inna woods, or maybe it's just because I take every death in TF2 with a mindset that I'll never outlive the eternal shame that has been brought upon me.

Just play the game and you'll see what happens.
>> No. 9019
That's why I can't PvP in WoW, I start getting rushes so my fingers never hit the right buttons and I end up randomly rocket jumping off a ledge or something. TF2 is different for me, though, generally everyone is more laid back and mistakes are funny as opposed to stupid.
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