No. 8933
Just call it the ubermensch. It could either be a bright red or birght neon blue and served in a stein.
As for a Jarate themed drink, do something like >>8928 but served in a mason jar.
Mad milk would be easy enough, just use something white. Im not too incredibly familiar with drink mixing, so I wouldnt know how to do that.
A Pyro drink would have sparklers in it, a Demo drink would be extremely alcoholic or just scrumpy, a Heavy drink would be a huge glass of vodka, Engie drink would be something with a kick (a sentry theme?), Soldier drink would be overly patriotic (themed glasses and everything), a spy drink would be either blue or red and small (frilly froo-froo french drink).
That's nine drinks. If you wanted, make something purple and girlish for the Administrator and something extremely mannish for Saxton.