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File 131710376888.png - (775.41KB , 840x1375 , 1304122733542.png )
9020 No. 9020

tl;dr 30+ new items (mostly hats), High Five taunt, Customize Texture Tool and 3 items(?) for it, an all-class weapon with customizable textures, Pocket Medic for Soldier, new holiday key, MNC items are craftable, beta weapons added

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>> No. 9021
File 131710947420.jpg - (35.62KB , 334x340 , HATS.jpg )
And here I just crafted all my shit into metal and traded that metal away for tags.

I also hear that multiple misc slots have been added to the loadouts, which I am a fan of. And the Cow Mangler is paintable, which means that maybe more weapons will be paintable in the future.

I am excited about making my murder dolls PURDY.
>> No. 9022
I'm against weapon painting because it has potential to be game breaking. Dying to a weapon I mistook for a less threatening one would be frustrating on a high skill level server where one death can be a big deal.
>> No. 9023
Dito. I also don't want to run around weapons that break the color scheme so hard I don't even know what is what anymore.
>> No. 9025
If they let us paint jarate, I will be the happiest person in the entire game.
>> No. 9026
You already have milk, what else do you want to paint it than white?


I already know one guy who would paint his knife in pink as hell.

Let´s see the hats...
- Heavy Lumberjack Hat. Holy shit now i need a beard for heavy! LUMPERJACK!
- Solder Cowboy Hat. (Valve is watching us, aren´t they?)
- Pyro Conscience. I am intriguded.
- Stethoskop for Medic. Everymisc item for medic is good.
>> No. 9028
I doubt painting weapons would be that dramatic. There's probably only bits of the weapons that can actually be painted, like maybe only the handles.
>> No. 9029
I want to paint it red.
>> No. 9031
I'm not a huge fan of most of the paint colors, and Robin said weapons would never be paintable. Kind of cringing at the idea of a lime green minigun.

Soldiers having a Pocket Medic makes no sense to me. I could never wrap my head around them as a pairing (OMG UR FILTHY NAZI GTFO), and Soldiers tend to be played a lot (in my experience maining Medic) by people who are too "manly" to accept healing and always rocket jump away or pull out their Equalizer when I come by. If it were all-class, I wouldn't care.

Kind of neutral on Heavy hair. Don't really want wigs unless it's that concept mullet. I want that like burning.
>> No. 9033
To those worried about weapon painting, keep in mind that the Cow Mangler is specifically noted as only paintable with team-color paints. So no bright pink lasers.
>> No. 9035
When I'm a medic, I heal soldiers more often then I heal heavies. The heavies on the servers I usually play on aren't nearly as good as our soldiers. What I want is for sniper to get the pocket medic, the only class thats even close to being as fun to heal a sniper is a spy.
>> No. 9036
I usually get protective Heavies, paranoid Demomen and Pyros, and Soldiers who are lone rogues. Usually. I have met the odd nice Soldier.

But I don't play with a regular group of people. Even if I frequent the same pub server, I only run into a person I know once or twice afterwards.
>> No. 9037
I love overhealing snipers, it's funny when an enemy sniper headshots them then semi-rages hehehe. I heal whatever class (demo, pyro, heavy, soldier first) is near. Pyros are a favorite to heal and uber, I don't care what anyone says.

Anyway, back on topic! I'm loving the idea of a demo-pirate!
>> No. 9038
I want to do this and nametag it 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'EVERY MONTH'?!'
>> No. 9039
I don't understand why it's commonly assumed that the Soldier hates the Medic. His call/thanks lines are just as shipbait-y as the Heavy's if not even more so (seriously, sweetheart?) and his hate for foreginers works in weird ways - if they're on his team he doesn't seem to care at all (as shown in comics and movies when he interacts with his team or Demo) but if they're on the other team it gives him a reason to mock them more (then again, all classes do this when they dominate). So yeah, IMO it's pretty random and OOC.
>> No. 9041
Medics that pocket tend to go towards Soldiers almost as much as Heavies. My dedicated Medic Buddy is a Soldier. They could also make it an item for the Demo, seeing as a kritzed Demo can do all sorts of havoc.
>> No. 9042
Mmn, yeah, you're right. He's a tough one to figure out like that. I was kinda unfair, to be honest.

Stuff like "sweetheart" or Medic calling Heavy "baby" could be condescending or endearing, it's hard to tell.

Seconded on the Demo. Again, I don't mind pocketing Soldiers when they're good.
>> No. 9043

As a frequent Medic player, my pocketing preference goes Soldier > Demoman > Pyro >>> HWG (I only heal the other classes either as needed or to build ubers).

Ironically, the more I play TF2 the more I'm convinced that the Heavy/Medic ship is entirely one-sided on the Heavy's part--he's friendly and overly affectionate with everybody, whereas the Medic thinks the Heavy is a big stupid lug who doesn't listen to instructions. (How hard would it be to BACK THE FUCK UP when I am screaming at you to get out of the line of fire because I'm at 90% charge and you're losing health faster than I can heal it back? Whereas the Soldier players who tell me to follow are always in communication, keeps an eye out for me, and creates beautiful symphonies of destruction during ubers. Guess who I'm going to prefer.)
>> No. 9044
At least most Soldiers and Demos have the common sense to jump away when they're in danger, but HWG, nope, they think a Medic behind them makes them a steel wall.
Mind you, I have healed my share of great Heavies and bad Soldiers, so it's not a black and white bias, but I rather prefer Soldiers than to Heavies.
At least Soldier is more able to turn around when I call Spy or at least look behind them when I'm running in front of him, than a Heavy does.
Plus, Soldiers help build ubers faster, and if we're being swarmed and I gotta get outta there, the Soldier has a better chance at escaping.

I rarely get a good Demo, so it's hard to say where he sits on my "heal/uber" scale.
>> No. 9046
I'm not afraid to leave when they do that. A heavy starts spawn camping the other team and I know he's dying. I'm out of there
>> No. 9047
When me and my medic buddy decides to spawn camp, it's usually to stall for time or to push back.
We're very practical about it: wait for the bulk of enemy team to come out, pop the kritz/uber and unleash hell, then hightail out when it's gone.
If we're feeling confident, we stick around some more for round 2.
Although I'm quite aware that I probably won't make it out of there alive, my medic buddy is at least courteous enough to give me a running start while he covers our retreat.
But yeah, if you're gonna run up to their spawn without a plan and me not even close to a kritz/uber, you're out of luck, I'm not wasting what precious uber buildup I have for your shits and giggles.
>> No. 9048
File 131722499790.jpg - (761.64KB , 639x1252 , 1308874397386.jpg )

Soldier's Medic responses are clearly quite different from Heavy's- whilst Heavy is full blooded in his appreciation of Medic, Soldier's tone is derogatory and he calls Medic sweetheart/pumpkin/sally because healing is a woman's job, dammit.

Also they are one of a few groups of lines which were repurposed by the community response patch which I don't think quite work, and given it wasn't Valve's original intention for them to be triggered that way I kind've doubt their validity.

As far as the update is concerned it doesn't sound terribly interesting just from that information. I really, really want the Raid Mode which has been mooted, or just something that doesn't involve bombs or points. Also, please don't nerf Tomislav Valve. Please?
>> No. 9049

Firstly, Soldier never calls Medic a Nazi. The fact that they are on the same team probably means Soldier DOESN'T hate him, though I imagine their personalities can clash.

Secondly, I don't think it's a pride thing when this Soldier play pulls out their Equalizer near a Medic because I don't want a Medic following me because a) I'm trying to do something that I don't want to have to worry about the safety of my Medic while doing it or b) I think there's someone else on the team better for an uber. I can't say whether players are this conscious of their lack of abilities as me, but if I didn't do it, then Medics would be whining about their incompetent Soldier player so I can't even win.

I personally would love a Pocket Medic for my Soldier, though.
>> No. 9050
And if we're bringing nationality into this debate, then Heavy is more likely to hate on a German than the Soldier, not less.
>> No. 9060

Generally, I think that Soldiers who run around crippled with the Equalizer out are either ignorant to the presence of their teammates. That, or they're like me and they're purposefully trying to maim themselves so they can run around super-fast!
>> No. 9061
wait weren't we supposed to be getting a Portal 2 DLC this month, valve?
>> No. 9087
I really have to apologize, Kilo, I didn't mean to get anyone annoyed or to start an argument. And to be honest, it's not shipping-related at all, I realize that now. And the Nazi thing was something people implied he thought for so long I mistook it as canon despite knowing he didn't outright say it. I feel horrible. You are the last person I ever want to piss off, you and Bones. I never thought that people would feel too inadequate to get an Uber- I always assume I'm the least experienced on my team in terms of gaming, so anyone else is less likely to die than me.

I'll probably end up putting it on my Soldier now, too.
>> No. 9148
File 131774028928.png - (244.51KB , 439x624 , dollies3.png )
>thread full of personal pairing bullshit
> no samples of the possible hats
I'm disapointed.
>> No. 9149
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>> No. 9150
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>> No. 9151
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>> No. 9152
File 131774050797.jpg - (273.98KB , 1102x702 , soooiguess.jpg )
>> No. 9153
>> No. 9154
File 131774069184.png - (60.83KB , 676x470 , dLGMG.png )
>> No. 9155
File 131774072377.jpg - (44.57KB , 670x583 , ddds0z.jpg )
>> No. 9157
File 131775349872.gif - (500.55KB , 500x208 , tumblr_li7spwInor1qe7mp7.gif )
>> No. 9160
Oh, man. That necklace. Words are failing me.

[Inappropriate comments about how it should have been a string of pearls goes here?]
>> No. 9161
>Solder Sea Captain Hat, Pyro Sailor Hat
My two most played classes getting nautical hats?

>> No. 9163

Obtain birdcage hat. Rename Birdy Num Num.

Obtain dat cork hat.

Obtain good microphone.

Play as Sniper.

Mic spam Philospher's Drinking Song.

Buy all the hats.

Die happy.
>> No. 9166
What is this exactly?
>> No. 9168
File 131780617891.jpg - (80.39KB , 536x359 , spencer.jpg )
>not knowing what a dangly-corky-blowie-botherer is
>> No. 9169
I need this little Pyro devil/angel. I'm going to call it the TF2 Morality System.

Have to keep amassing refined metal.
>> No. 9171

The purple one reminds me of that hat in "Zorro, the Gay Blade"
>> No. 9314
Just a heads up that this is slated to go through tonight.

>> No. 9316
File 131835932526.jpg - (118.97KB , 335x500 , 4284427391_af4391f49b.jpg )
Really excited for the Pyro Reserve Shooter and the 30 Metal Widowmaker

Just crafted the RS in preparation
>> No. 9321
forum says Wednesday, so tomorrow I guess. Way to get my hopes up hehe
>> No. 9328
Kritzkast suggested that Engie and possibly Heavy get the Reserve Shooter too.
>> No. 9368
And the update is live.
Patch Notes:


Experimenting with a new store interface with a subset of players
Added several dozen community items in celebration of the Manniversary
Added loadout presets -- each class can now store four complete loadouts, including weapons and cosmetic items, and change between them with the press of a button.
Added a new item type that can accept user-applied decals. Take any image off your hard drive, put it on a stick, and then smash people with it! (See the Decal Tool in the store!)
Added new co-operative high five taunt
Class select menu now shows the active loadout for each class
Characters can now equip two misc-slot items at once
Added a new in-game abuse-reporting system (see "Capture abuse report data" under "Miscellaneous" controls)
Non-newly-released weapons in the store can now be tried out for free once per week! This will give you a fully-functional version of the weapon to be used in-game for no cost. If you decide you like it, you can purchase it for a discount during the trial period.
All items purchased in the store can be used for crafting and can be traded after a few days
Added a new startup music track from Meet The Medic
Integrated with the new Steam Workshop to enable the publication and management of community contributed content

>Added several dozen community items in celebration of the Manniversary
Your bodies better be ready for this, I know mine is.
>> No. 9402
i just saw there are three soccer items with football manager
>> No. 9403
Loadouts of all of my classes are reset :(
>> No. 9411

Same ;-;
My game also crashed twice today, which has never happened before.

I started my game as scout because I wanted to try the shortstop that I just found - I was in 2fort so I bolted over the bridge to play with it - loldead, you don't actually have the shortstop.
I had a massive freakout until my boyfriend told me he couldn't access his items either. :/
>> No. 9415
God damn it Valve, how the hell does the head wrap fuck with the Villian's Veil? It looked awesome you mongos!
>> No. 9422
has anyone heard the jazzy new MtM-remix startup track with the accordions and clarinets? it's simply outstanding, one of the best VSO tracks, in my opinion.
>> No. 9423
>> No. 9451
since when did the spiral sallet clash with summer shades?! That's it, i'm not changing my demoman.
>> No. 9485
File 131883283357.jpg - (102.61KB , 1280x720 , 2011-10-16_00003.jpg )
Only the finest of Demomen wear two pairs of glasses at the same time.
>> No. 9488
File 131885395364.jpg - (109.48KB , 1440x900 , 2011-10-16_00003.jpg )
This update is the tits.
>> No. 9489
File 131885409471.jpg - (74.83KB , 1440x900 , 2011-10-17_00001.jpg )
Ey oop our mother, just going tup town to watch tup game
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