No. 9243
People who get super mad butthurt about setting accuracy. Yeah, there's a point where any original content goes a little too far, but for the most part, the TF2 setting is a humorous alternate universe with all kinds of crazy, impossible shit going on. Of course you should consider the time period when writing anything, but you've got plenty of wiggle room. This game isn't supposed to be taken super seriously anyway, so there's no point in getting upset over small details.
Effeminate ANYONE. Medic and Scout get this the worst, and I cannot even fathom how, because if you even pay a modicum of attention to any character in-game or in the "Meet The" videos they aren't like that at all. Even Scout, who is probably the most "bishie" in looks, is still as violent, aggressive, and rude as the rest. I'm all for making the characters a bit less exaggerated and more civil/nicer in day-to-day routines, but even so, no one is girly.
A certain type of Heavy/Medic fanfic. You know the one. Medic is closet gay, Heavy is a gay/bi guy comfortable with himself, Heavy has to convince Medic that feeling the way he does is okay, usually through sugary fluff and fucking the pain away. Maybe it's because I'm just not a fan of the pairing (but, you know, opinions), but that story arc has been done so many times I can identify it almost immediately at the beginning of a fic. I really hate cliches in general, but that's the one I see the most. I'd really love to see people branch out a bit more.
The body hair is not just a TF2 thing. Media in general tends to portray men as hairless bodybuilders. I remember I had a conversation with a friend about it, and she says that trend may have started with Brad Pitt. He actually did have body hair, but also was blonde so you couldn't really see it. So media picked up on that and started applying that trend in general. If you look at older movies in general (especially from the 70s), men had plenty of chest/body hair. It wasn't seen as a big deal (neither were naked breasts, but that's a different story).
As for its application in TF2, I see most of the classes as being quite fit (even Heavy is all muscle underneath his gut), but not hairless at all (except Scout lololol). I find some body hair to be sexy as hell.
>pom-pom guns