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File 131813830324.jpg - (242.52KB , 1107x500 , 1318061663283.jpg )
9251 No. 9251
Expand all images
>> No. 9252
File 131813837446.jpg - (95.50KB , 750x419 , 1318050781827.jpg )
this is your toy correspondent, Hydra, reporting live form NECA Studios
>> No. 9253
File 131813849465.jpg - (150.12KB , 750x419 , 1318050805350.jpg )
rumors abound of both teams getting a full release with RED bearing standard weapons and BLU wiht unlockables. NECA have yet to confirm or deny these accusations
>> No. 9254
File 131813858183.jpg - (120.05KB , 750x426 , 1318050856083.jpg )
this is Hydra, signing off

stay classy, tf2chan
>> No. 9258

The figures are going to be styled (articulation wise) after Max Factory's figma line

They're also expected to be done and shipped by April or May of next year
>> No. 9260
File 131817063243.gif - (311.54KB , 450x298 , y.gif )
Please...hurry up and come out with this...and I hope they're a reasonable price because Valve is putting me in the poor house.
>> No. 9261
I hope that they are going to be distributed through normal stores too, there's a good online store that's selling McFarlane toys for example for reasonable prices, I'd love to buy these like that, since I assume that shipping a few of these from the US to Europe is going to cost a lot more than a poster pack or a shirt. Sadface.
>> No. 9262

A little baffled by their choice of first releases (would have expected Soldier, at least) but also excited that I might not have to resort to painting to acquire my team of choice.
I guess I know what I'm getting for my next birthday!
>> No. 9263
File 131817621522.jpg - (219.15KB , 620x661 , 131639148143.jpg )

>The figures are going to be styled (articulation wise) after Max Factory's figma line
>> No. 9264
File 131817696745.png - (106.70KB , 509x308 , 130510508665.png )

Immediately purchasing Pyro, omigod.
>> No. 9267
Demoman, you WILL BE MINE.

And heavy.

And Pyro.

And anything else Valve is coming out with.

Good thing I'm selling my bone marrow for extra money!
>> No. 9268
File 131818991562.png - (201.37KB , 238x648 , Amazed Soldier.png )
>> No. 9272
File 13181947588.jpg - (42.36KB , 250x375 , lens18119965_13098682757946_Tales-of-the-Abyss-N.jpg )
Oh, snap. Very interesting.

If they ever produce a Sniper with a Huntsman (not sure why they would), he'd go on my desk at work. Right next to Natalia.
>> No. 9273
Buuut i waannaaa have Engie (And Solly and Medic)!
Still i want this, because I JUST NEED TO HAVE THEM!

Come on Valve, come one. Open a europe store.
Be a true capitalist and give all the fans in europe the chance to spend their hard earned money on you. Give us the possibility to get ourself into debts which we may just pay off in 10 years just to HAVE THIS! You would even do something for the economics by creating new jobs by opening a europe store.

>> No. 9274
Oh yes.

Medic had best be in the second wave, or my Heavy will be lonely...

But I definitely have some action figures who would love to party with a Demoman...

I want everybody. Tsch, Valve, when will you decide you have enough of my money? Never
>> No. 9276
Forget that shoddy clay spy I was making
Why put in effort for tiny TF2 characters when I can instead put in money and get a better result?
>> No. 9281
Ah, little sad there's no sign of personality core toys.
But omg, TF2 toys, want. Red team can cause havoc with my Transformers until Blu team gets released.
>> No. 9285
but will there be hats?
>> No. 9286
It would be stupid for NECA not to have one or two accesory packs with various class weapons and what not
>> No. 9289
File 131827082323.jpg - (65.54KB , 720x455 , 129626356149.jpg )
I need these.
>> No. 9317
I swear to God, if they make a Medic soon after they make Heavy, I will whore myself out to buy BOTH Heavy and Medic to satisfy my Heavy/Medic fetish.

>> No. 9318


Whose dick do I have to suck to get them in my grubby little hands?
>> No. 9323
>> No. 9325
File 131838985818.jpg - (126.87KB , 1280x726 , 129565383134.jpg )
Atlas and P-Body? Gordon Freeman? Engineer?
I want them. I want them all.
>> No. 9327
Only thing I'm disappointed in is no Chell. Maybe in Series 2 with a personality core pack?
>> No. 11095
File 132487127849.jpg - (142.92KB , 960x717 , archimedes.jpg )
Apologies for necro'ing an old thread, but I wasn't sure this warranted a new one.

Please let this be a prototype for an actual plush.
>> No. 11112
File 132491157353.jpg - (268.05KB , 1227x1195 , Archimedes mix small.jpg )
>>11095 Archimedes! Valve, you want ME to prototype that baby for ya? I made this one back in July. (Though sadly nice wire feets are not viable for production...) Man I want to visit that lobby.
>> No. 11115
If not, I'm sure the various skilled toy customizers will have no trouble goating ridiculous amounts of money out of you for it
>> No. 11119
Yeah Chell would be awesome, too, but I need these robots.
I just need them.
I hope i have money left over (HAHA yeah right) after buying them to buy Pyro because I absolutely love Pyro. Here's also hoping that Engie hits second wave.
>> No. 11161
I was at vavle just two days ago (Seattle native, they're in Bellevue if you didn't know), and sure 'nuff, there's a prototype Archie on their "in development" wall, alongside several mockups of a plastic mug with yellow grenade-print bearing the words "Aperture Science Combustible Lemon".
>> No. 11465
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my wallet cowers in fear
>> No. 11466
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>> No. 11469
>> No. 11472
File 132902234484.jpg - (63.43KB , 631x540 , mlfw899_1317820478781743.jpg )


>> No. 11473

Gimme dat Heavy figure.
>> No. 11475
I would love the plushies if they looked a little less...stiff, I guess? I'd definitely buy the Heavy figure or a Heavy plush.
>> No. 11479
I neeed a Pyro. Neeeeeed it. With a burning (lol) passion.
>> No. 11481
File 132908620427.jpg - (82.57KB , 600x800 , tumblr_lzamstrDH01ql3mzm.jpg )
I want that soldier so much!
>> No. 11482
File 132908626036.jpg - (74.83KB , 537x720 , 419772_326507250717933_159017290800264_855799_1526.jpg )
Also there was a demoman action figure, but someone stole it.
>> No. 11483
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dat 5'o clock beard
>> No. 11486
File 132910294326.jpg - (22.19KB , 450x370 , statler_waldorf.jpg )
Scout is a muppet. And i would pay good money for it. Either one of them is his grandpa or they make constantly scout mom and spy jokes.
>> No. 11487
If you squint, you can make out "Not Final Product" on the cards next to the plushies.

Even so, I'm excited either way.
>> No. 11495
File 132916787126.jpg - (72.53KB , 570x382 , il_570xN_274345731.jpg )
Dear /dis/


There's a Pyro plush. All my love.
>> No. 11520
File 132935566272.jpg - (26.88KB , 600x750 , valve-figures-20121.jpg )
Someone who probably hates demoknights stole his head at the expo ahah
>> No. 11799
File 133210531881.jpg - (94.80KB , 600x1000 , 1331950874703.jpg )
i have no idea what valve property would fit in with 3A's style
>> No. 12143

Steam hasn't said anything else about these plush. Has anyone seen one? Are they going to be sold soon? I want on /so/ bad.
>> No. 12148
They said that more info will be out in the fall (north hemisphere)
>> No. 12149
oh shit i forgot to keep you guys updated on this.

turns out its the portal robots, but i forgot to save the pics
>> No. 12283
Preorder PLUSHIES!!! Scout and Pyro for 20 dollars.

I'm waiting till Medic, Scout's ":|" is so ugly.


>> No. 12284

Pyro's pretty adorbs though.

I wish I had money.
>> No. 13245
Thank you for preordering from BigBadToyStore.com!

To view the status of your preorder, or to make changes, please log-in to your BBTS Account and select the 'View Preorders' link.

Your preorder summary is listed below:

Product IDDescriptionSubStandardCollectorSubtotal
NEC12030Team Fortress 2: 7" Deluxe Action Figure - Demo Limited Edition 1 $21.99
NEC12031Team Fortress 2: 7" Deluxe Action Figure - Pyro Limited Edition 1 $21.99
Subtotal: $43.98

>> No. 13644
File 13594410992.jpg - (96.92KB , 945x419 , pyrodemo.jpg )
So Big Bad Toy Store says that preorders on the pyro and demo made after november 22 are pretty much not going to be filled.
On the bright side, see image.
>> No. 14222
File 138819745575.jpg - (254.08KB , 956x1280 , chubs.jpg )
Herp, we did have a figures thread after all. WELP.

Little blind box vinyl figures from Crowded Coop:
12 pack - http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=CRCTF339A
Individuals - http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=CRCTF339

I want a chubby sentry, goddamn
>> No. 14223
Bad news: I have still not gotten the hat activation code I was missing when I got my Heavy.
Good news: He's sitting on my shelf between my Collector's Edition Epic Mickey vinyl figurine and my blind-boxed TokiDoki alicorn (Bellina). He looks great.

Is it bad I got most excited about/first noticed the Portal pint glass? I drink alcohol extremely sparingly, but I still have the temptation to buy every goddamn geeky pint glass for fandoms I'm in.

I thought for a second that was Engie in a snow hood and d'awwed hard before realizing it was an unrelated fig.
>> No. 14226
So there was no activation code inside the figure box? Das some weird shit, son. Hope you get it soon.

Out of curiousity I just researched what hats the BLU versions get, and found this: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Promotional_items#NECA_Action_Figures

They've listed the hats for the other classes already?! I just might have to get a BLU engineer because dat Texas Ten Gallon (and then modify him with a little 3D-printed gunslinger). And possibly BLU Scout and Medic... hrngh, the hats win again.

>Engie in a snow hood
I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. Good to know. I am, too, disappoint

And no worries on the pint glasses, bro. I don't drink but I've got a set of Octopus Pie "Take Your Best Shot" glasses, so I'm not really one to judge.
>> No. 14227
There was, there was just no code on it. It's been nearly six months, no reply. Infuriating, to say the least. I'm almost tempted to go "hey, fuckers, at this point you may as well throw in a free Balloonicorn code too".

It doesn't hurt that they're the same size as drinking glasses most of the time, anyways.
>> No. 14237
File 139017725492.jpg - (140.70KB , 466x414 , hasubando.jpg )
I said I would never buy one of these because they are just too damn expensive. But then he had to happen. Him and his damn gunslinger and babby sentry and I just--

Damn it, Gaming Heads.
>> No. 14243
File 139035060083.png - (128.61KB , 351x482 , to perfect - tf2chan.png )

I don't know if others took notice on the front page but this is to perfect not to share haha!
>> No. 14244
>> No. 14246
Spoo and Eng are here at last, hurrah!

For international plebs like me who can't get decent shipping rates from US stores:
Engineer - http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-6710
Spy - http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-6711

Aaaaahhh the teeny sapper and toolbox make me smile!
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