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File 131853888365.png - (779.48KB , 712x446 , the fuck baby saxton.png )
9366 No. 9366
>high-five taunts
>new replay features
>high five taunts
Expand all images
>> No. 9367
ogod baby saxton
>> No. 9369
High Five taunts? Like in Portal? SIGN ME UP.
>> No. 9370
File 131854088586.png - (106.78KB , 172x306 , tumblr_lt0w5uxXyi1qgl2lfo1_250.png )
dat Saxton
>> No. 9371
You see the little angel and devil Pyros?

I am getting those if it kills me.
>> No. 9373

I can finally wear Voodoo hat + iron jaw + shades?!
>> No. 9374
File 131854443892.png - (227.33KB , 444x441 , WOW Sniper.png )

Decals, meh, but as long as they don't break the weapons' color scheme and don't make the game an eyesore, I'm fine with it.

The Steam Workshop sounds amazing for all of our modellers, so here's hoping that people submit, vote and comment enough to make it a success.

PS: I want that Solly Cowboy hat so hard nnngh.

Can't wait to have my PC fixed so I can try out the new things!
>> No. 9375
Valve update server is about to blow as usual.. cant wait try new featuresburn money on hatz.
>> No. 9376

Second the thing for Soldier Cowboyhat. I so want it. So badly.

One thing which now annoys me. WHY CAN`T I COMBINATE ANYMORE MY HACHIMAKI WITH MY DANGERESQUE GLASSES? WHY?! My favourite combo and it´s gone. *weeps*
>> No. 9379
Oh, god. Oh, god. Sniper First Blood mullet. Aaaaaargh, why do I want that? Stupid Iowa genetics. (Fun story--I cried at the end of First Blood.)

I did not know that Mister Hale was part bear, but that makes sense.
>> No. 9382
About to blow the last of my money for the month and it's not yet halfway over... Thanks, Valve!
>> No. 9384
I like how Sniper kicks over chairs when he is infuriated/under the realisation something is missing from his life.

Why do things happen when I have no money. Nngh.
>> No. 9385
So what about "Mann's Garbage"?

Does it need a key? What rewards does it hold?
>> No. 9386
My one gripe about this update is that the Pyro's Hottie's Hoodie isn't a miscellaneous item so I can use that with the Pyromancer's Mask and the Cremator's Conscience.

Captcha: Crystal, rgionary
I wouldn't mind a map that had a crystal underground.
>> No. 9388
I need a download of the new "Archimedes" song. It's adorable.
>> No. 9389

>> No. 9390
Posting because Captcha says "manner".
>> No. 9394
I call shenanigans on Valve selling the Heavy and Sniper versions of that Rambo wig as two different hats instead of one multi-class hat. That just ain't right.


Oh man I am dying. SLAP MY HAND. SLAP IT NOW.
>> No. 9397
leave me hanging and you will regret it
why is this making me laugh so hard
like of all things to get upset over spy chooses this
>> No. 9398
File 131857062314.jpg - (480.03KB , 1920x1080 , tf2rolling.jpg )
>> No. 9400
File 131857514080.jpg - (290.56KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-10-14_00002.jpg )
I now have soft drink up my nose after seeing this...thought I'd share
>> No. 9404

I really don´t see a PROBLEM with it, because seriously you bought and gave out real money for it so why craft it?

I would be more upet if hats wouldn´t be dropped anymore.
>> No. 9407
File 131858747273.jpg - (854.00KB , 1280x952 , 1315042087413.jpg )
Few thoughts:

*Fuck me did that DL take its time. My rate hovered at about 20 KP/s for the whole hour and a half it took to download. I think my deepest regret about TF2 going F2P is having to share bandwidth with an extra 5 million other people.

*Given they've released a shedload of new weapons over the last few months, I don't really have a problem with them just releasing hats this time. Dressing them up on the class selection screen is a very nice touch.

*Presets and 2 misc slots is long overdue and very welcome. My Copper's Hard Top/Deus Specs/License to Maim Heavy is finally a reality.

*Gullywash is a through and through Pro map, deeply ugly and arbitrarily shaped but interesting enough from a technical point of view. I'm not a fan but a lot of people wanted it so can't really complain. On a positive note I am so glad they removed the ability to build in front of the forward spawn on Gorge. So fucking sick of that Engie exploit.

*It's gonna be VUVUZELA TIME ALL THE TIME once my friend, who works for Football Manager, gifts me the newest version like he always does for my birthday. HurrayBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
>> No. 9408

Oh, and I have very little sympathy for the people throwing their uncraftable toys out of the pram over the store fix. When you spend your time grinding money out of a made-up world of haberdashery you shouldn't act flabbergasted when it arbitrarily changes itself.
>> No. 9409
Unfortunately (or not) it seems that the vuvuzela noisemaker has limited uses.
>> No. 9412
File 131860920622.png - (147.21KB , 368x258 , donald.png )
My reaction when i crafted my Pocket Medic away on last weekend
>> No. 9414
Yeah I don't understand why so many people are butthurt over this "bait and switch" scenario. Although the though of people just filling their backpack up with seventy sent demofros that they can no longer craft is pretty hilarious.

I celebrated the update by putting five dollars in my steam wallet and...buying the Meet the Medic taunt, a key, and a demofro. Oops I did not buy anything new! I really want that stethoscope, though.
>> No. 9417
File 131862908147.jpg - (266.78KB , 494x965 , WhoaWhatjusthappened.jpg )
Guys, I seriously don't know what just happened.
Opened TF2, played a while on the Mantrain, then on a Prop Hunt server, and afterwards I just randomly opened the backpack...

and found the Meet the Medic Taunt as a new item! Didn't even get a notification about it!
I have a free account btw, and I already received that Mann Anniversary giftbox (it turned out to be a paper hat), so this just came out of nowhere!

I thought it was a fluke, but I tested it out, and it's indeed real.

Is anyone else getting some random surprise item in their backpacks?
>> No. 9418
File 131862990617.png - (295.88KB , 662x350 , burns.png )
I did, 3 hours ago.
I closed the game after it crashed, and after about 35 minutes later i went to play again, i was able get into my backpack. When i checked the first page i saw L'inspecteur, the new spy hat between the random junk. I wanted that hat so much when i first saw and DAMN it appeared on my backpack from nowhere
>> No. 9419
No, but I'm missing a Heavy Duty Rag. It was there right before the update, a brand new one I got by recrafting two other hats.
>> No. 9420
I was playing TF2 a few days ago and my little brother came into my room and asked me if I traded the Cockswain Pipe.
I don't even know how I got it.
>> No. 9421
Gotta say, I am loving the multiple loadout presets

Really saves time and hassle, especially when I wanna juggle the Reserve Shooter and Detonator
>> No. 9441
"My hat money buys research to find a cure for Australia. Over 22 million people a year are Australian. It is a tragedy."
-Robin Walker, Age 36

i am highly offended
>> No. 9442
I lol'd when I read that hehe
>> No. 9446
Anyone know if Flair! can be worn with badges?
I have a MIGHTY NEED to give one to the Spah, but I'll be damned if I have to take off my Made Man to do it :|
>> No. 9447
File 13187011845.jpg - (151.20KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-10-15_00019.jpg )
It can.
>> No. 9448
File 13187022946.jpg - (6.65KB , 180x166 , 27533_368413146306_826_n.jpg )
>> No. 9449
File 131870453430.png - (102.37KB , 259x249 , 131101827645.png )
>> No. 9450
I am DEFINATELY going after the Merc's Pride Scarf and Flair! for my Pyro once I go Premium
>> No. 9453
File 131871646645.jpg - (157.63KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-10-16_00001.jpg )
Artist's rendition of such an event.
>> No. 9454
Kinda dissapointed that the scarf isn't, you know, bigger

>inb4 that's what she said
>> No. 9455
Yeah, it's quite small compared to the real ones. If you showed up here with such a tiny scarf you'd be laughed at.

Also, I've still got a few decal tools left, so if anyway wants to whip up an image in photoshop or something (use template http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/e/eb/Flair_template.png), I could take pictures with all the classes.
>> No. 9456
Also, the image doesn't have to be 128x128, it can be 256x256 too.
>> No. 9457
Well regardless, it's still great looking

Hell, I even coaxed my mom to see if she could make me the Red Team version IRL
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