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File 131874990059.jpg - (86.52KB , 800x470 , TF2_Happy_Halloween_by_jaxrainer.jpg )
9459 No. 9459
With Halloween about two weeks away and after finding and playing on a 24/7 Halloween Event server, I' started to look forward to what Valve might do this year. What do you think they will do?

We've played next to a graveyard last year with the manor and this year I want to actually BATTLE in one or maybe around a tomb since we have an Egypt-themed map all ready. Maybe something that has to do with accidentally reviving a mummy or evoking a curse of some sort.
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>> No. 9460
in 10 days roughly.
>> No. 9461
File 131875276693.png - (50.77KB , 600x600 , trolldier.png )
>accidentally reviving a mummy or evoking a curse of some sort
"Last year, Soldier got us sent to the middle ages by pissing of a magician (we're still missing half the team after that and Scout won't stop calling everyone artless flax-wenches). Now he's gone and insulted a necromancer who raised the dead on us and cursed all of our hats! Tune in next time as Soldier accidentally plunges us into global thermonuclear war."
>> No. 9473

> like fighting zombies in TF2 idea
> Remember Respawn of the Dead fic
>> No. 9476
File 131881382827.jpg - (67.38KB , 960x830 , 319664.jpg )
Hah! Yeah zombies are interesting but really depressing sometimes. Still, it would be fun in the light-hearted game.

The second I saw mummy I was picturing the whole team running from a mummy in a very Scooby Doo fashion.
>> No. 9477
File 131881727745.jpg - (121.25KB , 400x300 , scooby-doo.jpg )
>The second I saw mummy I was picturing the whole team running from a mummy in a very Scooby Doo fashion.

Oh God.
PLEASE, someone draw this.
>> No. 9478
File 131881752012.png - (318.55KB , 701x473 , 131736197186.png )
>> No. 9480

I'm all for this, actually.
>> No. 9481
Has nobody here played the mod Zombie Fortress?

I get a huge adrenaline rush from that sometimes when I play a survivor. Im the jumpy sort, yeah, but really.

I remember playing a Pyro in a map that was basically a bunck of docks and shacks. Holed myself up in a shack, as the final survivor, and had the entrances blocked. Hid in fear for a few minutes, shotgun out to hide my pilot light and back to a corner to protect myself from Spies, when I hear a window smash and suddenly see practically every Zombie waiting at the windows. Flipped my shit with the flamethrower and ended up winning the round by a few seconds, but hell I was scared pissless.
>> No. 9483
Played one a few times. I should give it another try. That sounded like a fun round!
>> No. 9570
Selling a Milkman for a Bonk Helm.
If possible painted purple.

>> No. 9573
Wrong thread, dude!
>> No. 9598
This came from the Steam forums about a new background at the Start up menu.


So, they may be going with a pirate theme this year? No complaints here if they do.
>> No. 9603
The Halloween event seems to be up and running, I just played a few rounds on the manor map. Feels good to finally mark off some of those achievements.

Also, when 5 headless horsemen appear on the map a few metres away from you and you're marked as it by all of them, you kind of shit bricks.
>> No. 9607
Some of those pics have changed, not just demo. showing the new items.
>> No. 9629
File 13192456796.jpg - (22.03KB , 560x300 , halloween_11.jpg )
>> No. 9630
Oh boy, oh boy
Looks like Pyro turned into some sort of devil monster. I wonder if that'll be a new boss or if there will be items for all the classes to turn into monsters?
>> No. 9631

So long as it means they've fixed the stupid ordeal of the game crashing so much randomly. Really looking forward to the Halloween event but I can't enjoy it if the game keeps crashing every few minutes or so and come back to only have the event servers filled up like mad.
>> No. 9632
So Demoman is a pirate, Pyro is a devil, what are the other classes? Demo is the only one I have seen thus far.
>> No. 9634
>> No. 9635
So now we have Heavy and Medic's official names! Now we ave Pyro, Spy, Scout, and Sniper left, right?
>> No. 9636
Wait, where?

And we've already had Sniper's real name since the Director comic. It's Mr. Mundy.
>> No. 9638
I don't know if this is canon or fanon, but it's in the little updatey things.

Heavy's is Ivan "Ivan" Ivanov.

Medic's is Josef Heilburger.

Again, dunno if these are true. Just what's on those pages.
>> No. 9646
That's a fan page. Valve linked to it, but didn't have any hand in its creation.

I don't think Valve would go as low as to name Medic Josef. Dude, not funny.
>> No. 9648
>I don't know if this is canon or fanon

I wonder.
>> No. 9651
i wonder if it's possible to get the ghastly ghibus upgraded to ghastlier ghibus this year.
>> No. 9653
I don't know things, okay? I was just explaining why that person probably thinks those are the names, and a joke like 'Ivan "Ivan" Ivanov' is Valve-esque, so how was I to know for sure?
I didn't even know there were two diff tf2 wikis, okay? And to this day, still don't know which is which.
>> No. 9655
File 131931358074.png - (142.92KB , 480x360 , tumblr_lolc4l6KSG1qdeqj8.png )
so uh.


does this apply to the chan's server(s)?

>There will be random gift drops, but this year we are requiring that participants register their servers. If you choose not to register, you can still run the Halloween maps, but no gifts will drop on your server.
>> No. 9666
File 131935059740.jpg - (386.21KB , 500x773 , christianbrutalsnipermovie.jpg )
the one that says "official" is the official wiki
it's not the front page of the main blog and isn't in-game, of course it's not canon
and I've heard better names for them before like in this spic
>> No. 9667
The Ivan thing still made me laugh.
>> No. 9688
Yeup! The Mantrain and Man-Caboose are good to go for the Halloween event!
>> No. 9689

One time I checked that unofficial wiki, Heavy was given the name "Pootis Spencer".

You guys have no idea how much I laughed at that!
>> No. 9710
So I think I have all the achievements, except for the ripper's ax thing. How do I earn it?
and how do I make a saxxy mask?
>> No. 9732
You make a Saxxy mask by crafting all of the 2010-2011 Halloween masks together. Unless you're looking to get the achievement for it, I found it easier just to buy it off of someone for a refined.

As for the Achievement, I'm actually not sure which one you're talking about, but here are all the Ghostchievements http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Ghostchievements
>> No. 9738
so yeah the email just went out

it's tonight guys.
>> No. 9742

My Steam ID is in the e-mail message box.
>> No. 9744
Saw the blog update and the comic that went with it. Looking forward to it!
>> No. 9753
>> No. 9758

I am getting twitchy.
>> No. 9797
>"Every day heavy risk life. To earn money. To feed family."
Respawn confirmed for non-canon?
>> No. 9799
Well, he DOES risk his lives! He just always gets a new one. It's still a damn brutal job, with or without respawn.

The entire comic is kinda noncanon to me, anyway. I mean, Soldier having a roommate? I dunno, that just makes no sense to me whatsoever.
>> No. 9800
If Poker Night's anything to go on, the idea that Heavy's died hundreds of times bothers him so much that he's convinced himself he dreamt that entire part and he's really immortal.
>> No. 9803
I lost my shit when Spy gave his knife and cigarettes away to a Trick-or-Treater.
>> No. 9847
>> No. 9860
since when does he have a family?
in meet the director they only got pics of him and sasha. wait, is his "family" his guns? whay does he feed them?
>> No. 9864
Meet the Director also mentioned Heavy's actual family, it's just that Heavy refused to tell the director anything beyond what was already written in his file.
>> No. 9866
Meh he was probably just saying that to guilt the kid. Or help his mother and sisters? Dunno
>> No. 9867

Sasha does eat through $200 custom bullets - she's a growing girl you know.
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