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File 131916766356.jpg - (125.92KB , 400x400 , tf2 noob standstill.jpg )
9591 No. 9591
We've all been there.
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>> No. 9592
File 131916772758.jpg - (139.82KB , 400x400 , noobengi.jpg )
>> No. 9597
My most amount of engineer gameplay = 36 seconds. No joke.
>> No. 9600
When I played engineer for the first time, I couldnt figure out how to upgrade my buildings. When I saw "metal" I thought it meant the type you get in crafting for some reason and thought "fuck this."
Then I watched a tutorial on YouTube and felt stupid.

Ive got a few hundred hours on each class and the most amount of points as Engineer.
>> No. 9601
Holy shit. I have... Three and a half hours on one class, a half hour on another and a few minutes here and there LOL #foreverinferior
>> No. 9605
Engine takes a lot of getting used to, but he's a fun class to play as

Still haven't figured out how to be Offensive with the Engine all by his lonesome, I'm honestly starting to think that it's impossible
>> No. 9611
I've been playing TF2 for a year now but I only realised you could make buildings build faster by hitting them like two weeks ago. Derp.
>> No. 9614
When I first played engineer I thought you had to destroy the decorative buildings in the background to get metal.
>> No. 9617
I wish that were possible.
>> No. 9618
I'm only any good at doing that with minis so far. I'm not patient enough to build a real sentry on offense. Takes too damn long for me.

I think it can easily be said that Engie is probably the hardest class to learn. Once you've learned it, you're fine, but it's just that initial 'WTF DO I DO WHERE DOES EVERYTHING GO WHAT'S THIS SPARKY METAL THING ON MY SENTRY' kind of thing that gets ya.
>> No. 9627
Until, like, a few weeks ago, I was sure the way you crouch-jumped was by crouching and THEN jumping really fast. And I've had the game since December.

To this day, i STILL can't get it right (though it may have more to do with my crappy, lagtastic computer than me).
>> No. 9633
I shall teach you the ways of the crouch jump! Also, for offensive engy, if yer usin mini sentry a good place is tucked into a corner and then distract people whilst it builds, then pepper with shotty whilst it fires.
>> No. 9669
>Still haven't figured out how to be Offensive with the Engine all by his lonesome
1) Drop mini sentry
2) Shotgun
I can take pretty much any class if I've got good terrain by doing this.
>> No. 9686
And the non-mini version:
Upgrade a sentry to level 3 right next to your resupply (that way it's less likely to be destroyed and you can resupply for metal) , then move it to an offensive position ASAP. If possible, build a teleporter exit on the battlefield so you can build the entrance next to resupply to transport you, your sentry, and your teammates to the frontlines.
>Deploy sentry
Works pretty well if you're quick.
>> No. 9687
As a rule I'm fairly good at adapting to new games and since I recently jumped from console to PC it's been a little rocky but I'm getting better quickly.

Does that mean I can play Demo? NO. I haven't even tried. I play with a really fantastic Demo sometimes and I just sit in the background as Medic and hide 'cause I'm really daunted.
>> No. 9719
I'm honestly not too fond of the Mini-Sentries or The Gunslinger, far too many draw backs to be justifiable in a loadout
>> No. 9721
I play on a Mac and am fairly new to the game, I've been pretty strictly Heavy but I want to get good at Sniper. But since I'm still unfamiliar with some of the maps I can't find any good nests and my mouse aim is SHIIIIT.

>> No. 9722
I've been trying to get better at Sniper too, but I don't want to get scolded and get my arse handed to me, so it's practice mode for me.

Putting a bullet through those big Heavy bot's heads still feels satisfying, though.
>> No. 9723
>I've been trying to get better at Sniper too, but I don't want to get scolded and get my arse handed to me, so it's practice mode for me.
Nobody will notice if you suck. Everybody will notice you if you're awesome.

So it's really a win/win situation. If nothing else, just go to a trade_plaza or any other trade_ server, they usually feature loads of sniping.
>> No. 11182


THE WORLD NEEDS MORE MEDICS AND PYROS. Aiming is better with these classes. To practice aiming as medic, whip out a syringe gun and don't forget to compensate for the arc. Pyro is a clicking adventure, just don't W+M1. M2, and get good at strategy.

Disclaimer: This was my story, and what worked for me. Your milage may vary.
>> No. 11187
I can't even remember how to crouch.
>> No. 11190
Can someone tell me what it means when someone refers to a hat as a "craft hat".
>> No. 11195
I think I figured it out, but correct me if I am wrong. Craft hats are hats that can be crafted by combining 3 refined or 2 hats. If so, it seems pretty cheap that people will say "buying all craft hats, 1 refined", then sell them for 2 or so.
>> No. 11197

It means any hat which can be used in crafting, due to how it looks/various other factors is unlikely ever to be worn, and is therefore sold simply as one potential half of another hat.

Beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder but the likes of the Dead Cone, the Hard Counter and the Doctor's Sack are always craft hats.
>> No. 11198
File 132586674324.jpg - (164.24KB , 500x500 , pyros.jpg )
For the longest time I had no idea why they wouldn't burn like everyone else - then I just accepted it.
>> No. 11199
>air blast other Pyro away
>use shotgun
>they come at me W+M1ing
>same strategy
>die anyway

Fuck am I doing wrong? Its getting embarrassing.
>> No. 11203
I love baiting Pyros like that when Im Pyro in a long hallway.

Just run backwards while they go forwards, and aim like your life (does) depend in it. Their flame is more likely to miss you than yours, since yours will be stretched and theirs will be shrunk.

Your flamethrower choice could also be to blame, I dunno.
>> No. 11204

Backburner pyros, laughing skill in the face since 1984
>> No. 11207
You either play with a degreaser or don't bother playing at all
>> No. 11211
File 132604051848.png - (93.05KB , 500x500 , ammo.png )
...then proceed to punch everything.
>> No. 11216
>Play Spy for the first time.

>Oh God how do I disguise wait I need to uncloak to attack oh fuck everything's trying to kill me oh God
>> No. 11223
File 132618386514.jpg - (24.68KB , 400x400 , 13061547.jpg )
>> No. 11226
I know how hitscan works and Im good with shotguns and pistols but I still can't hit anything with Spy's revolver.
>> No. 11228

Probably your aim.
Revolver is more precise and slower to fire. With the pistol you at least have the rapid fire and, depending on your class, 200 ammo. With the shotgun, the spread is larger.
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