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File 131975044773.jpg - (38.40KB , 400x370 , oh demo.jpg )
9740 No. 9740
After playing Tf2 for a few hours today, concentrating heavily on my Spying, I had to go to work at the theatre space. Just putting about, placing props where they need to be, and I found myself ducking into corners, and just waiting.

And I thought, 'What the hell am I doing?'

Realized, 'Oh. I'm waiting for my cloak to recharge'.

Stories of times you've found TF2 seeping into your own life. Go.
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>> No. 9741
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One day, I was out walking by the lake when a flock of geese took off. I started tracking them like I track targets when I am using the Huntsman. Just kind of a smooth glide with my eyes. Then I stopped myself and asked "Why did I just do that?"

It's either that or latent Duck Hunt memories.
>> No. 9762
I recently had a week off uni (study break type thing), and went on a TF2 all-day-erryday marathon. On day three or four, I was walking down a fairly deserted street with my dog. Dog stopped to sniff some stuff like a boss, and I stopped to watch. When I looked back up I noticed a parked car at the end of the street.

My first thought was, "I don't think that was there a second ago..." which was immediately followed by "ohshit it's a spy."

... this sort of thing has happened more than once, but this was the worst incident thus far.
>> No. 9784
After playing tf2 I get the tendency to look behind myself a lot more often (spies), and sometimes my middle finger twitches (to change weapons).
>> No. 9814
...you can't get through any movie without referencing TF2.
>> No. 9816
I can't pass by an empty trainyard or building without imagining voice commands coming out of it.
>> No. 9819
One time, when I was driving home from work, I heard a train in the distance, and I freaked out because I didn't know if I was on the tracks or not. I felt like a derp.
>> No. 9825
Oh man, THIS, so much. I live in central California, so to get from where I am to any other town or city, you pretty much have to drive through great big stretches of agriculture.

The drive I take about once a month takes me right past a field with one huge red barn across from one blocky slate gray storage/processing building. So I press my face to the window and flip out, but I'm just with my mom and not my brother, so I can't really explain why I love it.
>> No. 9831
I was walking and I thought I saw a blue dot on the wall out of the corner of my eye and I quite literally dropped.

Also, when I saw the valve, real life sentry gun, I actually flinched when I heard the beeping noise and saw it pointed at the screen.
>> No. 9858
I am so glad I was not the only one to flinch over the RL sentry...
>> No. 9914
About 3 months after I first started playing tf2 I began mimicing the laughing and snorting noises Spy would make. Eventually I started snorting irl.
I still do it to this day..
and that's how I got my nickname.
>> No. 9915
>> No. 9920
when people don't understand what I mean, I almost want to yell the order back at them and add MAGGOT to the end..too much time following Sollys as a medic
>> No. 9927
It's got to the point where I will answer to "Medic". I swear I hear people saying it all the time, and it's not helped by the fact that around my uni we call the med students medics. Also, I find myself increasingly longing for my own giant Russian to cower behind.

I'm okay with this.
>> No. 9942
Same here. I swear prolonged playtime/RP time as Medic gave me a thing for Heavy.

That and Poker Night.
>> No. 9957
Everytime i cough i add "gentlementlegen". It has become an habit...
After 3 hours or more of playing i cant see someones back without having my right hand twitching.
>> No. 10027
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>this thread
I thought I was the only one!
>> No. 10028
This happened to me last night. The assistant director was trying to turn off the tv monitor, that we'd been using for our slides for the play, and the remote he uses has one of those weird lazer-pointer things on it, to tell you where it's aiming.

I happened to be walking by with an armful of hankies and blankets when I saw it. Shrieked and went straight to the ground, behind a crate. Luckily, the hankies made for a soft landing.

And the rest of the crew was just 'WTF', but the AD laughed because he plays TF2 too. I think he was doing it on purpose, now.

Also, not TF2, but I found myself humming the Turret Wife Serenade as I worked last night. Provides a good rhythm, honestly.
>> No. 10030
I've recently found that 'piss' has become part of my regular vocabulary.

Thanks Sniper.
>> No. 10050
File 132095634162.jpg - (4.60KB , 168x198 , pops sees what you did there.jpg )
I talk to my PRIVATES now more than ever.
>> No. 10066
Fallout 3.

Took me three tries to realize that VATS was a more logical alternative to running around a corner and launching a missile at an enemy's feet.

I think I tried rocket-jumping once, too...
>> No. 10069
Started beginning to have hallucinations that a Red spy was trying to backstab me but kept missing
>> No. 10072
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Our janitor in our university. He disturbingly resembles Demoman, and when he was mopping floors one day, he was singing by himself and said: "Boom Boom Baby". I think he really is Demoman, after the Bio in Team Fortress wiki says that Demoman's job is "house cleaning" and his motto is "Boom Boom Baby!".
That was just a hilarious moment, when i whitnessed it.
>> No. 10075

The mental image of a frustrated RED Spy repeatedly failing to backstab an ordinary civilian is making me laugh way harder than it should.
>> No. 10079
I was playing as Zangief on Street Fighter, and every time I landed a punch; "MY FISTS ARE MADE OF STEEL."
>> No. 10080
That reminds me of a small headcanon idea I had awhile back, that the mercenaries either don't or can't kill civilians (with the exception of that messenger guy, but he was had photos of their private lives). I think it had to do with Spy only having masks of the other team's members, when he theoretically could have a mask of anyone who'd ever existed.
>> No. 10207
You know the way Engie handles the wrench? Patting the palm of his hand with it?

I do that all the time now.
>> No. 10208
Masks dont kill people, knives do.
>> No. 10212
I play Medic, somehow I managed to get a sound to play every time someone near me is low on health. After playing a few hours that sound is stuck in my brain like fucking tinnitus.

That and I had a period where everytime I had to be serious I added Maggots to the end of my sentences.
It actually helped.
>> No. 10236
I know what you mean, I hear that decloaking sound (only in game so far) where there's no spies on either team. It's made me paranoid.
>> No. 10253
I was walking in Fry's one day and I swear to god I heard a level 3 sentry beep. I jumped and almost screamed then hid behind a nearby stand. Thank god there was nobody around.
And I've had more than one instance where I've heard a Spy decloaking behind me. Scariest shit ever. I almost punched my friend once.
>> No. 10262
Oh God THIS.
Watched the most recent Nostalgia Critic, the one about Felix the Cat: The Movie. At one point the protagonists encounter demons of sorts and Felix defeats them by summoning a bunch of hats. (Yeah, it happens) My mind couldn't even DARE to not reference TF2 there.

I also find myself wearing overalls a lot more now.
>> No. 10263
>I also find myself wearing overalls a lot more now.

There was a brief period where dungarees were in fashion over here, and I actually seriously considered buying some. In the end I didn't, but it was a hard decision.
Also I wear my Medic coat everywhere now. And I think the entire city knows me as "That Girl Who Wanders Around With A Toy Bird On Her Shoulder".
>> No. 10310
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Now when I go shopping all I ever look for anymore are hats.

Also, whenever I hear a pigeon or a dove coo, I look around and quietly say to myself, "Archimedes?"
>> No. 10450
I call every pidgeon I see Archimedes.
That, and sometimes I speak with a german accent.
>> No. 10462
Once said, "Whoowee! Makin' bacon!" while cooking a few strips of it for breakfast. Had to pause to wonder why on earth I said it before realizing it's one of Engie's domination lines.

I think I once responded to something with, "Oh that slaps me on the knee!" too.
>> No. 10493
Playing any Zelda game, whenever I pull out the bow and arrow and aim for longer than a few seconds, I switch to my sword, then back to the arrow.
Accuracy is important...
>> No. 10507
Been having the oddest sensation to hit my computer with a wrench and upgrade it
>> No. 10515
That would probably only work if it's a Mac.

(Sorry. Couldn't resist. PCer fo' life.)
>> No. 10540
Goddamnit, you people have problems
>> No. 10544
I've been thinking in my head with a german accent while mentally calling idiots dummkopf.

There was also a period of me being paranoid about Spies to where at night while I walk to my car, I look behind myself before getting in, and then I look at my backseat and do an arm sweep to make sure that no one was invisible.

Then I told myself that I'm acting ridiculous.

I also had to restrain myself from acting like a total nerd when my Grandpa, who is an engineer, kept on insisting for me to get an engineering degree in college.
>> No. 10556
When i walk behind annoying people (slow, dont move to let me through, gathering in crowded places, in supermarket etc) i started to think: piss offyou mongrels, should've saveda bullet for one of u blokes, piss off, bighead, boom - headshot! Also i lie in bed every morning half a sleep and fantasize about some chars and i'm all frustrated when waking up completely and there is no and will be no medic/sniper/etc and so i get up: gnaaaaaaaargh! What an unsatisfying start of a day
>> No. 10557
I have found that I have started to walk and talk at work like Solly during my 'pep meetings'. I even do my version of the Soldier laugh. And tangent. And seriously, this is bad. I also will march around the shops quoting Meet the Soldier, calling people maggots yada.

When I cut myself, I yell Medic! Or if someone hurts themselves. And if I have to do first aid, I flip into some strange German.

The day I found our recovery shovels strangely look like a Soldier's Trench tool. Wielded one of those for a few hours. And wanted to buy the welding goggles at work. They asked what I wanted to weld. I told them I would need them for protecting my eyes from sappers.

My people at work know Im strange, but they find it endearing. I think. I probably shouldn't go into public
>> No. 10564
funny. i imagine an ambulance man. me had a car crash and is hurt and afraid. ambulance man says: come over here! i promise i will heal you. zhe healing is not as rewarding as zhe hurting. horrido, gesundheit! prepare for your examination *dirty laugh*

then he puts on his rubber gloves and i want to die die die!!!!!
>> No. 10585
started to watch strange fetish porn. but doesnt turn me on watching guys jerking off in rubber suits with gasmasks, so i stopped and tried with rubber gloves, didnt turn me on either, then i tried doctor porn and had best laughing flashs ever watching, yes sure, girl, its part of the examination, you know, muha.
>> No. 10673
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So, I'm watching Frosty the Snowman when I start to wonder why all of these people are fighting over a damn hat, even if it is magical. Then I realize that's what I've been doing all along in TF2.
>> No. 11253
>playing hl2
>health is low
>press E
>wonder why gordon remains silent

and later
>try to blast combine soldier away with M2
>> No. 11260
I tryed to rocket jump on HL2 once...
>> No. 11262
watching my bro play skyward sword. he hits attacks a moblin near a cliff edge-i wonder why he doesnt just push him off with a rocket to the feet
>> No. 11279
>walking in the store
>phantom hear 'MEDIIIIC'
>look up

too much tf2
>> No. 11281
For some reason, whenever I see the number 144, I say 'ENFORCER CRIT!' in my head...because that's the damage it does on a crit. Don't know why I have it memorized, either...

captcha: should hiskerg. Hmm. Maybe if I do this 'hiskerg' method captcha is implying, I would stop doing this, or something.
>> No. 11288
File 132712593148.png - (284.21KB , 1500x1500 , wheatley__portal_2_by_littlemeesh-d3eh5w0.png )
>Play Portal 2: "The Escape".
>Wheatley says "Hang on, let me light this jump for you."
>Press Z-2 on reflex.
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