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File 131976073515.jpg - (517.09KB , 796x1152 , bombinomicon_00.jpg )
9743 No. 9743
Stupid Sexy Merasmus the Magician

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>> No. 9745
I look foreward to the no doubt forthcoming rule 34 of the magician.

Are those the soldiers' kids or did he just find them somewhere?
>> No. 9746
Soldier and Merasmus BFFs 4 life.
>> No. 9747
So the new Halloween boss might be Soldier's wizard roommate and/or Demoman's lost eye? I LOVE THIS UPDATE ALREADY.
>> No. 9748
Goddamnit. There goes my planned ending for "Double Feature." Have to pull something out of my hat now.

How does one slap the magic out of another's mouth? Are molars where your magic powers lie?

Also, Spy? What are you doing, Spy? You can't give that to children!
>> No. 9749
nobody spot the sneak peak at the stylish spy outfit?

when he opens his coat.
>> No. 9750
I think that's just what it looks like underneath a suit, hun. What did you expect to be there?
>> No. 9751
What's the difference between a wizard, a magician, and a warlock?
>> No. 9752
Every once in a while I try to remember just why it is that I love TF2/Valve so much, and then Valve goes and reminds me. This is the greatest of all TF2 comics.

Give us candy, it is the law!
>> No. 9754
File 131976577223.png - (298.11KB , 738x490 , Screen shot 2011-10-27 at 6_35_33 PM.png )

I want to know what all the costumes are. Soldier's is amazing.
>> No. 9755
shit, this comic had me in stitches. easily the funniest one yet.
>> No. 9756
Oh, several expletives in a row deleted! I was totally working on a fanfic ripping off The Fly! Argh! Damn you, Valve! That's awesome.

Only it was going to be about a teleporter accident turning the Sniper into one of those fancy Naga-Snipers I see slithering about from time to time.
>> No. 9757
engineer's is..
>> No. 9759
Whatever Medic's costume is... I must have it and willing to be one's slave to acquire those achievements and whatever costumes they want, I just want to dress up my mad scientist doctor even more awesome.

Steam name is in the email field.
>> No. 9760
Dear god.

Valve. I dearly love you.
>> No. 9761
I am going to get the Engineer costume and I am going to paint it yellow and I shall have a bastardized Engiebee at last.
>> No. 9763
File 131976972421.jpg - (100.45KB , 1280x960 , 2011-10-28_00002.jpg )
>> No. 9764
it's a mad science pack
scouts is a mummy pack
Demoman is a were-wolf
heavy is frankenstien
>> No. 9765
Sniper is Van Helsing.

>> No. 9766
I want it.

>> No. 9767
File 131977145671.png - (126.93KB , 450x428 , SteamHalloweenInside.png )
>> No. 9768
What did everybody get for their Halloween piece?

I received the Garlic Flank Stake, and it is making me very giddy. Might as well have given me a garter.

Captcha: romityll obtaining. Yes, we will be obtaining things.
>> No. 9769
I got the Seal Mask, and the Scout's Mummy Shoes.
>> No. 9770
Seal mask and Spy goggles.
>> No. 9771
The Scottish Snarl.

Suddenly, jealousy. I wanted the Garlic Flank Stake. OH WELL.
>> No. 9772
Hey, the gibus just got upgraded again to "Ghastlierest Gibus" where there's an eyeball in what I presume "blood" in the opening of the top hat.

So what, is Valve just going to keep adding onto the gibus until it rivals that of a tower of hats?
>> No. 9773
More like "a blob of unidentified organs and decorative pins placed on a man's head" than a Towering Pillar of Hats.
>> No. 9775
I got the Sniper's Silver Bullets.
>> No. 9776
File 131977640441.png - (332.15KB , 788x412 , notfat.png )
>> No. 9777

GODDAMN YOU. I got Engi's wings and Futankhamun.
>> No. 9778
File 131977932186.jpg - (31.18KB , 346x360 , 130153791114.jpg )
>medic gets the mad scientist pack
>not engineer
Commence Engineer rage everywhere!
>> No. 9780
>>Medic gets Albert Einstein set, Einstein was Jewish
>>Medic's predescessor was Sigmund Freud, also Jewish
>>"Archimedes" sounds vaguely like Klesmer music
>>Called it.
>> No. 9781

How Demoman lost his eyes and got the entire special ghost shtick
How they allegedly got into the Medieval mode - SOLDIER ANGERED MERASMUS

Also regarding the kids: Isn't it obvious? He just abducted them to get candy! He's gotta live on SOMETHING, doesn't he?

Oh man, I have to log on someone's PC to claim my items! Stupid PC is still being repaired FFFFFFF-
>> No. 9783
Got Soldier's shoebox robot feet. I am okay with this because Soldier's robot costume is amazing.
>> No. 9785

>> No. 9786
I think that perhaps Soldier might enjoy being dressed as a robot.
>> No. 9787
I got the demoman's werewolf feet, and the seal mask. As tempted as I am to buy the bundle, the fact that the items are only for halloween are a bit lame - I might just buy the non restricted items.

Also, how is everyone going with defeating monoculus? I'm going terribly.
>> No. 9790

I managed it an hour ago, but that might've been luck on my part.

The main thing is that most of the players on both teams have to concentrate their fire on Monoculus, so that he gets defeated before he runs off.

A helpful thing is jumping into the portals he leaves behind when he teleports, if you can get in and out without dying, you'll be buffed enough to stun him and make it easier for others to shoot him.

Mind you, killing him is only half the battle.

>> No. 9791
Done it several times. It can get a bit frustrating if you really want the new items. After he dies, you run into the portal to Loot Island, but you're likely to be killed by a bunch of scouts or pyros before you can get to the book.

I usually go Scout and just run like hell, it's them that will usually get to the (Haunted) Gift Boxes first.
>> No. 9792
Got the soldiers robot shoes and the seal mask obviously, i was disapointed but i got the halloween gift and got the pyro's devil horns, happy very very happy
>> No. 9793
I got the Spy's intangible ascot.

The server I was on killed Monoculus alot, but the entire blue team (I was on red) would kill all the reds when we tried to attack it or went through the portals.

All that happened when a gift box appeared was everyone freaking out and no one on red actually got the gifts until the teams auto-balanced.

I was so close to getting my first gift box ever, and a blue ubered heavy-medic pair came in and destroyed everyone. Then the medic took the gift and they yelled at each other for the rest of the match. I'm not sure if I like this part of Halloween.
>> No. 9794

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkI AM A FAGGOT HUMP MY RUMPYn8KiKU
>> No. 9795

Really, word filter? Really? I can't even embed it because the ID has an X and D next to each other for chrissake. Go search youtube for engineer's fly costume sounds, people.
>> No. 9796
Got Heavy's Frankenstein boots, and seal mask. Put them both on him (along with his ever-present pocket Medic) and just ran around firing wildly at a giant eyeball for a while. And, occasionally, at some guys in red.
>> No. 9802
I play a fierce Pyro, so I found it pretty damn exciting that the Monoculus' fireballs are reflectable. Also wow, those Engie-Fly sounds are... not what I expected ha ha.
>> No. 9804

Oh sweet mercy, might this mean that all (or at least most of) the classes have had more voice-acting done just for this event?

Unlikely, yes, but oh how delicious it would be if it were true!


I'm really really feeling that the only truly effective way to get at those gifts is to make sure the entire server is co-operating
>> No. 9805
seal mask and intangible ascot, but goddamn it i don't even play spy all that much! grah!
>> No. 9806
File 131982044635.gif - (340.69KB , 320x289 , 1316483403208.gif )

And I thought just the comic itself was AWESOME AS HELL.
>> No. 9807

I will now put this on repeat for the rest of the day.
>> No. 9810

Bleep bloop, maggot.

>> No. 9812
Urrghhh I want the Pyro items. But I got The Einstein and conned my brother into giving me his Emerald Jarate so now my lust for the Grimm Hatte is sufficiently lessened by this epic Medic loadout I have going on here.
>> No. 9813
So the Engie has a the oddest hair style. He has a little spot of hair on the top of her head right?
>> No. 9817
What's funny about that is, because it doesn't match his hairline, it looks like he shaved parts of his head and just left the rest. Why. Why would anyone do that.
>> No. 9818
Engineer with Brundle Bundle sounds moe as hell.
>> No. 9820
Add me on steam, I have a Pyro-related gift for you.
>> No. 9830
File 131989587986.png - (7.20KB , 128x128 , hwn_pyro_hat_d2b5300a102ea67c036149c6d39a09f6648f2.png )
>bootup game
>get alert saying my free cauldron is waiting on me
>really REALLY hoping for the Blazing Bull
>Get it

Now I've got an awesomely dinky seal eye mask and a bad ass set of devil horns coming out of my goggles

>> No. 9841
Wait, isn't "Dive Into A Good Book" a Reading Rainbow reference?
>> No. 9875
Wait so did they retcon how Demo lost his eye? I think his bio said he blew it up.
>> No. 9877

He's a drunken Scotsman with a huge love/hate for everything supernatural. Even with Soldier's wizard roommate and all I have a feeling that anything ol' Tavish says is extremely suspect, heh.
>> No. 9878
The entire update seems to have more loose canon. I wouldn't take it too seriously. As soon as Demo starts talking everything sorta gets totally insane. Demo and the Bombinomicon? Soldier has a roommate?!
>> No. 9883

Eh, if anything it's probably some alcohol induced dream Demo is having...
>> No. 9885
If you look closely on the intruder alert sign in Meet the Spy, there's a spot for "Needs Roommate". I suppose he wanted to use it once in a while.

Now the only question is when we get "Capture the Dracula"
>> No. 9888
I read everything the bombinomicon said in Glados's voice. When it possessed the demo's eye I imagined it being the same as when she was in the potato, with the same tone she used when she got turned on by Cave Johnson's lemon speech.
>> No. 9903
I'd say TF2 in general has loose canon, more like they'll just say whatever for the sake of a joke. Too bad it's mostly regurgitated Chuck Norris Saxton Hale jokes most of the time. He was funnier when he was just a background joke.
>> No. 9904
I suspect I'm the only one that doesn't see the comics as canon. Actually I take the Meet The trailers as canon, and nothing else. Not everything needs to be explained.

I like it just being nine psychopathic mercenaries blowing each other up in the desert.
>> No. 9916
there is no canon.
just an image of man representing a lot of men.
>> No. 9919
A cookie for anyone who can acquire the name of the artist who did this comic.
>> No. 9921
mind kinda blown
>> No. 9926
michael oeming
>> No. 9928
Did he do the front page too?
>> No. 9932
Don't think so. Looks like the guy from the DoTA 2 comic. Offtopic, but the art from that is pretty amazing so far.
>> No. 9941
Thought so.
The artwork from the DOTA 2 and the front cover of this reminds me of Daniel Lieske's.
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