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9821 No. 9821
So, lately the horrible majority of TF2's playerbase has been glaringly in-my-face obvious, such as a half dozen players resorting to homosexual slurs at the mention of a female player and just general douchebags.
Does anyone have any recommendations for active, friendly-ish servers? I'm not asking for a teddybear hugfest, just a place I can hide from the scumbags in.
Forgive me if we already had a thread like this.
>> No. 9822
I'd suggest my fav server, honestly. Aliento's micspam kingdom. Of course, if you don't like micspams, you should skip it, but the people there are really nice, and laid-back, and the mods don't tolerate shit like sexism, racism, harassment, etc.
>> No. 9823
I'm so tired of people saying "you got raped" when they kill someone. I second the request for more scumbag-free servers.
>> No. 9824
Well there's TF2chan's Mantrain, although I'm assuming you already knew about that one.

Alternatively, you could try looking for servers with dedicated admins and zero tolerance for crude/disrespectful/abusive behavior. Or a server that only lets people in on an invite-basis. I know of one in particular that has younger players (pre-teen and younger) so ANY kind of swear word is a bannable offense.
>> No. 9832
Besides the awesome mantrain, I try to find servers where people PLAY, and play good (but aren't godly as I'm no fuckin pro), chat to some degree as they play (I hate total silence) and are not douche bags. Also yes all these servers are girl-welcoming, and none are hugboxes. Note none are the Mantrain tho, don't run around spouting about dicks.

ATF Humpaholics anonymous, http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ - They have rules on the front board that say No disrespecting, NO RACISM, derogatory speech slang or otherwise, no major micspam, and no porn. They welcome girls (many play on there regularly) and have fun playing.

Nomnomnom - http://www.nom-nom-nom.us/ - are funny and live on a standard of 'To fit in here you don't have to be highly skilled, just nice. However, also not prudish and offended by swearing when not mean-spirited, or a porn spray.'

Fug's World: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FugWorld - They go by the title of 'the nicest servers in the world!' they play, are not douches, you know, good stuff.

The Melon Pit - http://www.ubermelons.com/ - Not as chatty as I like but they are nice and promote anti-racism and verbal abuse for when they do. Also they PLAY!

(All these were recommended to me to I found randomly and book marked)
>> No. 9834
I play two servers that don't allow any type of racism/sexism. Other girls play there all the time.

They have several servers, I like #4 because it's a friendly fire server. The people there are really nice. Map rotation and custom maps.

I play their Saraya server sometimes. They're usually pretty nice there too.
>> No. 9843
The Mantrain seems to be pretty much dead at this point. It'd be nice to have a friendly server where people actually play.
>> No. 9844
The Mantrain is a great server to have fun on, but yeah, it has been inactive as of late and it's pretty ridiculous. Servers are meant to be self-sustainable, so if people actually go on and play and invite their friends, more will follow! Both the Mantrain and Man-Caboose are registered servers, and the Mantrain is registered with QuickPlay. So if people play, more will follow, and QuickPlay will send people our way!
>> No. 9852

Would you happen to have the name of the server for younger players? My kid brother enjoys playing with others online, but I'm worried that he might pick up unwanted vocabulary. Thanks in advance!
>> No. 9854
Do you know there's an option to turn off Voice Chat in the main menu? I believe it's either in the Voice or Multiplayer tabs of the Options button.
>> No. 9855
I also forgot to mention that you might want to turn off Sprays for him as well, so he doesnt have to see Hentai and Meatspin.
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