No. 9832
Besides the awesome mantrain, I try to find servers where people PLAY, and play good (but aren't godly as I'm no fuckin pro), chat to some degree as they play (I hate total silence) and are not douche bags. Also yes all these servers are girl-welcoming, and none are hugboxes. Note none are the Mantrain tho, don't run around spouting about dicks.
ATF Humpaholics anonymous, http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ - They have rules on the front board that say No disrespecting, NO RACISM, derogatory speech slang or otherwise, no major micspam, and no porn. They welcome girls (many play on there regularly) and have fun playing.
Nomnomnom - http://www.nom-nom-nom.us/ - are funny and live on a standard of 'To fit in here you don't have to be highly skilled, just nice. However, also not prudish and offended by swearing when not mean-spirited, or a porn spray.'
Fug's World: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FugWorld - They go by the title of 'the nicest servers in the world!' they play, are not douches, you know, good stuff.
The Melon Pit - http://www.ubermelons.com/ - Not as chatty as I like but they are nice and promote anti-racism and verbal abuse for when they do. Also they PLAY!
(All these were recommended to me to I found randomly and book marked)