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9828 No. 9828
Am i the only one who have thought this when they saw Meet The Medic for the first time: When Heavy's chest burst open when medic made him the uber-procedure, the Quick-fix healed Heavy's chest completely back to normal and cured every single scratch out from him, so if Medic would have used the same procedure on Demoman, wouldn't it also mean that his missing eye would be regerated back to normal, and he would have 2 eyes like everyone else. But now the mystery is kinda solved after the Bombinomicon case. Medicine cannot beat magic
>> No. 9833
Ohhhhhh, dayum. So that's why it fixed Scout's tooth but not Demoman's eye!
>> No. 9835
Good point! Now explain Heavy's rib not coming back?
>> No. 9836

Maybe because it wasn't necessarily an injury from the battle? I have no idea.
>> No. 9837
Nah it's just Demo's ideal platonic form is one-eyed.
>> No. 9838
Maybe the Medigun only heals fresh wounds? Or at least not ones that have been around for years?

either way, demoman's eye in particular seems to be a case of "it's magic, i ain't gotta explain shit"
>> No. 9846
no because demoman lost his eye when he was a kid.
jeez, read the comics on teamfortress.com
>> No. 9848
I'm starting to wonder if Marasmus is a parody of A Wizard Did It/It's Magic, I Ain't Gotta Explain Shit.
>> No. 9859

If you read the last two sentences, he mentions the Bombinomicon and how it took his eye, meaning he did read the comic.

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