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File 131990982488.jpg - (113.29KB , 467x388 , polka band.jpg )
9839 No. 9839
What do you figure the Mercs do in their time off from killing one another?

I've got this sneaking suspicion that Heavy and Medic moonlight on Saturday evenings as a Polka band at all-you-can-eat buffets
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>> No. 9851
I guess they practice at killing each other.
>> No. 9856
Well that's a theory I've never heard!
>> No. 9861
heavy plays Poker
soldier has tea parties with cardboard cut-outs
>> No. 9870
My headcanon screams at me that Sniper works on a nature reserve in Australia, savin' baby animals and blowin' the heads off poachers, and ocassionally acting as a hitman, if the price is right.
>> No. 9871
scout plays and follows baseball,
sniper hunts big game,
demoman drinks,
engineer plays guitar, has barbeques,
spy tours Europe with scout's mother,
medic plays the violin,
pyro is an arsonist
>> No. 9873
They form the greatest band of all time and do tours around the world.
>> No. 9902
demoman visits his mom
agree that soldier has tea parties with cardboard cutouts or stays in his apartment with merasmus and eats ribs
sniper argues with his parents over the phone a lot
heavy plays poker
spy spends time with scout's mom
engineer probably drives around in his truck, drinks beer, plays guitar
i see scout as a minor-league baseball player
>> No. 9918
sniper and spy have a lot of gay sex.
>> No. 9930
Pyro is a flower gardener in a lovey house, white picket fence and everything, in an adorable suburb. He's got a tiny Pomeranian dog which he carries with him when he leaves the house on non-work-related errands.

People around town like him well enough, even though he is never out of his uniform and they can barely understand anything he says. He mayu or may not know sign language and attends book club meetings held in his living room.
He has a very nice living room and the ladies love him for his decorative skills, beautiful garden/house, and adorable dog.
Every place in the little town he lives in has an extra, third, bathroom labeled "Pyro" if it doesnt already have a unisex bathroom.
>> No. 9931
This is now my headcanon
>> No. 9943
Book headcanon:

Heavy: "Tsar Hunger" by Leonid Andreyev (Poker Night At The Inventory)
Medic: "Grey's Anatomy", H.P. Lovecraft (especially "Re-Animator")
Pyro: "Fahrenheit 451" (for all the wrong reasons)
Scout: Photographic history of the Red Sox
Soldier: "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
Engineer: Looks at blueprints like they were pinups (a la Dexter's Lab)
Spy: Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, H.G. Wells (Invisible Man costume)
>> No. 9944
I love these.

I actually see Sniper as being a big reader. It just seems like a good quiet, solitary hobby that one can do during the long periods of boredom but can set aside easily enough.

Also, because I can see him hunched over Randolph Stow's 'The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea' in agonized sympathy.

(I swear, I was heartbroken when I looked up the publishing dates for a couple of Patrick White novels and realized one was a decade too late, and the other even later)

(I can see him trading Lovecraft books around with Medic and Demo both, too)
>> No. 9947
Just the other day I was trying to recall whether the idea of Sniper being a lit nerd was ever officially referenced or if it was just something from a well written fic that stuck with me. In any case, it's definitely my headcanon. I like to imagine that he and Heavy have a kind of literary kinship-bromance.
>> No. 9948

I wouldn't be surprised if this was true, he does mention Jane Austin in one of his in-game lines after all ("Do you know what you and Jane Austin have in common? You're both dead women.")
>> No. 9949
>I like to imagine that he and Heavy have a kind of literary kinship-bromance.
Totes canon as confirmed by John Patrick Lowrie.
Hush, you. I want to believe.
>> No. 9950

I totally agree with you guys! I too felt that he would enjoy reading.
>> No. 9955
As far as I can tell, the "Sniper is a literary buff" thing started because his voice actor wrote a book and people started to adopt John Patrick Lowrie's traits into the character. Either that or his vague resemblance to Hunter S. Thompson.

But I can see him picking up a book on quiet time, or having a typewriter in his room.
>> No. 9964
Hm... Sniper being a big reader was my headcanon before Lowrie's book, just because it seemed to fit his lifestyle... if you're alone driving your van through the middle of nowhere, reading lets you get to know characters, which staves off the kind of loneliness that could drive a body crazy. And outside the war, just on one-off assassination jobs, you can read a couple chapters during the tedious wait portion of the job then drop the book when it's time to go shoot somebody, and pick it up again when you're done. A couple long novels don't take up too much van space but depending on how fast you read and how long they are, can give you a few good hours of entertainment without having to run the radio.

I hadn't remembered the Jane Austen line, but I like that... well, I like anything that supports my headcanon, I guess. So I'm glad that the VA becoming a published author has popularized the notion, too.
>> No. 9966
File 132039305874.jpg - (288.32KB , 940x586 , Screen shot 2011-11-04 at 07_48_03.jpg )
I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 9969
T'was this to which I was referring. The reviews on that page are a thing of beauty.

On a non-Sniper topic but vaguely similar to the OP, Medic plays the fiddle and he and Demo do impromptu performances of Scottish ballads. Especially the really bloody ones.

Also, Engineer lectures at a nearby university while working on his 12th PhD.
>> No. 9992
Demoman and Medic go to Oktoberfest together.
Soldier and Demoman pick up chicks in Vegas, go swordfishing, go to guns shows, go to badlands brawlers games, visit the eye museum, and go on scenic tours of gravelpit
>> No. 10002
I always thought the Sniper would enjoy newspaper puzzles, and that he sometimes travels to swamplands to hunt crocs.

The Pyro enjoys things like baking (which he/she/it is rather good at), and arson. They're also fond of making conspiracy theories (of the "I take out my gizmo and tinfoil hat" vareity.
>> No. 10004
Maybe it's just because of the connoisseur's cap, but I like to believe that Pyro enjoys cooking. He/she doesn't really make anything gourmet though, just basic meals like bacon and eggs.
>> No. 10007
Seeing as this looks to be another head canon thread, I'll throw in a few of my ideas.

Scout knows a lot about fishing and boating.

Growing up just south of Boston myself, along with baseball, fishing and boating are also huge there. My headcanon is that one of Scout's brothers, or maybe his father, is a fisherman. They specialize in catching cod for dinner or to sell, and striped bass as a game fish. They use pogy for bait. While Scout hates going out fishing with his brothers (no leg room, boring as hell), he does know what he's doing when out in a boat.

Needless to say I was quite happy when the Holy Mackerel came out.
>> No. 10015
Pyro is an arsonist. Enough said.
>> No. 10068
People usually go with Pyro or Engie as "team chef" for some reason, but I think Heavy probably has a certain knack with kitchen-duty as well - and not just because of "sandvich". (Sandvich is because it is not easy to carry pot of soup on the battleground, nor have time to eat it.) He's a pretty solidly-built guy, and usually folks like that who actually have muscle and not just fat to make up their bulk tend to get in the habit of fixing their own meals just out of habit to ensure they keep the right balance in their diet. Plus, you know what they say about "never trust a skinny chef". Russian cuisine is quite filling and flavorful, good for energy and building stamina, while also being surprisingly simple in terms of ingredients and cooking-methods in most cases, so I coud see Heavy occasionally taking how of the kitchen every now and then to show off a bit of "good food, from the old coutry. Is very tasty", like hot cabbage soup, beef stroganov, smoked fish, or maybe some mushroom-and-beef stuffed pirozhki as a downtime snack.
>> No. 10076
the "for some reasons" are most likely that pyro uses fire and valve put out that ad for using the flamethrower as a thanksgiving turkey cooking implement, and that engineer is from texas and most texan men learn how to cook as part of their Manly Arts, or at least most texan men can get into arguments about how to grill, barbecue and make chili
>> No. 10078
Soldier was a child prodigy, and can play the piano with his eyes closed.

Sniper has many frowned-upon fetishes.

Scout can't dance to save his life.
>> No. 10089
Whenever Scout has a 'first' (first attempt at asking out a girl, etc), the rest of the team observes from afar and enters this gossipy hen mode where they discuss what they did when they were his age and etc.
>> No. 10103
In which case I would think Heavy's cooking would be welcome, as a change from food that's either burnt going in or burns coming back out.
>> No. 10174
Am I the only one here who wants to see art or fic from just about all the suggestions here?
>> No. 10203
>> No. 10205
I always viewed Pyro as team pet.

Rolling around on the floor with a lighter while Engie works on blueprints, going for walksies with the Medic, playing tug of war with Scout, that sort of thing. His/her/its favorite toy is a charred Spy corpse named "Cuddles".
>> No. 10215
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Picture relevant.

>> No. 10415
Engineer builds things for Spy-tech and Spy nags him to build him stuff for free because they're 'friends.'
>> No. 10444
File 132254455188.png - (330.47KB , 700x850 , TF2__Pyro__s_spare_time_by_Tijnisch.png )
This is obviously the truth.
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