No. 10068
People usually go with Pyro or Engie as "team chef" for some reason, but I think Heavy probably has a certain knack with kitchen-duty as well - and not just because of "sandvich". (Sandvich is because it is not easy to carry pot of soup on the battleground, nor have time to eat it.) He's a pretty solidly-built guy, and usually folks like that who actually have muscle and not just fat to make up their bulk tend to get in the habit of fixing their own meals just out of habit to ensure they keep the right balance in their diet. Plus, you know what they say about "never trust a skinny chef". Russian cuisine is quite filling and flavorful, good for energy and building stamina, while also being surprisingly simple in terms of ingredients and cooking-methods in most cases, so I coud see Heavy occasionally taking how of the kitchen every now and then to show off a bit of "good food, from the old coutry. Is very tasty", like hot cabbage soup, beef stroganov, smoked fish, or maybe some mushroom-and-beef stuffed pirozhki as a downtime snack.