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File 132007555224.jpg - (236.85KB , 800x533 , Be-angry.jpg )
9880 No. 9880
>people killing each other when Monoculus is out
>even killing the people that are trying to kill him

Valve should seriously ban people from the servers who do this
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>> No. 9889
File 132011495241.jpg - (24.16KB , 408x415 , fuck taht solly.jpg )
That's the fun of the halloween events, never let your guard down. It makes you a better player or a cry baby.
>> No. 9891
>Join an event server
>Same guy collects ALL the present drops as soon as they drop

Every fucking time.
>> No. 9892
where do the dang things drop? I've been trying to stake out the spawn locations but I've only SEEN the presents twice, let alone even having a single chance at getting them.
>> No. 9893
What pisses me off is that people always try to voteban or kick you if you find too many presents. Yesterday I got lucky and found three presents in a row, and people started screaming about hax and banned me. On another server I found 4 out of 5 gifts one time, and people actually threatened to kill me. I have memorized where the presents usually drop, when they drop, and I always have a Bonk ready, that's it.
>> No. 9894
sometimes they spawn on the other world.
>> No. 9895

See, I'd be ticked at you too, because there's a whole lot of people (such as myself) who haven't gotten a single present yet because other people keep snatching them up for the second, third, fourth, etc. time and hogging them all for themselves. It's just not cool to do, dude. Sharing is caring!
>> No. 9896

See, while sharing is good and all, there is something seriously screwy with how the gifts are distributed if theres more than one person on it.

Just today a gift happened to spawn right next to me while I afk'd for a bit, 3 scouts were on that shit within a second. But I still got the gift. Presumably someone nudged me in their mad dash just a nanometer closer to the gift, therefore I came into contact with it, but that doesn't explain why I got it when someone else was there first. And I've seen this happen several times.

So even if you get lucky and find one, if some shmuck just so happens to even run through a gift he probably still has a chance of ending up with it. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes it's not intentional hogging, just the really weird way gifts are given out if it has to decide between more than one person.

And while I'm here let me let you in on a little secret that will help you in your gift-hunting:

Pay attention to the pop-up message for gifts. If it goes something like "... a gift has spawned somewhere", it means it's somewhere in the overworld. But if it says "...a gift has spawned somewhere BELOW..." that means it's in the underworld. If it says the gift has spawned in the underworld, it's easy pickins, as the gift will only spawn in 1 of 5 locations which I'll list:

1. End of the 2nd bridge
2. On the island on the left with the 2 pumpkin bombs and health
3. One of small islands to the right of the portal
4. Right next to the portal, just in front of the large pumpkins there
5. Behind the portal itself
>> No. 9897
I just played Eyeduct a few minutes ago, and when I was in the underworld there was a Pyro standing at the exit airblasting everyone into the water. Not fair play at all.
>> No. 9899
The entire gift system is horrible. The chances of even seeing one are nearly nonexistent unless you go Scout, equip Bonk, stay out of battle and memorize the spawn locations. Just earlier I had a teammate who just hung out in the back until a gift spawned and unsurprisingly he got most of them. Why reward players for not playing?
>> No. 9900
The drop system can be a little screwy, but I find people are willing to trade, at least. (Besides, when you're only looking for one item, you don't have as much drive to collect).

What I've been doing with a couple other Steam friends is trading off pieces I don't want. I picked up a Soldier piece, so I passed that one on to one of them. She got a spare Silver Bullets, so she passed that to me. (She was also super special awesome and gave me the Frontier Flyboy). The other two items were Scout pieces, which I went ahead and traded off for random crap. No good in me keeping them if I wasn't going to use them. Might as well make others happy. (Did get a spare Bazaar Bargain, so I was able to craft my first hat!)

Long story short--if you've got a good network of friends, you'll be able to secure pieces one way or another. (It also helps if you play against your friends--more ground is covered that way).

The spawn camping does get old, though. I've seen Engineers taking up to setting up sentries around the spawn points just to keep people off their team.
>> No. 9906
The whole Halloween event is a bit of a mess. Servers had to register to get gifts to spawn and promise not to abuse the system, if you break the rules the gifts don't spawn. This would have been ok if they clearly said what's acceptable and what's not.

On my clan server we anticipated the dickbags killing everyone and originally set our server to force everyone on blu. but by doing that gifts didn't spawn any more so we had to remove it and p. much have to babysit the pubbies for the rest of the event.

so yeah, getting everyone to work as a big one big TEAM is bad but putting noclip on everyone is supposedly fine? WTF VALVE
>> No. 9910
Unless you're really unlucky or exclusively playing Sniper, you should be able to get the Monoculus hat and the Bombinomicon fairly easy... and apart from that and the temporary Ãœberboost, there's not really anything to be gained from fighting him. And it actually is sort of fun if you try to kite him to the other team's side of the map (preferably within range of an Engie nest) and watch the ensuing carnage from a safe distance.

Trying to get your hands on one of the gift boxes when half your team is playing as Scout and waiting in the back of the map to collect it, on the other hand, is almost impossible. The gift system is horrible. I actually went ahead and bought some of the sets simply because there is no way I'll ever get the individual pieces by gift collecting.
>> No. 9911
Still can't kill that damn eyeball. It either leaves or sometimes gets killed just after I die.
>> No. 9923
If you guys are really having trouble with the halloween event, I can recommend a small server that I personally vouch for:

It's managed by a guy and his brother, and allocates gifts according to an automated queue system through a plugin. At best, you'd be receiving one gift an hour (as long as you're present when your turn is up), but at least it's a guarantee. Plus, defeating monoculus and getting to loot island is much easier.
>> No. 9929

Try doing it when ENTIRE TEAM IS SCOUTS. (Insert Heavy rage here.) But yeah. I'd like to be able to run around more as Pyro since I've managed to get all his stuff, but with everyone else playing Scout to make sure they get the gifts, so long as I'm still looking for them as well, I have little hope of competing for them.

Ah, but man. I can agree that it's really frustrating to see one or two people get like 80% of the gifts on a server. A couple of the people I saw doing that already had most all of the items, to boot, and probably enough spares to trade for what they were still missing. When I asked them about it, at least one of them replied that he was still going after the gifts so he could use them to trade up for haunted versions and hats. Same person kept it up even after multiple people asked him to stop for a bit and let some other players have a chance to get some.

On such servers where gift-getting was designated as "free-for-all" but one or two people were getting most of them, people would sometimes ask that we switch to a queue system. The answer? It was too much hassle to organize. Meanwhile, drama, drama, drama as other players still fought over gift drops and people who hadn't gotten many, or any at all, were still struggling to get anything. And heck, it wasn't usually a matter of playing with slower classes. Those who were weren't usually among the ones complaining about not getting the drops.

Tl;dr, so much BS over how to distribute the gifts.


And thank you for posting this server. I'll have to give it a try.
>> No. 9935
Then I think I had a strike of luck, then.

>Plays Pyro.
>Everyone in the server starts killing each other.
>Notices Monoculus is low on health.
>Circle-strafe the shit out of it.
>Manages to kill it.
>Achievement get.

But then a Soldier killed me when I was getting near the skull thingy.
>> No. 9951
Apparently they're punishing servers for being unfair with the gifts.

I really hope they aren't trying to punish what Mantrain was doing, which was waiting around to try and get enough people for gifts to spawn, then letting each person run and grab their own gift when it was their turn on the waiting list.
>> No. 9952
What exactly is deemed as fair or unfair? Valve's being pretty vague about the whole thing
>> No. 9954
I don't even know, they were being really vague on what exactly they were punishing. Which scares me a little, honestly.
>> No. 9958
>On my clan server we anticipated the dickbags killing everyone and originally set our server to force everyone on blu.
I joined one of those 10 player only servers running Eyeaduct and even though there were mixed teams and pubbies only, I hardly had anyone attacking me. Of course it helped that most people who was on there couldn't 1 on 1 for shit.
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