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File 132019134076.png - (852.57KB , 1000x709 , Slap my ___ .png )
9909 No. 9909
Business as usual, friends. Post your videos here as long as they are not remixrelated, those go into the other according thread.

Attached video is AntoineDeLak's newest work. You will be both amazed, amused and aroused. Awesome.
For some goddamn reason, it won't embed. Go here:
Expand all images
>> No. 9963
  Heavy's eating animation never fails to amuse me.
>> No. 9972
  Moar content.
>> No. 9997
>> No. 10134
>> No. 10135

Please make it happen, Valve.
>> No. 10136
I came. That's how fantastic it is.
>> No. 10138
I feel like the only person who's "meh" on this all together. I liked the editing and the dramatic music, but.... Meh.
>> No. 10139
Same. While the concept is pretty interesting the trailer itself could have been much better. I loved the inclusion of Scout's "he's already dead!" line though.
>> No. 10141
Original editor of >>10134 here. Figured I'd drop a line when I saw this go up. I'm surprised it ended up here, though. My color masking sucks.

>>10138 & >>10139
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask why you guys feel that way? It's hard to find decent video crits on YouTube as is (because everyone is either a troll or some underage weebo spewing praise) and I'm always looking for advice to improve. My usual "field" is in gmvs anyways. You can e-mail me so we don't clog up the thread, too.
>> No. 10143
File 132145690992.png - (144.82KB , 370x268 , 974643.png )

Anon 10139 here. My main issue with the color masking is that it actually looks really well-done in some scenes (0:59 in particular), which makes the other scenes (such as the glowy Engineer in 0:20) look careless in comparison.

Also, the smiling Scout at 0:41 feels really out-of-place, same goes for the clip of him standing in front of the "Meet the Scout" board.

Those are my only crits, I thought the rest of the video was pretty cool. While you're here may I ask what videos the clips at 0:22 and 1:10 are from?

Oh, to keep this post on topic here's Scout hitting on miss Pauling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrY2kJj1KMI
>> No. 10145
File 132146323231.jpg - (6.04KB , 306x164 , badwaterdmedic.jpg )

Urgh, I hated trying to mask the Engineer at 00:20.

Unfortunately, as far as standard color masking goes, it's easier to change blue to red than it is to change red to blue. Most of the “glowing” things that started out blue were the hardest to mask because, whenever blue is chroma keyed over a red backdrop (in this case, the color I wanted to change blue into) everything either comes out purple or the skin on the person comes out bluish. The masking on the clip at 00:59 actually isn’t mine, though. I’m pretty sure the original editor used Adobe after effects, which is a more advanced program than I can afford.

Since most movies usually make more than one trailer, I’ll probably go back to this video and revamp it (better masking, more appropriate clips, etc.) once the semester ends. You have no idea how incredibly happy I am to hear back from you, though. Most gmv artists I run into are usually looking for constrictive criticism on how to improve their editing, but since gmvs aren’t usually lumped together in the same category as fanart of fanfiction, we can never really find any. It’s frustrating.

Sorta steering back on topic, that clip at 0:22 was from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4YNrzTWyzY

The clip at 1:10, as well as a few others, are from “Badwater D” here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYwqc1e75ks
>> No. 10383
Fucking embedding, how does it work?

You guys should watch this, though. Just sayin'.

>> No. 10393
File 132236154840.jpg - (208.32KB , 1920x1080 , hl2 2011-06-18 12-49-24-52.jpg )
Jasonafex from the gmod section here, just finished my gmod vid. Hope it gives you a kick!

>> No. 10396
Pretty nice.
Though I have to admit I kidna got bored at some of the LOL RANDUMB moments like Heavy flipping across the streets destroying things on his way, camper van being dragged towards the explosive rounds and odd inclusion of those Dead rising heroes with Franks retard face..

However, stuff like crafting the Explopiss and actual camping scene were great. I digged Scout being that modern gizmo dependant brat who doesn't appreciate simpler things.

8 out of 10.
>> No. 10633
  This is the greatest.
>> No. 10648

Someone likes thrusters.
Really funny besides that though, mate.

Also, "What's the matter with you?" Is one of Heavy's responses in the game, so you didn't have to make one. If you made it for the lulz, then alrighty.
>> No. 10663
I accept Scout as out Lord and Savior.
>> No. 10851
>> No. 10921
  It hungers.
>> No. 10933
File 132423598993.jpg - (247.91KB , 1258x741 , Touchin.jpg )
'Tis that time of year!

>> No. 11193
  The magic will make all of you complete.
>> No. 11628
  A new series of TF2 vids that are floating about, I just love this pyro one.

InB4 Max makes a dull repetitive one but people love it.
>> No. 11629
go back to bed mecha
>> No. 11631
  If you haven't already subscribed to this guy, do it now. This is insane brilliance.
>> No. 11634


I love the incorporation of hats.
>> No. 11637
Its called reading names.
You should try it some time.
>> No. 11654
Looks like someone's been on sabbatical from the Facepunch forums
>> No. 11679
I don't even know what that is.
>> No. 11690
File 133042218994.gif - (259.46KB , 300x165 , tennantlol.gif )
are you kidding me, how is that even possible?

do you even play this game?
>> No. 11691
File 13304331157.gif - (483.05KB , 240x215 , 1275702446094.gif )
Since it has the word "forum" in it, and not the words steam, valve or team fortress, Im going to go ahead and say just because you know about it doesn't mean others should. Calm down maaaaaan. No need to get worked up.
>> No. 11697
Wait, you act like a condescending jackass...
THEN have the audacity to tell someone to calm down?

I'm speechless... I thought the community was better than that...
>> No. 11698
>One person being mildly rude means the entire community of TF2chan is besmirched

Regardless, all of you cut it out before I have to clean up a mess of drama.
>> No. 11705
>> No. 11716
>Explain why someone might not know something/have an opinion on a series.
>Condescending Jackass.

>> No. 11719
File 133066585471.jpg - (101.50KB , 449x528 , dr smug.jpg )
Its ok bro, facepunch is pretty obscure. in fact i'm not suprised you haven't heard of it. its pretty underground
>> No. 11722
File 133068897382.gif - (903.01KB , 300x200 , 1322622565643.gif )
Yeah man, fo'rizzle. Like fo' real dawg, every server I ever been on? Not one mention of the ol' FP, like they don't own the game or sum shet. I mean, how ma supposed to find out bout it man? Almost like Im hangin wit da wrong crowd, people that just... don't wanna talk about dumb stuff, ya know? Like we all got better things to do or some crazy shit. I did some askin though, turns out that their members and peeps who talk bout em are mostly kids or peeps who are crazy, doped or drinkin dat heavy juice, or just plain mean, ye know man?
>> No. 11727
File 133074345256.gif - (573.77KB , 300x192 , bobby shhh.gif )
Okay. I mean i know this is the discussion thread, but we all know the fundament of such one is to reason their argument. Maybe you didn´t intend to come of as totally smug here Hydra, but in all respect your commentar was now not the best example of a founded counterargument, but was for me now the exact oppossite. I mean does someone know the silent hill society ring? No?! Dude, but they are NUMBER one, they are like the biggest community and.... oh yeah internet ... you don´t need to know everything.
It isn´t necessary to come all sarcastic, because someone doesn´t care to know about a forum which may have just a slight popularity grade. I mean i heard once of it, but don´t know of it, because i don´t care and give a fuck. Regardless i still will forever shake my head how people can get worked up, because of a commentar of someone who has a reputation, status and/or respect here in the chan who tries to tell/defend his opinion against an anonymous who hasn´t anything of all this above named. The commentar of anonymous was just butting into a discussion of two highly respected channers here. I know stating here my opinion about it will not make me popular, but seriously it doesn´t help if the mass now starts to riot here. I also would say we should let this fight out between these two. Also i would like to point out that if they both have a discussion not to let it out in a funthread.

tl;dr: Ash is right. Also if someone anonymously will reply to my post i will just do the mature solution. Ignore that wimp and go look for entertainment for adults. Yes that kind.
>> No. 11730
Come at me, bro.
>> No. 11731
No, but seriously. Both of you guys, let it go. BOTH OF YOU. In situations like this, no one wins the argument - they just succeed in making both people look silly.
>> No. 11733
  I have half a mind to tempban the two of you (Donny and Hydra) for continuing that shit after Ashe warned you. As regulars, y'all should know better, fo' reals.

Anyway, getting things back on track...
>> No. 11740
  Mainly posted the new topic to let that whole embarrassing episode get buried, but whatever.
>> No. 11742
  It's got Mountainlab in it, so it's a TF2 video, right?
>> No. 11785
  Just found this floating around tumblr.
>> No. 11800
  Kind of hot actually.
>> No. 11811
>> No. 11830
  Oh, jesus.
>> No. 11831
>> No. 11836
Excuse me but I cannot seem to find the remix related thread, and I happen to have just recently made a remix of my own. Would anyone be so kind so as to link me back to said thread? I will be more than thankful.
>> No. 11866
Ok, thank you for your suggestion. I shall then share! I hope at least some of you have fun with it. It was fun making it, at least.
>> No. 11883
File 133302533278.gif - (158.92KB , 160x119 , I came too plz.gif )
This is the reason for the internet.
>> No. 11888
  Short, but amusing.
>> No. 11911

Just wait for it, the last 2-3 mins are gold.
>> No. 11955
  Typical fanfiction.
>> No. 11968
Do non-youtube videos count? If so, I've got a few to share.

>> No. 11979

He made something equally (if not more) powerful here. Who would expect the faces of a slapstick war-themed hat simulator to be so effective in conveying the heart-tugging words of such powerful scenes?
>> No. 11980
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kYHI AM A FAGGOT HUMP MY RUMP5owz-0

(Sorry Embed isn't working for me. But this video is amazing and you guys need to see it.)
>> No. 11990

The reason it isn't working for you is because of the godawful text filter which is changing the adjacent X and D in your youtube address to "I'm a faggot please hump my rump". Tinyurl it or something.
>> No. 11998

Jesus Christ how did I not fucking see that, I am the biggest idiot on the fucking planet.

Why has this filter not been changed yet? Every time I see any emotes everyone usually screams at the offender.
>> No. 12008

I have no fucking clue how to embed, but if this works, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
>> No. 12013
  I come bearing lulz. And no, none of this was staged.

Please to enjoy.
>> No. 12114
I saw this just the other day. One of the most incredible things I've seen from this fandom, IMO.
>> No. 12125
  Siwwy admins.
>> No. 12131
  My friend and I discovered this today, and we find it hysterical. We basically have it on repeat while we die laughing.
>> No. 12142
  "Mmmmmm. My big sandvich"
Six fuckin seconds in and I'm already laughing with tears in my eyes. I literally can't tell if this is supposed to be serious or not, either way, Im bustin a gut here.
>> No. 12145
  I'm sure everyone has seen this one...but it's still great.
>> No. 12146
  Another great one...
>> No. 12152
  I play with Minnows quite a bit. He makes the best replays.
>> No. 12194
  So simple... why am I laughing so much! All of these are great!
>> No. 12195
  This was also amusing.
>> No. 12196
  This was made 3 months ago, but I don't think I've seen it here. This is Medic's old "meet the" all fancied up.
>> No. 12223
  meanwhile, in /afanfic/...
>> No. 12236
  I have a feeling that Valve will do this when "Meet the Pyro" is released.
>> No. 12239
  I don't always post, but when I do, I got da moves.
>> No. 12243
  Moar videos.
>> No. 12254
  What a n00b!!
>> No. 12288
  I'll be honest, this is probably my favorite video on the entire internet.
>> No. 12289
  Dem walking animations!
>> No. 12464
  An old favourite featuring the story of my life.
>> No. 12477
  Guess who found the Source Filmmaker!
>> No. 12483
  One of the most fun TF2 fan videos with adorable ending.
>> No. 12489
>> No. 12494
  Look what we have here.
>> No. 12506
  Typical fanfic
>> No. 12510
  poor spy
>> No. 12513
I love that it's often guy fans that make this sort of stuff. Not going to hear me complain - it's adorable.
>> No. 12518

rebbacus is a lady.

>> No. 12521
  It's barely more than a week since Source FilmMaker has been released, and already the floodgates have been blown wide open. I can't wait to see the movies months down the road.
>> No. 12522
Didn't notice the username (and I know she is), but my comment still stands.
>> No. 12523
>> No. 12542
  I expected something a little different, given the opening few seconds, but this one was amusing nonetheless.
>> No. 12546
I need to go watch "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", because it's the source of the audio on this one.

And "Leon/The Professional" because Sniper hat.
>> No. 12547
  An old SFM, but still a goody.
>> No. 12548
  help youtube's got me and I'm supposed to be writing a paper
>> No. 12566
>> No. 12570
  Meat the Engineer
>> No. 12578
  Hehheh. Awesome.
>> No. 12586
  Seems like a pretty good one.
>> No. 12587
Yeah, that one was great. Here's one of my new favorites.
>> No. 12589
  more videos like this one? like dramatic,full of heroism and friendship and that make you feel proud of playing this game? lol
Another example is band of brothers
>> No. 12601
>> No. 12606
what's the point of this videos? I don't get it? Looks lazy to me, just..posing and moving the camera around with lame slow-mow effects.
>> No. 12608
According to the author's comments, "Just a simple short to practice cinematic lighting and composition. Originally it was going to be more complex, with more sounds and probably animations... but I have no time." Given that explanation, the rest of it probably wouldn't be considered important. Hence the slow-mo and laziness.
>> No. 12615
  oh hey spy finally gets his kiss- oh
>> No. 12617
  I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 12619
>> No. 12635
  Sorry, no nudity in this one.
>> No. 12639
  Pyro dancing to PONPONPON by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. Pyroland indeed.
>> No. 12644
  True Story.
>> No. 12647
  I don't even.
>> No. 12658
  A simple story with beautiful lighting and music.
>> No. 12742
  Not sure if he is just gonna be finishing this up in Garry's Mod or sticking with it all together...
>> No. 12834
  Do you still remember the original?
>> No. 12837
  Easily. EASILY. EA-SI-LY. My favorite.
>> No. 12838
  Now I just want to see Big Bang Theory audio in one of these things and I can die happy.
>> No. 12845
If I can figure out how to get SFM to work, I was thinking of doing Soldier as Sheldon-high-on-Valium yelling "I'M BATMAAAN".

I blame a Helmet Party RP I had with one of my friends.
>> No. 12871
  Couldn't stop laughing at Medic in this
>> No. 12918

>> No. 12923
>> No. 12930
Same video on YouTube for those who don't like Vimeo.
>> No. 12942
  Here's a touching story.
>> No. 12946
>not fixing the hl2 texture clash

>> No. 13037
>> No. 13059
I know this isn't the place for requests, but I REALLY hope someone does an SFM video using the audio of Eddie Izzard talking about the Heimlich Maneuver.
>> No. 13065
  I'm pretty sure I did this wrong since I'm a dork so here's the link.


It's Meet the Soldier re-filmed in the beautiful artistic style of Michael Bay.
>> No. 13066
  I am ready to fight robots!
>> No. 13115
  I can't handle how much I love that thing.
>> No. 13116

Because Pyro totally takes a bath in his/her/it's suit.
>> No. 13117
No he doesn't. It just happens that his naked body bears uncanny resemblance to a flame-retardent asbestos suit.
>> No. 13154
  Christ, I've had a bitch of a time trying to post this.

Nevertheless, I love it, even if it's only 30 seconds long. Dat hair.
>> No. 13191

Cannot stop laughing at that screaming Engie.
>> No. 13227
>> No. 13229
File 134944950471.jpg - (970.68KB , 1920x1080 , beep boop son.jpg )
Fresh off the piss!

>> No. 13237
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWVFVN3FcXg&feature=g-all-u Ass time is a time we can all appreciate.
>> No. 13250
  Source D'awmaker
>> No. 13251
  So you've just spent the last seventeen seconds cooing and chuttering at the computer like an Irish grannie and making your roommates think less of you as a man? Keep up the good work.
>> No. 13370
File 135214505551.png - (490.97KB , 851x479 , Screen shot 2012-11-05 at 2_25_46 PM.png )
Robot Chicken finally did a TF2 sketch! It's at 3:37 in the episode.

>> No. 13372
They used their tf2 skit on that? God, what a waste.
>> No. 13373
It could have been better, I agree, but I think part of me was just pleased to see TF2 mentioned on TV at all.
>> No. 13381
Yeah, it was kinda disappointing, but hopefully it means that we'll be seeing a few more skits in the future. The fact that the skit was longer than two seconds means that maybe they'll make some more, considering that Robot Chicken seems to stick with some of the same things as far as skits go.
>> No. 13382
  Hey, just something I made over the last few days, What do you guys think of it?
>> No. 13385

Okay embedding is disabled, but if this kind of quality becomes rampant for this year's Saxxy Awards, than we're in for a treat.
>> No. 13386
Oh, I think we're in for a treat and then some.

Link just in case I derped and embedded the video incorrectly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNX3NvImiy8
>> No. 13387
That shit is glorious. Somebody needs to send that man some flowers.
>> No. 13388
  Oh yeah, and this one, too.

Still gives me shivers because, shit, turns out Merasmus can be serious business.
>> No. 13396
  Gender-bending TF2 without using the fem models? Awesome.
>> No. 13399
They lost me at the period jokes.

Meanwhile, throw in the towel, other Saxxy contestants. Someone successfully and epically related TF2 and The Lord of the Rings.
>> No. 13405
  This is my Saxxy entry; Spy & Engineer the Musical.

Direct link;
>> No. 13407

Oh, I saw this! It was really good, I thought. The voice acting was good, the animation was well-done, and the lyrics were adorable. Hope it wins something.
>> No. 13422
I thought I'd share my SFM playlist.

>> No. 13427
  I'm confused.
>> No. 13430
  Throwing my hat into the SFM ring
>> No. 13448
  Star has created plenty of amusing commentaries in his life, but this, I think, is his masturbiece.
>> No. 13461
  But considering its humor and timing, it definitely deserves more views at the very least!
>> No. 13471
I wouldn't mind watching some TF2 AMV's, but all of the ones I've seen so far were addressed to specific OC's on Tumblrfort and that's just not my thing. Any help?
>> No. 13480
Just about anything by BlahStudios2 is really good, if short.
>> No. 13645
  Intense little music vid right here
>> No. 13795
  There are no words to express how awesome this video is.
>> No. 13796
Am I the only one who is getting !s instead of embedded videos?

Just in case, here is the actual link:
>> No. 13797

So many things about this are perfect.
>> No. 13806
  There can never be enough dancing Engineers
>> No. 13807
Case in point
>> No. 13809
File 136797439264.png - (169.04KB , 500x281 , tchan.png )
I love everything about this
>> No. 13810
File 136800287945.gif - (408.34KB , 320x180 , wunderbra.gif )
>> No. 13980
I'm not sure why the FemScout is the only female model to ever appear in SFM videos. When she is, she's only ever used as some kind of sex object. Ech.
>> No. 13981
isn't she the only female mod we have nude skins for so far?
>> No. 13982
You can't really put anything with nudity on YouTube anyways.

Nor do I have any interest in seeing SFM porn outside of maybe LOOK AT THIS FUCKING HIPSTR. Especially since poor FemScout always gets subjected to gang rape in porn and I have to bleach my eyelids afterwards. And I'm really only attracted To FemHeavy, FemMedic, and FemSolly.

Besides, her creator specifically said he didn't want people giving her a nude mod. People should respect that.
>> No. 13984

You just gotta trawl the Youtube seas a little harder, though I do concur that femscout is the fem model most used. At the very least, we still have videos like this.
>> No. 13985
  And this. Thank Gaben for DustyOldRoses
>> No. 13990
File 137192960495.jpg - (149.28KB , 1280x800 , meetthemedic_whosacutewiddleheby.jpg )
There is an official, Valve-sanctioned mod for Surgeon Simulator 2013 that lets you suggestively touch Heavy's face play "Meet The Medic". It is just as hilarious as you would expect.
>> No. 13991
Oops, forgot my link there, let's fix that.

(Captcha: "hearts rflated". Pretty much.)
>> No. 14014
  This makes me smile
>> No. 14061
  Oh, if only
>> No. 14072
  Animator receives this message: http://i.imgur.com/GOay5Cg.png
Hilarity ensues
>> No. 14228
  Holy shit

Dat engie on engie fight scene. I came.
>> No. 14231
  One can only dream of being this amazing
>> No. 14248
  Very sombre artsy piece here, which the artist often does (though she does poke a little fun sometimes)
>> No. 14255
I know they said the video was more to explore technical wizadry than plot, but with a little polish it would have been perfect. Still enjoyed it though.

Have some gorgeous Gary Schwartz/legit!Heavy karaoke and general team downtime
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