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File 132025426113.jpg - (41.95KB , 400x400 , BP-2.jpg )
9924 No. 9924
Alright, I need somebody with some amount of tech expertise on this. My copy of TF2 isn't working, and it's choosing not to work in the most aggravating way possible.
When I click the link, I get a weird bell-tolling sound, and the icon for half-life 2, which I don't even own, pops up in the toolbat
(note: I know that the game runs on the hl2 engine and that's why the icon's there, but I've never seen it show up before).
And then I get an error message telling me the game "failed to take master pipe connection lock".
Now, I just deleted some skin mod files, so is it possible I nicked a proverbial artery and deleted an essential file? It doesn't seem likely, since I uninstalled an reinstalled the game. What do I do?
>> No. 9925
you could try validating your files.

open up steam, go to your game library, right click on team fortress 2 and go to properties. Under local files, you will find a button "verify integrity of game chache" Click it and let it run
>> No. 9933
No good. All the files were successfully validated, and it still won't open.

Fuck. I might have to call tech support. Shit, my copy might be permanently broken! This pisses me off far more than I expected.
>> No. 9934
>> No. 9939
After uninstalling it, exit steam and go into your steamapps folder. The Team Fortress 2 folder will still be there, so delete it. That'll make sure you do a fresh-as-possible reinstall.
Also delete clientregistry.blob in the main steam folder.

If that doesn't fix it, reinstall Steam entirely.
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