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File 138183622967.jpg - (84.43KB , 500x500 , Another normal day.jpg )
13437 AU No. 13437 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Beta/cringe thread?
Videos preferred.

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12182 AU No. 12182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Last night, I had a dream that I was in the *M*A*S*H* universe, got drunk on home-stilled gin and banged Hawkeye.
I'd tell you more but I can't really remember much of it. I blame the dream-gin. I think Frank barged in at one point.
45 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> CA No. 13174
I dreamt that I chopped both of my legs off. I have no fucking idea what is up with that.

I mean, my dad just got minor knee surgery, so maybe legs are in my mind, but this was a seriously fucked up dream. Wasn't gory or anything, just 'la-di-da, choppin' off mah leg, do-dee-do'.

And I woke up feeling REALLY angry at my mom for some inexplicable reason. She had done literally nothing in the dream as far as I could see, nor in real life.

Subconscious, what the fuck up with you lately?
>> US No. 13422
I had a dream the other night that I was measuring shrimp out to package up for Soldier, who, for some fucking reason, was at the fish market where I work.

I just kind of handed the package to him and said: "Wow, congratulations on your face." He got all mad because he thought I was being sarcastic, then told me I had nice shrimp and walked away.

>> US No. 13432
Not a dream, but a mental image of the Horseless Headless Horsemann being flirted with by a gaggle of Starbuck's employees. I guess I was thinking of the prevalence of Pumpkin Spice [insert product here] whenever October comes up.

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13368 RU No. 13368 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
My friend's band.

Ask your questions.

US No. 13329 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Gamer logs into Mass Effect 3 multiplayer game with his wife's account, discovers why we need feminism


pic unrelated
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> DK No. 13345
Wait, if your gamer-tag shows you're a woman, then how come the main guy didn't know 4th player was a girl until the end?
>> AU No. 13349
I think he meant that his wife's gamer tag was specifically female-sounding - you know, something like "Lady Suchandsuch" or "Miss Namegoeshere," or it could have been an outright female name. Dude obviously didn't state it publicly for privacy reasons (egh, imagine the trolling)

But since he assumed the other player was male until they spoke at the end, one would assume the stranger didn't have a particularly female-sounding gamer tag.

I'm just curious to know if the other player's silence and/or lack of female-sounding name was out of fear, or out of choice.
>> US No. 13367
NERD DUDES try to shift the blame onto "frat bros" in order to avoid anything that looks like it might be criticizing their own little pet "all-inclusive" nerd culture

there are plenty of FEMALE nerds talking about the problems in nerd culture, just a lot fewer men (not NO men, just... many fewer men)

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39 No. 39 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
125 posts and 116 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3850
I want to like Adam Lambert (or, as my brother calls him, Amby Lamby) so much, I like the sound of his music, but I can't keep listening once the lyrics start. My brother played one of his songs, and not only did the first line end in "Ecksetera" (I don't know how to spell it when it isn't "et cetera"), but he rhymed the damn mispronounced abomination with "betterer".

I just. I can't.

Damn you, Amby Lamby.

In other news, Stephen Stills. Guh. That nervous beardy deliciousness. I would geek out on him. I have the capacity to geek.


(Captcha knows what I'm about. "negagw")
>> No. 3854
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Just gonna pop in here with some Dr. Chris Brown.
>> No. 3975
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This business.

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13110 No. 13110 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
What the heck ever happened to the old pet thread?

Here's one of the two ratties, Pickle. Couldn't get a picture of Pres because he likes to hide in the corner behind one of the tubes in their new cage.
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>> No. 13196
coo! Nice Shell!
is this the one that had their shell flaking off at the store?
>> No. 13197


Weeks of scrubs, antibiotics, calcium supplements and dry-docking have really paid off.

The white bits are bone where the infection ate down to her spine, and they won't go away for years.
>> US No. 13301
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6 week old brown tabby I was able to bring home from work. She's so sweet.

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13037 US No. 13037 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hey all. I have a thread in /fanart/ but since this isn't the one with all the TF2 songs, I'm putting it here instead.


So for the past two years I've been working on songs for my friend's internet series called "Dino Hunter MD" and recently I got around to redoing all of the tracks.

Captcha: ndSeed South. So North Dakota and South Dakota are having a baby? That's... nice..?

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11139 AU No. 11139 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
oh look the camwhore thread has hit its limit.

only one person can fix this...
59 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> CA No. 12531
File 134542438344.jpg - (36.22KB , 640x480 , oirdtfyujh.jpg )
.....well posting the fucking picture to go with the bad joke is, i guess.
>> US No. 12533
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My friend said this pic was cute in a "seedy, low-class hotel room hooker" kind of way.
>> PL No. 12991
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Like the filename says.

US No. 12943 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  i wasn't sure where to put this, or even if i should make this post to begin with, but i figured it's better safe than sorry.

this is the anon who wrote It Could Be Worse a few years ago, sorry it's been so long since i was last here. i wanted to say thanks to all the people who supported my writing, and who still sometimes talk about it fondly.

on that note, i wanted to say that i've rewritten ICBW as an original, non-fic story. published it as an e-book to help pay the bills. i'm only posting here about it out of worry that someone might come across it online and think it was stolen or something, and spread that around. i'm laying that worry to rest, and if people elsewhere start spreading that rumor around, i hope the people here will help me put it to rest.

i know it's hard to prove this sort of thing when remaining firmly anon. if you need proof, i've edited my fanfic.net archive of the fic with an author's note stating this as well. if it's not showing up now, it will later this evening.

thank you all for your support over the years, i hope you have a lovely holiday season. danke schoen.

note: sorry about the random seuss video. the site was giving me an embed error and wouldn't let me post without.

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12257 US No. 12257 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So these tiny bottles of applejuice I have each have 28 grams of sugar in them. Where as I have no-sugar-added ice cream with only 3 grams per half cup.

fucking milkshakes with that stuff are healthier than apple juice.
15 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> US No. 12695
Whole foods and exercise. Though you should probably talk to a actual nutritionist instead of the internet.
>> US No. 12696
I don't have the money, unfortunately.
>> CA No. 12700
Use a calorie counter. I've used myfitnesspal. You input your height and weight and it tells you how many calories a day to eat in order to gain/lose weight

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