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US No. 9354 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
  Ever feel like punching a monkey because nothing is going right? Ever feel sad and depressed because the world is getting you down?

Here's a thread that specializes in cheering you up with pure, unadulterated joy free of the usual cynical attitude the internet tends to thrust onto everything.

For the opening act, have a guy singing with his adorable little daughter.
43 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> CA No. 11715
  I'll post this here. If it ever gets gmodded, we put it in tf2 video extravaganza.
>> US No. 11807
>> AU No. 12071
The local cat shelter put a webcam in their kitten room, and it's flat-out adorable.
It's on 8am-5pm daily (Time zone is GMT+8, no daylight saving).
So for those of you Northern Hemisphere folks who had a bad day, tune in and squee.

No. 166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
  New music thread, peeps!

Kicking things off with some awesome Swedish Power Metal. Damn, that singer has an AWESOME voice, check it out. Other songs to try: Attero Dominatus, White Death, Into the Fire and Panzer Battalion.
149 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> US No. 10735
"10/17/97 The earth is hungry. Its heart throbs and demands cleansing. The earth is also thirsty..."
>> US No. 11033
  So anyone else read "Ready Player One"?
>> IT No. 11902
  remember the single song made by Studio Killers, Ode to the bouncer?

I just leave this.

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11790 US No. 11790 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hi, guys. It's me, Invader Fluff. This is a post for all my Aussie friends out there that visit the chan.

I don't know if you're interested, but I heard the Jabbawockeez are in Gold Coast Australia right now. They're one of the world's best dance crews, and some of the cutest, sweetest guys you'll ever meet, in my opinion...so if you're in Australia and you're a Jabbawockeez fan, make plans to go see them. Follow their Twitter for more information, too. That was the only way I even knew they were in Australia right now.

If you get the opportunity to meet them and take pictures and video of them, post them here in this thread, so we can all see. This should be fun, even for those of us who don't live in or anywhere near Australia, and are too busy to go see them out there. Let's make their stay in Australia awesome :)
>> US No. 11792
Here's a link to their official twitter page


KB's page


Swaggerboy's page


Kid Rainen's page

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11719 No. 11719 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
As the name implies. If you want to get in contact with someone, just ask for their information here and/or post your own.

My email is linked in my name, and you can find me on Steam at http://steamcommunity.com/id/TwoRefined/ . Feel free to hit me up any time- for RPs or input on your works - anything! Open to the public.

I made this thread specifically to ask Furei if he'd be willing to share his info with me, as I have a bit of a man-crush on him, uguuu~

Call me.
23 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> BR No. 11780
Oh, so, i'm so dumb, i put an incorrect link to my Steam Account. I deserve to die.

So, here it's: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048214687

I guess is everything fine now, hehe.

Oh, and i'll follow >>11754 example, and i will be more...sympathetic.

So, eeer...hi, i like to cosplay, video games, to sleep, cook sweet dishes, to listen music, read, to write and draw. I like to RP too (but it was a long time i don't do it, so i might have lost practice, hehe).
And i'm totally in a search for a beta, so i can improve. People around here had said i need to improve a lot, and i agree. So, anyone good with grammar&spelling, slangs, accents and stuff, please, fell free to contact me. Oh, and if the person likes to talk about stories, fanfic scripts, structure and writing style, way better! I love to discuss these details!
Also, I am very shy and dumb (i have met bathroom sinks that are brighter than me), so, please, have patience with me.

My mail is linked to the name. Oh, and don't worry: i am very polite and friendly, i'll make my best to not make you feel unconfortable.
>> US No. 11784
Heylo everyone!

Kuhzka here, your friendly neighborhood beta. If any of ya need somebody to quickly proof for grammatical errors (mostly) and possibly the more obvious mistakes story-wise, I am pretty much always available. You can either shoot me an e-mail with the above link and/or add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kuhzka/

Other than that, I am always open to chat, play some tf2, share hilarious youtube vids, etc. Hope to hear from ya!

P.S. I also might RP/art trade but I am kinda shy
>> US No. 12471
I'm surprised I wandered back here after so long.. Anyway, I'm hoping to see some friendly, familiar faces. My steamID is Notebook99, and I tend to lurk circlejerk chat. It's been a very long time, and I miss some of my friends who have wandered so far from me, as well as the feeling of being in a community. I hope to get that back, even just a little.

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11546 US No. 11546 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Any photographers on the chan? Want to share your work? Post here!

I apologize in advance if there's already a photography thread in here, I went back several pages and didn't see anything.
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>> CA No. 11673
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Mountain on the ride home. It's alittle blury... (Mainly because we were in motion and it had snowed 10 feet in places. Walls of snow.) Still, I like it.
>> US No. 11695
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Those are gorgeous photos - and, that is one of my favorite styles of home!

Macrophotography is one of my favorites. I just use the 'poor man's macro lens' - a cheap 50mm lens with some Kenko extension tubes. It's about $700 cheaper than the real thing, and still works wonders!
>> SE No. 11714
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I took this photo a few days ago on my way to school.. Yeah, my school is located in the middle of an industrial area.

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11315 BG No. 11315 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Play a game you like alone or play a game you don't like with friends?
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>> US No. 11320
I have plenty of the former, but hardly any of the latter in terms of people to actually play games with. Thus, I say it would be better to play a game I don't like with friends. That's how I got into League of Legends, after all! :V
>> US No. 11390
In order to be able to play a game I don't like with friends, I must first obtain a game that I am capable of playing with other friends that isn't minecraft or tf2 lol. But I would rather, I think, play with friends because they make me dislike the game in question less.

But a part of me will always nag to go play by myself more.
>> US No. 11563
Nearly any game is fun when you play it with friends, no matter how much it sucks otherwise.

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11085 US No. 11085 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This might seem like a really random request, (And I'm not even sure if this is the right board, where did the lost and found go?) but does anybody still have the songs/ at least the listings of some of owl tiem's playlists she posted way back when? I just lurk sporadically, so hopefully there are still some oldfags that might have the ones for the TF2 classes, L4D, James & Bond, etc? I've lost all my songs recently and they were honestly my favorite.
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>> US No. 11214
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and here's the l4d-related covers

no bees in december consists of the following tracks:
1. Vampire Weekend - The Kids Don't Stand a Chance
2. The Shins - Mine's Not a High Horse
3. The Lucksmiths - Music to Hold Hands To
4. The Pernice Brothers - Weakest Shade of Blue
5. Magnetic Fields - I Don't Believe You
6. Sportsday Megaphone - Ever Fallen in Love
7. Jukebox the Ghost - Under My Skin
8. The Hush Now - Roleplay
9. Modest Mouse - People as Places as People
10. Andrew Bird - Not a Robot, But a Ghost
11. Damien Rice - Volcano
12. New Radiant Storm Kings - The Opposing Engineer (Sleeps Alone)
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>> US No. 11229
I can find everything from these playlists. You are amazing! Thanks owl tiem.
>> CA No. 11537
Thanks a million Ashe, got a road trip in an hour so thanks for the fast/easy download.

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11223 GB No. 11223 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Canine Semen Bank?


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>> US No. 11225
To be honest I don't think that oyster job is a very odd job at all, but that's just my opinion. The corpse farm is awkward though.
>> CA No. 11232
I don't know what's worse about that picture, the fact that some one put undies on a dog, the fact that the panties are pulled to the side, or the fact that I noticed the panties were pulled to the side.
>> US No. 11502
So what qualifications would you need to work at a canine semen bank? Just being willing to jerk off dogs?

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11376 DE No. 11376 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> AU No. 11383
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>> US No. 11401
>> AU No. 11442
fucking good game, that one

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11081 US No. 11081 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sixth feelings thread? Sixth feelings thread. You guys know what to do!
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>> GB No. 12010
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Anon, no. You are beautiful.

Events with astronomical odds of occurring are occurring out there, like oxygen turning into gold. Millions upon millions of cells compete to create life, for generation after generation until, finally, your mother loves a man, and against unfathomable odds you are born. To distill so specific a form, from all that chaos. It's like turning air into gold. A miracle.

Every time you so much as speak to another person you are impacting a giant equation we call the universe by affecting that precise moment in their life. What you say might hurt them or offend them, but if they let that get them down that is nothing you can help in retrospect. The best thing to do is look forward. No matter what anyone does or says they can easily become a positive number in the grand equation by trying. It's never too late.

You're not a disgusting person. Hitler was a disgusting person. Until you kill at least one person, just chin up. Do your best. It's all the universe could ask of you.

(This is my personal justification for being a dick all the time and somehow I manage to get people to love me for it-- there's hope for you.)


...Uuh, my feels are... I'm incredibly pressured by my finals. I'm wondering, naturally, if I have what it takes to be an artist. I'm being hit hard with the reality that I chose a difficult, time-intensive, and creativity-dependant field and yet I know I'm much less cut out for anything else.

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>> US No. 12265
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I get really discouraged coming to the chan anymore because I want to post my work and get polite crits, but this isn't 2008-2009 anymore and I just see a lot of dickery being tossed around.

Picture related, it's something I wanted to get critted.

Hopefully, though, I get this job for the summer and I can take the time to look for another full time job.
>> US No. 12481
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After lots of IRL drama, I find myself wandering back here looking for old friends, or at least old draw buddies. It's very weird not having a community or niche to just casually go back into.
I've been trying to draw again and have been hoping to find a buddy, mentor, or hell anybody to just look at what I have and critique it. I haven't drawn in so long and I'm trying to get back into it, I really miss making things.

tl;dr so ronery ;;

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