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File 131794480758.jpg - (48.11KB , 336x450 , how are you feeling.jpg )
10085 US No. 10085
Holy shit, you guys are just FULL OF FEELINGS. So here's to another new thread since the last one filled to over the brim pretty damn fast.

My feelings? I'm feeling okay.jpg
498 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> CA No. 11005
I have a job interview. At the local theatre no less. A day job, so I can still act in the evenings. And an office job, which is great for me. I like filing and typing.

God I hope I get it.
>> US No. 11006
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I got the job at Intel and I'm moving to Sacramento!
>> DE No. 11008
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Congratulations! You rock!
>> US No. 11010
I feel like a wuss, lately anytime something in my life chnages I get nervous like I can't handle it. I got a stomach bug and got sick about 10 days ago. My stomach hasn't been quite right ever since and I haven't been eating much but Instant Breakfast. I have a job interview coming up and I should be really excited but I kinda dread it at the same time. It would require me to move in with Grandma for awhile. I love Grandma and it's only 20 miles from home, but I'd have to leave my cats and fish and hope mom and dad take care of them. And it's at a bank! I don't think I'm that responsible. I don't know why. Anyone else feel like that? Like they have to be careful all the time so they don't give themselves an anxiety spell? It's a stupid loop, I'm worried I'll be worried.
>> US No. 11011
Thanks, Perry! <:3c

Any of you channers live out in the Sacramento area?
>> GB No. 11013
I am so close to something, I'm having this moment of clarity as I type this, and my mind is too awesome to translate into words right now.
>> US No. 11017
Happy Solstice to all of you who celebrate it.

And yes, life, I absolutely LOVE it when you throw not only an argument but a crazy nightmare at me. As if I didn't already feel bad enough. That's definitely not how I'd liked to have spent my birthday.

Oh well, time to go eat leftover cake and work on some presents.
>> PL No. 11019
My mum lost her well paying job (paid until January), my sister is unsure about hers, my dad is writing a book that’s already delayed and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish this school at all and find any job at this rate.

Merry fucking Christmas.
>> US No. 11020
Just got a call telling me my nana's in hospital with congestive heart failure.

Just in time for Christmas and I live too far away to visit her.
>> US No. 11024
Chronic headache, y u no go away?
>> DE No. 11025
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Back problems getting worse. I would work out, but I also caught a nasty cold.
Damn you, body, why do you sabotage me so?
>> US No. 11026
I don't understand how any of the fans could be displeased with the new Tintin film. Even though it wasn't a direct adaptation from the comics I still enjoyed myself immensely. They got the spirit of it just right.
>> US No. 11027
The person I hit in the car accident (>>10979) is claiming injury. A week later. Even though both myself and the cop asked if either of us were injured and we both said no, offered an ambulance multiple times and we both said no, and there was no damage to her car besides a scuff in the bumper.

The insurance company keeps asking me fishy sounding questions, like if I noticed any damage to her trunk. A rep came out and took pictures of the damage, and seemed really surprised and confused by how the car looked, so something is definitely up.

This is apparently at a level that they could get in some serious shit for. I seriously doubt they're getting a dime out of me, either way.

This month has been depressing. I'm so ready for the New Year.
>> DE No. 11029
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I personally was so ready to watch it, but when I saw the graphic style of the movie, I was freaked out like you wouldn't believe.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just too sensitive, but the extremely creepy uncanny valley vibes I got from the movie turned me off immensely from watching it.
Shame, I'm sure it's a good movie and I ADORE Tintin, but even the posters freak me out. They should have either made it an animated feature or a real life adaption, not both. It just looks ... WRONG.
>> US No. 11030
Completely agreeing. I'm sure some people are fine with it and that's okay, but to me it just... AUGH, no. It gives me the jibblies.
>> US No. 11031
As a sufferer of the occassional chronic migraine, I found out through first-hand experience that an easy way to calm your head pains is to drink a ton of water. I believe it helps to replenish and flush out your spinal fluid.
>> DE No. 11034
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I'm leaving for the holidays now.

I wish you all the very best time, no matter how you celebrate the holidays - You are all awesome and should feel awesome. Delibird got a little heart for all of you and I hope you have use for it.

Hugs and love for you all and have a good time.
>> DE No. 11038
  Sometimes a songs says everything you want to say.
Fröhliche Weihnachten an alle!
>> No. 11040
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Going to a dinner party. Bringing 2 of these for the hosts. The package says Disney and the dolls use Ariel's and Snow White's heads but I'm pretty sure Disney doesn't know that someone's making amazing knock offs that have jiggly, solar powered boobs.

P.S. For those who want one.
>> No. 11041
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i dont feel good.
i dont like this years christmas

Merry Christmas to you all
>> No. 11042
I got into a car accident today. A woman hit me in the bumper--I was heading north, and she was going east at around 45 mph. I went 180 degrees before the car stopped. The bumper's got to be replaced, but at least my insurance should cover a good chunk of it.

I'm frustrated and embarrassed. I should be more pissed, but this is the second time I've had a car accident on a Christmas Eve. Oddly enough, both cars were also white. Go figure. I just wish my parents could understand that I'm upset because I feel like an irresponsible teenager.

I hope you're having a better Christmas than I am.
>> CA No. 11043
My friend is a butthead, and I love him for it.

He's been on me about what I want for Christmas, and I told him nothing. I don't like my online friends giving me gifts. It just feels like I'm unable to glomp them and love them and freak out for it.

But I went, and added a whole bunch of like, 2-dollar games on Steam to my wishlist, so he could buy one of them.

Fucker goes and buys Portal 1 and 2 for me.

Thrilled to bits, but JESUS I wish he weren't in California so I could give him the biggest hug he's ever had.
>> US No. 11044
That awkward moment when you know someone is an asshole, but then they do something that just really takes the anus cake.

A friend of mine is giving me some serious grief over my name and I just want to punch him for it. I came out as trans maybe two months ago and I've been struggling to find a first name I like. I'd only changed it once previously to something androgynous, and made a post mentioning that I wanted to change it to something more distinctly masculine but I was afraid of how people would react.

I then got a message from this guy bitching that he was just going to start calling me by my legal name if I "couldn't figure it out for myself." I knew this guy was kind of close minded, but he usually at least tries. I didn't expect him to be THAT much of a prick.

God, as if I didn't feel bad enough for asking people to call me something else than they're used to? It's not like I ever blamed anyone for slipping up or making a mistake as long as they're trying. I don't see what his problem is.

The kicker is that he doesn't go by his legal name either.
>> GB No. 11045
Sat here consumed with anticipation until the rest of the house wakes up and we can begin the appointed Gift-Giving Bonanza.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, TF2CHAN! We fight sometimes but I love you all!
>> GB No. 11046
I got a motherfucking almost-Sniper's hat. You have no idea my glee.

And also a teapot and sexy Sennheiser headphones so yeah I'm pretty ecstatic.

Merry Christmas you guys!
>> US No. 11047
Got a Snowy plush.
Sure it's the Spielberg version BUT I DON'T CARE.

Also dresses and feather jewelry everywhere.
>> DE No. 11048
I got DVDs and music and a Twilight Sparkle pillow and useful stuff for the household and the sixth Harry Potter book and the expansion for Munchkin Quest. That, together with all the games and items I got on Steam from my badass friends early makes me the happiest I could be. So many awesome goods!

Merry Christmas, guys, and take care. I hope you can enjoy some peace and a nice present or two.
Now excuse me while I run around all excitedly some more!
>> US No. 11049
I got a huge box of my favorite candy and glow in the dark fabric paint. Time to paint the town red!
Merry Christmas all! Enjoy your winter holiday season.
>> US No. 11050
Secret Santa stuff was more of a hassle than I would have liked. And my parents being childish dicks to me toward the end of the evening really soured anything good to come out of that Christmas.

Really, they might have given me most of the stuff I put on my wishlist, but if they just give me that shit just so they don't have to actually respect me and treat me like the adult I am, then they can take it all back for all I care.

Here's a protip: If you want someone to do something for you, even if it's your child, have the decency to ask nicely. Don't make snide passive-aggressive comments and harass someone to the point were they are forced to comply. That only makes them resent you, and add as another reason to never speak to you once they leave the nest for good.
>> US No. 11051
How much do those go for? Been looking for one myself, but the only ones I've been able to find were either not shippable to the US, or $40+.

I admit the movie looks a little uncanny valley, but I heard you do get used to it. I'm hopefully seeing it today.
>> US No. 11053
If all goes well, I may have a new girlfriend soon. Happy times maybe. Unrelated, but I think I am getting a migraine again. Painful times certainly.
>> DE No. 11054
> Stand up a bit later, so no breakfast can be made
> Get yourself full to thr brim with the heavy christmasmeal leftovers (lunch/breakfast)
> Continue to eat maybe later a few cookies (like 5) (dinner)

And this is how you try not to gain weight until New Year. Love christmas leftovers. And dayum New Years carp ain´t far away, too.
>> US No. 11056
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This year's Christmas has been really well and kind. I can say that I found that my heart has started to grow back a little. Just when I thought I lost faith in humanity, people will come up when you least expect it and do the darnest things to make you happy and other people happy. Certain someones have been really nice and sweet to me, and I am really thankful for them. I wish I could really return the nice favors and kind gestures.

This year's Secret Santa has been really great. Having been watching from the outside, I can really say that I'm proud of all the people that have participated and have made sacrifices to make other people's Christmas really special. I'm also proud in KiloMonster's handling and organization of the event, she deserves a round of applause and praise to her. All of this really warms my heart and makes me proud to manage this site and its community.
>> US No. 11060
My Christmas was good, finally got skyrim and have hardly let go of the hiking stick my bro got me (not sure why, I just like sticks)

However, I say FUCK YOU to the Secret Santa system: this is the third year in a row I've been stood up, the first two were in a TF2 rp group, and this time it was in an OC group. I put my heart into the pictures I gave, why can't anybody be bothered? Just about everyone else got theirs!
>> CA No. 11061
I do believe I am in love.
>> AU No. 11063
If it's a gen art prompt, I could draw it for you?
>> US No. 11064
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I know you're my Dad, and your relationships are not my business. They shouldn't be. But they become my business every time you two wake me up screaming at each other. You two make a really good case for why dating and marriage are futile activities. You also make a very good case for why they Nuclear Holocaust is an impending thing. In my head, I don't want to hurt people. Hurting people makes them sad. It's kindergarten stuff. In my heart, however...
I become more and more fond of incineration as a MOD.

The cops made another appearance today.

captcha: ughthor wouldn't, no he wouldn't
>> US No. 11065
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I very much appreciate it, and would be willing to draw for you in turn. I asked them to draw my character in the group (it's kind of a merfolk art group) but if you would rather draw another character from something else, I'm okay with that.
>> US No. 11066
All I want for New Year's is remote shell access.. remote shell access.. remote shell access.
>> AU No. 11067
Ooo, a merfolk character! Interesting, I've not seen this kind of thing before. I'm not sure if I can get it done very promptly due to real-life stuff, but I'm sure I can do it in the next few weeks. Don't worry about a return drawing.

Just two questions: 1) Is there anything else I can read or look at to get a better idea of Amaury's personality, habits, etc, and 2) What kind of setting/prompt would you like for the picture?
>> US No. 11068
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Before I start spewing shit, I just want to say that's fucking adorable. a merfolk group you say?

I'll give you all a brief run down of my job drama. Got a full time job that unexpectedly turned into a work-from-home-run-errands-when-I-need-you with no defined hours and more importantly, no defined pay. I am literally making no money, and my boss is an idiot. Think the Devil Wears Prada, but stupid. We're spending more money then we're bringing in and frankly the entire business is circling the drain.

I responded to an ad for a full time job in my field and got a call back from them, only to find out that the owner of the company is a close personal friend of my boss. He asked if my boss knew I was looking for work. I said, YES. He signed me up for an interview.

My boss, who hasn't called or emailed me in over a week, emailed me last night passive aggressively wishing that everything goes well for me. I think she's a little hurt that I've been looking for employment behind her back, and its obvious that I won't be able to work for her if I get hired full time.

Her business may even fail entirely if I leave.

I probably won't get paid for my last few weeks of work.

But for once in my life.

I simply




this is an amazing feeling and I want to feel it every day.

I am a douche-bag and I am proud.
>> US No. 11069
Holidays were pretty good. I didn't know what I wanted, but that's okay, I got everything I wanted anyway (as in I got nothing but awesome gifts). On the other hand, I'm just waiting for "after the holidays" for a painful but much needed talk. I'm sure this wont be the end of anything, but I've been ill since they told me about it and the end of the holidays can't seem to come soon enough.
>> US No. 11070
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I don't mind if it takes you time to get it done, take what time you need to do your own thing. If I have to elaborate on his character (since this is the only 'expressive' drawing I have of him other than a crack-ish drawing where he's on steroids) I'd say he loves to salvage old shops (the world sank under the ocean in the group) and loves anything with seaweed in it for food, but dislikes jellyfish and hides his slight lisp. Also he twitches when you make a short joke.
This pic is of his wife and child, adding them is optional.

Infinitus-mare on DA, if you're feelin' nosy. I'm the only non-anime artist at the moment.Don't let that feeling go anytime soon, bro. It's a good feeling. Sure, what you're doing does sound douche-baggy, but it's for your future, which in your current position, is kind of in an iffy and unreliable spot.
>> PL No. 11072
Thanks, mother, for making me hate you and myself more in the last hours of this lousy year. I'm actually fucking crying. Well done.
>> US No. 11073
Supposed to go to a NYE cosplay ball with a friend tonight.

Saw friend yesterday, told her my wig never shipped and I was freaking out; her mother had made our dresses for us (though I would have been fine with making them ourselves). She told me that if anything else, somebody else could wear the dress.

Implying I don't matter.

Then I asked her when she wanted to meet up to get ready together, and she told me this: "Idc I just need the bracers and you need the dress. Whenever you can get down here I guess."

It took me a minute or two to process that and I asked her, "Wait are we not going down together?"

"I hadn't planned on it."

Now, I know tf2chan hates ponies, but forgive me for a moment. We're going as gijinka Luna and Celestia, aka the princesses. Who are sister. As in, a pair cosplay.

Why are we not going up together, or getting ready together? That makes no sense to me. Tell her, "Well, it's a pair cosplay so I kind of figured we would be..."

"I know but we are going to have [friend] and [other friend] in the car too. I figured [other other friend] or someone would take you. And we are leaving at 9 btb"

Now, I have to get there at 6 or 7 for safety precautions because I didn't manage to get a pre-reg ticket in time, so I'll probably be alone for several hours since my friend and two other people (who I had no idea were going) aren't coming until way later.

So is it wrong of me to feel like she just doesn't care about me and is being a shitty friend right now? Because this is genuinely upsetting me.
>> DE No. 11074
A good slid to everyone here in the New Year! May everthing you want to do come true!
>> US No. 11075
Damn it, every time I like someone, they always have a boyfriend (And it's not just them letting me down easy, I find out before saying anything about liking them). Every. Single. Time. It's a danged conspiracy I tell ya what.
>> US No. 11076
What a way to start the New Year, I lost me credit card and I'm afraid it's somewhere in the laundry. Now I'm afraid of getting chewed out by my parents about how I should keep track of my things, especially things as important as a credit card
>> US No. 11078
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Well I'll be damned, the person only turned theirs in late. I think it's cute, but I really don't know what to say; from the start I wasn't expecting to get one after all, you know? Guess it doesn't need to be made up for.

In other news, I really really wanna meet with a friend in Connecticut sometime, but her family hates me after I tried saving her life by calling the police (they don't like police, long story) and she can't stand my family because of the excessive noise they make while I'm on skype calls, as well as a conflict in interests that leads her to believe my family's a bunch of assholes. That and neither of us have plane ticket money. Maaan, my sister gets to have friends over from other states, why can't I meet with my long-distance friends too?
>> CA No. 11080
Already a year out of high school, no job, everytime I try to draw something it turns out like shit and I just want to give up.
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