No. 12301
Two more I found:
It starts in a house that I don't recognize. There's this woman and her couple young-ish (under 10 y.o.) kids and a couple older people that I also don't recognize. There are also a couple dachshunds running around. I look out the front windows of her house and see four or five people who look completely manic slowly making their way toward us from afar, so no real threat.
Despite this, I guess I knew there was a possible outbreak or something, so I tell the woman to start packing and to be ready to leave in a very short amount of time. Then, I leave and make my way to some old guy's old Toyota 4-Runner so I can go find people I know to warn them. I don't find my family or anyone else I recognize, but the guy I bummed a ride with stops at a grocery store/supermarket near a wharf and I get out to look around. It's pretty clear there's something wrong here: people are buying for the apocalypse and/or escaping. Something triggers me to get into the driver's side of the car and I wait for the old man who eventually comes back with a bunch of groceries. There are also a couple older women who get in the back of the car and we head to my old workplace.
All the desks and stuff are being moved and the room is pretty empty of furniture, but I have no idea why. There are lots of people around, most that I don't recognize, saying goodbye to one another and whatnot. I run into my dad and tell him I couldn't find the rest of our family but assume they aren't hurt. Then, I return back to that lady's house from the beginning and she has all sorts of junk packed that she won't need. I tell her I thought I had too much because of multiple shirts and stuff. I decide to leave behind miscellaneous papers and crap and don't even bring my ID card for my college (no idea why that was important anyway). We don't have any weapons, but we finally go to get into the car when we realize those manic early-zombies have become actual zombies and we need to get out. I somehow get separated from that woman and her kids and have to leave on foot. The end.
My boyfriend and I are at this outdoor ice rink that looks a lot like the indoor ice rink at our college without the ice except it has a wooden roof and there are people all along the rim of it on these wooden slats so they didn't have to be on the ice. It is clearly winter and all these people are escaping something. They are mostly adults, but there are some young teens and whatnot. We tell everyone to get to one side.
Someone decides my boyfriend and I should start taking names/ages/genders/brief histories of the people at the rink and I get the feeling these were like obituaries-in-waiting. So my boyfriend goes around and starts asking people this stuff with a clipboard and I go outside the ice rink back toward the little dinky town. It's bright out, but not sunny, and people are milling around. I go to get a drink of water from a well and all of the sudden this young girl comes up to me and grabs my arm, thrusting this martini-like glass with red fluid at my face and telling me I need to drink it. I turn to look at her and she has the red stuff all over her face. Then, other people start coming over and telling me I need to drink it too and I panic and run.
As I try to get back to the rink, I'm cut off by this slow-moving line of people headed somewhere back toward town. I continue past them and wait with my boyfriend until nighttime. When nighttime comes, he and I decide we need to get out and that the best way to do that would be to get an abandoned car. He finds a list of cars and one of them has the keys still in the driver's side mirror. It's an old car, but we roll up the windows and lock the doors. The car actually does work and we start down the road without headlights through a Christmas light neighborhood and up a big hill. Of course, something with a cold bony hand grabs his arm as he's driving and my arm too and we both freak out. Even though it's dark, and he's driving, my boyfriend helps me get the zombie or whatever it is pulled from the back and shoved out my door onto the road where it makes a loud thump.
We get stuck in some other city or town and we see all these people stumbling around, some are painted black and white. Then, we see this old lady with a purse and she tells us to follow her. The zombies don't pay us any attention as we go to her house. At her house, there is another one of those black and white painted zombie things and the old woman tells us they're 'all the way gone' whatever that means. There are also zombies pressing their faces to her window, but she doesn't care. The end.