No. 13495
Doing it to be cool would be doing it for all the wrong reasons.
Protip: first time, if ever, hang out with friends or by your own cool self and in a comfortable, safe environment. Don't overdo it. Don't assume it's going to be anything. Just try it, see what happens, and form an opinion from there.
I'd also recommend giving it a couple of hours/days and going again, simply because a lot of people don't do it properly the first time and pass it off as "having no effect."
Also vape that sucka, come on I can't be the only one who's into that.
I think you should be allowed to do what you want to, as long it doesn't harm or adversely affect anyone. I have issues with having to endure passive smoking (of any material) because that does affect people around you, and same goes for drunken violence and harassment.
At some point it does get ridiculous that people are allowed to get utterly smashed in pubs, cause a ruckus in public, and that's just "another night on the town"... but people recoil in horror at a pot smoker out on the streets? Seriously?
If one thing is going to get banned, ban all of them. If you're going to ban some things, but claim others - that have been proven to be more harmful than the banned stuff - are A-OK to circulate officially, it's discrimination, plain and simple.
Arting while high is fun. Arting with others while high, doubly so.
Saying that, I don't get high all that often (maybe once a month, if that?) and fuck trying to write while high. I am so slow with it while sober, trying to mix the two is a sure-fire way for me to kill my rare writing moods. Same with gaming. ALL THE PARANOIA