No. 13671
Whoa Cat, what? We're here for you.
So, I finally made it. I'm not the book illustrator I wanted to be, but I nabbed the position of Leasing Agent back in my home town. However, because of that good luck (last time I posted in a feels thread I was super depressed because I was in Florida and no one gave a single shit I was unhappy), I wrecked my car in that snowhell last winter on my way home from a con, I got a 7mm kidney stone which made itself know after a con in June, and my new car is derping like crazy, holy damm.
I'm slowly bringing myself out of my art block, but between work, actually needing sleep, cosplay work, and making sure my friend isn't suicidal, I don't have the time for it.
I am slowly losing money though... I save up about 3k before this car and kidney stone bullshit, and with rent, car payments, an increased car insurance, and my 83296194 medical bills (I had to get the shock wave shit for the stone), I'm super stressed about my finances. Which in turn cranks my anxiety... so, good job, hells of stress, what is money.