No. 13444
The way I initially worded this is kind of unclear.
Long story short: I grew up in the 90's, when there was a lot of great animation on, either stuff that was just coming out, or there was still a lot of older stuff still being regularly re-aired. But now, while there is a lot of crap on TV, there's also a lot of stuff people my age (who I hope to target as much as kids, if I do become an animator) refuse to even give a chance, because they see Johnny Test or Annoying Orange, think it's all Cartoon Network plays anymore, and then completely miss out on DC Universe, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Regular Show, all the GOOD stuff still played on TV. And I get a little disheartened when people just want to see what they grew up on, and won't give anything else a chance.
And the person who I had seen ranting about "oh, TV is crap, nothing good is on anymore, only the stuff I grew up with is good" had a Fluttershy avatar. A character from the fourth incarnation of a cartoon that had been going on since the 1980's. It seems hypocritical.