No. 6418
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This one is for all you Doctor Who-loving bitches.
I know you're out there.
Doctor and River Make Love With Spoilers, by Blog
It is time for another erotic fanfiction by Blog! This one speculates on nature of identity of RIVER FUCKING SONG, and so may be spoiler as Blog has direct line to brain of Steven Moffat due to him being half-blog on side of mother.
One day Doctor and River Fucking Song were in TARDIS, in space.
“Who are you, River?†asked Doctor as he unzipped trousers of himself.
“I am hot sexy bitch with guns,†said River, removing bra and throwing bra over the eyes of Rooory who was trying to watch.
“GTFO, ROOORY!†cried Doctor, sexily dropping his tweed. “THIS IS NOT FOR THE EYES OF YOU.â€
Rooory left crying and naked Doctor and River soon occurred.They began to make love vigorously on console of TARDIS. (TARDIS did not mind, TARDIS likes River Fucking Song as she not always leave brakes on.)
“But who are you as in who are you?†asked Doctor, during the making of love.
“If I told you there would be no cliffhanger,†said River.
“Then I shall cease making love to you!†said Doctor, doing so.
“I do not need timecock that much,†said River, placing on her clothes alphabetically.
“Well it is your loss,†said Doctor.
“You are less of a bitch when you are me,†said River.
A cliffhanger happened!
-from http://mofftiemnao.Hipstr.com/