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File 129780796316.jpg - (24.97KB , 368x360 , drsteelyousillybilly.jpg )
5162 US No. 5162
The best way to open your mind is with a hammer.

ITT post interesting/taboo/strange/horrifying content. If it's a picture, a little blurb to go with would be nice, copypasta from other websites is cool and if you know an interesting factoid about say, geology, and you want to share, that'd be excellent.

(Can't remember where I got this pic from, but if one of you guys made it, let me thank you.)
80 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> US No. 6967
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>> CA No. 6973
File 130360384755.jpg - (52.51KB , 500x375 , 19846529_0e8ed20723.jpg )
>> US No. 6982
Brings a whole new meaning to not wanting to eat anything with a face...
>> US No. 6985
My penis can cook barbeque too. Maybe I should visit a urologist for that :(
>> US No. 6991
hey lucky you, God knows my vagina can't cook...
>> CA No. 7020
Vaginas are better with cheese based foods it seems.
>> US No. 7048
  Pretty neat flying superhero RC plane. Amazingly, it's aerodynamic and has a lift of 6 pounds. Haven't found a video of a disgusting in a while, but if I did, I'd post that instead. I can't believe my mind's gone blank when it comes to gross stuff.
>> US No. 7067
  I'm still trying to decide if these are cute or terrifying.
>> US No. 7085
Ugh, good question. Owls always creep me out, but those little ones are kinda cute too! Especially when the one on the lower right kinda bangs his eye on the one next to him.
>> US No. 7086
Also, this:
>> US No. 7093
Freaking owls. This is why many cultures have a bit about them eating the souls of the recently dead.

I saw the video form of this image on Youtube (sorry, can't find the link). The one that's looks like it's gibbering on in the background gibbers silently. It is a victim of seeing the Old Ones, hence it's already been irrevocably changed by them and must be destroyed.
>> US No. 7094
Gosh dang 1 mb image limit.

>> US No. 7095
I know you guys don't really think you face much race issues (if any at all) in your personal lives, but you do. Everyone in a civilized country does. Maybe sad to see it's never left us, but perhaps even more horrifying to know things have worsened beyond the 1850s. Quoting a quote from the link:

The United States leads the industrialized world in incarceration. In fact, the U.S. rate of incarceration (762 per 100,000) is five to eight times that of other highly developed countries, according to The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice think tank.

Some of the key factors for the record imprisonment rate include:


Black males continue to be incarcerated at an extraordinary rate. Black males make up 35.4 percent of the jail and prison population — even though they make up less than 10 percent of the overall U.S population. Four percent of U.S. black males were in jail or prison last year, compared to 1.7 percent of Hispanic males and .7 percent of white males. In other words, black males were locked up at almost six times the rate of their white counterparts.


The Sentencing Project has reported that more than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their twenties, 1 in every 8 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the “war on drugs,” in which three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.
>> US No. 7096
  Marijuana cures cancer/shrinks tumors & stimulates brain growth, while alcohol limits it.
>> US No. 7097
Oh, more quotes:


I fear that this will never change until prisons stop being privatized. This is terrible. If you have a profit-motive in keeping people in jail, you're going to damn well lobby for every law that gets more people locked up:



It was last December at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. Inside, there was a meeting of a secretive group called the American Legislative Exchange Council. Insiders call it ALEC.

It's a membership organization of state legislators and powerful corporations and associations, such as the tobacco company Reynolds American Inc., ExxonMobil and the National Rifle Association. Another member is the billion-dollar Corrections Corporation of America — the largest private prison company in the country.

It was there that Pearce's idea took shape.

"I did a presentation," Pearce said. "I went through the facts. I went through the impacts and they said, 'Yeah.'"

The 50 or so people in the room included officials of the Corrections Corporation of America, according to two sources who were there.

Pearce and the Corrections Corporation of America have been coming to these meetings for years. Both have seats on one of several of ALEC's boards.

And this bill was an important one for the company. According to Corrections Corporation of America reports reviewed by NPR, executives believe immigrant detention is their next big market. Last year, they wrote that they expect to bring in "a significant portion of our revenues" from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that detains illegal immigrants.

In the conference room, the group decided they would turn the immigration idea into a model bill. They discussed and debated language. Then, they voted on it.

That's right, the private prison industry assisted in drafting the Arizona immigration law.
>> US No. 7098
So is that because black men commit more crimes (due to location, poverty, whatever), or are they just more likely to be locked up for it?
>> US No. 7106
http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3405944 Forgot to post the link to what I was even talking about. D'oh.

Mostly the 2nd reason. The 1st reason only affects violent crime (domestic abuse, murder, etc.), but not drug rates. Drug dealers try to stamp out or stay away from away from anybody who has to do with violent crimes because that shit is not conducive to business. The thread has much detail and statistics (with pictures if you're the more visually prone), but if anyone chooses not to read the first post in the thread, then you'd miss out on the many ways how Black people are more likely to be locked up for it, while never getting out.

Stephen Fry weighs in on the 2 million prison population of America, and the new disenfranchised workers who have no control of what they can do or say anymore (being convicted of a felon removes your ability to vote, along with many other comfortable judicial rights).

>> US No. 7108
I like owls, but baby barn owls kind of freak me out. They make demonic sounds.

I've been watching this family of Eastern Screech Owls on Ustream, which make much cuter sounds: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/austin-screech-owls

Also have a pile of cute, tiny owls (also Eastern Screech Owls) in a birdbath.
>> US No. 7119
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>> US No. 7126
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Last time, I told you about disenfranchisement-through-the-3-strike's-you're-out method of justice that's leading to LEGITIMATE SLAVERY (at $0.02 an hour for most @ Angola prison facility), but then you guys were like 'fuck that, have some owls', but now I'm going to have to say 'fuck owls, spiders are here', and you wanna know why? Because they've already laid eggs in your throat while you were asleep, that's why. D:<

The Brazilian wandering spider is a special type of spider. A quote from wikipedia: "Aside from causing intense pain, the venom of the spider can also cause priapism in humans. Erections resulting from the bite are uncomfortable, can last for many hours and can lead to impotence. A component of the venom (Tx2-6) is being studied for use in erectile dysfunction treatments."


(The picture to the left is a tarantula. In some native communities in the forests of South America, they're viewed as a welcomed source of protein. In the industrialized parts of South America with any sort of relationship to the forests, some nostalgic people can get the tarantula fix by visiting a flea market where baskets of roasted tarantulas are sold affordably. That little girl's doing wrong; you're supposed to roast them so that way you won't eat spider hairs!)
>> US No. 7127
That is kind of terrifying.

This is kind of gross, but also sorta funny.
>> US No. 7130
the prison thing should get it's own thread really, cause it'll take over the weird thread here otherwise. I was gonna say something else but I forgot cause I'm half asleep and have a cold.
>> US No. 7136
You bastard, I dreamed about spiders all night! It was kinda funny. It was a little black fuzzy spider with the red mark on it's back and it had like a fan club and it was named Lamaar. I didn't care if people did like it, it creeped me the fuck out. Then the cat jumps on the bed and bumps my foot and scares me awake!
>> US No. 7144
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This is Annie, an Eastern Screech Owl from http://www.ustream.tv/channel/austin-screech-owls . Owls can't see in the infrared range, so her pupils are all the way open. The creepy glow is the infrared light from the night vision camera reflecting off her tapetum lucidum, a reflective tissue layer behind the retina. The little fluff balls on the left are her chicks. This is my last owl post for a while.
>> AU No. 7150
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Australia's bats are adorable and there is nothing you can do about it
>> AU No. 7152
>and there is nothing you can do about it


you can try living with them in plauge numbers. that'll turn you view around quick smart
>> US No. 7166
  I don't understand why there's so much hate for BigDog, aside from the fact that it kinda looks like a gekko.
>> US No. 7169
Man, after seeing some of the robot videos on Youtube, I wouldn't be surprised if robots took over the world while I'm still in my 20's...Wow.

Also, this. This is a robotic system that is sometimes used by doctors to perform complicated surgical procedures. My dad gets to use one of these :D
>> CA No. 7173
I love that machine.
>> US No. 7180
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Donald duck is deeper than you think.

>> US No. 7212
Thing is I could make another thread for it, and pretty much just make it a one-woman push (because I severely doubt anybody will respond, except for a couple of "this is bad ;_;"s) because then I really don't mind if people enlightened themselves on it. It'd be more of an active archive than a thread, the way I 'd imagine it. Or, you know, people could just click the Something Awful link to a thread where far more patient and skilled people compiled a whole bunch of information on the modern era on it. Seriously, don't be afraid of Something Awful, guys. I hope I'm not the only one here who regularly visits it. :/

If you guys want me to start a thread on it, I'll do it. It'll mostly just be copypasta from news sources, so it'd wouldn't be too hard to do.

The sign of doing a good job (in writing) is making something that is successfully giving a person's mind something to gnaw on for a while. Also remember, after a spider has laid its eggs in your throat, try not to cough or clear your throat a bit because, bam, now you got spider eggs in your lungs.

I'll post this article because holy shit I live in this city. Anybody in the Houston area (or hell, in Texas) be on the look out for a racist bastard in need of a punch to the dick. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7549067.html <---- In which a Muslim ninth grader gets horribly humiliated by a teacher saying she should be in mourning after Bin Laden was killed. (BRIGHT SIDE: Her classmates stood up for her.)

BTW, I can post 20 Things You Didn't Know About Spiders or I can post Swery65 7 points towards game and story progression. The second option will have pictures.
>> US No. 7226
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What's the matter? Did baby hurt little baby toe? It really hurt a lot, you say? Get out the room, you little baby person, before you faint at normal day in Russia. Eat some pickled carrots too so you can grow up strong and not so babylike.
>> US No. 7228

Glen Beck vs My Chemical Romance

Choice words from the bands frontman Gerard Way.

I think the word Glenn Beck was looking for was "subversion" not "propaganda", because I don't know what it would be considered propaganda for- truth? sentiment?
And I can't tell what he's angrier about- the fact that it's how I feel about the persistent sterilization of our culture or the fact that it's on network television for everyone to hear.
And railways? Is it 1863? Seen any children living on these lately instead of the internet?
I'm actually shocked that no actual fact-checking was done on the lyrics. I mean Fox is a major news channel, covering factual topics in an unbiased and intelligent-
oh wait-

>> US No. 7229
awwww poor little kitty :( what's the caption say?
>> US No. 7234
>And railways? Is it 1863? Seen any children living on these lately instead of the internet?

>> US No. 7250
я обязательно выживу turns up as...
>> US No. 7332
  When I first clicked on this video, I said "FUUUUCK!!!".
>> US No. 7489
  Fairly interesting video about social engineering and such, ie, getting into places where you're not supposed to be.
>> No. 7664
  for some reason,this video is very unsettling to me.
>> US No. 7669
Because it's fucking terrifying.

And this is why realistic rendering is an important area of research.
>> US No. 7686
File 130670938223.gif - (261.62KB , 800x584 , aoSu5.gif )
Hey thanks for posting that; I've always been interested in performing in-generally-harmless-but-still-awesome acts of bastardry and I think that guy's google skills were...

__ _ __ _ ___ __ __ _
(_ | ||_)|_ |_) | | | / |/ |_ | \
__)|_|| |__| \ |^|_|_\__|\ |__|_/

('Super Wicked' if that didn't come out right)

Here's a diagram that can hint at why a lot of European countries are wary of North Americans...

P.S. Where is board where I can bitch at modsoffer genuine advice and self improvement while in an open environment for others to throw their two cents in?
>> US No. 7693
Do you mean something like this one: http://tf2chan.net/offtopic/res/5723.html ?
>> AU No. 7752
  Found on Hipstr.

>> US No. 7787
  I have the weirdest boner...
>> US No. 7800
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Cave Johnson, we're done here.
>> DE No. 8041
  I´m ashamed to say on some point i really lost it, some lines are just to great there.
>> AU No. 8186
>> US No. 8189
Oh God, I watched that video a looong time ago, but it was longer and showed after when they hack his leg off. I don't understand how that guy is so calm during the whole process. Makes me wonder how people can do that to themselves. It's so sad.
>> US No. 8203
The rational part of me is 'OH GOD HOLY SHIT' and the other part of me is genuinely fascinated. Just goes to show that preventing people from getting their drugs will only motivate them to take other (and far worse) options.
>> US No. 8207
I read about this on Best Gore.
Apparently, all of his nerve endings in his leg rotted/were destroyed, so he couldn't feel it.
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