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File 130515482178.jpg - (14.12KB , 449x328 , meh.jpg )
7329 US No. 7329
You guys know the drill.

Current feelings: Picture says it all.
Expand all images
>> US No. 7331
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Leaving on Saturday to go see relatives in Connecticut... there's no wifi at my grandad's house in or around the neighborhood. I am not amused as I have a feeling Meet the Medic is going to come out on the 19th after the Saxxy awards while I'm still gone (won't be back till the 21st) and I am going to miss out on a lot of TF2 related material. Fml in the realm of timing. I hope I am proven wrong and Meet the Medic isn't getting released on the 19th, I don't want to miss it.
>> DE No. 7340
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>> CA No. 7342
Got this phone call last week:
"Hello there, could I possibly speak to Stubs McRealname?"
"Uh, yeah, speaking?"
"Oh, hello there. I'm just calling on the behalf of the liaison office at Trent University. Congratulations, you've received a-"

Then later that night, I go online to check my offers. Under the little Nipissing University box there is 'OFFER: Accept/Decline' And I started crying and dancing and it was fucking awesome.

AND THEN. In the mail. I get this big package, from the University of Waterloo. I'm like 'okay, whatever, they want me to have an 80 average to even get accepted, so this is prolly then 'we regret to inform you...' letter.' Then I open it and read 'Congratulations, Stubs McRealname!'

So uh. Yeah. Got accepted to all the universities I applied to. NOW to decide which to go to...
>> CA No. 7343
File 130516751324.jpg - (56.07KB , 500x330 , so_excited.jpg )
-Ride arranged
-Hotel booked
-Table payed for
-Con passes bought

Calgary 17-19 Comic and Entertainment Expo GO!
>> AU No. 7344
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Mood: Sadfaic

I'm gonna have to leave the Chan for a while, as well as pretty much all other points of contact I have with all my online friends and social groups. And by a while, I'm expecting not to be back for a few months.
The reason being is that shit is getting real in my household, and despite having gotten two jobs, I still can't pay for my right to live at home (one job can't afford to pay me, and the other job, which I've just acquired, hasn't given me a roster yet). So my father is making a very real threat to kick me out. Once everything's okay again, I'll make my way back.

For now, hooroo. I'm gonna miss you guys.
>> US No. 7345
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People think that my gender requires me to either dress a certain way and fill some preset model, or I dress the opposite and fill that other model at the other end of the spectrum. I don't want to have sex or reproduce, ever. Deal with it.
>> DE No. 7346
That's the spirit, pal. Be yourself, do as you please. Society's expectations got nothing on ya.

Man, I'm gonna miss you a lot. I hope you can find your place as soon as humanly possible and get rid of all this asspull drama.
Take care, okay?
>> US No. 7350
My sneakers seem to have been conspiring with terra firma today.
Ran to catch train to school, tripped and fell down a bunch of stairs in front of a bunch of people.
Keep wobbling when I walk, even on flat surfaces. I catch myself but my ankles are dying.
Almost fell again due to a pothole I couldn't see.
>> US No. 7352
I'm kinda down because hanging out with friends is great, but then college must come first.
Also suspecting there's something wrong with my head when I do judo. The look on someone's face when they realize I won't stop choking until they tap out or break my grip? Priceless.
>> US No. 7353
I'm seriously beginning to think that I won't graduate at all. How did I let myself fail three classes and potential a 4th?
>> DE No. 7359
Dear Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec,
I´m sorry that i couldn´t do you justice today in my scribble for my final in Typografie.
I know that my color pencils didn´t catch youor energetic choice of color and quite honestly i didn´t match her face good. Anyway i just wanted to apologies to you for it and say that i really was under stress and almost shouted as i saw a mistake by me of my final print. Which brought me to print it all again.
I hope you are well and just that you know i love your work. Rock on, Henry.
Greetings K

PS: Could you please get me a sign of your friend Vincent? He surely as hell has suc great skills like you.
>> CA No. 7367
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I am excited that this finally came.
This means I can make dorky printed fabrics.
If the cotton sateen ever comes back in stock, I'm gonna make medic printed boxer shorts to lounge about it.
Also, Sage-kun, LOOK. LOOK AT IT.
>> GB No. 7370
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You are a terrible roleplayer and your incessant need to comment on most of your posts with your thoughts is getting amazingly annoying. Your character is whiny and annoying and I don't know how to block you without you realising it because you're always online at the same time I am dammit!
>> US No. 7371
  One of the weirdest, borderline scariest things happened to me last night.

Okay so I was going about my normal routine before heading to bed, brushing my teeth, when all of the sudden my right eye gets like this slightly blurry feeling. I blink and dismiss it as something insignificant. Another minute passes, and that's when I notice a tiny little spot in my vision that is flashing rainbows like fucking Vegas lights. At that point I was like, "Heh, trippy."

Then the spot started getting bigger, enveloping more and more of my right eye's vision. When I leaned in to the mirror, I saw that my pupil was dilating and contracting like crazy, even though the lighting was dim and constant.

Then, out of nowhere I start getting a headache. I was pretty shaken up at that point and just decided to lay down and hope for the best. But it seemed that with every passing minute it only got worse, and after a half an hour it had reached the point where I was lying in a ball in the middle of my bed. Out of desperation, I took 3 ibuprofen and tried not to think about the next 20 minutes or so of torture until the meds kicked in.

Kinda hard to clear my mind when I've got a fucking laser show going on in most of my right vision and the worst headache of my life.

Jeez...long story short, the damn pills didn't work like they were supposed to and I laid there for several hours until I fell asleep. Here I am now, with no headache whatsoever and my eyes rainbow-fuckin-less. Anybody have any clue what the hell went on? Never want to experience that again. In fact, I never even want to see any bright, multi-colored abomination as long as I live.

I finally understand, Scout...
>> US No. 7374
Aw, man, sounds like an ocular migraine. No fun; your doc can toss some better pills at it, and it's always good to get it worked up, especially if it was your first occurrence of anything like that.
>> US No. 7375
Hello, and welcome to Classic Migraine Symptoms! It sucks, it hurts. The best thing you can do is at first notice of any of your visual precursors, take 3-4 ibuprofen, down a bunch of water, then go lay in a quiet, dark place and try to sleep the pain off. Better yet, invest in some Excedrin. If you're of the lucky variety of migraine-affected, you'll get one every so often. Some people get them monthly (this is usually hormone related), and in some people they can be caused by foods consumed (example: I know of someone who has migraines triggered by chocolate). If it becomes severe and/or constant - one a week or more, or the pain lasting more than a day - talk to a doctor about what you can do. Basically, shit sucks, but it's normal, so don't be freaked out.

News for me: It was the last lab of the semester today. And I got free food. It was tasty. On the way home a county vehicle was driving erratically so I called in once I got home and reported it. Yay, good citizen!
>> US No. 7395
I hate when my friend needs to work and she just sits there and trolls through this thread. GAWD.
>> US No. 7401
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I just checked my email, and the college I applied to sent me an acceptance email. I've been accepted for enrollment in the Bachelors of Fine Arts Animation program. My official acceptance letter is on its way. I'm so excited! FUCK YEAH!
>> US No. 7402
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Good news: I got a string of days off due to dentist appointments and end of the year outings.

Bad news: I have a ton of backed up work because I missed my most hated classes and college decision time is breathing down my friggin throat. I know I should do something about it but the procrastinator in me won't accept it. Also, Dad made me walk home in the rain And I'm getting sick again.
PSN is still not back online so no TF2 for me to distract me from the throbbing in my jaw.

It feels like I was tricked into eating the pie of a giant with a big gun and a short temper. More like I tricked my self really.
>> US No. 7403
And then Ginger got a little closer to having her first boyfriend. Go me!
>> US No. 7404
Last night was fun, celebrating with classmates from judo on the last day of class. Ate lots of sushi and drank my way to a good buzz. Lost a dollar betting on darts though I was close to winning $3.
>> CA No. 7409
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I saw an ad on Kijiji last night for a $200 male chihuahua so I contact the seller thinking I could breed him with my dog afew times then keep them both. She agrees to meet me in a place we both know (the parking lot of future shop) and promises to keep the dog for me until I get there. So, I drive for 1.5 hours to the city and then wait for her in the parking lot for another hour. After calling her multiple times she finnaly answers and says "Oh sorry I already sold the dog to this lady who came by with the money I was just so overwhelmed and my car broke down I'm sorry." and I'm to disapointed to be angry so I just say "ok" and hang up.
My friend asked me if I was mad.
My face.
>> US No. 7410
I'm feeling sort of useless because everyone else is feeling down and I can't cheer them up and I'm oddly horny and I want consensual tentacle porn but I don't even know if it exists because most other people are okay with rape and I'm not.
>> GB No. 7411
I've written consensual tentacles, if you don't mind written.

As for feelings, it's far too early and I don't get why I'm being dragged over my Nan's when the only one that likes her is my dad.
>> AU No. 7412
Oh it exists

nothin sasy lovoin' like a tentacle in the oven
>> US No. 7413
Totally okay with that.

I found a whole club for it on another site, though there's not much art. Been thinking of submitting some myself
>> DE No. 7414
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German bureaucracy.
>> CA No. 7416
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I'm excited for the Calgary Comic Expo, but also am failing to draw anything of value.
>> CA No. 7419
Augh so frustrated.
Best friend's grandfather died this past Thursday and she won't talk to me. Like I know through facebook that she gets online, she hasn't got a lack of computer, she's just not talking to me. I'm not gonna like grill her about it and make her sadder or anything so idk why she's avoiding me. I know it's not as bad as it could be but I haven't talked to her since Thursday and I'm really really upset about it. I really want to talk to her but I don't want to be a pest when she's mourning or whatever.
My mother also told me I was a social retard who couldn't understand what to do in most situations. She seems to think I expect the best friend to be over it by now, since I got over my grandfather's death right quick. But I haven't been like bugging the best friend and like calling her house all the fucking time or anything. I just miss her and wish she'd talk to me and my mother thinks I'm fucking retarded.
tl;dr: i am a girl and have too many feelings
>> US No. 7423
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I'm having a severe mood swing- like I do every night- in which I feel that there is no benefit to my existence, nor feeling love nor accomplishing anything. It doesn't matter whether I choose to benefit humanity, myself, animals or nothing. Everything seems small and insignificant in the face of eternity. I may be completely free, but knowing that the computer that is my brain will someday be irrevocably wiped is enough to shatter any comfort held in self-satisfaction.
Immortality, while nearly unattainable, also holds no solution for me because I don't want to exist for forever and become bored and dull while everything I love rots away. So I'm utterly melancholic and, without a solution, my answer-loving brain is so conflicted as to be beyond confusion.

tl;dr I can't handle death and don't know what I'm feeling
>> US No. 7424
I know how you feel, I get like that sometimes too. In fact I think everyone does at some point. I find it helps for have little goals to focus on, and not look so much as the whole of eternity. For example: right now I'm taking a skin pack I like and making all of the brighter because I'm having trouble telling the colors part in battle. It's a nice small goal to amuse myself with. It beats just sitting here feeling useless. Also, remember sometimes small impacts on the world can be very important. My mom sent a woman from our church a get well card when she was sick and she later told our pastor how thrilled she was to get it, and it was the only one she'd gotten.
>> US No. 7429





fffffffffffffff this is fucking exhausting, I'm either going or I'm not and I'd like to know whether it's happening BEFORE IT HAPPENS. There's only three days to go! It's not cool getting jerked around like this!

Captcha: thejok
I wish I could see what is funny :(
>> US No. 7430
An arthritis flare-up. Just what I needed. Thanks, immune system.
>> US No. 7431
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As fun and awesome as this weekend was, it just wasn't enough to take my mind off more pressing matters at hand.
The expo's about 7 or so weeks away, I've promised to do so much and I don't know when I'll get any of it done. I haven't heard word back on any job and I have no idea where I'll get the funds for any of this.
Ohh, anxiety, please go away and stop turning me into a shaking and quivering mess. I can't eat, it's hard to sleep at night, and I can't enjoy anything without worrying. I need to think but having you come around and muddle up my thoughts is not helping in the least.
>> CA No. 7434
I've paid $1189 of the $1200 I get for being disabled. A whopping $35 of which was for entertainment.

>> US No. 7435
Posting anonymously though I doubt my friend goes on this site.

My friend has been depressed for a lot longer than I've known her. She is only in her early 20's and already she's ready to give up on her dreams of getting a job that pays better than a clerk at a grocery store and I don't know how to cheer her up.

I've already called her bluff once on suicide (thankfully she didn't mean it) but how do I provide her support when we live across the country from each other and her family hates me for calling said bluff and we have to be friends in secret?
>> DE No. 7436
Herp derp. First day of my twoday finale in GMP is over! Anyway i´m sitting now here and try to do something for tommorow part 2. Better than to go to my classmates who like to learn in groups... to the end we just sit together and talk about anything but class. I CAN`T LEARN LIKE THAT! So please stop to ask me that i come out to your apartment so that we don´t really learn there. So that i can later drive with the streettrain (?) through half of the city to get back home. I don´t like your home. And i don´t like you so much either.
Feeling anxious, happy and tired to the same time. And i want to hug someone.
>> CA No. 7437
Sounds like her family might be coddling her, I know that can cause depression because you just don't have any choices so nothing matters anyway. If she's still at home with them then encourage her to move out. A little independence can do a lot for self esteem and just generally not feeling stuck under someone's thumb.
>> US No. 7439
It looks like my friend is gonna get a table at Fanime after all! Now to finish my shit up so he can sell it for me.
>> US No. 7440
She can't afford to move out by herself, she, her dad and her uncle combine incomes to pay bills, mortgage, etc, while her brother provides some financial support. She says she'd move out if she find a roommate, but she can't, so she's stuck.
>> DE No. 7441
File 130558354249.png - (55.14KB , 256x256 , Why are you so awesome.png )
I have the bestest friends in the world. Just throwing that out there - You guys know who you are, and I'm eternally thankful for every single thing you do or say for me. Never change, please!
>> US No. 7444
File 130558956711.jpg - (1.00MB , 1920x1200 , 23.jpg )
>finally admit to a close friend that I'm being treated for PTSD and major depression and that I've been on medication and seeing a therapist for over a year
>I'm forced to listen to a huge speech about how pills are for weak people
>he accuses me of lying/faking my symptoms because he doesn't think I seem depressed/messed up at all
>"I cured my own depression by getting out there in the world and experiencing life and that's what you should do too!"
>he won't stop talking about his childhood and how he manned up over his traumas


>> US No. 7445
Meh, since I can't post my feelings on Tumblutts without a bitch fest so guess this is as good of a place to vent as any.

Still really ticked off about just having the knowledge of an article justifying the view point of black women being less attractive than other women. I don't know what the arguments were or anything so I can't talk there, but still as a black girl who grew up wishing I were white so the guys that I liked would actually look at me, I can't help but be troubled by knowing it exists. That perhaps that it justifies my fears that all people see when they look at me is that I'm black when I don't even fucking identify with that culture. I'm a freak according to black folk too because I don't fit into their societal norms so where does that leave me? Oh, that's right. All by myself.

Fuck me for continually trying to be hopeful that this shit was on its way out only to find that nope, people are still racist as hell. Thanks for nothing.
>> US No. 7446
Does anybody here know how to use or at least know someone who knows how to use nParticles and Fields in Maya?...cause I could really use some help. I'm trying to do this assignment where I had to create a model and then use that model to displace particles to write my name. I made the particles and the model, and I applied a uniform field like the lectures said, but it's not doing anything. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I could really use some help. It was suppose to have been done today, but I'm gonna have to sit back and wait for my professor to help unless someone helps me...so please, somebody help?

I'm panicking here!
>> DE No. 7447
File 13055968152.jpg - (67.00KB , 501x600 , Herpers gonna derp.jpg )

Oh man, fuck those people. Nobody is allowed to make preassumptions about you just based on your past/your background/your color/what have you.

All of these closedminded people don't know what they're missing out on. They miss out on so many things to experience in life, but they also miss out on your sympathies. Screw that shit, guys, you are awesome in your own way, no matter who out there is trying to make you feel bad about it!

Sending lots of brohugs your way, you two. Lots!

Pic is a summary of my post, basically.
>> US No. 7448
I don't know if SA's where you saw the article, but the thread it was posted in (can't find it right now, sorry) is a good read if only to show how fucking subjective and unscientific the "study" actually was. The guy who wrote up the article is an ultra-conservative and known racist with dubious credentials at best, and the surveys were conducted by asking the same small group of people which race they thought was the most attractive, three times over the course of seven years.
The thing wasn't even peer-reviewed, it was just published on a blog. And for god's sake, the article's author used AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE THE LEAST INTELLIGENT RACE as the only fact with which to back up his "findings".

It's horribly biased psuedo-science intended to justify racism, and it blows. And it blows that people believe it, too. But not everyone does- just remember that. And if those few staunch bigots are so determined to justify themselves that they have to resort to these idiotic little "studies", I think it's a sign that rationality's winning out, slowly but surely. Just think of it that way. <3
>> US No. 7449
Found it! http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3412493
>> DE No. 7456
Oh god i know how it feels if a friend of you seems to be such a close minded as*biep*. It´s diaappointing and hurting everytime. (It surely helps not that i readed this lines with PILLS ARE FOR THE WEAK! In soldiers voice... Non? I did think so.)

I know how this feels. I really know. Especially with the non identify to a culture thing. My dad comes from peru, so i have a slight asian look. (Thanks to my eyes and oh wasn´t there something like people wandering from asian to south american before like hundred of years as viking soldiers still rode dinosoaurs?) Ayway, i never had REALLY the feeling to identify myself with the cultur of my dad. (Personal reasons.) And it was like a shock as one day i looked at myself and thought: Frag! I´m not really white! But don´t be depressed! One days one guuy will come to you and ask you out, because he likes you. It happened even to me. (haha i´m so fat ;_;)
And so long as you have friends who don´t give a shit about others and even help you against such ignorants everything is okay.

tl;dr: Doesn´t matter which skincolor you have. Every human is different and it´s GOOD so.

Oh yes and today was the second part of my last final! Yeaaaah... i still have to make the defence of my project. Harharahar. (I have the last frigging termin on the day for this! Thanks school?)

Oh and tommorrow my mother will come. So i´m suppossed to tidy up my room. Meh i just close the door.
>> US No. 7457
So I had a close friend whom I kept in touch with often via texting, internet, random encounters. We would RP occasionally and I drew stuff for her on occasion. Some of these things were smutty in nature, mind you.

So over spring break I didn't go online as much, as I tend to do with every break, and she went ballistic thinking that I was "deliberately ignoring her". I tried to explain myself, but she was basically like "DON'T EVEN APOLOGIZE I'M ALREADY MAD" despite my best efforts. She then texted me saying that "since [I] obviously wasn't interested in talking to [her], that was the end of this friendship" and continued to block me from any means of contact with her.

I never felt any kind of resentment towards her, but I'm the kind of person who won't engage in social activity with someone who is /quite clearly/ not fond of my company and I'll quietly let them be unless something changes, and in this case it seemed to be for the better.

Flash forward to a few days ago, a friend of mine (who is also friends with the one mentioned above) tells me that my "ex-friend" (I can't think of anything better to refer to her as, is there correct terminology for this?) was talking about zipping up all of the smut I ever drew for her and anonymously sending it to my parents...?

Uh, what do?

>> US No. 7459
I finally figured the assignment out, and I was able to get it done. It's late, but it's better than not being able to do it at all. I'm glad that's over...Now I just have to survive the rest of the 6 weeks I have in the class...
>> US No. 7461
Well, worst shit of the month and some just happened. My uncle's girl friend just brought over her ignorant and useless spawn of a five year old daughter again. Shit will be fucked up. I already know.
>> US No. 7462
Working at the polls all day reminds me of how I never want to be a government worker full-time.

>first voter attempts a write-in, screws it up, his entire vote isn't counted
>bitches got donuts instead of danishes, wtf, where is my chocolate chip danish that I haul my ass out of bed for
>fuck you, nonfunctioning calculator
>construction work being done on the school we were in
>less than 20% turnout
>what part of "if you don't live on these streets, you're not in this ward" don't you understand?
>no shit, if you emailed your registration out a week ago you haven't been processed yet, this is the government we're talking about
>bitches from other wards be stealin' my food
>Judge of Elections trying to groom me into taking her job next time her seat is up, like fuck I want your job, it's shitty
>didn't get to see Scoutpapa ALL FUCKING DAY and I NEED CUDDLES
>> US No. 7463
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One of my closest friends is having a miserable year and says she wants to die, again. I feel so fucking useless right now.
>> DE No. 7467
I wish I could send you more than hugs and this little guide I found to be very helpful and comforting: http://32time.Hipstr.com/post/4771928521

My sincerely best wishes for you and your friend.
>> US No. 7468
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Dumb people in classes obviously way past their level constantly ask me for help and tutoring, and then not only insist I do it for free, but I compensate them for having to take time away from partying to study. The I get painted as the bad guy when they complain that I turn down their requests for help.

I'm going to have a breakdown sometime, I swear.
>> US No. 7469
There's a lot of drama surrounding my boyfriend's family ever since his house caught fire a few weeks ago. I feel terrible because I want to try to reach out to his sister (who lost everything in the fire since it started in her room), but at the same time, the fire was technically her fault and she has a lot of issues (manic depression that is currently untreated, drug addiction, and now PTSD) that make it hard to approach her in a way that would help the family.

It's difficult because I've only really been dating my boyfriend for two and a half months now, and I just met his family a month ago. His family knows that I mean a lot to him, that I'm part of his life, and that I deserve to know what the deal is with family stuff, but right now no one really has answers and I don't quite know where I belong in this stage of the relationship given all the setbacks with his family.

Complicated "in-law" family things are complicated.
>> AU No. 7471
My best friend is the king of mixed messages. Sign me up for a broken heart no matter how this ends! Hooray.
>> CA No. 7473
I just found out my local theatre company is putting on The Rocky Horror Picture Show this year.

Pissed myself with joy. Not my favourite musical, but the last one they did was Chicago, which I hate and sucked at, so this might work out better for me.
>> US No. 7474
Worst part of being sick? Missing classes I have with Scoutpapa.
>> PL No. 7475
Again, one final away from freedom. Oh, and I need to finish my diploma asap. This is going to be one hell of a week.

>> US No. 7477
>attempt to send wire transfer to pay for school all at once
>exceeds max limit, send less instead
>school receives money no problem
>two days later, attempt to log in and pay the rest of the money
>account inactive
>oh god what
>call phone number provided
>lady says she needs to do a high risk check
>thinking this will be no problem, because I haven't had the damn account long enough to have any problems pop up
>told that finding nothing is a problem, and that I'd need to go to one of the bank's branches in person
>don't have the god damn time, even if I did have a car
>try to explain that I haven't even had the account a full month, that of course nothing at all would come up, that I've never had any bank account from any company before, and that I'm in such an intensive program that I wouldn't be able to get away during their business hours like they were asking
>get brushed off
>be frustrated, let time pass, can't get shit done because don't have the time
>call back today, talk to a different lady that actually fucking listened
>because so much time has passed, I need to go in with two forms of ID to get my account unlocked
>I only have two forms of ID
>my first name is spelled wrong on one of them

Dear god, I just want to be a good person and fucking pay the school the money I owe them! Why must they make it so hard to do that!?
>> US No. 7478
>> DE No. 7479
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Congratulation and good job.
>> CA No. 7480
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>dress code implemented at work
>we are now forced to wear socks with every type of footwear

I'm so glad I'm done at this fucking office in August. SO GLAD.
>> US No. 7482
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fuck yeahhhhhhhhh

now I just have to get up at ass o'clock and drive for 30 hours
>> US No. 7484
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My friend is much happier now that she knows things weren't as bad as she thought, and I feel so much better.
>> AU No. 7486
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Holy shit you guys

In the space of a week I've gotten myself TWO jobs, my application for an apartment was almost instantly granted, and I just met an old friend from school who I haven't seen in years, and over the past month I lost about 10kg and I look goddamn awesome in my fucking leather jackets and black skinny jeans WHICH AREN'T EVEN THAT SKINNY BEFORE and black kickass shades and

Now all I need is Meet the Medic
>> AU No. 7488
And I'm not even going to fuck around with editing that gibberish
>> US No. 7490
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>>implying that people who disagree that [insert character here] is fucking his brother in [insert fandom here] are homophobic
>>or thinking that character in particular isn't gay because there's zero canon evidence but other characters in the fandom are
>> US No. 7491
*Or because I think
>> AU No. 7505
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I love a nice slash-fic every now and then but sometimes, with the way some people act, I feel so ashamed at liking it.

Then you try to argue that these two chracters wouldn't be in a relationship because of conflicts in attitude, factional alignment and attachment to an already established significant other, logical thought goes out the window and suddenly you're a homophobe.

Slash. Hate to love it; love to hate it.

Pic very related.
>> US No. 7506
My thoughts exactly. I love pairings (gay, lesbian, straight, otherwise) in general, but I can't ship what I don't see evidence for in canon. And then people say "fuck canon" and I want to point out that canon is what made them like a character in the first place.
>> BR No. 7509
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I finaly got portal 2!......but I cant play, it keeps crashing my entire pc... ok I'm gonnaplay gmod... BUT I CANT GET RID OF THOSE ERROS MESSAGE... geez now that I finaly have free time to do useless things...
>> US No. 7519
Is Portal killing your computer with graphics? If it's not that, then I dunno.
>> BR No. 7520
yep, and now gmod gave me too the same black screen of doom with looping audio. I'm claning my pc and reinstalling drivers now..
>> AU No. 7524
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>> GB No. 7528
I have pacing issues. It's pissing me off.
>> US No. 7529
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Huh. The end of the world is kind of boring, if you ask me.
>> US No. 7530
Black screen with looping audio is most likely a video driver crash. I know in TF2 this is commonly caused by having multicore rendering enabled. Not sure if it would carry over to other Source games.

Going to the Maker Faire today for a few hours. Then tonight we might have dinner with his coworker and a female-friend. And next week I'm going home for the weekend and then to Fort Bragg (CA) with my mom and sister. Should be awesome.
>> DE No. 7531
> have finally enough metal to craft a hat
> torn between medic and engie
> think back to a chat with a friend
> he prophieces me a mining light to craft
> hopes the best
> craft mining light
> damn he CURSED ME
> play some more and i am disappointment about hat
> die
> you found EXQUISITE RACK
> my secret soldier fantasies about this hat came true

tl;dr: It gives something like higher up powers in TF2. Not like in L4D, but still existens.
>> BR No. 7533
i clean up the tons of dust of my pc and video board, not it works! can play portal dois and gmod again!
>> DE No. 7535
... I have no words for it.

Just because NO ONE before made a prompt with this it´s suddendly taboo? But we made prompts before with OTHER characters and we KNEW they don´t get a nice happy ending.

I could shout hypocrite to them all, but i´m just to cool and say: Uhu. Nice to know.

Unecessary drama belongs into rl and not internet. I can deal with it.
>> US No. 7538
IRC is down, so I have to post this here.

I just got dumped by someone I loved more than anyone else before. He dumped me via phone, and told me that I needed to "man up and move on" because I asked why he broke up with me.

Apparently, he didn't have the "time or patience" for a relationship.

This is the guy that still has a thing for his ex, and when he goes back to North Carolina he plans on dating him again. So, I can only hope my now-ex screams my name in ecstasy on accident when they're banging in hell.

I'm a bit drunk, by the way.
>> CA No. 7539
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I'm sorry to hear that, but man, if he's going back to his ex then he doesn't even deserve such a loving guy like you.
>> BR No. 7540
I'm Still plaing portal2 since my last post, I' gonna die.
>> US No. 7541
He just told me he's through with his ex and has no idea what to do, but he doesn't think he can handle a relationship.

I've spent the past three hours bawling into my pillowcase, staring at my phone, waiting for him to call.

I want to die, right now.
>> US No. 7543
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oh god oh god oh god why does this happen every time i'm drunk?
>> DE No. 7544
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Next week is gonna be the apocalypse of moving, with three furniture stores to go to, tons of shit to pack and unpack, and lotsa German bureaucracy.

I'm ready.
>> US No. 7545
The desire to have everyone I know just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE FOR A FEW DAYS is rising.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be by myself.
All I want is to be left alone, with no interruptions, only for the sake of having some peace and quiet.
>> US No. 7546
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Teacher tells us the prompt for the final essay, something along the lines of "Write about how a novel you read this year has illuminated some aspect of your life." She asks what novel we will use, I say that this is the only thing I read. She takes one look at the cover, mutters the title and says that she thinks I could get away with it. She is in for a surprise.
>> US No. 7548
Good for you! I'm glad you're happy.
>> US No. 7549
I'm excited about the prospect of being able to meet an online friend whom I've had my eye on for sometime now, but I'm also nervous that the meeting could it could the "make or break" moment for any chance I may have to eventually be with them beyond just friends. My mannerisms aren't overt as they are online, so I worry that I'll flop as far as physical chemistry goes, coming off as super shy since this is the first time being face to face though we've known each other for years. I don't know why, but it never feels right to me to flirt face to face, maybe because I feel it would send the wrong message on our "first" meeting, like that's all I'm interested in when in fact it isn't like that at all. I've still got time to better gauge how my friend feels, but I doubt it will be very explicit.
>> US No. 7553
sup. I sobered up and we talked all night and I went to bed after hearing him say "I don't want to break up with you. I'm not breaking up with you." and today we went out for 6 hours and wandered around town.

I'm happy. If it happens again, though, fuck it all
>> US No. 7556
Irregular period strikes back with a vengeance,
Roommate did laundry that I had to do myself, (delicates) and ruined the fabric one of my nicer shirts.
Threw a passive aggressive bitchflip and in a fit of hormones I proceeded to further ruin the shirt by warping it beyond salvation and throwing in in the garbage, just to vex myself.
Now I want to cry.

I fucking hate the crimson tide.
>> DE No. 7557
> wanted to go to bed
> Zombie on my Lawn Ringtone around 23
> Yeah what´s up? (this classmate again)
> We all should meet around 8 tomorrow
> WTF? I´m meant to be there around 15 for my consultation!
> Yeah, but she said in her blog on facebook that this teacher blah, blah, blah (i have no facebook. I´m a rebel.)
> Classmate: Did you really wanted to just show up 15? This tone. It begs to slap her.
> I need to be here 6 hours earlier than planned
> Well, shit
> I wanna kill someone
> On the meeting place in time and have a nice chat with others... ("Did ya know about this?" "No i ddin´t." No one REALLY knew.)
> False Information
> Wanna kill someone

To list everything what happened now there, panic, because i needed to drive back home to change clothes (Teacher i met at morning today: You have enough time to change clothes. If this isn´t a decend advice.) Well this weren´t my best clothes and shoes.
Annoyance because now projectplanning on the last bit of time again.
My brothers wants to visits me, because he has today a meeting for his may future career in the german Bundeswehr.
This classmate. Which i still don´t like. I said several times: Please, don´t touch me. She touches me everytime FROM behind on my shoulder. Or tips on it. (Which is worser.)

(Now i said it.) SO STOP FRIGGING TOUCHING ME, IF I DON´T EXPECT IT! (Only persons who may touch me unexpected: Family, future boyfriend. Except if i just stood up, but than i say nothing, but die a bit inside if someone touches my face than.)

And i want to sleep, but can`t because if i wake up again i would feel like shit. Which i prefer not to feel like before i need to go in and be all happy smile. Well, at least i can drink now GOOD coffee here.
>> US No. 7559
What's with all the bestiality porn spam on the site? It's disgusting, and I though the captchas would prevent that sort of stuff.
>> US No. 7560
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>Cousin from Mexico randomly starts talking to me
>Brags about how great her life is
>Belittles and mocks me every chance she gets
>"Turn on your webcam - Oh. You still look like that?"

Yep. She's still a cunt.
I'm assuming my mom must've told them about some of the shit that has been going on with me and my cousin just saw it as a perfect opportunity to boost her ego.
I'm way past taking her shit seriously, but just hearing her voice infuriates me to no end. I only wish she was here so I could punch her in the face a second time.
>> No. 7561
We even got CP once. some are just actually good at doing capchas.
>> US No. 7563
What is it about this site that makes spam programs want to post that sort of stuff on here? I mean, that's just awful!
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