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File 13090879986.jpg - (80.92KB , 640x480 , Image536.jpg )
8093 AU No. 8093
because the chan is full of handsome people

this was some epic helmet hair, but then i scratched and it stayed like this
Expand all images
>> US No. 8108
I didn't see this thread until just now. I don't think anyone will reply... (I hope they do), but I saw the camwhoring thread on page two... How did I not see this one? I must be going blind.
>> No. 8110
File 130915331551.jpg - (158.53KB , 663x1024 , ItsLikeI\'mWearingNothingAtAll.jpg )
Time to get all Magic the Gathery in this here thread.
>> US No. 8111
I love that dress and i don't even play Magic
>> AU No. 8113
>I don't think anyone will reply
why? enough people replide to max out the thread and the 10 before it
>> US No. 8114
File 13091600196.jpg - (96.13KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-06-27 at 00_29.jpg )
Hooray for Pride Weekend.
>> AU No. 8116
File 130917002433.jpg - (15.29KB , 320x240 , 269070_110266282400776_100002522134421_97302_83427.jpg )
Tiny, crappy phone pix yaaaay.
>> US No. 8118
File 130918466698.jpg - (140.47KB , 1075x680 , before_after.jpg )
Photo repair practice using a pic of myself.
>> US No. 8125
File 13092052806.jpg - (85.08KB , 640x480 , Photo 220.jpg )
How do I take picture?
>> US No. 8138
File 130922492669.jpg - (79.71KB , 640x480 , 130402671944.jpg )
Attempted just as planned face I took a while back. Agh forehead acne.

Also goddamn, looking at this and the camwhore thread... cuties, cuties everywhere.
And hydra, may not be helmet hair but it's still epic.
>> US No. 8139
File 130922748713.jpg - (75.80KB , 640x480 , 110627-211504.jpg )
Tired Byn is tired.
>> US No. 8142
File 130923053122.jpg - (61.92KB , 800x481 , IMG_1201.jpg )
Hey guys, I found this weird thing in my home, what should I do with it?
(was bored and made a noxine today. kinda derpy but still cute.)
>> US No. 8153
File 130928637815.png - (504.59KB , 641x501 , hey chucklenuts.png )
Sexy People Club? Am I even allowed here?
>> US No. 8155
But of course!
>> US No. 8156
File 130928797452.png - (486.33KB , 646x470 , oh my.png )
Positive feedback? Frpm a male?

Golly gee wilikers.
>> US No. 8174
File 130931430510.jpg - (99.32KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-06-28 at 21_53.jpg )
The internet as a whole is a pretty bad place to get positive feedback one's looks. Seems tf2chan is an exception.

Also here's me not looking sinister, staring vacantly at the screen instead.
>> FI No. 8177
File 13093197103.jpg - (66.70KB , 639x480 , YhQS.jpg )
Hi. I'm Crank and I look fucking retarded.
>> US No. 8178
TF2chan is full of nice people.

It's refreshing to know at least a percentage of those nice people have nice facial hair.
>> FI No. 8184
File 130935628455.jpg - (33.55KB , 500x374 , corg12.jpg )
Oh. Finns everywhere.
>> IT No. 8210
File 130939456088.jpg - (316.36KB , 2592x1944 , Acconciatura 004.jpg )
a guy tries to hypnotize someone with his vision and a new hairstyle, failing miserably.
(do not look at my face, as I am with my new hair?)
PS: is the only picture where you see a decent hair
>> DE No. 8254
File 130952533435.jpg - (293.90KB , 900x507 , DSC04356.jpg )
I'm on a couch! A motherfucking couch!
>> US No. 8259

That couch looks really good. I want to sit on it now. NOW!
>> CA No. 8288
File 130970355313.png - (0.96MB , 640x1403 , fucking_gorgeous.png )
AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE I am what the young people of today call 'a studmuffin.'
>> GB No. 8291
File 130971545456.jpg - (111.87KB , 900x675 , mcm_expo_2011___unlikely__by_cubie_panda-d3hlkt1.jpg )
Pimp Spy.
Jokes, it's only me.

Taken at MCM this year, the girl on the left is one of my best friends and the Chell is just a Chell.
>> US No. 8294
File 130972476123.png - (419.61KB , 476x476 , g\'day.png )
Literally every picture of me is in some sort of costume.
>> US No. 8314
File 130980071720.jpg - (175.71KB , 600x800 , birthdaydinner1.jpg )
Going out on a sexy date with my Boyfriend for his birthday. Hidin' mah fatz.

I know some of you know what I look like, BUT LOOK HOW LONG MY HAIR HAS GOTTEN :D
>> US No. 8318
File 130980865791.jpg - (240.48KB , 1280x960 , Picture 17.jpg )
Well howdy
>> CA No. 8320
File 130982029793.jpg - (625.52KB , 1200x1600 , 034.jpg )
bitches don't know bout my hijab.
>> DE No. 8324
I dig the hat.

Oh wow, you're pretty! I love your hair.
>> US No. 8329

This is gunna sound really weird but I've always wanted to cover my hair :< I've started wearing a tichel around the house but that's about it. I think people look so stunning when they cover.
>> CA No. 8336
doesn't sound odd to me at all. I actually really love it and I was pretty skeptical about it at first, but it's generally cozy and has the added effect of keeping some of the lighting I'm allergic to away.
>> US No. 8353
File 130992293716.jpg - (53.39KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20110624_3.jpg )
This is me.

I am a girl. People often can't tell, for some reason. Maybe it's the hair.
>> US No. 8356
Your haircut does give you a rather androgynous/masculine look, but you still have a cute nose.
>> GB No. 8361
I thought you were a guy I must admit, but then again, the hair makes you look EXACTLY like an old friend of mines, he had a sorta mini afro thing goin as well.
>> US No. 8404
File 131018087811.png - (479.93KB , 583x463 , and I like to dress up for absolutely no reason.png )
My sister recently lost a ton of weight, so I got a bunch of her old clothes.

>> No. 8415
File 131018861888.jpg - (27.57KB , 640x480 , hi guys lol.jpg )
My hair used to be CURLY CURLY CURLS EVERYWHERE but now it's not because it was annoying. Also: JAMMIES.
>> US No. 8553
Why you so pretty?
>> US No. 8588
File 131081964390.jpg - (10.09KB , 322x242 , Sexy Beast.jpg )
.... Hmmm. I think I missed the point.
>> US No. 8596
Pyro? Is that you?
>> US No. 8597
Huddah hudda huh!
>> CA No. 8680
PYRO! I'm so glad we found you! Quick, someone get on the horn and tell everyone who read Reunion that he's been found!
>> US No. 8684
I like that hairstyle!
>> US No. 8691
File 131121729730.jpg - (71.94KB , 640x480 , Image579.jpg )
>> CA No. 8693
i am so jealous
>> US No. 8695
File 131123423119.jpg - (69.97KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20110720_1.jpg )

Oh man. So jealous of that hat...

Oh well, I have a hair scarf... And Spaghetti...
>> US No. 8697
thanks, i made it myself
>> CA No. 8701
File 131125777336.jpg - (18.52KB , 300x400 , 283017_10150321939400011_646705010_9936733_1177788.jpg )
Guess who only just realized they had a webcam? Good job, self.
>> US No. 8715
File 131131106759.jpg - (87.33KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-07-18 at 20_13 #2.jpg )
Ahem, I think not. :V
>> CA No. 8717
File 131131533135.jpg - (19.40KB , 640x480 , vbbjdtyhjgh.jpg )
y'all got some purdy faces
>> US No. 8813
File 131175972862.jpg - (35.48KB , 300x425 , Bracknell_II_Colour_by_DanaksZoul.jpg )
I don't have photos of myself not looking kind of like a drag queen.

This is actually okay with me.

Though I wish I had a good picture of my hair, since this is a wig. I'm Lady Bracknell here-- I don't know where my (costume) top is, just me chillaxing in the makeup room with my awesome hat (that I wanted to steal from costuming so badly).

All y'all are so cute!
>> US No. 8817

I like your hat.
>> US No. 8818
You look like you stepped out of a Van Gogh/Toulouse Lautrec painting. I highly approve.
>> PL No. 8911
You're so cute and your hair is so pretty omg.
>> US No. 8919
File 131223662012.jpg - (26.70KB , 500x666 , tumblr_l08vj1Cw9p1qz7ltxo1_500.jpg )
Okay, you guys. The gig is up.

I'm actually a very sxc lady.
>> GB No. 8933
She most certainly is.
>> US No. 8942
File 13123496542.png - (138.30KB , 240x320 , 046.png )
Faceposer, irl.
>> US No. 8947
File 131238973164.jpg - (119.87KB , 640x480 , photo (3).jpg )
Oh look it's my face

I apologize for the Myspace angle.
>> US No. 8950
u r a qt
>> US No. 8952
File 131240893681.png - (203.43KB , 259x431 , Mar 2011.png )
HURRK Thank ye
>> US No. 8974
File 131258418769.jpg - (31.92KB , 504x478 , stripedsuit.jpg )
>> CA No. 9053
File 131294081847.jpg - (36.99KB , 640x480 , zdgv xsef.jpg )
Got my hurr cut and dyed. :D
>> US No. 9059
File 131294677788.png - (542.68KB , 576x432 , newpics1.png )
Kinda old.
You know when you swim for four years in highly chlorinated water and your hair gets all crunchy? Yeeaahhh.
>> GB No. 9067
File 131299330454.jpg - (677.76KB , 1920x2560 , IMGP1972.jpg )
Oh look! Donnys a kilted cam whore!
>> GB No. 9068
File 131299336910.jpg - (525.01KB , 1920x2560 , IMGP1971.jpg )
What does a Scot wear under the kilt?
>> US No. 9069
File 131299800886.jpg - (101.90KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-07-28 at 15_27.jpg )
I have way too much hair.

I won't lie, Donny. Every picture you post is the greatest thing in the world.
>> DE No. 9070

Wait... Scots do WEAR something under there?
I have a new view of the world, now.

I may join this statement. And i think you have a very pretty face. Why do you hide it behind all this glorious hair?
>> US No. 9075
>> DE No. 9077

I fucking love kilts. Just saying.
>> US No. 9078
File 131301396679.jpg - (116.76KB , 736x751 , 13113640548.jpg )
>> GB No. 9079
File 131301405578.jpg - (508.53KB , 1920x2560 , IMGP1976.jpg )
Last one, meant to post it later as a responce to me "What does a scot wear under his kilt?" question.

Answer : Nuthin at all!
>> US No. 9080
File 131301438916.jpg - (35.92KB , 362x501 , Icameplz.jpg )
Body not aptly prepared.
Prepare for nuclear implosion due to dividing-by-zero-esque mindblowingness.
In other words, helloooo, new background.
>> US No. 9081
File 131301740213.jpg - (16.15KB , 393x426 , 1293067211459.jpg )
>> US No. 9082
Donny... in your honor.
>> US No. 9083
File 131302570821.jpg - (123.08KB , 800x923 , 1301956799443.jpg )
Change of underwear was required.
>> US No. 9085
Aww you beat me to it. That's the first thing I thought of.
>> DE No. 9095
File 131307255411.jpg - (28.79KB , 373x358 , I CAME cap.jpg )


(Seriously Donny, why do you embody so many of my turnons. So much manry! Curse you, you Scottish and your amazingness)
>> FI No. 9119
File 131317443756.jpg - (10.61KB , 258x164 , 10-127-1.jpg )
>> GB No. 9120
You are all too kind, and I greatly appreciate it.
Someone took the liberty of posting a couple of my pics on 4chan. Not cool guys. I mean common.
>> No. 9130
Not to be rude man, but really, what do you expect posting a pic like that online? Especially on one of these fanchans. It's pretty inevitable.
>> No. 9134
No it isn't. If it were an actual TF2 pic then yeah, maybe, but after the last fuckin fiasco I thought peeps here would perhaps think twice about plasterin my stuff else where.
>> No. 9135

I honestly wouldn't expect this of TF2chan, unfortunately there are many more lurkers than regular posters, so I can't say that with too much confidence.

I'm sorry Donny, hope it's blown over and forgotten about soon.
>> No. 9136

Why do you think its someone who even posts? This site is open to the public, plenty of people from 4chan come on here to laugh at us

Sorry man, but yeah, if you post a picture like that people are going to post it elsewhere.
>> No. 9141
At least you have clothes on in it.
>> US No. 9177

Since TF2chan cannot withstand the awesomeness of this picture, I must post it on filesmelt. Copy dat' link...

....Scene ahead.
>> CA No. 9184
File 131355792038.jpg - (19.08KB , 238x358 , 164386542.jpg )
You better get that phone outta my face son.

In other news I really need to find an apartment with bigger doors.
>> CA No. 9192
File 131359871386.jpg - (233.35KB , 700x517 , hamskeytar.jpg )
Me playin my geeeetar.
>> US No. 9199
File 13136265087.png - (529.55KB , 629x456 , masquerade.png )
Look what I bought in Vegas!
>> US No. 9207
File 131368788787.jpg - (38.94KB , 720x477 , WhoIsThatAndWhatDidTheyDoWithGiggles.jpg )
For a snapshot, this turned out really good. I look distinctly NOT evil in this picture.
>> CA No. 9211
File 131371985517.jpg - (96.46KB , 960x1280 , Photo0398.jpg )
bam. at work.
>> US No. 9233
File 131383115962.jpg - (72.42KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-08-13 at 16_39.jpg )
>> US No. 9234
File 13138313238.jpg - (28.24KB , 268x292 , 2jg6tua.jpg )
But then I derped.
>> US No. 9295
File 131415696170.png - (428.43KB , 479x537 , Hell yes.png )
Only moderate costume? And you can't even see it! Wowee! I look normal!
>> US No. 9317
Also, you're adorable. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
>> US No. 9368
File 131439423847.jpg - (30.05KB , 640x480 , 012487956842.jpg )
I'll creep out from behind the anon too
>> US No. 9404
File 131450049863.jpg - (316.59KB , 2048x1536 , Photo06121105.jpg )
Newfag coming through! This is what I look like when I don't look like a mad doctor.
>> US No. 9405
>> US No. 9407
You look like two different people! (you're really pretty in the first one)
>> US No. 9410
File 131455178743.jpg - (24.98KB , 640x480 , Picture 006.jpg )
Check out my new bra.
>> GB No. 9412
Which isn't to say she ain't pretty in the second, RIGHT?
>> US No. 9415
File 13145620431.jpg - (69.79KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-08-25 at 14_20.jpg )
I'm just a lurkerfag coming out of hiding, don't mind me.

how do i decent looking in mississippi heat
>> US No. 9417
I thought that was a baby. And then it was a shark.
>> US No. 9422
These need their own thread.
>> US No. 9426
right, just in a derpy way :D
>> US No. 9427
File 131460151885.jpg - (101.89KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-08-29 at 01_56.jpg )
D'aww, thanks!

I am a master of derpsguise. I look different because the first picture was taken during the day, the other at night. Here's another one I took at night doing...something. I forget what I was up to. That is not a wig, it's my normal hair. Somehow it came out black and I pushed my bangs together in front of my eyes. I think I look like a spy.
>> US No. 9430
All my photos of me not wearing an elaborate wig and heavy stage makeup are too big...


If anyone wants an accurate idea of what I look like wearing a large assortment of hats, they are free to fix the above address and check me out. Otherwise, by all means continue to believe that I just always look like Lady Bracknell.)
>> DE No. 9435
File 131464506299.jpg - (181.40KB , 1280x1024 , Picture 1.jpg )
I just... i just look so, because i thought HOW stupid this is, that i´m sitting here grinning like a idiot in my NEW webcam. And bleerg.
Now i have a photo here!
>> DE No. 9449
You look really nice, I must say!
>> US No. 9465
File 131472204631.jpg - (30.48KB , 300x452 , THIS IS ME GAIZ.jpg )

I actually lied, u gaiz. I'm actually a very well-chiseled stud muffin.

Just lookit dem glutes. Unf. I been workin' on them all summer.
>> CA No. 9467
Obby. I'll be in my bunk.
>> DE No. 9468
Well, thank you very much Perry! I may now add that you look nice, too.
>> No. 9487
File 131476211576.jpg - (89.56KB , 400x533 , P7110001.jpg )
Fuck why are my eyebrows so thick
hey gaiz look self deprecating humor lolololulalul am i cool yet
>> US No. 9488
Thick eyebrows are the best! At least you don't pluck yours' to oblivion, only to have to draw them back on! I mean, rly.

WOMAN LOGIC (no offense, ladiez)
>> US No. 9491
My eyebrows are fairly thick, but they're so blonde that I have to draw them on anyway if I'm going through the trouble of doing makeup (usually only if I'm going on-stage), because they are freaking invisible.

I like bold eyebrows, though. I like freaking Joan Crawford eyebrows.
>> AU No. 9494
File 131478183389.jpg - (19.42KB , 320x472 , frida_kahlo1.jpg )
Your eyebrows, they are not bushy enough!
>> GB No. 9502
Dems some bushy eyebrows man, circles right down to her lip and everything.
>> No. 9508
I would pluck them out till I'm the not-a-creepy-bitch equivalent of Claudia Wolf, but GODDAMN IT THEY GROW BACK BUSHIER AIUHGAHDFUGHUDFGHD Plus idk what it is but I cannot for the life of me apply makeup decently so I'm fucked for drawing them back on.

>> US No. 9509
They make stencils for drawing them back on, maybe you could look into those if you're having too much trouble with it.
>> No. 9512
1. I have NO idea where I could possibly find one (small town, no credit card so I can rarely ever buy shit online, and I is poor anyway.)
2. I'm too lazy to bother to learn how, even with a stencil.
3. Makeup just feels weird on my face.
>> CA No. 9514
I think I've seen them sold in Avon, if that's any help. See if there's a rep in your area, maybe.
>> CA No. 9518
unf unf unf

it's cool, i know i'm a pig.
>> US No. 9541
File 131497721892.jpg - (77.17KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-09-02 at 10_19.jpg )

Crabby would personally rather handle shark babies than human ones, but that's because marine science majors are weird....

Have another since I'm not above taking pictures on my hipster laptop in public locations.
>> No. 9555
File 131500953290.jpg - (9.73KB , 178x124 , duhuuugh.jpg )
Your haircut.
>> US No. 9576
File 13150443763.jpg - (39.82KB , 449x604 , nikon.jpg )
You need to calibrate your monitor. The altered version looks a bit flat (i.e. low contrast). Aside from that, good job!

Here's a picture of me, which also serves as credentials for the protip.
>> GB No. 9588
Are you naturally raisin yer brow, is the camera pushin it up or is that side of yer face just that much wrinklier than the other?
>> US No. 9659
D. All of the above
>> US No. 9663
you're right it DOES look flat! Thanks, I'm still learning. Also, I now have Kodachrome stuck in my head. "I got a Nikon camera..."
>> GB No. 9665
File 131530960461.jpg - (59.12KB , 733x585 , 339420_2367368748007_1364080204_2784069_3371114_o.jpg )
Can I join the Sexy People Club?

(I'm climbing out of the sunroof of a car that was also a ballpit. That should make me eligible, surely.)
>> AU No. 9781
File 131582646391.jpg - (57.52KB , 720x540 , 307685_142006652560072_100002522134421_225959_2667.jpg )
Me at the Riverfire Festival, Saturday before last. Red, glazed eyes? I have no idea what you're talking about
>> US No. 9790
File 131586910765.jpg - (25.65KB , 450x289 , nanathan.jpg )
Looks like you caught Nathan from Misfits in your background there.
>> AU No. 9819
File 131622024559.jpg - (43.39KB , 648x388 , tumblr_lrmeyi81O31qf6tigo1_1280.jpg )
Haha, awesome.

Here's me again, with Ryojin.
>> DE No. 9904
File 131671463981.png - (565.62KB , 563x750 , show_off.png )
Bought jacket today, got told this will be my birthday present.

>> US No. 9906
File 131671708674.jpg - (50.80KB , 640x480 , Photo 2.jpg )
Eww, it's my face! Just a picture I took of myself in Photobooth just now. I got out of the shower about an hour ago. Sorry about the hair. I have no idea how to style it, and when I try, it turns out looking gross. The lighting sucks, too, because it's dark and rainy right now. I guess I could've turned more lights on, but I'm too lazy.
>> US No. 9912
Aww you have such a cute face!
>> US No. 9913
Thanks :)
>> CA No. 9934
File 131689837695.jpg - (43.17KB , 480x640 , sadistic_mastermind.jpg )
The face of a sadistic mastermind. Don't let the innocent expression fool you, it's a lure to make my prey let down their guard.
>> GB No. 9941
I can't wait for my pro photography pic to come in, for once I actually look some what attractive! they told me I can't upload it any where because they own copyright on it but FUCK DA SYSTEM!
>> DE No. 9947

Dear. You are EVER attractive. So freaking stop to say you are not. Or else i need to come and spank you for it. Like seriously. I will do so.
>> PL No. 9952
You're like a doppelganger of my irl friend, I was all 'holyshit, is Anna posting here-' for a sec.
>> US No. 9996
File 13173565729.png - (301.84KB , 380x625 , damn fine.png )
>Gets Halloween costume in the mail
>> CA No. 10002
File 131740398999.gif - (143.38KB , 295x221 , aDTdvk.gif )
I figured out how to work my webcam, finally, and took some pictures of me with a bag of candy corn.

Enjoy. I know I enjoyed the candy corn.
>> GB No. 10027
File 131756736467.png - (475.33KB , 548x411 , ahandsomeyoungman.png )
I got glasses
Now I look like a member of the Proclaimers
>> No. 10028
File 131756988393.jpg - (389.65KB , 1280x960 , Picture 89.jpg )
a younger Stephen Merchant, p'raps

oh, and I smoke a pipe now, pipes are cool
actually, something doesn't feel quite right
>> No. 10029
File 13175699338.jpg - (407.52KB , 1280x960 , Picture 91.jpg )
ah, there we go, much better
>> DE No. 10030

Now i can finaly put a face to you! Yeah.


Just one word: Awesome.
>> GB No. 10031
File 131758109863.jpg - (49.48KB , 463x431 , SCIENCE!.jpg )
...Good lord, do I know you? You seem terribly familiar. You on Brass Goggles or something?

Pic related: me, having used my Electronic Bird AmplifYing machine (EBAY, for short) to clone Archimedes!
>> US No. 10033
Can we see the full costume please?
>> US No. 10036
File 131761546329.png - (218.23KB , 414x453 , courtsey while you speak.png )
lol sure. This is the best I got without a full length mirror.
>> GB No. 10045
File 131768205748.jpg - (81.64KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-05-04 at 18_42.jpg )
Incredibly old cam-whoring picture from my 4chan days

You look like a gentleman and a scholar.

You look like... one of my friends... it's uncanny.
>> No. 10080
File 131792994449.jpg - (42.59KB , 500x335 , 248584_10150310192550760_628285759_9733543_133247_.jpg )
I am on there, yup, but I haven't been on in a bajillion years. Should check it back out.

Not sure if jailbait, but cute anyway.

And some warface for you folks with the kind words.
>> US No. 10084

Marry me.
>> US No. 10097
File 131801823327.jpg - (52.02KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20111007_1.jpg )
Finally got my hair to do something other than make me look like Justin Bieber. Now I apparently look like the young version of the maid from American Horror Story, as I'm told?
i wish
>> US No. 10100
File 13180315122.jpg - (70.13KB , 720x540 , 298495_2180001654504_1080780150_32162544_135470451.jpg )
I never take pictures of myself, so have this con photo instead. I'm the dashing Amnesia Grunt in the middle with the mustache.

I am very proud of that mustache.

My friends and I are also incredibly short. Geezus.
>> US No. 10107
I think you look totally cute-- kind of young Molly Ringwald-ish.
>> CA No. 10126
File 13181279736.jpg - (44.83KB , 640x480 , k.jpg )
i'm like flava flave except classier.
>> CA No. 10130
File 131814151794.jpg - (64.26KB , 373x431 , all_according_to_plan.jpg )
I have twins everywhere just so I can confuse people!

Have a crappy webcam pic!
>> AU No. 10326
File 131896996063.jpg - (72.93KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-10-19 at 07_20.jpg )
These are my prescription glasses. They help me see fabulous things much better.
>> US No. 10343
File 131905082369.jpg - (19.56KB , 329x453 , 298899_10150339028421708_660136707_7889748_7709228.jpg )

I'm jelly of your glasses, these are all I have.
>> DE No. 10368
File 131909819693.jpg - (335.18KB , 800x600 , You touch my tralala.jpg )
Perry, shower hair, silly facial expression.
>> US No. 10409
File 131927385149.jpg - (105.89KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-10-22 at 01_56.jpg )
Been feelin' pretty good about growin' out my hair. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
>> DE No. 10420
Is it bad that whenever I see you, I think "Wow, real life Scout"? Because seriously, you look like him so hardcore. It's awesome.
>> US No. 10477
Damn, I think you got hotter than I remember you being.
>> US No. 10515
File 131989547255.jpg - (97.00KB , 640x480 , Photo on 2011-10-28 at 22_06 #3.jpg )
I turned into TF2 after the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night.
>> US No. 10562

You're gorgeous.

And I fucking love Rocky Horror, good choice!
>> CA No. 10577
File 132028834339.jpg - (37.08KB , 640x480 , ygonkfgnpdrtgjniodgrt.jpg )
Hats like this come from Canada. I have a huge pair of headphones on under it. Also it has a mohawk.
>> AU No. 10615
File 132067208881.jpg - (269.39KB , 1280x1024 , Picture 7.jpg )
I am the boolit king!
>> DE No. 10630
File 132077034893.png - (666.24KB , 768x576 , rule34.png )
The scottish population is shocked about the new released book of Charles Stross called Rule 34. Everywhere in the Country people stand up and form a mob against this book. If they have enough pitchforkes to get their claim through to ban this book from the stores we don´t know. More about this in the News at eight o´clock.
>> DE No. 10631
>> DE No. 10637
File 132079181735.jpg - (118.02KB , 600x450 , Picture0125.jpg )
just wanted to say hello to you guys, because im new and all...

so Hi !
>> DE No. 10638
You are pretty, mylady! And DAYUM those big eyes. Awesome.
>> US No. 10642
File 132081974196.jpg - (73.04KB , 1023x682 , MallorySquareME.jpg )
If anybody here recognizes me I will be genuinely surprised.

This picture is a little over a year old, taken at Mallory Square on the southernmost point in the Continental United States, Key West FL.
The Sunset Ceremony had just finished.
>> US No. 10648
Sweet. Your Alice.
>> US No. 10764
File 132192843510.jpg - (51.82KB , 406x720 , hannapic.jpg )
Ta-da! I wish the light wasn't so weird and blue-y...
>> CA No. 10774
File 132202060470.jpg - (82.48KB , 410x352 , rocky2.jpg )
Okay, finally managed to scan the photos of me from when I went to see Rocky Horror.

Enjoy Slutty!Iz
>> CA No. 10775
File 132202063049.jpg - (43.59KB , 108x239 , rocky3.jpg )
>> CA No. 10776
File 132202065265.jpg - (78.32KB , 400x315 , rocky1.jpg )
And #3.
>> GB No. 10782
File 132206486265.jpg - (840.66KB , 2082x1407 , Donnymodel.jpg )
The naughty side of the chan in all its glory huh? Meow.

From naughty to model...ly, I got this picture done on a modelling day with my mother, we both got dolled up and had a photoshoot, then I took her for sushi. Fun times, and the only pic of me I have ever liked.
>> DE No. 10785
File 13220756909.jpg - (64.40KB , 428x599 , I CAME waterfall.jpg )
Goddamn Donny, you will forever be that guy I love to stare at. Best looking Scotsman ever, dayum. Keep on posting, you handsome rogue.
>> AU No. 10795

Oh, yeaaaah.
I love me them redheads. Especially in kilts. Traditional kilts.
>> US No. 10797
File 132219306559.jpg - (41.24KB , 480x640 , 297785_200688113333463_100001768275164_489139_1183.jpg )
So I just snagged something off my Fecesbook instead of taking a picture now. God, I'm lazy. Hey all.
>> US No. 10805
Are my thick eyebrows and pale face still allowed here?
>> GB No. 10809
So many pretty people on the chan! Hot diggity damn.
>> CA No. 10826
File 132250395399.jpg - (159.53KB , 640x480 , bitchbshrinkin.jpg )
Hey guys, guess who's lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks?

Also tits.
>> US No. 10833
File 132267052417.png - (701.14KB , 858x676 , 132209133979.png )
Daaamn, gurl, u got curves for miles! Keep on workin' that thing. (No, seriously - you're looking great!)
>> US No. 10835
My, aren't you a pretty young thing ~<3

I swear, Canada has the best looking women
>> US No. 10842
File 132272948436.jpg - (51.14KB , 421x604 , 13542_1140570087145_1614222868_410089_6705035_n.jpg )
So many MANY lovely ladies on the chan......

Also, my bitch ass from a few years ago (still look the same more or less)
>> US No. 10860
File 132288750461.jpg - (29.10KB , 480x640 , 384067_230425443693063_100001768275164_576701_8962.jpg )
Captcha "soly excite" HURR HURR THANK YOU SIR

But oh hey, I got my hair cut!
>> US No. 10863
File 132289150114.jpg - (82.77KB , 640x480 , 111202-234240.jpg )
I usually never take pictures of myself, much less post them on the internet, as I am a bit uncomfortable with people I don't know having my picture. So you all get to see me in my winter clothes.
>> US No. 10864
File 132289165979.jpg - (82.44KB , 640x480 , 111202-234510.jpg )
But I guess seeing part of my face isn't that bad, so no hat or goggles in this one. Maybe someday I will post my full face.
>> US No. 10865
your scarf looks like it's made of comfortable. And possibly polyester.
>> US No. 10866
You are 100% correct, sir and/or madam.
>> CA No. 10875
This may be an odd question to ask, but what is up with your ceiling? I see like...studs, and plywood, and...something pretty in the corner, but I can't see.
It's an interesting ceiling.
>> US No. 10876
That's actually the underside of what used to be a bunk bed. I used to share a room with my younger brother. He got his own room that had a water bed, which burst, so he took the mattress that used to be up there. I have been using that space as storage.
>> CA No. 10877
Thank you. For a bit there, I thought you lived in a shed. It confused me.
>> DE No. 10947
File 13236404392.jpg - (345.97KB , 525x700 , DSC04227 (2).jpg )
died my hair black again.
and i miss my eyebrow piercing, mhhpf
>> CA No. 10963
File 132383489915.jpg - (48.11KB , 960x640 , 387944_2818304135162_1185650701_3192804_1768307317.jpg )
Canada sure does. As you can see, I am a prime example. More fucking orange than anyone can stand.
>> PL No. 10985
You're so pretty! And I dig your wardrobe.
>> US No. 11208
File 132726377233.jpg - (45.91KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20111211.jpg )
i don't know
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