No. 981
Just my two cents and a polite sage, but...
Yeah, that's true that the characters are sort of thrown in... unless you look at the additional material that can be found for each character.
For example:
>Suika as demoman? She's a drunkard too!
She's also extremely powerful, especially in the fighting games as both a PC (she's generally considered a VERY good fighter) and a NPC. And like the Demoman, while outside of canon they're often seen as silly due to lol drinking, in-game they're both extremely seriously and will call people out on their BS. Of anything to do with explosives, Suika is the second-most correlated to it (Utsuho being first, but from the old skins she's a Solly alt).
>Yuyuko as heavy? Boy, she talks about eating a lot!
Yeah that is out of nowhere, too, but there's no closest character to being a Heavy (non-canon Letty notwithstanding). That, and she's one of the few characters pretty much considered by EVERYONE to be taller and stockier than the others (same with Eirin).
>Patchuli as sniper... Yeah I've got nothing
Both prefer to be alone, do not work well with other people, and are very technical. They're also quieter than the rest of their friends. Honestly, though, Reisen would make a much better Sniper.
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