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1 .

Chess: Also, I totally said thanks to you for the nice wishes before, but I think it got ateded, so thanks again

#43: Yeah - shenanigans all around, and Spy is too "classy" to put up with that crapz. I'm sorry, still. I've wracked my brain, and I just can't see it fitting anywhere. I mean, I'm putting Scout through HELL, but I'm not trying to kill him (yet). And that... most likely would, actually. So, again, sorry.

And, is it me, or do bottom ones cause the most problems? My top ones came in with no problem, but my bottom teeth went, "lol screw you" and were stuck in limbo, half-in, half out for, like, a year. So the gums around them were still sensitive and stuff, and chewing was a pain - especially when something got stuck in my top teeth, and then would just keep getting jammed into my gums again and again. I'm so done with you, teeeth.