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File 13862965239.png - (86.25KB , 300x450 , femmscoutdraft fitted.png )
1707 No. 1707 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi! First time posting here, and really first time I've actually tried to contribute to TF2. Clearly, I need a LOOOT of help...where can I start?
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1711
Some backstory questions first so I can figure out what sort of advice to offer:

1) Is it still 1968-ish in terms of the setting?
2) Does your Tits!Scout have 7 older sisters or older brothers?
>> No. 1719
File 138710735288.jpg - (471.11KB , 750x900 , for natasov.jpg )
Not too bad of a start!

Since a scout's job involves running everywhere, every day, I fetched a reference of female athlete physiques.

Side by side, you can quickly see you've got a bit of imbalance going in terms of proportions - your scout's top half is teeny compared to her bottom. Notice in the reference photo how shoulders always stick out further than the hips? And while their legs are muscular (dem thighs), they're still quite trim below the knee.

I also took liberty to put more weight to the pose. Remember if you're ever stuck, get a reference! Look at yourself in the mirror, take a photo of your own body, or resort to a photograph taken off Google Images.

Last thing was facial proportions, which I didn't really cover in the redline, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a closer look at Scootyboy's skull structure.

Hope that helps. Keep it up and let us see how you're going!
>> No. 1725
On the uniform side of things, the male Scout has his sleeves rolled up both to look cool in his own mind and to minimize the feeling of drag (whether or not the sleeves actually reduce his aerodynamic profile is an exercise I leave for actual physicists, but there's a reason most competitive running outfits are sleeveless).

The length/fit of the pants also make no sense to me. A quick GIS shows that running shorts are generally much more tight-fitting and not much longer than where the thighs might touch during running.

(Aside: Depending on the backstory, a female Scout might choose to wear a different uniform. Male Scout's is evocative of a baseball player's, but Little League didn't officially accept female players until 1973, so unless your Tits!Scout is wearing hand-me-downs it makes less "sense" for her to be in an identical outfit.)

File 138568220435.png - (266.36KB , 1093x912 , fem medic sniper.png )
1703 No. 1703 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello. I am new to posting on this site, been afraid my work is not good enough. since a lot are not posting I wanted to give it a go. I hope i am doing this right. Oh,when i post my art and you have some constructive advice please speak up. i can't learn without other's input. thanks.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1705
I can see how you mistake that for a gap. I'm so sorry about that. It was to be a fold from the vest, where her zipper would be. And the square is the starting of a belt buckle. But I really love the red lines though I am colourblind with red. I will try to fix what I can make out what you drawn. I hope I did this respond right
>> No. 1721
Oh shoot! Is there a colour that would be easier for you? Let me know so I can use that if you need another "redline" in the future.
>> No. 1723
File 138714075026.png - (1.01MB , 1093x912 , fem medic sniper coloured.png )
So here is a quick painting of the two coloured. >>1721 greens or blues are always better for me. thank you for the help.

File 135958510695.jpg - (242.57KB , 596x900 , 131591028694.jpg )
1510 No. 1510 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just fem Pyro, please.
18 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1531
File 136083558634.jpg - (234.07KB , 1322x953 , pyro-charlie03-quickhairglassessml.jpg )
This is sort of a WIP, but I really wanted to design a legit Pyro, and not fall into any of the fanservice traps (not that some of the fanservice stuff isn't awesome)...I have lots of ideas about how/why she ended up as Pyro, but I'm not really sure if there's a right place to share that stuff around here. Sorry, new to TF2chan, came looking for fem Pyro, lol.
>> No. 1547
File 136852438418.jpg - (53.20KB , 805x897 , wip.jpg )
>> No. 1685
File 137231655487.jpg - (52.10KB , 796x595 , realpyro_jpg.jpg )

File 131725784989.jpg - (862.48KB , 1722x1703 , girl_scout_by_bahferretboy.jpg )
1077 No. 1077 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'm seeing way to many tits fails, so I thought why not have a thread to share all the pain and misery? So post whatever lady OC you find that make you lose all hope in the fandom.

Dem giant breasts. Dat exposed stomach.
200 posts and 78 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1682
File 136936549390.jpg - (113.78KB , 900x563 , image.jpg )
I love this girl's Fem Scout design, because she TRIED to make it look like it was viable.

>Normal hairstyle, nothing that gets in the way
>Leotard + skirt; leotard's weird, but skirt is good
>High socks
>Comfy running shoes

This is doing it right.
>> No. 1699

Didn't realize that comfy running shoes had heels.
>> No. 1713
File 13866529048.jpg - (122.06KB , 940x914 , snake_woman_with_balloon_boobs.jpg )
Siiiiigh. Pose meant to convey dynamic action but looks generic, boring, and static, horrifically dislocated hips, balloon boobs that guarantee wardrobe malfunction, a mask that may as well not be there, clothes that seem to defy physics (is it one piece or two? What magic space material is it made out of that can be so form fitting and allow such an extreme pose with minimal wrinkling?)...

File 136655074525.png - (221.47KB , 395x692 , Delilah chibi.png )
1544 No. 1544 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Her design originally came from my own cosplay. I was working on a normal, full body picture of her but I need a new cord for my tablet to finish it (boooo), so have some chibi bullshit
>> No. 1545
File 136655088394.png - (245.98KB , 514x679 , delilah.png )
and the original picture of her in which i was fucking with my own style *barfs*
>> No. 1546
Nyawh, cute!

Overall cute style. You have some anatomical issues going on with the legs in the first image, but I'm not sure on whether I should post a redline here or what.

Without a redline, I can at least tell you that her left shin looks way too short, and her foot twisted at what appears to be a very uncomfortable angle.

Hope that helps. Keep posting!

File 136270360957.png - (92.95KB , 600x600 , femscout2.png )
1534 No. 1534 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Just gonna leave this little cutie right here.
>> No. 1535
That looks like a barely prepubescent girl who wants to play ball with her older brother but none of them picked her to be on their team...which might be fine for a backstory, but not for present day, lean mean cocksure asshole fighting machine Scout, not even one who happens to be a young lady.

File 128919260913.jpg - (166.92KB , 500x900 , demogirl4.jpg )
17 No. 17 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Mmmm, fresh new chan, fresh new thread. Delicious.

49 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1179
Every single one of your posts. I do love them with the fire of a thousand suns. They are fun and cute and did I mention I laaaav them? I think I did, but I'll say it again. They're awesome. (I especially like Demolaydee and Pyro and also your sniper. They look like they can get shit done.
>> No. 1337
File 132574752596.jpg - (303.15KB , 900x506 , girla.jpg )
long time no see, here have a doodle
>> No. 1509
This shit makes me all tingly as fuck. loving your art.

File 131735031897.jpg - (157.35KB , 500x623 , tumblr_ls99rg0TV91qb8ugro1_500.jpg )
1086 No. 1086 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just saw this pic on dumblr, and I am unfortunately terrible at art, but if anyone could make a FemEngie out of this, I would be eternally grateful.
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>> No. 1370
File 133003758656.jpg - (212.62KB , 583x823 , pinupengie.jpg )
Well, I finally finished it!
>> No. 1410
Nice. I like the lighting especially.
>> No. 1508
"Engie, grill me a cheese?"

*chkchk doosh*

File 135501327786.gif - (176.25KB , 313x412 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
1506 No. 1506 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
ok. so i've not seen a lot of femslash. like i've seen tones of genderbents so why so little femslash? can we make this a post compiling femslash art and fics?
pic unrelated

File 132366384955.jpg - (368.65KB , 600x800 , heck_yeah_femgineer.jpg )
1274 No. 1274 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey sup I'm Pay and I like genderbends, here you go
10 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1444
File 133620780552.png - (517.12KB , 375x750 , tumblr_m3ijju3MuK1qcxq33o1_1280.png )
oh dear HELLO again
>> No. 1459
Someone needs to make a model of Little Jack!
>> No. 1496
File 134973862013.png - (193.92KB , 613x768 , photo (2).png )

Lil' fan drawing for you!

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