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File 134591210365.png - (631.48KB , 562x608 , femengy.png )
1482 No. 1482 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So a terrible attempt at a woman engineer. I like her design but the way I drew it… I'm sorry I'm not terrific at females. At least its not another OMG IM 13 BUT IM LIKE TOTALLY A CHILD GENIUS LOOK NO SHIRT MAGICAL STRAPS COVERING TITS engineer. Anyway concrit greatly appreciated so I can improve her.
>> No. 1488
Her proportions are rather odd:

1: Her head is too large for her body. Male Engie, even as the shortest man of the group, is 7 head-lengths tall. This makes her look younger than you may have intended for her to be.
2. The crotch should be the halfway point of the body. The way you have it now, either her legs or her upper body is too short.
3. Her knees, as suggested by the placement of the knee pads, are too low.

You may also want to consider a different angle for the pose because her face has no real shape or volume to it. One of the reasons TF2's style is so awesome is that our dudes are Real Manry Men with Craggy Manry Menfeatures. You did well in suggesting her musculature, but give some character to her face. (Look up "women's face shapes" or somesuch to help.)

File 133281219768.png - (186.50KB , 540x810 , Ethel Scott Lines v2.png )
1408 No. 1408 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Um, I don't know if there's a line between genderbend and OC (and if so, how thin it is), but if yes, this Soldier is definitely in OC territory. Would this be a big deal here?

Still a work-in-progress, but here, have some lines.

I'm still developing her character, so if I were to ask for input in fleshing her out some more, would it be okay to include her information here for feedback, or should I make a separate thread in /rpg/?

I have a few other ideas for fem classes, so they might eventually appear here, too.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1418

(Oh, yay, a reply!)

In regards to her hand, would reducing the size of its heel help, or do I need to adjust the wrist so the whole hand is in a more natural position? And yeah, now that you mention it, the cheekbones do need some adjusting, so thanks for that.

As far as the shirt looking too baggy... part of her character history includes that she nicked the uniform off a fallen Marine. But, the one she's wearing here isn't that same one, it's just based off it, so I can't exactly cite that as a proper reason. So, mentioning that was probably pointless. I... don't think I'll go back and adjust the bagginess on this, since I kind of like it as it is, but I'll try to make the outfit fit her better in future drawings.

Thanks for the feedback; it's much appreciated.
>> No. 1419
Okay, well, as far as her info goes, I have a thread for it now in /rpg/ if anyone's curious enough to look at it and provide feedback.


In the meantime, I should hopefully have more art up here soon.
>> No. 1460
File 134044006348.png - (620.20KB , 750x900 , Meria Concept.png )
Suuuuper-sketchy shit here.

Uh. If that's a big deal, let me know? Was figuring I'd clean it up at some point anyway.

Fem!Sniper concept. Once again, simply genderbending canon Sniper was not what I had in mind.

File 131500004754.png - (138.81KB , 800x665 , sersn.png )
1015 No. 1015 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Sniper and Femspy get it onnn
>> No. 1018
I approve!
>> No. 1023
I also approve of Sniper banging things
>> No. 1445
OH SHIT 8)... <3 this is my favorite

File 133379018678.png - (670.29KB , 1500x1941 , beatrix2.png )
1420 No. 1420 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So, this is my fem medic OC-- she's red. I just thought I might as well post it and see what other people thing? And, yes I was influenced by Makani's design-- but I hope my design stands out on its own.

Anyway, I'd also like to see other people's femmedics. I like seeing other people's interpretations C:

I've never posted on here before but I've been kinda obsessed with tf2 lately and I need more people to talk to about it. I'm also looking for a rp buddy?(I tend to use pchat) you can contact my tumblr or deviantart(same name)
>> No. 1438
I like your femmedic design, it definitely works. As for how much your design stands out, well, I'd say it's about the average (sane)fem!Medic design; that's not a bad thing, mind you! Also, I'd like to say I do like your style. Welcome to the chan: I hope you stick around.
I'm not working on any designs for a fem!Medic myself, but I am interested in roleplaying (I've been working on a Medic OC, as well as a bandit-related tenth class). I'll add you on tumblr if you don't mind? :)

File 128920569589.jpg - (77.86KB , 489x1630 , Tits_Fortress_2_by_restlesshands.jpg )
27 No. 27 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Fill out this meme in your response. Let's see if we can get at least one for each class. Pick randomly if you can't decide by choosing the one that corresponds with your birthdate's last digit:
0. Pyro
1. Engineer
2. Spy
3. Heavy
4. Sniper
5. Scout
6. Soldier
7. Demoman
8. Medic
9. Saxton Hale, or somebody other than the classes.
35 posts and 24 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1387
demoman fills his empty heart with melee weapons
>> No. 1388

His/her empty HEART, yea, heart.
>> No. 1389

File 131279200149.jpg - (250.60KB , 1000x2500 , latex pyro.jpg )
868 No. 868 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
ok so cloging up another section of tf2chan but ive got a few genderbends i drew a while back ill throw out here for u guys
9 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 893
>>890 you'll notice both my fem medics have these earings. i cant help but love em.

>>891 its so hard to tell i have a fetish right?
>> No. 1376
File 133054211188.jpg - (50.27KB , 500x638 , tumblr_m0620ciMfe1r22xuzo1_500.jpg )
Just a pin-up Pyro. I like my pyro with a bit of chub.
>> No. 1382
Well I like it.

File 133046420643.jpg - (190.29KB , 1855x2968 , engie pinup.jpg )
1373 No. 1373 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I recently bought a book on how to draw pin-up girls. Earl McPherson's style seemed the nicest, so watch as I attempt to emulate him in the form of some Team Fortress 2 pin-ups.

As stated in the subject, these are not OC designs and are strictly just fun doodles of the classes as pin-up girls.

File 131147217422.jpg - (398.55KB , 1570x1147 , 2.jpg )
806 No. 806 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
no more lurkin'
10 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1347
File 132720873517.png - (300.99KB , 1196x754 , UNOSSMALL.png )
some Deers' inspired art
>> No. 1348
File 132720878283.png - (325.15KB , 1392x836 , DOSSMALL.png )
part 2
>> No. 1349
>deers inspired

ah aaah turret i'm blushing
also all of these new updates make me super happy

File 129463769871.png - (947.85KB , 761x1400 , femspyscout.png )
302 No. 302 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So yeah. Sup, TFchan?

I didn't want to make EXACT opposite-sex counterparts for the classes, so the scout's like, 6'1" and a ginger, and the spy is... well, she's still embarrassingly French.
101 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1245

Heh, well, half right. The boobs ARE surgically gone, but the mastectomy was done out of necessity. She still identifies as a lady. She only looks boobed when she's clothed thanks to padded bras.
>> No. 1327
File 132482902768.jpg - (97.16KB , 468x728 , Deccrop.jpg )
Hrmm hrmm. My little Polynesian pyro lady in winter getup, heavily inspired by Mollusque's fempyro's uniform design. It's... er... I didn't intend for it to be so kawaiiugu, but oh whale. Made her for some Christmas cards.
>> No. 1328

Its 'kawaii uguu', as you put it, in all the correct ways. She's really an adorable little arsonist, I love seeing the classes in winter gear.

File 132359702593.jpg - (30.33KB , 326x831 , Scan0001.jpg )
1657 No. 1657 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This is my first time to upload my work.
I will appreciate critiques happilly.
15 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1673
I don't quite agree. I think most of the face is not so masculine as to be a problem. Moving the mouth up is the only thing that needs to be changed, and after that it's mostly a matter of personal taste.
>> No. 1674
File 132473720643.jpg - (50.61KB , 966x269 , K-1.jpg )
Thank you for all the advices, angels!!
Well, actually, I have wanted to draw in simple and cartoonish style like dexter, mlp, nerfnow, ppg and etc...and style like this picture!!
Such style may destroy the anatomy, but since I'm totally noob at drawing, can you guys stil advice me??
>> No. 1675
File 132473741967.jpg - (86.60KB , 768x1036 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
And..my favourite kink is actually gore, so I drew something smells blood.

Caution!! blood everywhere!! So if you don't like gore, please don't click the spoiler image.

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