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File 131743444049.png - (321.40KB , 1233x950 , New canvadbfs.png )
1676 No. 1676 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Am I doing this right?
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>> No. 1679
Is that supposed to be a FemSniper? Or a FemMedic? I can't tell. Spy's head is on a bit of a weird angle. It looks really uncomfortable. He's just a bit too arched with his spine.
>> No. 1680
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
>> No. 1681
File 132393633959.jpg - (34.12KB , 450x367 , c0ead70093going_jpg-450x367.jpg )

File 129123598544.jpg - (140.91KB , 500x797 , tf2femmedic.jpg )
177 No. 177 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I finally gave into this madness and designed some femclasses. Maybe if I continue to go crazy I'll do more finished designs and color them.

First up is Medic. Kind of a standard nurse's uniform, but I figure she'd be too old fashioned to want to wear pants but too practical to purposefully hinder herself while running, so I compromised with a pair of riding pants that can convert into a more proper looking skirt.
15 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1252
File 132261438992.png - (581.90KB , 700x702 , tf2femmes.png )
Woah hey this was bumped! I inked and colored some of the sketches, I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!
>> No. 1253
i seriously love them all
and your scout hnnngh her outfit
>> No. 1254
aw shucks thank you Deers! Your genderbends are super rad so that is flattering do ho ho ho

File 132058559287.jpg - (92.66KB , 600x800 , mpauling22w.jpg )
1621 No. 1621 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Couldn't see a general porn thread where anyone can add their piece :B

also here some drawings i've done
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1625
Please don't do this to us

I might leave this here as a laugh to be quite honest
>> No. 1626
File 132059877246.jpg - (17.14KB , 500x450 , 131104634648.jpg )
Alright, alright. Getting serious for a moment, 2 out of 3 of those pictures have vaginas. Vaginas belong in /tits/. However, it looks like you're a developing artist. So your work is better suited for /workshop/.
>> No. 1627
Troll or not the ideas are still kind of hot I guess.

File 129995861628.jpg - (189.73KB , 426x554 , ladyhooby.jpg )
473 No. 473 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys!
This is my first time posting any art here... but recently I've been addicted to drawing Lady Fortress and I thought some people like like them? I dunno.
Have some lady hoovy for starters, I used Makani's design because I really like it.
22 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1168
File 131965815922.jpg - (500.99KB , 800x1098 , spygal2.jpg )
Been a while! Not much time for fanart these days. Here's a spy gal I did instead of homework
>> No. 1170
Unf. I have enjoyed all your ladies, but this one is now my favourite.
>> No. 1171
Ahh thank you!

File 128918082347.png - (920.02KB , 2576x1320 , spyfight2.png )
1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
1 get?

Relia's Femspy and my femspy
(they're buddies though)
47 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1122
Oh I thought I was the only one!
I had a massive nostalgia trip after noticing that.
>> No. 1166

Gosh i never watched recess but i get what you mean!
the main influence for her facial features was jane from Tarzan though, she's a total babe.
>> No. 1257
Dear Arty,

I just stumbled upon this thread but I love your designs.

Your 7th post (Red Femgie) makes me want to attempt this cosplay in homage to you...

Must crossplay first but seriously, your art is amazing!

A new fan

File 13118407175.jpg - (393.17KB , 1800x1200 , FemSniper2.jpg )
824 No. 824 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I love designing Fem classes...

Rough sketches of my Fem Sniper for now. I call her Alice. She's not all that different from regular ol' male Sniper... except that she needs a specialized funnel to pee into jars.

Her skin's aged a tad more than her years, from all the sun and desert. Her hair she periodically hacks off-- she does it herself, with her kukri, and then just lets the hair blow off into the wilderness (birds'll use human hair in their nests, so...). She tends to keep it just long enough to tie back-- usually with scrap yarn, or whatever's on hand-- and hacks it off again when it gets long enough to be annoying.

The profile's all wrong and needs heavy fixing, if not just plain scrapping. The face needs some work, too, her chin's not how I want it. But for rough sketches, I was happy enough with them, and any concrit I get will help me when I get to the next one.
47 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1157
File 131943612826.jpg - (438.92KB , 900x2400 , SpyUnloads1Rough.jpg )
Thought I'd try my hand at a genderbent comic. Not sure how many pages it will wind up running, but here's the rough 'pencil' stage of the first.

Basically, in which Spy delights in relieving her romantic misery by bothering Engie. I had an idea for a genderbend story wherein everybody bothers Engie with their not-really-practical problems until she bars everyone from her workshop on pain of death, but I have a hard time writing when people are around, so I started sketching out an outline.
>> No. 1159
File 131943621743.jpg - (403.97KB , 900x2400 , SpyUnloads2Rough.jpg )
Dicks nowhere, as it turns out.
>> No. 1160
File 131944306517.jpg - (656.45KB , 900x2400 , SpyUnloads2.jpg )
'inked'/coloured. Not entirely cleaned up, because I always find I can't stand something once it is...

Don't know why I worked on finishing the second page first.

File 129164329241.png - (252.63KB , 648x793 , Feminine as bro.png )
216 No. 216 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Sparky has a /tits/ thread?
Aw, maaaan
39 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1128
...If you fucked your own clone, would it be incest, molestation or masturbation?
Anyways, great art. I like the idea of a New Zealander(?) sniper.
>> No. 1143
File 131886622979.jpg - (142.17KB , 1140x939 , itstimeforyourexamination.jpg )
Thanks for helping me find my thread again! And I personally believe it'd be a glorified form of masturbation.

Anyway, here, I drew you a lady-Medic.
>> No. 1145
She scares me. And I mean that as a compliment.

File 131191182938.jpg - (297.63KB , 1050x1680 , evening wear female pyro.jpg )
1628 No. 1628 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi everyone, I hope this name's not taken... It's my first time posting on the Chan.

Here's some stuff I've been working on lately.. it's all sketchy 'cause I haven't wanted to put the effort into finishing them if I'm not sure my poses are right! Hoping to get some red lines and suggestions!
20 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1654
File 131755606585.jpg - (372.78KB , 998x1456 , tavish x jane.jpg )
These two are adorable.

That guide is so helpful, thanks!
>> No. 1655
File 131831154850.jpg - (362.79KB , 604x945 , pyro serenading demo.jpg )
Pyro has a guitar, Demo has a castle; I saw the opportunity for some serenading action. WIP.
>> No. 1656
File 131895133519.jpg - (525.01KB , 1412x883 , miss pauling.jpg )
Miss Pauling in what I imagine is some sort of Admin Base cafeteria overlooking the barren land near the battlefield; and all the decor is purple.

File 131885122648.jpg - (251.92KB , 757x2047 , TF2bend.jpg )
1618 No. 1618 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Oops I lost my old thread

Well uuh here's a new one, I guess

Women are hard to draw
>> No. 1619
I love your femmedic's hair, dat swoosh. Still I'd say the jaws are quite manly for women.
>> No. 1620
Aside from Sniper, their eyes all have a slightly buggy look, but aside from that, this looks great. I like how you 'translated' the male characters' features when drawing their female counterparts. Much cooler than the "sexy X halloween costume" look that a lot of genderswaps have.

File 131723743091.png - (215.89KB , 900x662 , tf2_vs_final_combat__sniper_by_pikmin789-d4ajgs9.png )
1076 No. 1076 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Used to be, when I'd picture a female version of Sniper, I tended to gravitate towards Makani's Angelina Jolie-esque interpretation...

But ever since Final Combat began showing itself off more, their sniper's begun winning me over. Sure, the rest of the game is bootleg crap, but... damn.

Sexy office-lady in heels versus grungy Aussie who pisses in jars - no contest.

Sure, I don't mind us hating the rest of the game, but can't we at least keep her?
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1115
File 131761607478.jpg - (251.25KB , 774x869 , 129739883353.jpg )
What the hell are you talking about? That isn't Makani's fem!Sniper at all. This is Makani's fem!Sniper.
>> No. 1116
File 13176183987.jpg - (37.78KB , 414x492 , funny-pictures-david-tennant-not-a-single.jpg )
>> No. 1123
Strange, I got it from a thread of Makani's pics a while back... someone must've mislabeled it as hers.

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