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File 131760170832.png - (88.64KB , 500x357 , tumblr_lqli20u1dG1r0edyxo1_500.png )
1112 No. 1112 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
fem!Scout/fem!Scout thing.
Slightly revised, I dunno about it though.

She first saw the new scout at the beginning of the daily battle.

The last one was out of commission with a broken ribcage from none other than the best friggin' scout in BLU. Or RED for that matter.

Chucklehead should have moved faster.

She was sprinting towards the point, reloading the Force when she saw him, a blur of red above her.
Dang, those guys could hustle on the replacements.
Whatever, the chump would be gone soon.

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File 131711257027.jpg - (102.80KB , 480x480 , Femgie Pencils 2.jpg )
1071 No. 1071 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
... And fem Engineer. Tried to get head more proportionate, and soften her shoulders up some. I also wanted to round her hips out a little more, but things got a little messy, so I'll need to be careful when I 'ink' over her thigh, to follow the right lines.

Also tried getting a little work done on the BLU fem Scout I wanted to incorporate into one finished piece, but I definitely need some solid woman-playing-softball refs (shouldn't be too hard to find), so that her arm doesn't look broken when I draw her a-swinging.

(and again, slight BG change, not because it matters at all, but I wanted a slightly different texture than I had... Of course, when it's a finished piece, it'll probably be completely different yet again...)
>> No. 1072

That should have been in my thread, but apparently, I am an incurable idiot who doesn't know how to noko.

My apologies, Mod team. (Squad?) I'll try to be less stupid in future.
>> No. 1073
You could just delete your post... Just sayin'.

Just check the little box by your name, scroll to the bottom, and click delete.
>> No. 1074
Thanks for the tip! Right now, it keeps 'incorrect password'-ing me, but I'm hoping later it will decide to work...

File 130733405953.jpg - (20.99KB , 400x300 , Dadaaaa.jpg )
656 No. 656 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Some sort-of porny Femgie/FemScoot stuff here. Its sorta hurt comfort because I'm a sucker for that so ignore the overly sentimental overtones to the writing please and thanks. Not my image-first one found when googling female engineer/scout.

“Are you tired already?” Scout tugged on her tags, biting on the chain fastening them around her neck. Her legs were kicking idly behind her as the pajamas sagged down her calves.

“Mmm.” Engineer kept her eyes closed, missing the smaller girl lying against her. “That was four times now Scout- not everyone has yer stamina sunshine.” She hoped Scout would catch on to the flat tone of her voice.

“Five I think. Nah… maybe four. I dunno anymore.” Her pupils were still dilated from the last orgasm and her body was still flushed. Engie could hardly believe this girl was so ready again. They hadn’t even had proper ‘girlsex’ yet. Scout just kept insisting they do it this way. “C’mon Engie…” She sucked on Engineer’s neck, the metal beads of her tags pinching at the edge of where her mouth was latched.

Engineer kept her eyes shut and let out a heavy breath. She wasn’t as hormonal as Scout anymore, or maybe it was just they always had a different stamina level, or maybe Scout was just a little more needy lately because of everything going on around them- but it was tiring!

“We still hafta be up tomorrow, and its an ungodly hour ‘m sure.” Engineer mumbled against Scout’s short hair, moving her hand to rub small circles on her back. Scout tensed a bit at the mention of the morning and the war- but she never gave up on trying to seduce Engie. She had moved up to plant kisses on the edge of Engineer’s mouth dropping her dog tags and making them jingle with the motion.

“Please? C’mon just get off one more time?” Scout’s voice was a little softer than usual, even a little softer than after they finished normally. She had begun to ease her way on top of Engineer, slipping her knee in between Engie’s legs. She w
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12 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1064
You just completely made my night. Thanks for letting me know
>> No. 1065
>Straight female
>Fucking loves this fic
>> No. 1079


File 130403522762.png - (100.09KB , 597x544 , scan0062.png )
551 No. 551 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I figured here would be better than my workshop thread for these silly things. But go on ahead and treat it like workshop and crit the hell out of it.

Anywho, this is my Femgineer turned OC, Rosy. And that rabbit is Earlenore Roosebelt.
40 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1038
File 131553615042.png - (101.69KB , 542x538 , scan0217.png )
I also drew Delena's Scout because I love her.
>> No. 1045

Captcha: salmonella

lol wat
>> No. 1046

File 131471203185.png - (167.59KB , 522x678 , scoutengiefem.png )
1613 No. 1613 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Fff. Did a fem engie and scout. Doesn't look much like engie though. Help please!
>> No. 1614
I would say you could easily make Engie a bit bigger. She's certainly not going to be the smallest of women.

Or you could just add her goggles or something. I dunno.
>> No. 1615
Yeah, I'd agree on thickening femgie up a little (right now, femscout has a thicker neck), and not just fat-wise. She's gotta carry around a pretty decently-sized toolbox around and metal for her constructs, so she'd have some natural muscle to work in. Also, dropping her jawline or sharpening it may help, as well as give her face a more mature structure.
>> No. 1616
Dayum, girl! Do continue. I would agree that Fem Engie's neck could be a bit thicker. And maybe fuller lips would help? That might just be opinion, though. I guess I always picture Fem Engie with full lips. Anyway, I'm excited to see more from you, I like where this is going.

File 128920417540.png - (678.09KB , 733x488 , l-autre-resized.png )
26 No. 26 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Arty’s blu femspy and my red femspy.

16 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 898

I already freaked out on Hipstr about how much I love this but I'm gonna do it again here aaaaah
Thanks for giving me the inspiration to draw her again~
>> No. 1039
File 131569110863.png - (261.88KB , 750x500 , no-relation.png )
Hey Red, are you related to that one BLU Scout?
>> No. 1040

I see no resemblance whatsoever and we all know Spy is a lady of her word. That is good enough for me.

Her dismissive expression and hand motion is to die for. Scout's hair is just so frisky, I love it.

File 129042083543.jpg - (340.11KB , 555x681 , femdemo.jpg )
124 No. 124 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Back on the band wagon am i.
FemDemo for you all
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>> No. 384
Ok this is bugging me, what is that picture from?
>> No. 385
>> No. 1035
File 131540901577.jpg - (228.96KB , 600x932 , snperchickadee.jpg )
yar so i unlurk for a minute to present a genderbend how...typical. Anyway i really tried to do something different with Femsniper cause most of my bend are very vanilla. Dont know how well it executes but i had fun :B

File 131402796527.png - (236.31KB , 845x814 , whoop.png )
971 No. 971 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
'Well, off to visit your mother!'
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 994
oh my sweet jesus i love your style. please moar
>> No. 1031
File 131531861387.png - (555.11KB , 914x923 , whyaretheynaked.png )
Oh wow thanks guys! I didn't think many people would like that.

I just mucked around with colouring, style and haircuts with this one - crits would be super cool.
>> No. 1033
Scout's mom's left arm looks a little too long, and spy's left hand looks a little small.

The shading on the hair looks awesome, I absolutely love it.

Other than that, all I can say is great job! Your scootmas are delicious

File 131335741497.jpg - (858.43KB , 2000x2000 , femdump.jpg )
927 No. 927 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Some of this is ridiculously old so I just went "blast it, dump it all" and so, here we are.

Tell me which designs you like, I'll use 'em.

edit: due to unforeseen large filesize, the original picture has been scaled down. For the original file,
http://fc00.Sparkledog Central.net/fs71/f/2011/226/0/2/femdump_by_estoy_aqy-d46j9wf.png
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 995
>> No. 996
File 131465462441.png - (695.19KB , 1400x1000 , swelter.png )
Thanks to the guys over at /workshop/ this thing finally got finished
>> No. 1062
I really like your designs for the Fem!Classes, they're quite excellent, and your style of drawing displays it well. Good work!

File 131345419051.png - (529.32KB , 1300x1000 , swelter1.png )
1594 No. 1594 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
a.k.a. WIP dump thread.

Let the crits begin.
8 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1605

Don't be afraid to add more meat on them bones--so far, you've just been making the Scout's arms thicker with no real apparent understanding of what muscles go where. I'm a skinny weak-ass non-athletic chick, but even I have some muscle definition, even more so when I flex.

Also, I suggest you add some rim lighting on the opposite side of your light source to help better define the volumes of your shapes. Whatever she's sitting on probably does reflect some light.
>> No. 1606
File 131432359896.png - (330.75KB , 1400x1000 , swelter5.png )
Thanks, dotchan!

So I went and stared at some anatomy books for a while and here this is.
>> No. 1607
File 131465446133.png - (695.19KB , 1400x1000 , swelter.png )
finally done

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