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File 131414001365.jpg - (616.10KB , 1600x2500 , femscout.jpg )
1608 No. 1608 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Femscout design.
May the critiques commence.
(fuck this is too animu...)
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>> No. 1610
Sorry. I realized that.
It'll be fixed with the next update.
>> No. 1611
File 13141487918.jpg - (351.66KB , 1352x2260 , 131414001365.jpg )
The thing about female faces is that the lack of chin may get the idea across that she is indeed female, but adding one and knowing where to add your details can make your stylistic choice pop more and seem less cartoon-y and gain more structure. But adding very detailed cheek bones or jaw lines, or wrinkles can take away from it and make your figure look older or man-ish so be careful. (Check out the first sticky Help thread in Workshop, it has wonderful tuts and references for anatomy.)
(I'm not the greatest at females, but here is goes.) Remember that although females may be curvy, they have certain parts that are not as fluid at some other parts. (The face can be a prime example)

Hopefully this helps and if you have any questions about my Crit or you can't read anything be sure to reply and I'll get back to you and see if I can shed more light on my horrible chicken scratch.

Study more females and you should do fine.
It's a very cute picture.
>> No. 1612
Oh, thank you kindly, Anonymous. I was going slightly for that cartoonish kind of style, but this'll help.

File 131396446565.png - (88.87KB , 1024x768 , 000shovelheadchanbiggersizewip.png )
1591 No. 1591 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I'm a little nervous, this is my first time posting in workshop. Here's my dilemma. It seems an idea I thought wasn't done yet was already done. A tf2 pin up for red team, soldier's bizarre shovel waifu. Except for the shovel part, the pose is almost the same. I found the pinup while googling the red team logo for reference. I wasn't aware of it until today. It's no carbon copy,but I'm afraid this will make me look like an art thief, I just drew what came to mind when I thought "vintage pinup". So would I be accused of art theft? any suggestions/advice on pose change/anatomy?
>> No. 1592
Alright, the basic idea is quite similar, but honestly there's really little resemblance (the arms are in difference positions, the torso is tilted differently)
Art theft is usually called only if the new artwork appears traced/looks extremely similar to the old one.
So no worries, I doubt people would mistake this for theft.
>> No. 1593
Whew! that's good to hear, for good measure I'll change up the leg.

File 131106420277.jpg - (152.90KB , 498x689 , Fem!Medic9-2.jpg )
780 No. 780 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Hay guise, I'm not sure if this is supposed to go in /cosplay/, but I saw no women there, so here we go. I'm going to a con in October that's going to feature an anime cabaret and I want to enter with my very favorite class, medic. This is the outfit I've come up with so far (minus the BLU patch on my bra, oops) and the photographer I did the shoot with is a huge TF2 fan and he loved it. I'm asking for any feedback positive or negative about what alterations you think I should make to the costume, music choices, etc. Right now I'm thinking "Bad Case of Loving You," by Robert Palmer, and while I did not bring them to the shoot I do have a Medigun and Bonesaw.
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>> No. 789
If you go with the gloves idea, be sure to not pass the chance to make Medic's trademark "Time for your examination" gesture (you know, when he pulls on his glove). It's so wonderfully suggestive, and quite recognizable.
>> No. 961
How do you 'enter' a burlesque? Do you contact the troupe that the con has gotten? My friends and I have been wanting to do a TF2 burlesque ever since we first saw a Cosplay Burlesque.
>> No. 962

Whelp, I found it on the con's forum and e-mailed the lady in charge. She hasn't replied to any posts or e-mails so I'm guessing she either fell off the face of the earth or bailed on the project. It may be a no-go. Pft! Who am I kidding? I'll set up a booth and charge admission, bahaha!

File 131119398688.png - (338.12KB , 800x600 , femsnipey.png )
790 No. 790 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Amid all this ruckus about making femClasses, I'd like to pose the questions,
should there be female classes?
As in, would the game be improved by them? Or on the other hand, would the game be worsened by them? To what extent?
And either way, will Valve someday create them?
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 873
I was browsing through the TF2 wiki and I read something interesting: All of the classes are considered to be the same width and height with regards to collisions with objects, players, melee attacks, and projectiles (that explains so much about the Huntsman). So with tits classes, there wouldn't be a size advantage or disadvantage.
>> No. 908
This. I always figured if there were fem classes it would be because, a) TF2's 60's was different with regards towards women, and b) Because if RED and BLU were hiring the best of the best, having either a penis or a vagina was irrelevant, it was the skills that counted.

I could totally see them hiring a lady Heavy because of her weapons expertise or a lady Sniper for her excellent sniping skills, and it wouldn't matter that they were women as long as they did their job and did it right.
>> No. 943
i definitely agree. if they're really looking for skill, it wouldn't matter what gender they were, as long as they got the job done well.

File 131330447911.jpg - (910.79KB , 1300x1280 , Rosu Spy.jpg )
919 No. 919 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Pretty old but upload worthy.
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>> No. 924
File 13133054619.gif - (146.22KB , 462x456 , spinny.gif )
Lured you in HA HA I love you.
>> No. 941
You show promise, however i might have to suggest going to workshop for a bit to iron out some flaws.
>> No. 942
Already there

File 131331782399.png - (151.91KB , 500x686 , femheavy.png )
926 No. 926 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I felt like drawing fem!heavy, so I did :)
(Also hello people)
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>> No. 932
Didn't even notice that. Maybe hers is custom.

I like the style though. It's different than what you usually see. Kind of an old fashioned cartoon style.
>> No. 938
If you look at the minigun's model from directly head on, you can see it's offcenter away from the Heavy's body to allow greater freedom in leg movement. However, you're right, it's a bit TOO off-centre - thank you for pointing it out! :)

In the mean time let's go with your explanation - after all other parts of the design are different from the original too (no belt, light trim on vest, different grip configuration on gun, etc.) And I'm glad you like it :)
>> No. 939
File 131343313992.jpg - (7.30KB , 259x195 , thingyminigun.jpg )
If you look at the minigun's model from directly head on, you can see it's offcenter away from the Heavy's body to allow greater freedom in leg movement. However, you're right, it's a bit TOO off-centre - thank you for pointing it out! :)

In the mean time let's go with your explanation - after all other parts of the design are different from the original too (no belt, light trim on vest, different grip configuration on gun, etc.) And I'm glad you like it :)

File 131141244991.jpg - (227.79KB , 1476x2067 , img001 (7).jpg )
1576 No. 1576 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
female scoot. ಥ_ಥ i'd like to improve it.
10 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1587
I definitely see a HUGE improvement. There are still some minor flaws (The earpiece looks 2-d and her eye is very large, though that could just be style), but overall, it's very good.
>> No. 1588
thanks very much, i appreciate it! and i apologize for her eyes, my style is in an awkward stage right now between animu and semi-realism and i'm working on it to get it to not look disproportionate.
>> No. 1589
I know what you're talking about - been there myself as well. I use to draw all anime but TF2 is making me appreciate a more realistic style. The change in eye size is one of the most striking difference between the two, imo.
And exactly - keep working at it. You'll get it in no time.

File 131261873220.jpg - (649.75KB , 1050x816 , scoumum.jpg )
1590 No. 1590 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I was maybe thinking of inking this later (unless people like the idea of cooking fortress?) but any advice especially on that dodgy right foot) would be absolutely wonderful thank you!

File 131213322556.jpg - (124.22KB , 500x510 , FemmeSpy.jpg )
841 No. 841 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Lady Spooks, at that.

I apparently really like bellbottoms and catwoman masks.

I had some more fem!class designs but they suck and I really like this one the most. Ha.
>> No. 843
I really like that red outfit

File 131205105263.jpg - (897.76KB , 1479x1985 , femdump_01.jpg )
1571 No. 1571 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So, I need some help getting this whole drawing thing to look somewhat good. All my drawings are pretty much sketches and there are always way too many lines, as you can see.

This might be "too anime" for TF2, but I did try, I suppose. My female designs aren't that great either, as they wouldn't make sense on the battlefield.

Anyone want to give me some tips?
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>> No. 1573
One of the main problems I see with your art is that you have a bad case of same-face/body going on. All the characters look like they could be the same woman just with a different hairstyle. I think in the resources board there are reference pictures of the different classes, study those, because each class has a different body and head shape, which contributes to their uniqueness and helps to diferentiate them from each other.
>> No. 1574

Holy crap, you're completely right. While I was drawing this, I had much different ideas for how I wanted them to look, but I guess the outcome wasn't what I was shooting for. They do look really similar, rather hugely on the face shapes.

Thanks for replying. I'll have to work on that.
>> No. 1575
Also the faces are kind of generic animu, not to say that shows with heavy animu stylings aren't capable of still having a wide variety of facial features and head shapes. But if you insist on giving the characters animu stylings, I suggest you start from a more realistic template and then work them towards a more stylized appearance.

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