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File 130861253187.jpg - (35.51KB , 600x600 , MYAN.jpg )
679 No. 679 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
My first thread in this section, but there's a time for everything. No pretty pictures (except my opening one... when I found somewhere - enjoy it), I'm afraid, since I'm not much of an artist, but I've been mulling over how to do femme characters of TF2 for a while now. I mean, as an ex-animu fan... I'd have to say it's bout near required for me to consider this in just about every fandom I'm in.

So, I see that most people tend to make gender-bended characters either the same nationality\race\(general) personality as their predecessor. So it's basically the same character, only with... ahem, an "exquisite rack". Always nice to see other people's takes on gender-bends of the classicle classes, but not quite enough for me.

Others tend to just go with whatever nationality tickles their fancy. Like the Engineer being from India or the Heavy being from... Iunno, Chile or something. Awesome, but... A little out of my range. And I don't want to have to rely on stereotypes to the point where my characters won't even be unique anymore, because, trust me, if I go that route, that's what's bound to happen.

So what I basically decided to mix up their nationalities while tampering with their personality to suit my fancy.

I just realized that probably doesn't make sense to anyone who is residing outside of my brain, so let me off an example instead. First and foremost being my FemSoldier - the first one I thought up.

So, she's a Soldier, only she's Australian. And when I say "Australian", I mean AUSTRALIUM Australian. So, yeah, huge muscles, big, booming voice, love of combat and all things bloody, and, of course, the signature SAXTON HAAALE mustache. So, she'd basically have the same model as male Soldier - only with short blonde braids under her helmet, breasts, and a comically huge mustache.

Everyone assumes she's good friends with the original Soldier, but it's hard to tell since the two get into fist-fights as often as they're seen drinking together. But she's not quite as... nutty as him - they just share a lot of co
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>> No. 752
Fem Medic is just as nuts as the original. She likes to stuff things; anything and everything is stuff-able to her. She goes out and finds baby birds that fell out of trees too early and stuffs them in jars to see if she can replace the wings with something that should not grow on a bird. If if dies it makes a paperweight. Needless to say she has many paper weights to choose from. She doesn't really care about healing team mates in battle because they're going to just get shot in the face again in two secinds anyway. She would rather move around the battlefield snatching up gibs before respawn can detect them and whisk them away. Medic and FMedic bro out on the weekends. They sit down at the table and discuss how long they can burn a scout alive before the tongue becomes unusable for experiments.
Fem Medic is an absolute manners freak. She was not raised in a barn and how dare you behave so rudely? She doesn't listen to music often and complains when Medic warms up on his violin.

FemSpy has a horribly pock marked body. She was raised as a spoiled brat in an old money family and will throw a fit and stop her pointy little shoes in the respawn when she discovers that she has been dominated. The next thing she does is target that person for the rest of the time , taunting them. How could some common trash like you hope to keep me down? she also laughs at the other fem classes' shoes whenever she has the chance. FemSpy is the most petty vindictive bitch possible.

FemScoot gets tired of everything very easily. She can't fall in love with something for more than a day. Her teeth are perfectly straight , but full of hole from here to hell and back. She sees a lot of FMedic. FMedic hates FScoot because as soon as she turns her back to her FScoot has gotten into the scalpel collection and is using them and her freshly stuff Blu Sniper for target practice. FScoot does whatever FMedic says not because she like her, but she is too afraid of having a guy doctor poke at her.

FSniper is an animal activist. PETA stlye fur ruining, did-you-just-eat-a-ham-sandwich-i-will-murder-you type activist. She is an american but she despises America for all the fur a
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>> No. 754
Go right ahead! I wasn't sure if I was going to use her for anything or not, so it's awesome to see that someone else likes the idea enough to maybe pick it up.
>> No. 769
I have been thinking about making a Canadian Fem!Sniper for a while now, I can see her wearing deer antlers for a hat, so a little part of me thinks if I were to actually try to put her together that she would be a bit goofy.

File 129031478759.jpg - (534.20KB , 1280x2272 , IMG_1101.jpg )
1555 No. 1555 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So yeah, redlines, drawing style advice, anything. This just doesn't want to look halfway decent.
12 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1568
File 130315786356.jpg - (386.28KB , 700x1000 , Handy dandy arms.jpg )
You should still get yourself a cheap stash of printer paper. It's a lot better to use!

The body proportions are okay, but the arms look like rubber. Look how arms bend and shape in the various positions they can pull.
>> No. 1569
The face is alright and so is her torso. I agree with Perry in saying that her limbs need work. Her feet are so tiny and her legs feel like they're stubby, but that may or may not be the skirt's fault.

Also, when I look at her arms, the forearms don't quite line up with the upper arms. It's like they're not even connected. The problem happens right at the end of the sleeves, which tells me you drew the sleeves, stopped, and then drew the arms.

As a suggestion, I would say that when you draw, draw your subject without clothing first, to make sure their body is all alligned, and then draw the clothes on top. That would fix the arms (along with anatomy practise) and would also help the legs look less stumpy.

Does that make sense or am I just rambling?
>> No. 1570
File 131044114051.jpg - (353.90KB , 1161x1599 , fuckingupspies.jpg )
Welp, it's absolute shit not much better. Red lines would be loved and appreciated.

File 128926540592.jpg - (181.42KB , 510x702 , This is my thinking hat.jpg )
54 No. 54 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I-it's been a while and I'm kinda nervous.

Would you care for some FemHeavies?
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>> No. 743
Yay Mollusque! You're back!

I still wear your FemPyro every year at Fanime Con and every other chance I get!

Love your work! Keep it up!
>> No. 746
oh mollusque
you're back :D
oh please please please stay
...and bring more heavies with you
>> No. 747
She isn't back, you just bumped the board... from like, a year ago. Almost a year.

File 129514781186.jpg - (318.94KB , 752x477 , haetgirlfriends.jpg )
332 No. 332 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Mr. Pauling is fine with Demo and Soldier being galpals, but the adMANistrator/MANnouncer is having none of that.
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>> No. 707
Holy shit, Scout's dad is great.
... Now I want to see him hooking up with RED Femme Spy ...
>> No. 708
dude. Never put your dick in crazy.
>> No. 735

Seconding this.

File 130753167483.jpg - (162.21KB , 727x987 , Lucycouch.jpg )
658 No. 658 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
...Just coming out of my little shell to see what people think of my engineer.
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>> No. 661
Bald little cyborg is actually kind of adorable. I'm surprised. The first picture is... odd, though. Like, it's just portioned weird. I have no idea what's going on with her legs. Also, skip the wig. I think a bandana or a hardhat would fit her better.
>> No. 662
Yeah. Issues with the top one is probably thanks to me never using skeletons when I work with pencils and paper.
>> No. 714

Oh my god I just want to give her a huuuuuuuuug.

File 130918236256.png - (42.76KB , 430x433 , Pauling.png )
1549 No. 1549 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I'll be posting sketches and stuff in here, which will most likely suck. I have awful problems with anatomy and I'm trying to get a more cartoon/realistic style. Red-lining is entirely welcome for any of these.

This is my more 'I'm just going to sketch something' cartoon style. And as usual with me, it's Pauling.
>> No. 1550
File 13092695276.png - (13.93KB , 470x597 , WhiteRabbit.png )
Team Fortress in Wonderland. First of the designs: White Rabbit, Miss Pauling.

Don't like the anatomy, etc. etc. And I'm struggling with designing an outfit. OTL

Next is the Administrator as 'The Purple Queen'.
>> No. 1553
File 130927191597.png - (275.31KB , 803x639 , announcer.png )
Can you tell Makani's one of my inspirations? Damnit I hate the Announcer's face structure.
>> No. 1554
I think you're off to a good start! You put a lot of effort into the faces, it's noticeable. You should get good anatomy references at hand and sketch your heart out. Loose sketches give you a feeling for how things are put together and make it easier for you to pull things off without making a big hassle out of it.

File 129011081168.jpg - (19.28KB , 400x475 , heavy.jpg )
108 No. 108 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Who wants a lazily coloured female heavy?

I sure do. I love lazily coloured sketches.
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>> No. 299
Oh, excellent filter, TF2chan. Now I feel silly.
>> No. 300

I'll definetely try playing around with different mask styles! I'm not ready to give it up completely just yet, since I want to keep that detil from the male spy.

As for the hair, it's rather simple. Tie it up into a tight bun, pull balaclava other, use beret to hide unsightly bump.
>> No. 522
File 130210180238.png - (345.49KB , 800x800 , scouts copy.png )
Another female Scout design, since I found the idea of an ex-Cheerleader Scout hilarious. And incredibly annoying.

File 129057370944.jpg - (911.54KB , 1887x2889 , scoutsmumtentafem.jpg )
131 No. 131 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
TentaSpys are pretty hot, and so if scoots mum, but femtentaspy and scoots mum are hotter together.
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>> No. 141
Craaaap, I can't believe I didnt notice that hand, thanks!
>> No. 549
File 130386982319.png - (12.80KB , 426x506 , haha mermaid.png )
aaawwwwwwwww why not this
>> No. 1346
TentaSpy are fucking sick, get a life bastard.

(I,for one, welcome our new Tentaspy overlords)

File 130282621741.png - (1.58MB , 993x1380 , Femmie Heavy.png )
532 No. 532 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
been drawing a slew of femmies lately, but these are just y first idea sketches. Fuller, better versions to come, but let me know what you guys think! First, have a FemHeavy
>> No. 533
File 130282643557.png - (1.39MB , 990x1126 , FemmieEngie.png )
FemEngie is next. Her design is actually stemming from a close friend of mine ( an older version of her ) because DAYUM that girl looks like Engie spawn.
>> No. 534
File 130282690110.png - (958.93KB , 715x1191 , FemmieMed.png )
an iffy femMedic, my weakest of the designs when it comes to her little details, but I'm happy with her basic hairstyle and face shape
>> No. 543
I really like your style of work. I also adore your Pyro x Heavy idea. That is just wonderful. I can't wait to see more.

File 129775817346.jpg - (779.19KB , 900x1272 , gbtf2.jpg )
430 No. 430 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
H-hey guys hey.
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>> No. 491
Your Femscoot is cute. Draw her more. Also i lol'd
>> No. 537

I swear, your femspy looks just like me. My face is slightly more round, though.
>> No. 538
think its a female sniper

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