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File 130266066943.png - (766.18KB , 830x787 , HeavyPyro.png )
525 No. 525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Since I'm convinced Pyro is a female, I'd drawn my interpretation of her --> http://fc09.Sparkledog Central.net/fs71/i/2011/093/d/a/tf2__look__some_doodles_by_honeyappleninja-d3d4n8j.png [along with a femSniper and femSolly based on a person I know, yea they need some tweaking]

and, well, this pairing popped into my head and I fell in love
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 531
File 130282499215.png - (0.98MB , 795x1024 , HeavyPyrolift-1.png )
More for these two, was experimenting with a more 'comfy' Pyro. An out-of-battle look, which is also why Heavy isn't wearing that giant band around him either.
>> No. 535
Cute pose
>> No. 536

Oh gee that Pyro

I like the soft sort of drawing style you have, nice and round.

File 128921712086.jpg - (208.03KB , 543x1033 , myfemhoobyhonhonhon.jpg )
29 No. 29 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Tits thread tits thread.
Also, critique my drawing of the lady types, y'assholes.
25 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 222
Hoshiz, now THAT'S a gun. I suppose the tear-down/Set-up period would act like Heavy spinning his mini-gun before firing?
I do like the design and clothing for Hoovy. It seems professional and very cool. I also like the idea for a bottom heavy Hoovy. Which would mean a bit more emphasis on her curves, specially round her hips.
My only teeny tiny crit would be to make sure her shoulders aren't too square. But then again it could be because of the clothes in this pic.
>> No. 514
File 13015704687.png - (436.57KB , 607x423 , I don\'t even.png )

Am I the only one who sees Sophie (I think) From Anastasia? I can't unsee it...
>> No. 516
Holy shit, that looks exactly like one of my family's closest friend, who just happens to be in the military.

File 129289635279.jpg - (335.08KB , 800x800 , smoke.jpg )
262 No. 262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Oh hay, /tits/. I missed you. Have a Dayquil induced scribble. Since the chan died, should I repost old stuff, or would you rather sit tight and wait for new stuff?
24 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 469

You have just made me the happiest fag on TF2chan. Dreams do come true! God, I love the way that they totally retain their personalities. I mean, that should go without saying but y'know how some people get. Anyway, the point is, this is lovely. Thanks for making my evening.
>> No. 470
File 129972652046.jpg - (107.04KB , 462x700 , femscootsup.jpg )
I'm happy I could make you happy! Drawing fem-classes seems to be helping me work through my art block. Everybody gets a happy ending.

Since I haven't drawn much of her, have a fem-scoot sketch. She's a little curvier than I would have liked (I always picture her on the leaner, less-developed side). Oh well. I don't think anyone on this board is going to protest more curves...

Also, I wasn't sure if they had sports bras back in the 60s, so I went with a more in-period bra for Scout. Probably a Maidenform. I remember seeing vintage posters for them from the 50s.
>> No. 471
File 12997374739.jpg - (33.21KB , 500x364 , OkMYo.jpg )
Oh yes. So much yes.
This is the first time I've ever been attracted to something Scout related.

Well done, you.

File 128950576363.png - (338.58KB , 320x768 , scoutmamazs.png )
85 No. 85 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
have some femderps
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 103

Spy's face here is priceless haha

I love this!!
very expressive and dynamic
>> No. 440
File 12982021495.png - (868.38KB , 600x652 , femengie copymazs.png )
a femengie
>> No. 441
This is so adorable! I really like the design and colours here :D!

File 129283647110.jpg - (107.39KB , 671x1023 , heavy.jpg )
260 No. 260 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Comments/critique welcome
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 273
File 129317497946.jpg - (10.11KB , 172x294 , 1378624.jpg )
I would like to see your Heavy in pants and a T-shirt, so she looks a bit more similar to her male counterpart. Give her more muscle so it looks like she would be able to hold the minigun.

Maybe look at some old comic book women and build on from there.

Sorry if this doesn't help.
>> No. 274
I really like the design of your Engineer and would love to see more!

As for the Heavy, I agree with the above post and would like to see her in pants. When you think about it, a dress that long would be very inconvenient on the battlefield. It could get snagged on everything and is just asking for a Pyro to come along and torch it.
>> No. 276
Thanks guys! I will try to draw it after my family is finished with me for christmas. It's funny, I actually started drawing the femme versions of the classes because some of my friends wanted to do a "sexy tf2 red team" So I tried to rework some of the costumes. I am still playing around with ideas though, but I will take your advice and try to get back to basics!

File 129182162614.jpg - (21.52KB , 283x593 , MsPauling.jpg )
223 No. 223 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Going to start the thread with some Pauling, because she is pretty much the only hot chick in the universe of TF2.
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 254
Six fingers on right hand, wut.
>> No. 258
Ughh, there's only 3 pages in this section. Not hard to check if there's already a Pauling thread. http://tf2chan.net/tits/res/72.html
>> No. 259
There's 9 replies on this post, not hard to check that it isn't actually a Pauling thread :\

File 129090169188.jpg - (42.37KB , 466x863 , sailorscout.jpg )
151 No. 151 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
and the spy <3

7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 161
>> No. 184
I had a coughing fit at the thumbnails.
>> No. 187
"saicon scout"

File 129148608460.jpg - (714.88KB , 2011x2582 , femfortress.jpg )
208 No. 208 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
just some femfortress sketches I did last night and this morning.
femgie, femvy, femsoldier (there realy isnt a good fem/soldier combo name)

File 128935618617.jpg - (252.87KB , 727x1000 , TF2-MisPau.jpg )
72 No. 72 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Thread for pics of the only official female that's hot.
10 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 166
Yeah, they didn't get her until the Engie update, and I forget who drew the WAR! comic.
>> No. 167
Even if Makani did, it's nice to have the original images.

But yeah, Makani drew the Engie update.
>> No. 168
hi im from4chan and what is this

File 128996567517.png - (401.79KB , 1045x1022 , artys bootiful demu.png )
98 No. 98 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Because I love Arty's demowoman.
And I hope it's okay if I can use her.

Also let's see if I can keep this thread going.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 110
Good gravy! This chan is a magnet for incredibly talented artists! More and more of 'em pouring out the woodwork. That makes me hella smiley.
>> No. 112
File 129013063584.jpg - (64.04KB , 477x838 , 1013661-pateltop_super.jpg )
>> No. 150
your Faggot is here to support you

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