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File 128936893825.png - (353.84KB , 439x943 , FemaleSpy.png )
75 No. 75 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So I guess I'll post this again and see where it gets me

Not 100% on the design, playing around with ideas and I have a different one in the works
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 121
This is absolutley adorable. It also looks like she's crying with the eye that isn't there any more or like she's just pissed herself.
>> No. 125
File 129042087277.jpg - (250.17KB , 668x674 , femalesniperdoodlething.jpg )
Something quick I had in my head. I swear that I'll get more than doodles out!

So for this I kinda thought of this sniper as kinda plain and boring looking. The full body drawing I got going on on paper just now, she's got no curves, is in baggy clothes and is kinda tall and skinny.
>> No. 135
Her nose seems to be alittle long. Might I suggest makeing it alittle more natural? You can make a nose look longer without... well ... THAT happening. Might I suggest playing with the glasses idea abit more to?
Other than that I like it. Her hair is a nice idea but... pyros...

File 129048146834.jpg - (217.24KB , 900x835 , pyroscoutpornz.jpg )
127 No. 127 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Nervous first time poster. I have other sketches, but I think I'll start with some she!pyro and scout, see how this goes.
I apologize in advance, what is details/backgrounds derp <_>
>> No. 136
From your style of drawing I would suggest moveing your thread to Workshop. You have potential, and I enjoy your Pyro's design, but you would find a easier audience over there and more drawing help.
I would also suggest not useing 'z' as a replacement for 's' and try to avoid the use of smiley faces (Expecially ex-dee). Other than that, welcome to tf2chan!
>> No. 314

If you're talking about 'apologize' instead of 'apologise', both are considered correct spelling, depending on whether you're from America or Britain, etc.

Sage for no useful content.

File 128922435033.jpg - (196.61KB , 992x1536 , Nataska.jpg )
40 No. 40 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Since everyone here is so good at drawing genderbends and i feel like i really can't compete (or maybe i can, but that would require actual effort)
so i tried something else. Not really original as i saw at least one person trying this before, but still...
Antropomorphic TF2 WEAPONS.
Starting off with Natascha. Not really sure as of why i chose her of all weapons...
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 48
They are heavy weapons! I think they should be thicker in the waist and legs- somewhere between "Rubenesque" and "Venus of Willendorf." Also, Scrumpy's label makes it look like she's wearing granny panties. May I suggest a tank top or cute little underpants with xXx on them instead?

I really like the gunbarrel dreadlocks and bullet teeth, though.
>> No. 69
File 128932378920.jpg - (567.61KB , 2320x1904 , Nat and Scrumpy.jpg )
Thanks for the suggestions!
Actually, i have my reasons for not making them "larger". I don't want those humanoid weapons to look like their owners, and at least from my point of view, miniguns aren't very "thick".
Plus, i was thinking more on the lines of making them stick out by making them way larger than the other weapons-tan.
But you are right, and they did look both too slim to be miniguns. I tried to make Natascha's arms and legs look bulkier here (and added the ammo belt)
also, i liked the idea of Scrumpy's label being a tank top, so i changed that too. Thanks for the suggestions! (and i hope i didn't come off sounding defensive....)
>> No. 70
I think you got some cool designs here, but they all have this repeated megaman build. I'd like to see more variance in this basic structure. For instance, Scrumpy's made of glass but she still has that robot build. Natasha and Sasha, on the other hand, should look exactly like someone took apart the heavy's guns and made women out of them. Think about what made the original weapon unique and incorporate it into the design.

File 128919630428.jpg - (52.06KB , 640x422 , fscootdad.jpg )
23 No. 23 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Wow...Refresh button much on the site, guess I'll try again posting.
>> No. 24
File 12891963609.jpg - (27.73KB , 266x570 , fspy2.jpg )
Sucking at backgrounds...
>> No. 67
File 128928090691.jpg - (63.39KB , 688x400 , fsollygown.jpg )

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