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File 138630065769.png - (102.76KB , 1055x1619 , 46yrhszrjynsryjstjyuytj.png )
1709 No. 1709
here have some boops,, yeah
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>> No. 1710
Hands tied behind the back is one of my major turn-ons, so no complaints on that end, but I still think your drawings would benefit a lot if you added some kind of highlight or shading (cel animation style, airbrushed, whatever)--not having that volume information makes the poses a little hard to read sometimes. Your lady Demo needs more "pop", especially compared to the Sniper.
>> No. 1714
can you describe what you mean by pop?? is it the color or the design that is lacking?
>> No. 1715

I mean the color. Both Demolady's outfit and skin color don't stand out enough compared to the background or each other.
>> No. 1717
File 138679562186.png - (102.96KB , 1055x1619 , 46yrhszrjynsryjstjyuytj.png )
yes okay, this is easy to change. does this work? maybe a different color background all together? idk. if the clothes still look too similar to skin tone, i can change them too. i think this might have fixed it, though? maybe. im rubbish with colors so i appreciate help with them,,
>> No. 1718

Much better!
>> No. 1722
Right on. Tha's the stoof

Your demolady is gorgeous, would not complain about seeing more of her around these parts.
>> No. 1726
File 138895264392.png - (96.61KB , 1360x2000 , srthsrth.png )
girl sniper is the leader of the itty bitty titty committee, yeah,
>> No. 1727
File 138899533399.png - (538.75KB , 867x1567 , dsrtjh.png )
i drew more,
>> No. 1728
I would love you even more than I already do if you genderbent the entire team.
>> No. 1729
pretty much this

Your femsnipes is adorable. Just the kinda gal I'd love to go outback with... Oh, and itty bitty titties are fab, for the record (though I wouldn't call the boobs in the second image itty bitty at all! Just.. perfect)

Just a couple of things on >>1727 :
Her left (our right) forearm tapers too much towards the wrist. Her legs are also quite large for her body, even taking into account TF2's penchant for crazy proportions - it's more noticeable if you view the image at a smaller size. Easily fixed by resizing the legs a fraction smaller.
>> No. 1730
i might draw other classes, idk, i tend to lean more towards queer headcanons rather than traditional binary genderbending so a lot of what i draw i dont post here,, m, scared of backlash for being way to gay,
ill keep it in mind, though i was trying to push proportions with that image, just for fun to practice gesture drawing ,,
>> No. 1731
It's okay either way. I'm sorry if I misgendered any of your characters. I like them either way. I've been following you for maybe three years on Tumbles and I'm just too shy to say anything to you on not-anon.

And yeah, I'm barely an A-cup, so those aren't quite bitty titties to me.
>> No. 1732
oh no, the first demolady was meant to be cis, ive drawn genderqueer feminine presenting demolady but i havent posted them here. and fem sniper is meant to be intersex dfab with a lot of secondary male traits? but she identifies as a a girl, and probably doesnt even know she isnt cis? considering the time period genital reconstructive surgery might have been done without one or either parents consent.

i rly meant for them to be small, but i guess i messed that up. also, ive been on fumblr for 3 years since about last august, so thats pretty weird. my art sucked back then, dude. you should talk to me off anon though. :- )) or on anon idk
>> No. 1831
speaking of queer headcanons, i've always imagined pyro as a trans lady. attitudes towards transgender people (especially women) at the time would be why the rest of the team calls her a "thing" and "freak" and misgenders her in meet the pyro

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